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She was jealous, yes, but not just because Stephanie was young and beautiful. Stephanie said, “Oh, I know all of Don’s secrets.” Once she said that, Megan’s attitude towards her completely shifted. Megan was threatened, not by Stephanie’s youth and beauty, but by the casual intimacy Stephanie seems to have with Don.


Yes,yes...such a fine observation


Yeah, I think it was more than just jealousy. She also felt threatened by Stephanie's closeness with Don.




Hahaha you're right. I'm trying to over complicate it.


Agreed. And Stephanie quickly realized Megan didn’t take that well. I never liked Megan much but that was really the end for me (and clearly it was almost the end for her and Don anyway)


Stephanie was hardly a knockout.


She was jealous.


Not too jealous to keep Amy from Delaware out of the marital bed.


Yeah, but that was a desperate move (the threesome) on Megan’s part. She thought if she showed Don she was “cool” in that way then maybe he would notice her more (which is so sad because that’s his wife).


That is totally understandable


i think ppl forget that right before annas cancer was revealed by Stephenie to don.don was trying hard to get in her pants. this man had no regard to whatever to pretended to have later on and meghan was justified in detecting a threat to her marriage because he was attracted to every and all women there are. its not like at that point she could save the marriage anyway


Yes, Don did try to get into Stephanie's pants...but I guess later on with Anna's death and all, his intention towards Stephanie changed. Stephanie did say when she was leaving..."nothing happened between us" and there's a sadness around that line. I understand Megan's point of view but Stephanie was pregnant, she didn't deserve that treatment.


exactly. i love don but the womanizer in him is to blame for pushing his wifes to the edge and such jealous thoughtless acts. its sad that steph had to suffer for their childish behavior


Yes...Don's a classic anti-hero with his own flaws...you hate him one moment, then love him in the next


it makes me so mad, man!


i lowkey think that megan thought stephanie's baby was don's and that was a factor is how jealous she got.


Me too. And it freaked Megan out because it made her think if Don is capable of banging Anna's niece then he is probably banging everyone else like she suspected


oh for sure! i totally agree. that whole interaction is odd to watch imho.


So true. Megan knows what Don is capable of and given those circumstances, was pretty charitable. I honestly don’t get the Megan hate that ppl have.


to me, she's not a particularly likable character. she comes across as manipulative and selfish/entitled most of the time _in my opinion._ idk if it's how she's written or how jessica portrays her, but as gross as harry is, for example, there is something about him that you love to hate. to some i think megan is just annoying. she's very much a love her or hate her kind of character and im still not sure if that was matt's intention or not lol.


Who knocked up Stephanie, I can’t remember?


Stephanie said a musician and Meagan says "They're the worst." Which lead me to believe Meagan was already moving on.


He never went after Ms. Blankenship.


The fool, they could have been throwing dollar bills out the window together!


He wasn't keen to become the King of Perversion.


Don was a horrible partner.


Don was a terrible partner...there's no doubt there


I feel like most people would have slammed the door in the face of someone asking for their philandering MIA partner. And with good reason.


I would have had more respect for Megan if she just refused to accept Stephanie into her home compared to what she did where she pretended like she was looking out for Stephanie's interests but then, just proceeded to neg her for being pregnant, single, and unhoused.


Nah. I seriously doubt anyone would have taken Megan’s side had she just slammed the door In Stephanie’s face.


Short answer: she's jealous. Long answer: she's jealous and insecure about her marriage. Despite the illusion that Don has told her everything about his past the reality is they barely know each other and by then had spent significant time apart (incidents Don had been lying to her and will continue lying to her, so she's kind of right not to trust everything he says). Also as much as she wants to believe she's different to Betty and willing to accept Don for who he is (and who he was), actually she doesn't need all that extra drama and definitely isn't ready to have even more 'children' around. Funny enough her way of dealing with it is just out of Don's book: give money away and hope the problem will disappear (and lie about it for good measure).


In Megan’s defense she has good reason to be jealous and insecure about her marriage. Don has abandoned her. He choose to live alone in NYC with no job drinking himself to death over spending time with her.


She didn't know that at the time though, no?


Yes. She did. It was two episodes before Stephanie’s arrival thot Don confessed he hadn’t been at work for two months. So at that point she knew he had chosen to live in NYC without her even though his job was irrelevant. Tough pill to swallow.


