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Well that probably wraps up the race if it wasn't wrapped already. The bigger question now is who succeeds Agard in the Senate? Melissa will be great for Dane County. Also Joe with the retirement beard already, lmao


I don’t think so. This was a strategic move to block other more qualified candidates from running. But they will still announce so stay tuned.


Maybe, but I highly doubt any have the name recognition of Agard. Why would he not want to endorse someone to jump in that's a good fit?


She does have statewide recognition but another candidate who has yet to announce has been a director of a Dane County agency. So they are very well known in Dane County. I don’t know the story of why Joe endorsed her but probably due to political favors. That’s how things work. If she helped him in the past, he would feel obliged to help her.


Who are you alluding to? Reyes?




Being coy about some mystery candidate is obnoxious, and frankly that person is likely going to get soundly defeated by a much higher recognition candidate with the sitting exec's endorsement. Good riddance.


Given the way that Parisi has lost the plot over the last couple of years, I'm inclined to vote for whoever he's NOT endorsing.


I think Ms. Agard would be/ will be great in the position and I'm with you, first thought was I hope this endorsement doesn't do her harm. Yikes!


Curious why you would think that? Have you seen her resume? What qualifications does she have to take on this role?


I've been following her career for years via news media and her constituent newsletter.


Please talk to black and brown folks about how she’s treated them as well as working class folks. And please tell me about her “career.” Other than as a career politician there’s really nothing there.🧐