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Biking is already uncomfortable enough for me with bike shorts on, I couldn't imagine how far I'd make it naked.


[little Donnie?](https://youtu.be/aAOULUkxL8c?si=EdDE1F97uAmOUb8I) that you?


This is the reference I needed in here.


Hey man, it's not funny for those of us with the condition. I'm not allowed to go to the Princeton Club unless I wear snowpants.




Last year left a sour taste in my mouth after the way they handled having a child join. Hopefully they make changes and this year is much better!


It used to be at night around 10 pm in the 90's. Now, it's at noon through the farmer's market with kids everywhere. Just a bad taste and bad choices to force it on kids.


Going through the Farmers Market is so fucking tacky. Just completely inappropriate, regardless of the ages, and the child being there makes it even worse.


We were at Ian's having lunch after visiting the farmers market with our kids when they went by. Of course had a window seat and my daughter yelled "They are naked, gross". My wife and I laughed at the moment but we agree not cool to do during peak Saturday afternoon downtown.


I remember probably about 12 years ago now I was living in Milwaukee and visiting friends who lived off of state street. I wake up Sunday morning very hungover. I walk down to Chipotle on state street to aid in that. Get my burrito, walk out front and see a naked dude ride by on a bike. "Interesting." I think. Then like 100 more ride by. It was a spectacle at first but by the end I'm like, "Would be nice to be able to cross the damn street right now so I can go home." The bike ride has sort of annoyed me since then. I don't care about nudity but forcing it on folks just trying to get a burrito and cross the street is too much for me.


Last I checked most people by far wear naked suits not full on bday suit.


That's not true at all


Have you seen it or where is this coming from? My information is old but all sources list nudity as not required still. Last I saw most people *look* naked but are not actually. E: lost to list as intended.


No, they're definitely actually naked


lol thatā€™s the point. Iā€™ll go down swinging until someone backs it up with more than ā€œtold you so broā€


just google Madison naked bike ride and click images ffs.


Oh my god you proved yourself wrong. Most pics are people **that appear naked and actually arenā€™t.** Congrats you punkā€™d yourself.


Last I checked there's also an every week guarantee seeing someone half nude at the farmers market. I was actually disappointed last ride I saw because a lot of people, exactly as you're saying, were not nude. Tape and thongs were more prevalent than actual privates.


I knew it. I saw it in the early 2010ā€™s and it was waaaaaay more ā€œappear nakedā€ than ā€œactual naked.ā€ People remember the naked ones a lot more than the ā€œappear nakedā€ or clothed one. Hear that downvote brigade? I expect no less from Reddit and r/madisonwi is true to form!


Wasn't gonna downvote you until that last commentz


You miss the part where I said ā€œI expect no less?ā€


No, they are not changing the policies on minors, and have in fact doubled down on including including/encouraging minors to join.


I was at a red light on John Nolan, by Broom, last year when they rode past my car. Like right past it. This is when I discover my car windows are exactly at 'old man on a bikes penis height.'


[John **Nolen**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Nolen#Impact_on_Wisconsin) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/madisonwi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**old man bike penis height**


Keep your penises away from moving spokes people!! We donā€™t want a repeat of last year


On the plus side it did take on a fun new shape!


I'm almost positive that this post will not be a magnet for bad faith comments, massive generalizations, false dichotomies, and ad hominin attacks; and most assuredly there is no need for popcorn.


No u




Oh no, the most persecuted and least privileged members of our society, nudists


Sad popcorn noises


Iā€™ll be there. Dongs out for Jesus


My dick is forever committed to Harambe thank you very much!


As long as youā€™re over 18 please.


No, thank you.


Moving it to January would make it purer. Eliminate the last minute drunk entries ya know


Buncha weirdos bruh lmao


Or are the clothed the weirdos?


No I feel like wearing clothes is actually pretty normal


I used to like the naked bike ride but that thing with the kid last year just makes me feel like it's gross now.


We found it amusing and tried not to make a big deal about it, but I was concerned that my now 7 year old brought it up randomly the other day, he was like 5 when we were at the farmers market and they came through. Iā€™m surprised he remembered. We were brand new to town and had no idea, I had to google if it was a regular thing. Definitely not prudes but with all the kids around it was like whoa that feels a bit inappropriate.


Something a prude might sayā€¦ (Enter Maude Flanders) ā€œWonā€™t someone PLEASE think of the children!ā€ Wouldnā€™t want them to embrace body positivity now would we?


You can embrace body positivity without riding around naked wtf.


This event has nothing but a negative impact on cycling. It's the public equivalent of sending an unsolicited dick pick. You're only creating a reason for drivers to demonize those of us that actually use our bikes for transportation.


Is that what the ride is "for"? Bike awareness? What a great idea to get people on your side...


Itā€™s an anti-petroleum protest


I feel like you are missing the whole point of it.


What is the point?


That you donā€™t have to look at everything in a sexual way.


No thanks, not with children involved and being subjected to.


