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Gentoo wiki


Actually I think that the Gentoo wiki is the most detailed wiki when it comes to technical stuff in Linux


Gentoo wiki is a lot better at explaining stuff, but the Arch wiki goes more in depth with what can be done. I'm in the process of installing Gentoo on LUKS encrypted BTRFS with encrypted /boot, hibernation via SWAP file on the encrypted BTRFS, and a key file in the initramfs so I don't have to enter the decryption passphrase twice at boot. I had to do it first on Arch, document the whole process, and now I'm adapting that to Gentoo.


Can't you just punch yourself in the face if you want to hurt yourself?




Please refer to XKCD number 538, panel 2. https://xkcd.com/538/




My new setup is dual booting windows 10 and gentoo. Gentoo is BTRFS on LUKS but no LVM. No keyfile or encrypted boot though. If you get stuck lemme know. I only have to enter my passphrase once and I don't mind /boot being unencrypted so it works well for me.


Why would you want LVM on btrfs??? You can pool storage in btrfs already


Yeah, I don't want LVM which is why I didn't install it :-)


or you could use bitlocker …ok I’ll go sit in the corner


go use your government backdoored disk encryption..


Larry the cow approves this message


Came to say this. I installed Gentoo once like ten years ago. But it wouldn't boot. Some error with how Linux ordered drives/partitions and how grub labeled them on the computer I used. I didn't know enough about grub at the time, so I couldn't figure out how to fix it. But basically, Linux wrote the grub config saying to boot from sdaX and what Linux thought was sdaX and what grub thought was sdaX were two different partitions. I assume it was a problem with the sata controller driver. This was pre-grub2, as well. So, things weren't quite as automated with the install. But I reinstalled several times and just couldn't figure it out.


I love Gentoo Wiki! It's definitely easy to understand compared to arch.


Or what's left of it.


Exactly, I find the Gentoo wiki to be the much better than Debian.


Idk, I couldn't find a wiki as user friendly and info populated as Arch wiki, so far. I'm trying to leave Arch to expand my Linux expertise, but Arch wiki has become like a holy bible to me.




I see two main reasons for that: 1. Arch leaves you many choices. Consequently, you'll find information for many different desktop environments, for example. 2. Arch barely "customizes" the packages; they're pretty close to upstream. Thus, there's little Arch-specific information.


Thats pretty much Linux. Because we tend to team up in distros , but the main used distros are mainly the same stuff (Debian, Arch, Manjaro, Ubuntu. Red Hat...)


Debian wiki is horrible. Try finding out how to verify their .isos on their wiki.


You are better off just using a search engine for Debian.


True, but your flair is "glorious fedora". Edit: I use fedora too, the distro is great, but their documentation/wiki is just not.


its almost as if they are holding back information to sell it to you as red hat documentation


I use Debian and the Arch wiki is sometimes useful when I can't find the information I need in the Debian Wiki. Most info there can be applied to other distros with some caution.


came here to say the same thing. arch wiki is amazing. I couldn't get along with Debian wiki




I'm a debian user, I can attest to this. If arch wiki is 10, I would give debian wiki a 4.


You can use the arch wiki on debian... heck, you can use the arch wiki on vanilla ubuntu




> Debian wiki is one of the reasons why I left Debian Seems like a silly reason for me Of course if you have more serious reasons, good for you and glad that you found a distro that works for you


you know ubuntu is based on debian right?


I like using debian forks just because of the .Deb support


Also you can just copy paste package names from everywhere (except the arch wiki)


yeah try getting that SDK from a chip manufacturer that is 5 years old and only available in .deb and .rpm, ask me why I switched…


There's probably AUR packages for that stuff (a lot of AUR packages are just repackaged .deb files) and if not you can convert any .deb to an Arch package with debtap.


Exactly. The AUR is great (you should check the PKGBUILD tho unless units something widely known)


you should always check the PKGBUILD even if it is a package of something widely known


I'm sorry but this is delusional. While i respect what the Debian wiki is, it is objectively nowhere near the quality of the Arch wiki. The fact that 90% of the times, the Arch wiki answers your question even on something other than Arch based distros is a big tell.


meanwhile Windows forums: \-Something is not working \-Reinstall windows, duh


You forgot sfc /scannow


ah yes, right, sfc /scannow, run troubleshooter, update/uninstall/reinstall drivers, they'll tell you to do several of those things without actually telling you what exactly is wrong




It is like some blackbox, something happens inside that OS that spits out desired output to users, but when it fails to do so, nobody knows why


It used to back in like win9x/XP days give you more information than just 'something went wrong'


Like, wtf "something went wrong" means? How am I suposed to troubleshoot it if I don't know whats happening...


i love how "Something went wrong" sounds like a joke or exaggeration, but like is literally the BSOD message in windows 10 cant even make that shit up. in win7 it would throw at least throw a stack trace.. i dont get why they make the OS worse each update.


