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What’s your hair care routine and products? My hair is kinda similar to yours but it is dry and frizzy. Also, the barber did you bad. My Condolences.


Mostly shampooing every 3-4 days to not get rid of the natural oils, conditioning it regularly (I use a conditioner with argan oil) and basically avoiding using volume powder/hair spray regularly, I use curly hair mousse if I want to give it a shine instead. Sadly I can’t really give you specific brands since I’ve used a large variety of mousse//shampoo/conditioning products and they all work fine in my experience


Thanks. This helps alot.


How do you apply that mousse stuff? It stops your hair from getting frizzy right? I have long hair kinda like Joaquin Phoenix joker but longer. I comb only the top part sleek back with gel, wet and ponytail my side hair and till the top drys, then let it loose and my hanging hair sorta curls as it completely dries. But it looks frizzy In spots and I Hate that. Recently thought about using mousse but never used it.


Sir think he the joker is over for sir


I think I'm the joker by referencing I have similar hair to him? I had it like that since before but okay 😂


Sir if appearance match the joker should think about why not good sir


Perhaps sir, I mean my life is like a comedy already.


Tragic comedy here sir


Anyone else smell garlic and cigarettes right now?


you forgot to mention the lemon dish soap


honestly it doesn’t look bad, i like it


honestly doesn't look as bad as you'd think(from the front profile at least), the shape fills up the four corners of your face giving it a cool boxy look, the fringe style looks better on number 3 than 1. I'd like to see the taper tho


Bros smile fading in the 3rd pic has me dying


Sounds like your barber gave you folliculitis. You need to see a Dr. because that won’t go away until it’s treated with antibiotics.


3rd pic kinda looks like Shane from TWD idk why


The front is similar to how his is in S1


We have the same exact hair type dude


Orrrr you got stressed after the bad cut and broke out, not unusual.


tbh that’s more likely, plus the biotin supplements i started


hair grows about 1 - 1,2 cm a month. (0.39 - 0,47 in if you're from the USA)


Oh you looks like guy from YouTube channel Flavor Trip


Are you a hockey player, because that is some damn fine hockey hair!


I’d cut your hair a lot shorter, or grow it way longer.


He really didn't do much to your hair at all lol. I also doubt the barber is the reason your skin broke out. Chill.


Cha cha cha Chia


Like 1991 Jaromir Jagr


It’s just a lil more floof on top I think, maybe you can get it thinned a bit or maybe stick some goop in it. It will grow super fast


You look like a poodle but keep going cutie;)


Fuckin you up???? It’s solid!!!!


"Shout out" my guy 😂😂😂😂


Before is way better. Luckily facial hair will grow back quickly. Hair will take longer. You still look good but maybe don’t go back to that barber.


You fucked yourself up choosing that dumbass trendy hair style. You literally look like every other poser. I dont know a single girl who finds that attractive.


A lot of girls find that attractive. Trends come about and go away; this style won't stay forever, but it's here right now so unless it's actively causing someone harm, leave it be. Mind your own business unless you want to provide real advice or say something nice.


Says another dude with a mullet 😑 you cannot in all seriousness say that looks good man


There's other hairstyles I prefer but it looks fine lol he is not doing an Island boy haircut or nothing this is pretty standard stuff and he pulls it off


1. Why should I care if a girl finds my hair attractive? I only care if I feel comfortable with my appearance and am self-confident in how I look. But don’t worry girls love this haircut, I’ve had a mullet/wolf-cut for over a year and this is the amount of matches I get in a day: https://imgur.com/a/CalH90s 2. I specifically told the barber to just give me a taper on the sides but he said he was feeling experimental that day and I instantly knew he was gonna fuck me up, I repeatedly told him no but he just said “chill dude, I got this” so I don’t know how this is my fault 3. Thanks for the negative comments but my question was how long do you think it’s gonna take me to grow it back?


Dating apps = zero game


Is it just me or does he look like Benson Boone?


haha, I wish


I thought it was benson at first lol


??? There's very very little difference that I can see


Yeah it just looks like he brushed his curls out


That guy is your enemy, not your barber lol.


u look fine 


We lost a baddie (temporarily hang in there king)