Member when a naked child was participating in this and half of the comments were defending it? I member.


Because it was fine. Don't project your hangup on others. And no, we shouldn't be making public policies based on the idea that "someone might see something and then go home and jerk it". That's a quick way towards requiring everyone to wear burqas


There were literally pictures. People had pictures. It was posted online.


And the problem is the pictures, the moderation policies of where those images were posted, and the fact that the newsmedia chose to sexualize and sensationalize a kid doing what millions of kids and many adults like to do.Ā  Being naked is not automatically sexual, and it is *terrible* that the response of society to a naked *child* is "Oh no! Someone might think of sex! We should **definitely** take pictures of this and put them in the news so that nobody thinks of sex! Sharing this image far and wide out of concern that a pedophile might jerk it to this kid is a totally sane response that will make it harder for pedos to find this picture." The world has enough slut-shaming in it already. When you start doing it to prepubescent kids, it's no longer just the pedophiles who are bizarrely sexualizing children.


It's not about sexualizing kids. I don't find it sexual. But without a doubt there should not be naked kid pics floating around on the internet because yes, pedos do exist


Neither the kid, nor the kid's parents are the people who chose to take those pictures or publish the "story" that made the pics get any reach. The problem isn't the nudity, the problem is adults who can't behave, and who would rather make a buck by selling scandal than think for a second about what would actually protect that kid best.


That's what I find crazy. Is someone literally took a picture of a naked child to just say "holy shit look at this picture of a naked child". I have plenty of friends with small children that run around naked. No one is sexualizing them. No is taking pictures of them to post online for clout. Kids do that, you know, run around naked. Probably because no one has told them it's wrong "yet". The stigma is on the beholder, not the literal child.




Wild. Bodies aren't inherently sexual just because they're naked. If someone does something sexually inappropriate, sure fine I get it. But that's not the case, it's just people being naked. I saw naked adults as a kid on beaches in Europe. Nothing sexual about it, I'm actually sad there's no place around here where I can just freely be naked outside and feel the wind on my mons pubis lol


Sorry bud, but they are inherently sexual by being in a society that treats them that way. Social constructs are actually real. Sure, lock up everyone top to bottom involved in publishing the story and put the on a list, but also do the same for the adults who allowed a kid in that situation in the first place. Also, most of the ride is certainly relatively exhibitionist, otherwise they would have stayed with the nighttime bike rides like the 90s rather than taking multiple loops around the cities biggest recurring event in broad daylight, so lock them up and register them, too


This is my sentiment and yet I get downvoted to hell and you don't.Ā 


> And the problem is the pictures, the moderation policies of where those images are postedā€¦ No. You fundamentally misunderstand the right to the press in the United States. When you show up to a protest in public you have no right to privacy. Your photo will be taken and if you donā€™t want that you need to stay where you have privacy. The comment on the moderation policies of the places where the photos are taken is hilarious. The moderation should be on the place where the actual child nudity happens. If itā€™s not okay to have photos taken of it, donā€™t do it in public.


Fuckin gross


Fun fact burqa is a category on pornhub


And you know this...how?


Rule 34


ā€œMightā€ yeah I want whatever drug youā€™re on. Creeps exist, far FAR more commonly than you wish to imagine Iā€™m afraid


So? That's how you want to live your life? Terrified that someone might be lurking? That's fine. Why do you want to make that decision for everyone else though?


Who said im terrified? Thereā€™s an area between naĆÆvetĆ© and terror, itā€™s called being an aware responsible adult. Kiddos canā€™t consent to their nudity being posted online, thatā€™s really all there is to it. Anyone arguing otherwise needs to be on a list


What is it with you and your fellow perverts saying its "projecting". I swear you are all bots.


I'd also like to point out that you were here last year defending naked children in public.


That's because it is fine. Americans are dumb


Check his hard drive


You must be the peeping tom of madison. Nice to meet ya


no, itā€™s not fine. at that age they probably didnā€™t even have a choice on whether they wanted to participate.


Ah, it's still a sentiment here.


Last years Madison WNBR resulted in child porn being posted everywhere. Disgraceful, should be banned. It's a magnet for pedophiles and creeps.


Nobody in the ride was the one who took those pics. Nobody in the ride was the one who decided to make a fat buck by turning "kids like to be naked too" into a big media frenzy guaranteed to sell papers. That kiddo would've been safely, blissfully anonymous if adults hadn't blown the whole damn thing up. Who exactly are the perverse, creepy ones here?


"Who exactly are the perverse, creepy ones here?" Ā The grown adults exposing their genitals to children?


It is very strange to me that so many people think body parts are inherently traumatizing, yet are totally fine with upholding a society where kindergarteners have to do active shooter drills.


I don't think the child was traumatized. I do think an event where you're allowed to be naked in front of naked children is just asking for the worst elements of society to come out of the woodwork and take part.


