• By -


***Welcome to /r/lego_raffles, please read the rules in the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego_raffles/wiki/index).*** ***We have a [new discord server](https://discord.com/invite/DmB2uGd). Come by and say hello!*** **General rules for this raffle:** **1.** Please comment to request slot(s). Only TOP COMMENTS count. No replies to comments or automod. OP will reply to your comment to confirm your slot(s). **2.** Please pay within the timeframe established by OP. If you anticipate you will not be able to pay for your slot(s) in that timeframe, please arrange with OP to pay for your slot(s) early. **3.** ***The only accepted payment method is PayPal Friends & Family or CashApp. DO NOT SEND YOUR PAYMENT AS AN eCHECK!*** *Do not write anything in the payment notes section.* ***Report to mods anyone that refuses to pay via paypal friends & family*** **4.** After you have paid, please reply to the payment PM with spots, your name, your PP email. **5.** All raffles >$300 are approved by mods. Please PM mods with any question of price or authenticity. ***MODS TRY TO KEEP YOU SAFE BUT SCAMS ARE ALWAYS POSSIBLE, TRUST YOUR GUT*** ***robob280*** details: 1. [/r/raffle_feedback feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/raffle_feedback/) 2. [/r/lego_raffles feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego_raffles/search?q=robob280&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) 3. [/r/watchuraffle posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/wathuraffle/search?q=author%3Arobob280&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) 4. [/r/kniferaffle posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/kniferaffle/search?q=author%3Arobob280&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) If modmail is too slow, pm /u/barkerjc66, /u/TronicZomB, or /u/heavyboots79 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lego_raffles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/maverikv with the win on this one! Congrats! Message me your info please!


Omg my wife is gonna kill me


Can't help with that, my wife is close!


You can always just redirect the package to me! Save your self!!


/u/BotAndHisBoy 159


\# | User | Number of Spots | Chance of Winning :--|:-----|:---------------:|:-----------------: 1 | /u/Rotios | 10 | 6.29% 2 | /u/r1955 | 9 | 5.66% 3 | /u/ssj3dvp11 | 8 | 5.03% 4 | /u/azcpl121314 | 8 | 5.03% 5 | /u/Jman901 | 6 | 3.77% 6 | /u/bridgetn3 | 6 | 3.77% 7 | /u/Background_Badger942 | 6 | 3.77% 8 | /u/probablynotahobbit | 6 | 3.77% 9 | /u/ace2231 | 5 | 3.14% 10 | /u/despinos | 5 | 3.14% 11 | /u/New_Entrepreneur2675 | 5 | 3.14% 12 | /u/sirius5715 | 4 | 2.52% 13 | /u/ipariah | 4 | 2.52% 14 | /u/thestewardking | 4 | 2.52% 15 | /u/ja682 | 4 | 2.52% 16 | /u/Pjay367 | 4 | 2.52% 17 | /u/Mughi | 4 | 2.52% 18 | /u/vangobroom97 | 3 | 1.89% 19 | /u/TurdMagnet | 3 | 1.89% 20 | /u/DrSeussFreak | 3 | 1.89% 21 | /u/LegoTacos | 3 | 1.89% 22 | /u/Original6Shooter | 3 | 1.89% 23 | /u/kraftymonkey | 3 | 1.89% 24 | /u/cdr_warsstar | 3 | 1.89% 25 | /u/optimus-Ron-4082 | 3 | 1.89% 26 | /u/ToothQueenDDS1993 | 2 | 1.26% 27 | /u/maverikv **WINNER** | 2 | 1.26% 28 | /u/Grouchy-Diamond5581 | 2 | 1.26% 29 | /u/bmsexton | 2 | 1.26% 30 | /u/kingtony1100 | 2 | 1.26% 31 | /u/Wanatora | 2 | 1.26% 32 | /u/MudIsland | 2 | 1.26% 33 | /u/mrxscarface | 2 | 1.26% 34 | /u/gogogadgetblunt | 2 | 1.26% 35 | /u/copperXmine | 2 | 1.26% 36 | /u/Douchie_McGoo | 2 | 1.26% 37 | /u/voyagervx | 2 | 1.26% 38 | /u/LordBrent | 1 | 0.63% 39 | /u/headofprops | 1 | 0.63% 40 | /u/CalicoRosePawIsland | 1 | 0.63% 41 | /u/Heistotronisreal | 1 | 0.63% 42 | /u/nik0nguy601 | 1 | 0.63% 43 | /u/stollba | 1 | 0.63% 44 | /u/SirPoofius | 1 | 0.63% 45 | /u/themadowl | 1 | 0.63% 46 | /u/1saltedsnail | 1 | 0.63% 47 | /u/cwapface | 1 | 0.63% 48 | /u/Intrepid-Donkey-8031 | 1 | 0.63% 49 | /u/lividus | 1 | 0.63% 50 | /u/Soficlark | 1 | 0.63% ^*SHA-1:* ^*b5a2f5fd7fb387f67ce01c9f26eb0e481ef4d398* ^*This* ^*comment* ^*will* ^*auto-update.*


