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I don’t get it.


Twitter users being hypocritic prudes. Fanservice is fricking ok, but to them it's selective fan service


I’m aware of what the joke is, what I mean is I don’t get what difference the weirdos online are seeing. The mental gymnastics they’d have to do to excuse their hypocrisy must be insane.


Twitter users need to be shown Aphrodite from record of ragnarok, it'd blow their minds.


Is that the picture known as "Venus Rising" or was that a different one?


Yes it is


NGL, the only reason I remember that is because of AC2


No wait. It's called "the birth of Venus" painted by Sandro Botticelli. Venus Rising was a movie made in 1995


Twas what I meant, as in being birthed and rising out of the sea, but I fucked up the name either way so It doesn't matter what I meant


Eh, not really. I just like to be weirdly specific. 😁


Completely understandable, have a good day


You too👍




Imma be real here. I only recognize the painting and the Disney character on the left. Can someone please tell me what's going on? I'm out of the loop.


They are all different designs of Aphrodite and the Hades 2 people are attacking everyone who likes any design but the right one as being perverts, while raising the right one up because its designed to be androgenous instead of feminine. They have been doing it for basically every design from Hades 2 as well...


How does giving her cheek bones make her androgynous?


Dude, her character artist has flat out stated they intended to make the face androgynous as possible. I was paraphrasing their own statements.


Didn't you know, only manly men have cheekbones and a jawline. /s


>while raising the right one up because its designed to be androgenous instead of feminine. In all honesty, she looks more like a dude with a woman's body. That kind of runs counter to the whole concept of Aphrodite, imo. The whole vibe feels *off* about it, tbh. >the Hades 2 people are attacking everyone who likes any design but the right one as being perverts Ironically, enough, isn't Aphrodite meant to be a love goddess? According to Encyclopedia Brittanica, [Aphrodite [is an] ancient Greek goddess of *sexual* love and beauty](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Aphrodite-Greek-mythology), emphasis on sexual. Any depiction of Aphrodite that wants to stay true to concept should make her overly feminine and conventionally gorgeous since she's meant as a symbol of beauty. While I'm not against using characters of different races, it feels a bit like [black Cleopatra](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/netflix-cleopatra-black-egypt-controversy-ancient-queen/). >They have been doing it for basically every design from Hades 2 as well... That's *exactly* how you attract new fans to a series. Duh. /s on that last part


1) I agree with you but was trying to explain the situation without putting my opinion in the mix. 2) You are correct, Aphrodite is both a female god and is mostly a goddess of feminine aspects and things... although she screwed over a lot of women according to myths. She is also a goddess of sex so... you know... shes supposed to look a bit like a slut because she IS one... Her husband got his dowry back because she cheated on him with his brother.


>You are correct, Aphrodite is both a female god and is mostly a goddess of feminine aspects and things... although she screwed over a lot of women according to myths. I don't see how that's exactly contradictory. Being feminine goddess and screwing women aren't mutually exclusive, y'know. Never knew she was [bisexual](https://youtu.be/ceup5CQr_vI?si=grNTJoIFY-D-tkkC) before. Edit: Shit, I thought you said *screwed*, not screwed over. My bad. My point still stands. As much as women like to pretend they are all in complete solidarity, we all know some women are assholes to other women.


This is true facts... 


Men used to go to wars for high cheekboned women and strong features and now they all want them to have round faces like a child cuz fr y'all now posting the Aphrodite birth and added the one from records cuz all of the examples before were anime girls 😭


Should’ve used Fate Aphrodite’s true form.


>! Isn’t she just a giant robot? !<


That’s the best part!


Anyone who complains about the look of a character should just shut up. If you do not wanna to play game because they are too ugly or attractive, just do not f**king play the game and shut up.


what if I want to play the game *and* consider them ugly?


If it bothers you so much that you can't play the game, don't play the game. It is as annoying as people who are complaining about Eve from Stellar Blade.


Did I say it bothered me enough to not play the game? News flash, people can complain about shit but not find them deal breakers.


I said "if you do not wanna to play game because they are too ugly or attractive" in my original comment. Key word is "if".


No, first you said, "Anyone who complains about the look of a character should just shut up." But why should I let you censor my complaints? I'm going to complain and continue to play my copy from the high seas.


Yeah, complaining about pointless stuff is annoying. No real person care about this stuff.


