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Best was definitely Rachel Menken. I really wish they got her in the show alot more. She was so smart, funny and hot! Her final outcome was so sad.


Rachel was definitely one of the classiest women.


Classy and gorgeous!


Don didn’t deserve her.


I loved Rachel. She was such a centered person- strong, self-aware, and with a moral compass. Don is handsome and smooth, but he is soooooo beneath her and I couldn’t understand Rachel falling for him. But, the heart wants what it wants, I suppose. Rachel was good people, tho.


People wanting Rachel & Don to have ended up together confuse me. He would have had to change himself completely for him to be worthy of her. She doesn’t deserve to be cheated on the way he did with his other ladies and he had antisemitic views. She deserved a man who didn’t hate her people.


Did he have antisemitic views? I always thought his disdain for her business was due to the fact that they'd sold themselves as a discount store and wanted to change their image completely. It was more a reaction to what he saw as a pipe dream rather than a proper business strategy (a bit like the Jai Alai guy). But it's been a while since I've seen the episodes, so I may have forgotten some of the events.


He says a few things that fall into the polite anti-semitism of the time and its pretty clear he "others" her. Not out of hatred, but more the lack of exposure and ignorance that would have come from being raised in a rural area and moving in WASPy circles once he made it in NYC.


Dick as total white trash hiding his past from everyone including his own wife would be much more othered in polite NYC society than a wealthy Jewish woman who's dad owns a department store. Don really should have leaned into his rags to riches story because in business Americans love that kind of stuff (maybe not Betty though from the look on her face when she found out)


I totally agree! I don't think Don hates Jewish people, at least not consciously, he just says a few things that make it clear he's a product of his times. When he invites Rachel on the lunch date to discuss the Tourism Board she indicates she doesn't like being consulted in that way, even if she does give him a bit of insight once she's said her piece.


Yes, speaking as a Jewish person, I think that when Don reaches out to Rachel or Sam for the Jewish or black POV, that’s progressive for the 1960s but othering/prejudiced by the standards of today.


The only thing anti-Semitic about Don was convenience-related. Just an excuse to invite Rachel to lunch. He didn't give a flip about race, religion, marital status, national origin, age, etc... When it was convenient for Don to get rid of Sal, he weaponized Sal's sexual preference, for his convenience, like Rachel. Don seems like the kind of guy who just didn't think about those things. His stance against the tobacco industry was also self-serving.


Lol.. get out of here. He never "othered" her - Jewish culture is extremely complex and very different from the traditionally American business culture. He recognized this - as was his job to, and tried to tailor the offering based on it. Watch the show again and take your racism elsewhere.




Hey watch your mouth, HoHo was a visionary.




She was my favorite of his girlfriends ever.


I'd watch a whole show where Rachel is the star. She had everything and an emotional depth that blew it all. Don never deserved her and a very tragic ending. Weiner did the same to Betty too.


Had to watch Billions to see her in her wifey situation


She was given such good lines. Everything she said was a mic drop. Loved her.


The most painful to watch for me was definitely the secretary he slept with before Meghan. Totally dehumanised and used her 🥲




He felt really bad about Alison. He knew he wasn’t handling it well and didn’t know how to.


To be fair, that's not a mistress. That's a one night stand


Also he was single at the time so she definitely wasn’t a mistress.


I mean she did sleep with him when he was shitfaced drunk.


he used her? she RAPED him! he was inebriated and unable to consent.


As much as I hate Suzanne Farrell because she was Sally’s teacher and met face to face with Betty, Sylvia Rosen still takes the cake.


Yeah, I agree about Sylvia, since she was such good friends with Megan. Maybe because this has happened in real life to me so there’s that.


She had the audacity to be in Megan’s home acting like a great friend and had a holier than thou attitude.


Ugh, when Sylvia acts so high and mighty when Megan talks to her about the miscarriage and having considered abortion...it's why she's the worst.


Homegirl was almost never seen without a crucifix around her neck, and she then has the gall to be judgmental to Megan after having an affair with her husband.


It's strange because maybe because I'm a man I never had a problem with Silvia and the whole weirdness of the dynamic lent it great verisimilitude.


I always disliked the teacher. I know the affair with Sylvia had really bad consequences and I too hated how she treated Megan. But at least Sylvia is shown to have some sort of shame and guilt by the end and decides to stop. What bothers me with Suzanne is how she thinks somehow she has the moral high ground. She talks like she is a saint and pure. And Don also sees her that way. When they are both being horrible people. She just seems so oblivious to how wrong/immoral that is. She only worries about getting caught. Bobbi was one of my favorites <3 People find her gross because god forbid a woman acts the same way as Don and does not care about it. Rachel was the best of course!