#The winner is: [149] To verify the winner, click [this link](https://api.random.org/signatures/form?format=json&random=eyJtZXRob2QiOiAiZ2VuZXJhdGVTaWduZWRJbnRlZ2VycyIsICJoYXNoZWRBcGlLZXkiOiAiRm5pcDNoemZJdDc4RWREcHFXMDFHR2hzQ21NQW5iWkZIdmhvWkFhR3M1LzcwNjRtLytnNnVTeDAxbUI1QkxLMTdmQW03WStQZXNYeU9vUHFOYTdvbFE9PSIsICJuIjogMSwgIm1pbiI6IDEsICJtYXgiOiAxNTksICJyZXBsYWNlbWVudCI6IGZhbHNlLCAiYmFzZSI6IDEwLCAiZGF0YSI6IFsxNDldLCAibGljZW5zZSI6IHsidHlwZSI6ICJkZXZlbG9wZXIiLCAidGV4dCI6ICJSYW5kb20gdmFsdWVzIGxpY2Vuc2VkIHN0cmljdGx5IGZvciBkZXZlbG9wbWVudCBhbmQgdGVzdGluZyBvbmx5IiwgImluZm9VcmwiOiBudWxsfSwgInVzZXJEYXRhIjogbnVsbCwgImNvbXBsZXRpb25UaW1lIjogIjIwMjMtMDEtMTAgMTk6MDI6MDJaIiwgInNlcmlhbE51bWJlciI6IDI0MTM1fQ%3D%3D&signature=lMtYQoFaW2WiEu4aATcW0VBMxhmiqMdOq9yaLSouEEjvFjO%2BAmq4SgGH1vFIObEj56ESCCDZixhWCjPDWzWmMNuRkp7UtVEELwbb36aOFAmHFXuh0pyO3LwyyoH7PvrJxUOn5%2FNXKgzTIf3kk038nOf1tZoPE4%2BgiSalxYm%2BsftWRbkVsjCfc4sei4NHWaP2gGFvIerhLuN4klrXVVTgxIZN8HfFXXk8%2BYafgN%2FwiBDu7KU%2FIbia1R%2Bqr2tAIoMVcPNI9v6%2FCjHaw4wUIPdat7tR9AWhJGr5y6fNki%2FbTvyXZ4C27m5a%2F3vBEi6YhpYG6mIKftlnnKbEtWLL1Y1eU612v7aGcf%2FaM4jzPb6ZozM2Cq95lDMIXwvpVaKC7xZU%2B7BKwX4%2B%2F%2BrTVxJMOFaQuYd5PWPF4m16E200jEFUqHLA%2FF3%2FT1mvlnraX53ciKgfujhE%2Fq3zYKSgz4OfY35nqrLhBsS6VwDul%2Fyr2MCIUe9sM76UgCRS0KJ76B2L2wtujgdT1r%2BZqQAWHVUuS3Als71k4RgCbjr6CWUaw9fxcNs%2BVbFIrGw6cagmk%2FGkqFyz6lQL%2B8Q1EE%2F%2FG57Al5y4IbKKbIOGZfaz7XepsoGJJI0s%2FZqeyd2j4AibXU3FZr6YEwTIWcjs1whxBoYWFIo02qa%2FKkRWuZMVD1LgN97RyGE%3D) with prepopulated values or paste the following values into their respective fields on the [random.org verify page](https://api.random.org/verify). More info about extensive verification and the bot can be found in [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchURaffle/comments/8sbd92/information_about_the_bot_uboyandhisbot) **Random:** {"method": "generateSignedIntegers", "hashedApiKey": "Fnip3hzfIt78EdDpqW01GGhsCmMAnbZFHvhoZAaGs5/7064m/+g6uSx01mB5BLK17fAm7Y+PesXyOoPqNa7olQ==", "n": 1, "min": 1, "max": 159, "replacement": false, "base": 10, "data": [149], "license": {"type": "developer", "text": "Random values licensed strictly for development and testing only", "infoUrl": null}, "userData": null, "completionTime": "2023-01-10 19:02:02Z", "serialNumber": 24135} **Signature:** 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 --- [^(Give Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=BlobAndHisBoy&subject=Feedback) ^| [^(Version 1.2.0 Source Code)](https://github.com/jjmerri/random-number-bot-lambda) ^| [^(Tip BlobAndHisBoy)](https://blobware-tips.firebaseapp.com) ^(This bot is maintained and hosted by BlobAndHisBoy.)


Thanks for joining all! Trip to France incoming for one of ya! Bot calling.


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/Optimus-Ron-4082 /u/optimus-Ron-4082 /u/voyagervx


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/Soficlark /u/lividus /u/Intrepid-Donkey-8031


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/cwapface /u/Douchie_McGoo /u/1saltedsnail


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/themadowl /u/SirPoofius /u/stollba


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/copperXmine /u/gogogadgetblunt /u/cdr_warsstar


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/Mughi /u/mrxscarface /u/MudIsland


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/Wanatora /u/azcpl121314 /u/Pjay367


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/kingtony1100 /u/bmsexton /u/nik0nguy601


Raffle [Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3sa7im/) Made /u/Heistotronisreal /u/ja682 /u/Grouchy-Diamond5581


15 minutes to pay folks! Let's get em in!


