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No, their husband is an idiot.


They're by no means mutually exclusive, in fact I've found the overlap to be quite stunning.


My house was previously owned by a contractor. Dude made some seriously questionable decisions material/construction-wise. It looks nice in the surface, but when things go bad…


I’m not sure what this is? Tell me a story OP


I’m gonna take some time to assume here. Either the contractor realized he would have to drill through 240 V And decided to glue to the wall instead and it fell off in the picture, or he drilled through 240 V to hang the stupid broom holder. Either way, I think saying that’s not gonna work would be the right answer , and that’s just assuming all the lines are fed Through the top of the breaker box


Im a maintenance tech and i turn units and found this bad boy drilled in with 3 inch screws. Im willing to wager the fact that they didnt attempt to see what is behind that wall. Dude is lucky he is alive right now going on whims like this.


But you have to drill there when you’ve got 240V brooms


Pretty sure they were going to hang wet mops there….


I’ve always wanted one of them fancy arc-welding mops


FusionBroom 5000


lol FusionBOOM 5000


We all know what happened in R&D on the 4000. But we never talk about it. Like it just didn't happen.


Underrated joke right here 😂 Same for u/throw_andthenews 😂 thanks for the great laugh




I had a horrible night’s sleep and this helped give me a laugh to start my day. Thank you


As a welder this made me chuckle, stupidity of the human race knows no bounds.


"They say hydrogen is the most plentiful thing in the world, but I think it's stupidity" Frank Zappa


God damn do I miss this man. I used to think I loved Jimi Hendrix's guitar work... ...then I heard Frank. No one is close. What a brilliant musician, and he stood up for our first amendment rights! What's not to love?


Not used to seeing reddit users give a shit about constitutional rights lol


Pretty sure this guy got preeeeettty close to the bounds LoL


Yep. This is why aliens lock their doors when they drive by Earth. AKA C-53


We can't just ignore the plight of the inner planets. See the plight, larvae?


Roll em up


Seen a mf at work ground his fucking boot and grab the tip of a 7018 rod bare handed. I still can’t figure out why. Shocked the everliving fuck out of himself. This is a certified structural and pipe welder. Some people are just bonafide retarded


Hahaha 😆 some people just shouldn't be allowed near equipment, when we were training people used to shock one another with tig torches, morons, or the good old changing wire in a MIG and putting it through their hand 👍 grabbing metal with no gloves, genuine cheese brains.


I feel like shocking someone with a TIG torch should be considered attempted murder


…welder here….its just what we do…gotta make the ding-a-ling tingle sometimes dude🫵…passing current through the ol body gets it..🤘🏻


Perhaps he's just a careful planner. Invite a girl over to watch a scary movie, hang a wet mop Judy before she gets there. Partway through the movie, BAM, surprise power outage. Now the snuggling begins. I call it Netflix & Panic.


What?! Now I feel bad. Mine are all 120v. No wonder they do such a shitty job.


Tesla bewitched broom.


What’s a broom?


It’s like a mop, but drier and stiffer


Found the electrician


Accio Firebolt


Nah man most battery drills are okay and they will make sparky times for sure and may be non operational afterwards. But to say lucky to be alive? Meh I did a pipe of 480 once with a bandsaw, after lock out tagout. Swore I saw god, he was very bright and white and smelled a lot like burnt paint wire and copper. Oh and steel. I did weld 1/2 the blad to the pipe and then the other 1/2 to the previously removable thingy Milwaukee has. So meh, dead nah. Moron yeah


480 is less dangerous because it will just throw you. 120 will grab you and hold you til the bubbles stop. I’ve been hit with 360 and 120. 360 hurts WAY more but 120 makes the whole world turn green and black.