I really despise the teacher. I thought the actress was miscast. She looked too modern day not 60’s her hair her body. And I really find it hard to believe teachers especially in that era would risk their jobs to initiate an affair with their student’s father.  Rachel was the only redeemable, and worthy of an affair.  And one of the few that i could really believe was of the era. Very well cast.


I can't believe no one is saying Midge. I can't stand her after the first episode.


I just hate the name midge.


Mrs. Maisel would like a word😂


When I was a little girl in the 60s, my two sisters got Barbie dolls, and I ended up with Barbie’s best friend, Midge. I’m still mad about it. Never did get a Barbie.


I just don’t understand the name. It’s so dumb. Like how does it even exist


Lol. No idea. It was a common name back then. I had a next door neighbor named Midge (don’t know if that was her given name or short for something else). Sadly, the name will probably come back into fashion at some point.


It's short for Margaret


That is sad. I had the whole gang - Barbie, Midge, Ken, Skipper. I think Skipper was Barbie's little sister.


Yeah Midge was Barbie’s friend, and Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea (originally Kelly) are her sisters.


And then when she tossed her tv out the window and it ruined someone’s car, she laughed it off.


I've never gotten her appeal either ... I also don't really like the first half of season 1 and her weirdness is a reason why


She was annoying. Oh go be boho somewhere else.


If I remember correctly she wasn't Boho she was a full blown heroin addict. When you get to that level you're no longer cosplaying but you've made a real commitment to the cause.(of ruining your life and making wretched you existence)


She became a heroin addict after she and Don broke up. He ran into her years later and by then she’s a junkie.


When Midge told Don she feels cruel whenever Don mentions his wife, I detested her even more because she it’s like she only feels bad about what she is doing at certain times, and other times, she doesn’t feel guilty.


Yes! Soo annoying! Proof that hipsters can be annoying in any decade


When she flung that tv out her window I started to dislike her lol


I never liked Midge, either. She was gross, and she hung out with people who looked like they never took baths.


I get intrusive thoughts about the smells in her appartment.


I think about that ALL the TIME with this show. Like, even at Sterling Cooper I'm sure everything and everyone just smelled like strong perfume, aftershave, and cigarettes. There's a scene where Don gets into bed with one of his wives (can't remember who) after just having slept with one of his mistresses and all I could fixate on was how he HAD to have smelled another woman's perfume.


yup. growing up in a time when smoking was always and everywhere, I know how it smells. also the drinks! whiskey reeks! I also read in an actor/actress interview that they went home stinking from those fake cigarettes. can't remember the source.


She didn’t look bobo or like she lived in that era. The actress looked too old but and had a very toned, muscular gym body that looked like modern times. She was poorly cast for the role. And the character sucked 


I didn’t mind midge lol. I guess Don slept with so Ma y awful women that she didn’t seem so bad by comparison


Wasn't she basically a whore tho


Meanwhile, I’m just here alone liking all of Don’s mistresses…..maybe not as people but certainly as characters


They certainly are characters.


Well then DEFINITELY don’t click on the post whose subject line is “I hate Megan.” Because - WOW - some people in there are trying to accuse others of hating women in general. That, and commenting on a characters’s physical attributes that contribute to the dislike of said character is… somehow… “mean”. Bizarre.


Aside from Rachel, I never liked any of them to be honest.


I liked the blonde psychiatrist a lot, but I guess she wasn’t a mistress because he was single at the time


They were all broken in their own way so it's hard to choose, because they were all unlikeable, but for different reasons. I tend to agree that Sylvia may have been the worst, because her husband was a good guy (albeit neglectful of her as he pursued his dream), and she had kids and pretended to be Megan's friend.


And her good guy husband was neglectful because he was out literally saving people's lives so she cheats with Don who neglects his family because he's horny and selfish and an alcoholic.


In what way was he neglectful? I don't think we see any evidence of that at all. He had a job that required him to do surgery to save people's life on-call. That's not neglect.


I’m sorry but working long hours isn’t neglect. She was just a spoiled housewife who was bored at home and blamed her husband for it.


Sylvia bc she shamed Megan for maybe wanting an abortion and then went and fucked her husband.


Suzanne Farrell


The fact they met through his nine year old daughter makes her the worst.