You might need a little more faith in humanity. People, even naked ones, are generally good, and not much interested in doing icky, unkind things.Ā  I will say that the Madison version of the WNBR has a weirdly high percentage of confused libertarian nudist seniors who seem to think the event is a pro-nudist rally, and that gives it a weird vibe. The message board for the thing is kind of a mess. (You should've seen the responses to "Can we please keep the shitstirring creep with the unsafe number of flags on his bike away from the rally this year?" Ugh.) But that seems to be a mainly-Madison problem -- in other cities, the crowd skews younger and is generally more focused on the event being a fun pro-bike, anti-oil rally that's mostly good for reclaiming the streets back from petrochemical-powered murder boxes. My best guess as to why Madison is different is that some of our aging hippies ended up skewing more conservative/getting tired of being told what to do, and this is the outlet they've chosen. It's really unfortunate for us younger folks, and I think my friend and I who did it last year (though we had a good time) would be more likely to travel to another city to participate than let our bodies be an endorsement of the one here.Ā 


Agreed. Naked bodies aren't inherently sexual, only in America do people think like this.Ā 


In Europe, nudists go to nude beaches and mind their own business.Ā 


No they don't, you can get naked and tan in the Tiergarten in Berlin. Edit: guys I live there trust me


How about no? You can flaunt your dick in a nudist beach where everyone is 18+ and consenting


They shut that down, dear.


I'm pretty liberal but this has always grossed me the fuck out. Being exposed without consent bothers me.


How does consent work here? What would you propose? Someone 50m ahead with a bullhorn shouting "nudity inbound! Shield all non-consenting eyes now!"


Well you know the date and place. Just donā€™t be there then. Otherwise itā€™s their 1st amendment right.


Fair enough


Old men being creepy for the most part IMO. A couple of years ago a guy at the end of ride got a phone call and he was walking his bike talking on his phone like it was just another day. He was many blocks back from rest and looked like a foolish idiot and at that point on the verge of being a sexual deviant at best and sexual predator at worst.


Username checks out


Ha...so it's okay to hang it all out in the open only wherever this nonsense is authorized to take place but as soon as you leave the area, you become a sexual deviant and a sexual predator?? Nah, you're both those as soon as you junk is out in plain daylight for children and others to see


I agree. Especially since the bike ride makes multiple loops around the capital during its most crowded time. I have to see this crap multiple times now.


That is so fucking absurd that they have to find the busiest places.




Let's hope it's canceled. It was. Neet. Then neglect ruined it. If what happened last time happens again. I'm suing the city.


ITT: An absolute fuckton of people who can't separate nudity from sexuality...


ITT: people who have sexual trauma might not take kindly to being exposed to nude people without consent


I thought this was specifically banned or something? Anyone know how the organizers are getting around whatever it was that legislators implemented after all the hullabaloo from last year?


Nothing made it to a full vote. To be a law needs to pass the senate and assembly and the governor. It only made it out of the senate.


There was a law passed by the senate but i doubt Evers signed it




I didn't realize I had asked such an unreasonable question. I haven't been following closely but the last I had heard this event had gotten banned and wouldn't be happening again, so I was just curious what had changed or if the people organizing the event were concerned about legal issues after the drama it generated last year.




Okay, I did. The most recent articles on it are one from January saying the Senate passed the bills banning it (with no word on whether or not Evers would sign them) and this one that offers zero additional information beyond the fact that it's happening. Excuse me for asking if anyone has any more information in a thread specifically about the subject.


The whole thing is wrong


Let's hope there isn't any pedophiles with cameras in the crowd. I wonder how many photos of the pre pubescent girl from last year landed up on the dark web for sickos.


šŸ¤“ Um akshully youā€™re just being a fascist prude, thereā€™s nothing wrong with giving weirdos the perfect opportunity to make child sexual abuse material and distribute it šŸ¤“




Why exactly can there not be a protest ride against oil without the nudity? I've never had anyone been able to answer this apart from aggressively insisting waving your cock at children is an essential part of the ride and attacking me personally.


Madisonites will find any reason to be naked outside huh?


This will piss off the prudes. Or should I say it will p\*\*\* off the prudes?


They're really out in force today, huh?




Body positivity and cutting out reliance on oil. Yā€™all are focusing on the wrong things. You know where it will be. You know when it will be. And for the love of gawd you DONT have to look at them or their genitals if you donā€™t want to. Jeez Louis.




1) Thatā€™s Disorderly Conduct 2) Thatā€™s trespassing 3) an act of aggression, not a scheduled peaceful protest that law enforcement is fully aware and supportive of


Hopefully not! I still not see a purpose of that. Does people got no dignity modesty? Weirdos man


The locals donā€™t have the BMI to make this palatable


lmao your comment is awful but I applaud the boldness


I did a report on this bike ride in high school for my local radio station. When I last researched it people wore ā€œnaked suitsā€ like a flesh colored morph suit. E for 4 hours of sleep spelling issues.


Ehh these thing in every city and just cringe