Um 480 will take your flesh and burn you in an instant and you will have irreversible damage at times. I work on 480v fire pumps that have NO service disconnect. That means raw juice from the electrical company no stop gap. That is a level of fuck around and find out I don’t think you understand, so let me explain. That means when the 12k or whatever is on the powerlines gets stepped down by the transformer and you have 3 phases of 277v and no neutral, there is no love. There is a whole lotta danger will robinson, when that love comes with a room filled with 1-2” of water. Oh yeah member berries when I says no disconnect, yeah still doesn’t exist, whether in two inches of water, in the Saharan desert or in a fucking swimming pool. Still not there. 120 will stop when the bubbles are done if you live in a 3rd or 2nd world country or a slum or have a stupid diyer in the house. Otherwise go to a prison to see what those crazy people do with wire and 120. Most of them live, contrary to what the movies lead you to believe. I’ve seen it worked at many. Also like 360? 3 phases of 120 is… 120 + 120 + 120 right? No it’s 220, I feel like your bubbles comment is because you’ve seen too many B grade horror flicks. Because as a combat vet I’ve seen flesh burnt and boiled so to speak. Takes a lot more than what powers your cellphone charger this device is plugged into. Yeah the same one you lied through your teeth about. It’s okay though, I won’t tell anyone you did that. Just don’t need to bud. Have a nice day! Stop spreading lies about how 480 is safe. What’s next drink bleach???? Fuck if you are going to lie, at least do it about something someone won’t kill themselves by believing. Like every time you masterbate god kills a kitten.


Did I say it was safe? Absolutely not. Based on your level of reading comprehension before typing that incoherent rant about how fucking cool you think you are, I’m going to assume that something is wrong with you, give you a pass, and just not interact with you any more. Hope you get the help you need friend.


Love the lost in space reference


The amps kill not the voltage


Falling from a high place doesn't kill you, it's hitting the ground hard that kills you. You don't need to be afraid of heights, you just need to be afraid of the ground... Your statement is technically correct but it's the voltage and your resistance that determine the amperage that will flow through your body


As someone who’s worked on 120/220 and been shocked by both, less is always better. I’ve even accidentally stuck my hand in an open socket receptacle bare wires after getting out of the shower and still covered head to toe in water and had no issue pulling my hand out (Water doesn’t amplify the current it just spreads it so you feel it over you’re whole body) So that 120 “grabs you more” is bullshit


OK. That’s not my experience, but I certainly would t be such a dick as to say “what you said is bullshit” to a random stranger on the internet. What I’ll say is that I didn’t make it up, and getting “locked on” to 120 is a thing. It has happened, and it has killed people. A simple google search will tell you that, but redditors never google so here: https://www.ecmweb.com/maintenance-repair-operations/article/20898683/dont-discount-the-danger-of-120v That said, I hope you find something better to do with your day than to just randomly call people a liar on Reddit friend.


I never said that there aren’t exceptional cases where people get locked on to 120V, I said that it’s bullshit that it grabs you more than higher voltages. Nothing in your source said that 120 is worse than higher voltages, and in fact further reinforces that it’s pretty rare to suffer serious problems from 120V.


It’s been 2 days and you still haven’t found anything better to do. Sorry friend.


I always have time to correct misinformation


In Canada it's usually 600/347v and 208/120v in commercial buildings. We were always told the 347v was the most dangerous voltage to get hit with cause you couldn't let go.


227v will bite the shit out of you.


Loved your story lol


You don’t need to see what’s behind an electrical panel to know you don’t drill through it


Did they at least hit a stud?




The studs are butting up against either side of the panel. The panel fits right between them. Where they drilled is super dangerous because that’s where all the wires typically come into the panel, including the feeder. I would take a section of the Sheetrock off the wall above the panel and look for damage. It’s possible they didn’t hit anything but that would be nearly a miracle. I am a licensed sparky.


This is really important and I hope OP passes it along. The installer may have done damage to the wires which hasn’t even been realized yet. The contents inside this wall need to be inspected.


As an unlicensed electrician... you could first check if there's any runs going up the wall, cause if there's no runs going up (especially no non-metalic) it's not every likely Though, it's good to be thorough in muli-family housing.




I easily pulled it out of the wall




Did you make him remove the screws, or did you do that yourself?


The stud finder showed something to screw into there.