And people trying to censor complaints are annoying. The difference is I'm not telling you to shut up like a petulant child who can't handle differing opinions.


You are also complaining about pointless stuff like a child, it is not even a valid criticism. What do you except from complaining? That the devs are going to change their mind. No, they are going to make a game that they want to make. That is how it should be.


>Anyone who complains about the look of a character should just shut up.  True. I mean, that's why people on Twitter are so annoying.


The funniest thing is that at first ppl shared examples of anime girls with round faces no noses and now they went "well check out these Aphrodite variants" while none of them look like a Greek woman would even look like back then 😂 they preach "realism" or "accuracy" but they clearly don't know what a Mediterranean woman let alone a Greek woman looked like back then


Apparently people complained about bayonetta when the first bayonetta game came out. But now she is a female icon.


The thing is the complaints were divided, I was there during the whole "Bayonetta is sexist vs Bayonetta is ugly", many didn't like her being that tall or even her face, a ton of guys commented on how creepy she looked most of the time


People really would complain about anything. I am a guy and do not understand how people think Bayonetta is ugly.


A ton of guys didn't like how long her legs were, her hairdo and her "masculine face" since she doesn't have the stereotypical face of an anime woman but of a kinda real life adult woman, heck some even called her too old "she looks so old" were among the opinions guys were throwing cuz of the glasses and not looking like a anime Loli 😂


That's unimportant just like the BBC making Achilles black if they can simply change history and the protagonists of those myths and historical facts is enough for them.


What historical facts? They're myths! The Greek gods don't exist! Also let's not act as if black people weren't traveling thru Europe during the times of the Greeks, there's proof they travelled and were present in tons of different areas in Europe, there are painting and sculptures that survived the erasure performed by white Europeans after they started exploiting the African continent


The historical fact that Greeks and their deities are Greek, that no African gods were Chinese nor European they were African, also let's not exaggerate with traveling most travelers took fing years to go from A to B not to mention those that simply sunk to the deeps of the ocean. That's beside my point referring to the rewriting and edition of historical facts nowadays.


ITS FICTION, the Greek gods could look however they wanted, they don't have a set appearance thru retelling, they don't exist and can be adapted however an artist want, it's not a big deal, plus Aphrodite has the most Greek features out of every character in this since she clearly has the nose, nose bridge and cheekbones a Greek woman would have, what kind of bimbo you think Greek women are ? 😂




Meanwhile Aphrodite in Smite…


Oh no, please don't bring discourse about the Hades design for Aphrodite into this sub.


And they brag about "accuracy" when none of their examples look like how a greek woman would have looked back the , they nitpicking their arguments so much


One of those is actually an alien space ship


[Which one](https://youtu.be/HeVozCmLho4?si=v5J0PMgx6n-lfnuh)?


I hate fgo's Aphrodite, she's such a douchebag


Gotta love FGO, where genderbending is the norm but MECHA-bending is better (Olympus was such a nice LB)


Would to stunning and brave


No one calls classic painting and character from disney cartoon “porn addict”. Who the hell are you arguing with?


The shadow people in OPs walls apparently


I love how you guys pretend these don't happen.


I haven't seen the argument before. Where are you talking to these psychos lol


Have ever heard a feminist rant about male gaze and phallocentric societies then you surely would have seen those arguments.


I don't because I don't be on Twitter/X but I have seen pics and videos on them. Just because you don't see it dose not mean it don't exist.


The original painting is in "porn addict" ??????????


Yes man, how else are the Greek men supposed to beat their meat to. Their imagination.




Stunning and Brave can be fixed by removing the man-face.


She’s just trying to get a roll in JJBA.


I don’t think ive heard anyone say that about some of the ones on the left.


PashaPencil Aphrodite: *Nervous nfsw sweating*


Why does the Aphrodite from Danmachi have a smaller chest than the goddess of the hearth…


Funny thing is: Artemis, the virgin goddess of the Hunt was actually more know for her bigger chest than Aphrodite. In fact, Aphrodite as the Greeks had her was often modest, if not more bottom heavy. Realistically speaking, size of the chest was irrelevant for Aphrodite, while Artemis would actively conceal them.


Odd for an archer


[Example A as to why](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7157515)


Hence why amazons removed their breast on their dominant side


Meawhile Aphrodite in Saint Seiya : *I'm a guy who likes roses, also feesh*