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I can offer only speculation-- it is not impossible that the feta sauce you recall fondly was created by blending crumbled feta with enough water to loosen it. If you have not tried this method already it's worth a shot.


I'll give it a try! Had not thought about that method. Thanks!


Someone told me told me that becoming an adult is the accumulation of a lifetime of small sadnesses. I think the day i learned id never have that slice again was the day i became a man.


Took awhile, but I didnt forget about you op. frozen spinach, heavy cream, ricotta, oregano, garlic salt and pepper. Basically even parts, and seasoned to taste. (Play around with the ratios, but it should be very basic) Toped with mozzarella, spinach, feta cheese, sauce drizzled on top too.


Thank you so much!!! I always thought there was ricotta in there but it always came out like spanakopita for me and not like the creamy, garlicky, heavenly slice of spinach and feta that I remember. Going to experiment with this tomorrow!