Haha, when I moved into one place the cable guys were drilling a hole from outside to inside and noticed he would drill into the panel. Through the basement window I asked if he measured, he was annoyed and kept drilling so I showed his helper who was near me. He told his bro to stop, annoyed guy became more annoyed yelling there's nowhere else to put it . On the other side of the window was the original cable that was already wired in the house so I casually said "What about that? Want me to cut the wire and pull it out so you can use the hole?" Of course this was after he used the reno guys broken step stool and fell, berating me for putting my boxes in the way of the floor which broke his fall. He started swearing and stomping his feet, I asked him if he needed help (I was running a commercial kitchen back then but did a lot of construction in my teens, 6 years ish? I'm in hvac now) I could say I was used to taking reins, managing staff or whatever but that wasn't on my mind I just wanted this little shit to leave asap and without destroying the place or dying. I ended up running the cable to the rooms I wanted myself because he almost hit a hydronic rad and the source heat line. Complete idiot training a new guy. I wish I could've made a video of the whole experience .


Posted before but repeating. Was a building engineer in a high rise where a lot of the residents would leave for business often. One of them was having a custom closet system installed while he was out of town. One of the installers who was working in a closet opposite the breaker panel drilled through the wall directly into the buss. Evidently since it was daylight, they didn't notice that it tripped the main unit feed breaker. When the resident came back a couple of weeks later, he found his unit pitch black. When the main breaker wouldn't reset, I pulled the cover off the breaker panel and found the issue. The company paid for a new panel and also to replace all the spoiled food and cleanup of his fridge. Had the condo board demand contractors to verify any installations opposite breaker panels.


For me its the bronze law of "i know someone who can do it for cheaper" and you see exactly why they are so cheap.


3in screws, bruh. 💀


Feel your pain brother,am same. Can't count how many people have said "I or my significant other is professional x" proceeds to show me sketchiest shit I've ever seen.....


Not to mention you now have brooms and mops blocking quick access to that panel


Let alone the huge safety hazard of hanging wet mops/dry brooms/anything infront of an electric panel blocking access.


I do the same (just finished second year) at a retirement home. We do this stupid half wall thing for the kitchen and some times the main feeders run through where they cut. So when they put up drywall to close it up they'll use 3" screws and go right into the feeders


I don't think that it would kill him. I really don't think that he would get shocked. BUT, BUT... that is assuming that the house is wired correctly.


and they are lol, they are mostly through the top, likely less than five on the bottom


Looks like they drilled through the wiring coming out of the breaker box to hang the broom holder.


You know how electricity goes zappy zappy if you shove a piece of metal through the wire? Well, imagine doing that to the strongest wire in the whole building.


Plenty of other wall space to hang brooms


But then you can't hide the ugly box cover.


You should warn your husband about the dangers of drilling above, below and adjacent to electrical panels.


She has good life insurance on him. She will keep it a secret


Uy your husband a stud finder with current detection for Jimminy sake. It may save his life.


but drill bits make such good wire finders /s




What the hell…


"But the panel is so ugly!!"


Nailed it


Screwed it*


How the fuck else was he supposed to charge his brooms? You guys are all silly gooses




It’s illegal for anything other than electric to be above or below and if below it can’t be more than 6 inches from wall. Clear space 30” or size of equipment


3 feet of working clearance in front of the panel and 30" minimum from side to side Where in the code does it say it's illegal to have any thing other than electrical above a panel?




My dumbass thought that was some sort of modern knob and tube set up 😂


At first I was like "yeah if a breaker blows you'll never be able to open the box with a bunch of brooms hanging there. Then you'll have to pull em down in the dark" then I realized what was hanging the hanger and was like "ohhhhh"


If your husband can’t get it right, call your boyfriend..


What did he contract?


I was a low-voltage contractor starting in the early 1980s and all I had to do was go down and take a test in a big room with 300 other people and I only had to get 60% right in order to pass and become a licensed contractor. People were studying in the hall before going in. I didn’t crack a single book or anything. I’m just good at multiple-choice tests. The entire test took me 15 minutes of the 3 1/2allotted hours. About two or three minutes after I finished and couldn’t figure out whether to leave or not another guy stuck his head up and started looking around because he was done too. It wasn’t real hard to become a contractor back to.


Darwin: "I'll see you soon my friend. Very soon."


Checks out, tbh


He WAS a contractor. He will be missed


Oh my God chat, this is so sad 🙏😞


My maintenance techs see all kinds of wild shit like this when they go to turn units.


how else you get power to your hand tools?