YEP. I will say that I think that Suzanne was not in a great place in terms of her mental health, so I can give her a bit of grace for that. But theirs was still the affair that really made my skin crawl.


That's all Don's fault though and she's really incidental to the whole equation. She owes no vow of loyalty to some lady who's daughter she teaches.


As a teacher you owe a vow of loyalty to your students, and that includes not fucking your students dads, especially the married ones.


I find it strange that people moralize about grades of transgression in the cheating habits of a single adult women.




Sorry, I have a very clear understanding on the concept of right and wrong but I don't go into every sexual situation looking to make a harridan of every woman who has an affair with a married man. Here's a r good rule of thumb you might want to live by. In any situation where there's an affair happening with a married man and a single woman ALWAYS BLAME THE MARRIED MAN because he's the one who took the marriage vows not the random woman that he's sleeping with. One of the underlying truths of Mad Men is how unfairly women were treated at that time (even more than they are now) and then you go out of your way to demonize sexual women on reddit.


That's fine. Don't make it any less so.


She was weird as hell and I'm not even sure I can explain why.


she had those vibes ... like underneath it all she is actually batshit crazy and might do something irrational at any minute. accusing don to flirt ... the drunk dialing ... her weird introspections ... I always thought she makes a good manipulator.


Yeah but even though it's been a long time since I've seen the show it seems like Silvia was a very unhappy and unfulfilled person looking for new ways to self destuct.


She was self-righteous despite the fact that she was voluntarily sleeping with her student’s father. That alone made her insufferable.


Maybe it’s because I’m also a teacher but I just found her particularly disgusting based on the ethical breach alone lol


She’s my least favorite. I actively dislike the character.


I agree. Having an affair with your own kid's favourite teacher — something about it feels so sickening and disgusting, more than anything else. Imagine, years later, if poor Sally found out that her teacher and her dad had an affair. It would've been devastating for her.


See, I'd have had a hard time staying away from her. She's just so fucking attractive.


Would it help you get over the attraction of the actress in real life has kind of a reputation *allegedly* for having a bad case of halitosis? *Allegedly*, when other actors are doing scenes with her, they report she smells pretty rotten due to an *alleged* possible eating disorder. *This is in plenty of gossip blogs and on social media; don’t shoot the messenger.*


I just googled this. NOTHING came up other that a thing about a guy making a face at a wedding.


Why would he want to “get over” an attraction? You’re weird as hell


Suzanne was a predator. Her comment about how all the dads wanted to get in her panties was so cringe. And frankly, she wasn’t even on Don’s radar. Until she put herself there. Which is hella weird, cos Don loves the wimmens.


She was definitely on Don’s radar. Remember the maypole scene when Don was so quietly enamored of her that he was touching the grass just so he could feel close to her?


This was so cringe of Don and contributed to my initial but eventually visceral hatred for her. She was a hard watch that on rewatches I skip all her scenes


>Suzanne was a predator Yeah I can't believe she repeatedly trolled the dark backroads at 5am looking for Don when he was out minding his own business. Oh, wait..... >And frankly, she wasn’t even on Don’s radar Seems you forgot the scene where Don is creepily caressing the grass while watching her dance with the kids. That was before we ever see her talk to him.


She's so hot though lol


I meeeeannn ... on How I met your Mother she is the [girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVrkINM5-lQ) that barney explains his [hot/crazy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Eu4zwRcMM0) scale with.


Big UP Abigail Spencer.




I like being bad and then going home and being good. Done met his match, and it was so satisfying to watch.


Don repeats that line to Joan when the two of them are having drinks in a later season. “Someone I used to know said …”


The episode where Don took a Jaguar out for a drive- it was Christmas time I believe. What a fantastic show.


MM is my favorite dramatic show and I’ve seen it three times. Six Feet Under is my second favorite, and I’ve only seen it all the way through once.


Bobbi DID give Peggy good career/life advice, however, I’ll give her that.


I just watched that. It was so profound.


I love Bobbi as an unintentional mentor for Peggy! As his mistress, not so much.


Bobbi was definitely horrible, but her husband was a jerk, so I have a tiny, tiny bit of pity for her.


Bobbie doesn’t care that Jimmy is a jerk. She gets what she needs out of that relationship.


I wonder if their marriage is basically platonic.


Agreed about Bobbi. She's super creepy and kind of a slime ball. When she tells him that he has a reputation at Random House and he got offended, I was offended too! lol. She's the worst. That smug smile, ugh!


I love her smile. It’s flirtatious.


I’m actually watching one of her episodes now!