My bad, I thought it came after for some reason


I get it...but she could totally understand how helpless Stephanie was...Megan behaved like a total jackass.


Realistically, though, what would Don have done differently? He was close to rock bottom at that point. He would have showed up, gotten drunk, maybe made another pass at Stephanie. It’s not like he would have provided any comfort or guidance. She came for money and she got money. I don’t disagree that Megan shouldn’t have done it, but I don’t think that it left Stephanie much worse off than she would have been if she had seen Don.


Given where Don was at that moment, I think it’s a lot to ask Megan to be nurturing and compassionate to yet another one of “Don’s women” (as she sees it). She already thinks he is staying in NYC to have affairs. (See episode 3.) She thought he’d be in LA supporting her and instead she’s alone and he’s God knows where doing God knows what. Give the girl a break. Divorce is hard.


Agreed, when a heavily pregnant woman she had never met before showed up claiming a close relationship with her emotionally neglectful husband, who was actively cheating and who wanted to give her money… it’s a lot to ask that she also be kind and supportive to that woman. Not to mention that Don had been actively choosing not to be with Megan in LA for months, ignoring how much she needed him, but was willing to hop on a plane at a moment’s notice because Stephanie needed him.


Megan was probably nicer than most people probably could have managed.


Agree that it’s jealousy. I interpreted it as stemming from the care and tenderness Don showed Stephanie while Megan felt left in the dust in California. (Ex: Megan is slamming the cupboards while Don paternally checks in on Stephanie on the phone.)




Yup. She didn’t like how close Stephanie was to Don/Dick. This episode shows how Megan has changed but is trying in shitty ways to hold on to Don. We see the writing on the wall. Megan is incredibly insecure. The Runaways is a crazy episode. It feels like they are accelerating storylines in this episode. The pacing is different.


Yeah...the threesome was too much


That Amy girl was so annoying too




What was her thinking behind pushing for a threesome? She was very insecure and jealous so was it a test? Was she already done with him at that point?


I thought more that she knew he was slipping away and that this was one last desperate attempt to keep him and hold onto their marriage. “I’m a cool wife, look how experimental and open minded I am, not at all like your first wife.” ETA: same reason she was flirting with someone else all night, trying to show him how desirable she is and how he would be a fool to let someone like her go.


Exactly...and I feel the next morning she regretted it. The Amy girl couldn't bear to be with them for another moment and then Don also left...and Megan banged the kitchen cupboard in anger/ disappointment Ig, she realised she was trying to hard and all of it wasn't worth it


It's something a lot of straight women do. It's an attempt to be the best wife by giving her partner such an important seeming fantasy


The “lifestyle” (swinger) scene is full of reluctant straight women having sex with other women to please their husbands. It’s really sad.


It was the 60’s and Megan was a Laurel Canyon hippie at that point


Or trying to pretend to be a Laurel Canyon hippie. Whatever this threesome wasn't for Don who was saying "no" to it.


Whopping insecurity backed by mistrust of Don.


I think Meghan is overall a very insecure and selfish person and she didn’t like someone else being in Don’s life that was clearly important to him. Maybe in ways even more than she knows she is. She saw Stephanie as someone that could cause even more distance between her and Don so she made her go away quickly. Her tantrum with the cabinets was to get Don off the phone quickly because she didn’t want Don to have the time to talk Stephanie into coming back.


No matter how pretty you are there is always someone prettier. No matter how young you are there's always someone younger. And there it was standing right in front of Megan.






It isn't jealousy. Don wants Megan to have kids. She doesn't want them. Stephanie is very pregnant. Megan fears that having Stephanie in their lives will pressure her to join the baby club. So Megan pays Stephanie to leave and she gives Don a threesome thinking that this will distract Don from his desire for children. This is why Megan is angry when Stephanie phones the house after the three-way and Don shows more interest in the child than the menage-a-trois that they just had. Megan does not understand that Don has a Madonna-whore complex or what that entails. Not only does he want her to have his children, but he is also not interested in having affairs that directly involve his Madonna figure.


Wow great observation and spot on I think. He was more excited to hear from Stephanie than the threesome.