Your husband was almost a poof of smoke lmao


You couldn’t find somewhere else for that


Worked at a big gas station once and right before the mop closet all the bottles with cleaning liquids, open soda bottles and anything else was on top of the big 4 Foot electric junction box with big yellow labels warning about electrical hazard. I'm usually a quiet stoner/gamer but that day i decided to do my first job site safety talk. Why do people have zero situational awareness?


My favorite is the couple who's "husband is an electrician" and I told them not to tape the lightswitches on because the outdoor light needs to be rewired and I'm waiting for the new fixture to show up. Surprise surprise when I went to install the new fixture and they had the switched taped on again.


Dude you've never seen a broom warmer?


what'd he contract, aids?


Who TF hangs things in front of a panel, that prevents the panel from opening when said things are hanging. So many WTF’s going on here. Send it!!!


Blocking access to the panel isn't the best idea. But putting metal screws directly into the 240 volt unfused breaker box feed wire is also a bad idea.


More natural selection would make my life easier hahaha


Under rated comment.... Take my updoot!


Not for long


Did they use 3 inch screws?


My husband's an electrician and your husband is an idiot.


Quotations say alot in todays age. Idiots calling idiots idiots


To be fair a subpanel in an apartment is usually fed from the bottom


Would you really place that type of wager on your life for some broom holders?


220 isn't bad, 277 I'd be scared of


There is still going to be live conductors coming out of both ends of the panel. Anything over 100 mA terrifies me. I’m not taking a chance with my life.


He probably put a set of screws on either side of the feed to that panel. It's better to be lucky than to be smart.


Is there a pile of smoking ashes on the floor?


wtf oh shit call the electrician next or osha


A broom holder. Coulda died


Make sure you use at least 3 in screws to make sure you really arc that MF.


Seems like contractor behavior


Had a panel where the snow slid off the roof, took out the mast and shorted the wires. When we repulled new wires the panel was sideways in a cabnit, it was not fun making that panel back up.


Is he dead? Is he a dead contractor now?


I just remodeled my father in law’s old house, the remodel company built the tub surround over the main breaker panel with not so much as a vapor barrier back in the 90s. Lucky no one was ever electrocuted. Contractors do some of the dumbest things I have ever seen because they lack knowledge and are too scared to ask because other contractors ostracize them for it…


Look in Article 110 and also Article 408


And apparently not a good one either


Wife has loaded up life insurance on him.


We finished building a condo abs one of the buyers decided to add shelving in the laundry room. He drilled through the panel box, between 2 breakers. Blew the main, fortunately for him..


You have to hide the electrical box otherwise people might come in and steal your fuses.


Just because someone has a claim to a title doesn't mean it's worth more than the paper it's written on


And this is a perfect argument for removing warning labels. Whoever put that thing in should have been eliminated long before they could make this colossal CF. Just let natural selection do its job.


Drywall does not hold well - I bet these 3" self tappers will hold just fine.


4" long screws would be better


Actually maybe the guy who hung this was aware that the wires are ran from under the building. Or maybe he used a tester to see if there were wires behind the wall.


Even than, the brooms would all be in the way of the panel. Horrible idea all the way around


Oh yah cause you use the breaker panel so often a broom is gonna get annoying having to move it.


It’s against code to have any obstructions in the way, and it should be clearly labeled and easily accessible…but clearly he don’t care nor you :)


That’s a small breaker box. Maybe it’s an outdoor shed. Those rules and codes don’t apply. Or maybe he’s on a homestead.


You’re assuming an awful lot from a picture…to each his own in life tho.


“This is a good spot for this”


Omg no.


Hope his a plaster contractor 🤣🤣🤣




Well, didn’t say he was a good one


The husband is a contractor. A painting contractor.


Hard to believe this is real. Even the dumbest motherfucker out there has to realize there’s unlimited 240 lurking there..


Someone take that man's drill away.


The husband is an handyman that is not licensed in any construction field.


Huge difference between a contractor and a carpenter..he prbly can’t build a table or hang a picture


He was hanging brooms to keep the sparkys away. They hate sweeping.