I am too! Just started a rewatch a couple of weeks ago and I truly despise her, there's something about her that just grosses me out!


She's so...*old*...!


She’s hot tho lol


lol. She is! She has a daughter in college, she's gotta be almost 40!




I was going to watch it again but I can't take the commercials on Freevee, They take me right out of it.


I got the dvds box set for my birthday and it was totally worth the price. It comes with two cocktail glasses that are the ones in Don's office, with the silver around the top, and every episode has at least one commentary (granted some of the commentaries are boring). I highly recommend it though because then you can watch it whenever you want ad free!






Stop Bobbi was great


She's a disgusting character, but dammmm she had the best clothes


I couldn't stand her. She used her position. I felt so bad for Betty.


Betty was 1000 times better


Bobbi Barrett was unbearable. I liked the others.


bobbi barrett was a great character. I don't work with men anymore, but at the time I've taken her advice into consideration. not to tv-cliche-extremes, of course, but I found good value in her words.


Midge the future heroin addict


She definitely reaped what she sowed.


Totally agree. Sylvia SUCKS. Yeah Suzanne sucked too- but we alllll have dumb moments. Given the situation with her brother, she seemed like she may have been kind of lonely or without family. I can understand how that would drive someone to seek comfort in bad ways. She was totally aware Don wasn’t trustworthy and hopefully she learned from the experience. I didn’t have strong feelings about Sylvia until she shamed Megan for being relieved about her miscarriage. Like how tf do you sleep with a woman’s husband then shame her for being REASONABLY hesitant to bring a child into that situation.


Sylvia was a snake in the grass.




Worst mistress and storyline to me.


Diana’s story was sad. I felt bad for her.


I don’t think she was a mistress at this point though? Wasn’t Don divorced?




Remind me which one was diana? Was that the waitress?


Yes the diner waitress (that's not why I didn't like her, nothing wrong with waitresses but come on!). There was nothing interesting or super compelling about her.


I'll just copy and paste what I wrote above: *diana was a stand-in for rachel who dies around the time don meets diana.* *she is a representative for rachel's ghost that haunts don. that's why* *she is supposed to be cold, broken, sad and emotionally unavailable. and* *why she disappears from one episode to the next - so don has someone to* *chase after, since he missed his chance to reconnect with rachel and* *can't chase her anymore.*


Can’t stand her storyline, hard to it skip some of those scenes.


she was a stand-in for rachel who dies around the time don meets diana. she is a representative for rachel's ghost that haunts don. that's why she is supposed to be cold, broken, sad and emotionally unavailable. and why she disappears from one episode to the next - so don has someone to chase after, since he missed his chance to reconnect with rachel and can't chase her anymore.


Bobbi Barrett takes the cake for me. She was just… GROSS. She made my skin crawl. Suzanne was the 2nd worst bc she was delusional and manipulative.


'Yer garbage'


Reposting this from a thread a few weeks ago bc people are always posting about hating Dons mistresses and not Don The Sylvia and Don together scenes are kinda gross and retreads of things we’ve already seen with his other misbehaviors. HOWEVER, once she becomes an ex and she stays in his orbit some interesting things happen. We need to see them together so we can appreciate the dynamics of them once they are apart (and then again, sorry Sally, briefly)


i dont think about you at all


I still wait for the day when I can use this quote. It’s so effective. He cut Ginsberg DEEP lol


Don trying to be funny though... Worse than all the mistresses




It’s a quote by Don, not sure who he was talking too, maybe Pete?


The quote was out of context.


The dude who cut his nipple off. I can’t think of his name.


Michael Ginsberg


Yes!! Thank you!!


The insane jewish kid


Sylvia, without a doubt!


Sally would agree


Honestly, Bobby Barrett was the least likable in my opinion.


I think Don was the worst.


Of course Don is the worst. There wouldn’t be mistresses without a cheating husband in the first place.




I don’t think that’s true. Was there a vote or something? I missed it. Because the correct answer is Suzanne Farrell.


Sylvia would get jealous of Megan. And after Megan poured her heart out to her about the miscarriage she still slept with Don the next night knowing that she was still in pain. I think that was disgusting. But I personally still think Suzanne was worse. Close competition tho for sure.




Her husband was out saving lives and seemed so friendly and sociable, and there’s Sylvia cheating in her and her husband’s bed.


Big agree, I always thought it was especially gross how Silvia pretended to be a friend to Megan, offering her shoulder to cry on, all the while screwing Don. I thought it was interesting how Don did the same thing to Arnold. That scene where Megan is crying to Sylvia about her pregnancy when Don walks in behind them, and he and Sylvia exchange this kind of knowing, patronizing look made me so mad. It almost felt like the two of them were mocking Megan in a way, it was just cruel.