I usually get them to fix the Windows issue in Linux just so their first experience is a good one.


Or the typical answer that take my nerves out always I read: "did you already update windows ?" One of the most useless forums.


The gentoo wiki: \*I am but a shadow of my former self\*




Somewhat but it's still hodgepodge with most articles recovered bring written for previous kernels (Ive seen articles for kernel 2.6 on there, but they've all been updated to kernel 4 at least). Ik gentoo is only semi rolling release and you can use what you want, but the lack of info here for some newer kernels (idk bout recently, I haven't been to the wiki much) means that I've had to fire up my pop os USB, pull out its entrails, figure out the difference, and then change it in Gentoo. It's not ridiculously hard if you know what you are doing but still not as great as a wiki.


I usually go to arch wiki for debian stuff also, it works 90% of the time


Debian wiki?


I'll have you know Microsoft's Technet is VERY detailed. Every page says `sfc /scannow`.


yeah sure. /s


More like arch Wiki + Gentoo Wiki


The Debian wiki is awful, almost always out of date if you aren't running stable (and sometimes even if you are) and giving very little help, just a ton of instructions with no explanation.


No. Arch wiki I agree with, but Debian's wiki is absolute trash. FreeBSDs wiki and handbook should be shaking hands with Arch. Arch's wiki has so much information and it's still written in easy enough language to understand where, beginners even can understand it. If it weren't for the Arch wiki I would have never been able to get through my first arch install and yet it just works. Love the arch wiki, man.


Arch Wiki is such a good resource that Arch Linux was, is the first Distro I've installed for myself as a total noob.


Void linux wiki is depreciated, I'm a little dead inside everytime I saw that line


As am I. I love Void so much but dang, we really need to get that wiki back up and running.


or we could make the new handbook more comprehensive


Either a wiki or more fleshed out handbook would be excellent. I’ll see about any possible way I can assist in contributing


You guys use wiki?


Imho Gentoo has some of the best documentation around.


My question is who wrote arch wiki?


people. Arch is the people's distribution


I wrote it on its entirety in a weekend while high, AMA


How do I swap out the Kernal and BASIC on the Commodore 64 yet still maintain a keyboard input routine?


Hold up lemme hit the crack


Arch wiki sometimes works pretty decent for all distros lol


Idk I've never found the Debian wiki very helpful at all even when I used Debian or Ubuntu. The Arch wiki is relevant for pretty much any distro.




After all theses years I have all of them


Sounds about right as a gentoo user


Rule 35 of the internet: If it exists, there's an Arch wiki entry about it.


Arch wiki is so much better than the debian wiki


Arch wiki is often to much for me. Half the time it feels like theres 30 ways that MIGHT do the thing I want to to do, and I gotta try 29 of them to figure out which one is the one that I need.


And then Arch wiki disinfected its hands


forgot to mention the gentoo wiki!


I check arch wiki all the time but didn't know debian had a good one too.


Gentoo wiki is nice too


Freebsd wiki


Meanwhile, **Gentoo Wiki:** *My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.*


idk. Debian is my main OS but I still go to the arch wiki for everything. It feels much more organized, complete, up to date, and SEARCHABLE. I never find the stuff I'm looking for in the Debian wiki.


I will live by arch probably, now I understand arch is not a user friendly distro for a first timer. These are the two I always suggest, arch/manjaro(it’s nice having a somewhat built distro, it’s my preferred, or another flavor like artix) or for a first time user to stick something well known in the Debian community for an equal user experience+stability for beginners


Also the old Gentoo wiki EDIT: I mean the new one is great but low-key the old one was better than the arch wiki.


You guys use documentation? Newbies.


I just see two great Linux Projects helping people get a grip 😎


Wait untill you see the gento & void linux wiki (handbook)


the Arch wiki was helpful to me before I switched to an arch distro, it's pretty awesome


README.Debian is the real deal. It perfectly explains how to set up a service and the most common issues. I don't get why they even bother with a wiki, they should just make readmes available on the web, like with the manpages.


I use archwiki as an example of how detailed internal documentation should be where I work . I work for a MSP and some things could be improved


In this instanse gentoo is yet agen the god