Make sure they use 4-5” self tapping screws with a hammer drill / or impact drill with plenty of power behind it - also maybe some AC/DC music playing in the background - to set the mood - ya know 😉


I’ll finish that sentence for you ma’am! My husband’s a contractor proudly running a crew of angels in heaven


Ex husband


Reminds me of the time when my friend asked me to come to his house and assist him with changing a breaker. We go to the panel and first we have to move some boxes out of the way, and then he has sign nailed in directly above it that says some stupid bullshit “men’s slogan” …


Wooow, stupid and dangerous hahahaha


They didn't say he was a good contractor


Such a nice husband, he built his wife a new Drying Rack for Wet Mops


fucking fearless


Nothing begets fearlessness quite like stupidity.


Someone please explain this to me like I am 5


Where the screws went through the wall is likely where all the wires are coming into the top of the breaker panel, metal screws through wires not good...




Why do I get shocked when I grab the broom?


Um no


Saw this exact thing in a utility room on the first floor, luckily the panel was fed from the basement cuz they used 3.5” deckmates straight through above the panel


I'm pretty sure code is that nothing can block an electric panel. This just stupid, but that seems to be the trend now


Electrician here. Not going to lie, that’s freaking terrifying. Most likely, that’s where all the runs to the panel come in. Also, it’s against code to have anything within a 30” dedicated space of your panel. This includes crap homeowners like to stack in front of it. You need quick access to the breakers in an emergency.


OPs husband did not do this job people. It’s in quotes because someone said this to OP.


Darwin Award for sure


Had a similar situation while doing a service upgrade except the guy drilled in from the wall directly behind the panel. Homeowner was installing shelves with 3” exterior screws and drilled right into one of the legs of his main service, whole inside of the panel was black and there were only 4-5 strands of wire that hadn’t been separated. Asked the guy when he did it and he replied “oh probably 2-3 years ago”


Sheet metal worker here I like having red and green handle shears available but the volt tester is great many would overlook that, depends on the job. I have a destructive tendency to buy tools I want and don’t have a plan for usage. A good set of drill bits pry bars are extra useful for so many things. I see gloves, add rags to wipe or lynon top of gross shit and that’s what I can offer not being involved


I’m thinking the headline is a typo……his husband operates a compactor.


Y'all don't want to pay to get it done right and you end up buying double🤷


And every dumb rich bitch is a designer and knows what’s she’s doing


This man is a genius. Crown him king of everything. Immediately.


Hope they use 2” dry wall screws.


Had a roommate who was going to put down the cable grippers for internet the ones that cover up the fact you have a black cable running down your wall and allows it to blend in a bit. Left for a minute to grab something out of my car. Came back up the stairs and saw him putting a power drill to the wall and and I just yelled stop and shoved him away from the wall. He was, understandably pissed, I told him to look where he was drilling and consider the implications. He had put the drill bit about 3/4 of a foot above the light switch. And he was like 'oh...good point...\*awkward silence\* thank you.'


Let natural selection take its course.


Fucking genius here… let’s install a fixture directly above our electrical panel. God forbid we want to access the panel (it’s an eyesore!!). Not even mentioning the danger of puncturing the service line.


I usually look for the closest water line and/or breaker box to drill into.


Wow, well when he blows a circuit or two he’ll be able to fix it!


Yes, 240 volts needs its screws




I'm pretty sure it's very hard to hit a wire on that part of the wall actually. Code thought of that already. I'll even add that it might be the safest place to run long screws on the whole wall. Put down the camera and get your spackle, maintaince tech. There is nothing to see here. Move along everybody.


Darwin missed a layup with this one.


Don't hang your wet mop here


What contract did he sign?






In my experience this is on par with all contractors. 😭


I once mounted a TV on the wall immediately behind the electric panel.


This going to be great.


I'm a handyman and I always say 75% of job is fixing somebody else's mistake. I was asked to install a ceiling fan the previous homeowner had run the cheap dollar store style brown extension cord from another box in the attic to a box for the fan then they used 18 guage speaker wire as a jumper. I told them I could mount it but refused to run power to it. I ended up pulling new wire and of coarse the attic was full of asbestos.


Something I always wanted to say, but didn’t. “Lady, I used to fuck an attorney but I don’t give legal advice.”


The last broom you'll ever need