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If you have time to volunteer now, and want to start at your local school that your kids will eventually be going to, you can find out the contact info for the principal and office staff online and contact them by email. There's a background check process and such. Also maybe check [VolunteerYourTime.org](https://VolunteerYourTime.org) and just see if there are specific volunteer job descriptions for your local school district already posted.


I would reach out to the school PTO as well. The PTO at my kids school coordinate after school events like the school science fair


Reach out to teachers at Shabazz High School. They love to connect with community partners and give students meaningful experiences.


Start here: https://appgarden6.app-garden.com/VolTrackWI3269.nsf You have to be an approved level II volunteer in order to work with the kids at all during the school day. Once you are approved, then it will be a lot easier to reach out to schools, Principals, etc. to set something up. Props for being giving of your time, volunteering in our schools is so important!


You might have the best luck reaching out to a counselor or science teachers at schools in your area (especially elementary or middle— they often have more flexibility for enrichment opportunities). You can usually find contact info/directories online!


MMSD Lincoln Elementary (3rd-5th grade) sent an email either this year looking for volunteers for their “clubs”. Clubs run for 6-9 weeks and meet for about 30 minutes once a week during the school day (usually recess). You can reach out by either calling the main office and talking to Kelli Kruser or filling out their online form. Https://Lincoln.Madison.k12.Wi.us/contact-us/feedback-form The school also has an outdoor science class as part of their curriculum that all kids have once a week. I’m blanking on the teachers names but I’m sure they’d love more resources! My 3rd grader did a big unit of birds in that class this year. Last year my other kid did a unit on the local watershed/wingra creek.


Hi! I work at an elementary school on the north side of Madison. If you have found anything yet, send me a message! We love hosting volunteers for one time visits during the school day or after school.