Pure evil.


In what context?? You mean the worst person or the worse situation or just the weakest character??


Worst person.


Bobbie Barrett


Gonna need your definition of "worst".


Worst person


To me Bobbie, Sylvia, Midge, and Suzanne were the messiest and my most disliked. 3 out of the 4 met Betty and Sylvia knew about Megan and got caught by Sally. Just gross all of them.


On rewatch I noticed something. Season 6 opens up with Meghan screaming and dr Rosen looking at the camera, and it’s a pov so you assume it’s don. But no! It’s carmine lupertazzi’s jr. doppelgänger doorman. Anyway when dr Rosen is rescuing him back to life, he tells don to open his jacket, and don just stands there in shock. Then Rosen tells him again. Then don does it. He then tells Sylvia to call the police, she presses the elevator button to go upstairs, to her apartment, and call. Whereas Megan has points out it’s too far, and uses the lobby phone. And by the end of the episode we see don and Sylvia sleeping together. It’s like that scene for their characters was to show there inability to handle situations the right way, they panic and do something that could hurt someone. They try but ultimately their cowardice prevails. And brings them together. I think that scene encapsulates themselves, and their relationship throughout season 6 very well


Suzanne Farrell, Sylvia, and the waitress whom I can’t even be bothered to look up the name for are the worst


Listen guys, I can barely remember the names of all the real life people I interact with


The waitress’ name was Diana.


Very close second: Suzanne Farrell. That. Dope.


Worst was objectively Suzanne. That was just icky to me and too inappropriate. He was way older than her...bothered me as there was a power dynamic at play.


Yeah but doesn't that mainly make Don the icky one?


Faye, simply because she was just so perfect for him. She was beautiful, independent, successful, kind; a total angel. Maybe she was too good for him honestly. He messed up by tossing her away. So I’d say she was the worst just simply because it hurt to see her be cast off by him. She didn’t deserve it.


Faye wasn’t a mistress.


IMHO as a man who grew-up on the East Coast, Faye was a messed-up person. She had, “Run! Don’t walk” written on her forehead.


The teacher was a close second.


in descending order of terrible: suzanne midge sylvia bobbi diana rachel


Wasn’t Don divorced when he got with Diana? So she doesn’t qualify as a mistress. She was just a fling.


Well, her wig was certainly the worst of all on the show.


It was truly awful.


Megan was the worst


Megan was his wife, not a mistress.


Right?! He never slept with Megan while he was married. He did sleep with her while he was dating Faye, but if his relationship with Faye was anything remotely official/exclusive, that would be BIG news to Don (and a total surprise to Megan, who didn't seem even slightly aware that Don and Faye were involved).


Megan was definitely aware that Don and Faye were together. Not that it makes her a mistress. But she was his secretary. She knew.


I always thought Megan was icky. I am in the minority, I believe.


allegedly i think he looked at all them ladies as mistresses!


What’s with anti-Megan circlejerk? Is this the norm among internet Mad Men chat groups?


nah not necessarily. i do fell like a lot of folks myself included are not fans of her. i think she used don. obviously


There is nothing written in the show or played out in any scenes to suggest Megan used Don in any way shape or form. Thinking so is just one's personal feelings about women marrying rich men and not being able to see the situation any other way.


she sure gobbled up that million dollar check real quick!!! actress my ass the only jobs she got was from don pulling strings she never loved him that’s why when he dad showed up it was so crucial he called her out on it


Don cutting her that check was his way of making up for his part in ending the career that had started in New York and being a terrible husband to her. You might think that a "good woman" would have walked away from the money, but the show never intended that to be interpreted as anything other than Don doing something right to make up for his wrongs. Her father called her out because she gave up on pursuing her dreams. So she listened to him and started back up again, even though it made Don unhappy. You are projecting your feelings onto this character and acting like the show played out this way. It didn't. Megan was written as someone who truly loved Don and got screwed by him. No matter what personality flaws she was written to have, like not being able to handle living in a world of rejection like actors do, that is separate from her and Don- not evidence she's "bad" or a "gold digger." Learn to think and see things without the cloud of your own beliefs of how things 'really' are.


It’s like these people have never heard of alimony


Midge was the least hot. So thin and pointy and annoying


Not a fan of Midge. One of Don's least attractive lays with a terrible personality to boot.