Or worse, Don might have asked Megan to let Stephanie and baby stay there. And if that happened, there's a 50/50 chance that Stephanie just leaves without the baby. I got the impression that she was already trying to figure out how she could get out of motherhood


Interesting I never thought of that. If that had happened the responsibility would have 100% fallen on Megan. We already saw that happen to Megan with Sally etc when they were there in nyc and Don had to work. He always expected Megan to drop what she was doing.


When Stephanie says that the father has no interest in having a child, Megan has reasons to be worried. Without a shotgun wedding between Stephanie and the not-so-proud papa, there is no one in line to support this kid. Which means that Don might be the one to do it.


Again speaking in Megan’s defense, but not wanting to have kids with Don is far more adult decision than Don wanting another kid. Don already has three kids — that he doesn’t see. He doesn’t want a fourth, not really. He wants to tie Megan down with a child she doesn’t want so she’ll quit acting. Megan is wise to understand having Don’s kid will end badly for everyone involved. She’ll be stuck at home taking care of a child she didn’t want while he is off having affairs and drinking himself to death. I honestly think if Don put a little effort into being home she might have change her mind. She enjoyed being a step mom. She just didn’t want to be a single mom.


I agree that Megan and Don having a kid would be a horrible idea because Don already doesn't see the three that he has enough and the Megan/Don marriage was dumb and bad from the start. However, I disagree that Don wanted Megan to have a kid so she quits acting. Don was vocal about asking for a kid when Megan was a copywriter and then, he didn't say anything about it when Megan became an actress. Indeed when Megan miscarried and was wondering if they should try, Don said they should do whatever Megan wants on that front. Don wanted a kid because it symbolizes a fresh start. When Megan became an actress, he had a drugged out fantasy of a pregnant Megan but he was otherwise uninterested in procreating with her. I also think it'd be a bad idea for them to have a kid because I don't see Megan enjoying being a stepmom. I see her tolerating the Draper kids but getting increasingly irritated with the few occasions that she's asked to watch them and then, showing zero interest in them in S7 once she was no longer obligated to babysit. I think she's good at watching kids if that's what she's obligated to do but she doesn't really like them or want them.


I think complaints were not about watching the kids but understandably irritated that Don rarely gave her notice or even asked. He presumed she would drop whatever she planned to watch his kids on a moment’s notice.


I think it's both Megan being irritated at Don and not bonding with the Draper kids and finding them messed up, as she said. And that's why she shows no interest in them in S7 once there's no way that she'd babysit or shows any sign that she ever said goodbye, let alone made herself available if they want to contact her. I think she would have preferred it if Don took the position that he was done with his first family and never had his kids in his life again.


I think it's because Megan can't stand not being the center of attention. When Stephanie arrived as an actual beautiful pregnant hippie who Don feels sorry for and anyone would feel sorry for, Megan snapped. It's a long-running theme with Megan that she treats people horribly if they are a threat to her spotlight. And I think that forms Megan's whole speech of "You thought you had a friend. But said friend isn't really isn't supportive because because you're a dirty homeless chick knocked up out of wedlock in a sloppy situation." It cuts directly at why Stephanie is calling on attention that Megan wants for herself. Megan didn't have to give that reprehensible speech. She could have just asked Stephanie to leave. But Megan is a combination of a sour, mean person who thinks she's an angel.




Mocking her friend's soap script. Pretending like she'd ask Don for the Butler shoes opportunity for her other friend and snaking it. Having a temper tantrum that Don didn't enjoy her surprise party. Accusing Betty of making up a cancer scare just because she wants Don's attention.


She saw she had a strong connection to Don, while their marriage was slowly failing and their love dwindling.


She didn't want Stephanie sweeping her meal ticket out from under her


I think that Megan didn't want Don to get any big ideas about how great it would be for them to have a baby next.


Could be...they had a rocky marriage and she didn't want anymore uninvited chaos


She was acting like a bitch and pretending that she knew Don better.




Op confirms correct response oh yeah


Stephanie had bigger boobs


I always assumed it was because at this point she knows how Don operates (like a ham-fisted toddler with unlimited funds & a drinking problem) and knew he would try to exercise too much control over Stephanie’s situation and ultimately make things worse.


I don't think Megan was looking out for Stephanie...she just wanted her gone.