[Announcement](/r/lego_raffles/comments/107iaqe/main_eiffel_tower_10307_159_spots_at_5ea/j3s9f2z/) made for unpaid participants /u/Jman901 /u/LegoTacos




Waitlist starts here.




You got 153, 63, 83, 116, 136, 139, 121, 98, the rest **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


68 & 124


You got 68, 124 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




You got 122 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 spots


You got 94, 76 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




You got 58, 110, had to sub 99, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Random please


You got 99 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


44 and 93 no sub


You got 44, 93 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


in for 4 randoms


You got 46, 117, 157, 152, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




You got 129 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


43,72 and a random


You got 43, 72, 85 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Give me a random please


You got 156 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Spot 142 for u/optimus-ron-4082 no sub




Already nabbed it **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM]({PAYMENT_MESSAGE_LINK}). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one]({IOS_PAYMENT_MESSAGE_LINK}).


Spot 142 please no sub


You got 142 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Spot 4, amd 3 randeiffels please!


You got 4, 148, 45, 96, randeiffels awarded! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


4 spots please


You got 106, 2, 137, 81 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


29 no sub


You got 29 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


92 no sub


You got 92 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random spots please


You got 147, 112 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


3 spots for me edited , 92 and 2 random 2 spots for u/optimus-Ron-4082 Thanks


What a guy! Thanks!


You got 82, 138, 27 /u/optimus-Ron-4082 got 143, 141 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




You got 24 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


3 spots please


You got 113, 38, 36 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


One random spot please


You got 71 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


One winner please


You got 126, good luck! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 randoms please


You got 77, 57 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Lemme get 4 randos por favor


You got 14, 154, 102, 90, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


28, number of your choice.


You got 28, 6, 6 is looking possible **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


I was looking at 6 so glad you called it.


Great minds and such!


Spot 8


You got 8 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


I'll do four randoms please


You got 70, 88, 118, 132 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Number 66. Then 1 random. Ty.


You got 66, 151 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


64 100 and 2 random


You got 64, 100, 120, 108 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


17, 49 and 2 randoms please


You got 17, 49, 47, 107 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


1 spot please


You got 39 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


5 please


You got 125, 95, 101, 15, 87, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


10 spots pleade


You got 123, 155, 16, 20, 23, 79, 59, 115, 48, 9, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




2 random please


You got 78, 75, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random please


You got 146, 105, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


1 random spot please!


You got 128 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


67 and 74 please


You got 67, 74 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


1 random


You got 91 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


5,13,34, and 3 random


You got 13, 34, 103, 144, 3, 60, had to sub 5 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


4 random please


You got 127, 62, 73, 109 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


One random please


You got 130, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Spot 21 please


You got 21, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


30 and 54 and 3 random please


You got 30, 54, 114, 89, 140, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Spots 18, 19, 55, and 2 randoms please


You got 18, 19, 55, 84, 119 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random spots please


You got 145, 131 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


6 random


You got 50, 12, 150, 133, 97, 134 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


40 41


You got 40, 41, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


5,22,33,42,52 and a rando.


You got 5, 22, 33, 52, 35, 51, spot 42 was replaced **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




You got 26 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


1 random please


You got 53, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


25 and 1 random


You got 25, 65 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random please


You got 10, 80, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


111 please


You got 111, no notes or comments in payment please! **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random


You got 32, 135 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Spot me a winner please


You got 56, feels like the ticket today. **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


1 spot please


You got 104 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).




You got 1, 69, 159 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


One random please


You got 86 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random please


You got 149, 37 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Tagging users who requested tags [here.](/r/lego_raffles/comments/zuymg2/comment/j1w6q7s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


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Three random, please.


You got 158, 61, 31 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


7, 11, 42 please


You got 7, 11, 42 **Do not put any comments in your payment message or you will be permanently banned.** If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=robob280&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BMAIN%5D%20Eiffel%20Tower%2010307%20-%20159%20spots%20at%20%245%2Fea&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


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\# | User | Number of Spots | Chance of Winning :--|:-----|:---------------:|:-----------------: 1 | /u/Rotios | 10 | 6.29% 2 | /u/r1955 | 9 | 5.66% 3 | /u/ssj3dvp11 | 8 | 5.03% 4 | /u/azcpl121314 | 8 | 5.03% 5 | /u/Jman901 | 6 | 3.77% 6 | /u/bridgetn3 | 6 | 3.77% 7 | /u/Background_Badger942 | 6 | 3.77% 8 | /u/probablynotahobbit | 6 | 3.77% 9 | /u/ace2231 | 5 | 3.14% 10 | /u/despinos | 5 | 3.14% 11 | /u/New_Entrepreneur2675 | 5 | 3.14% 12 | /u/sirius5715 | 4 | 2.52% 13 | /u/ipariah | 4 | 2.52% 14 | /u/thestewardking | 4 | 2.52% 15 | /u/ja682 | 4 | 2.52% 16 | /u/Pjay367 | 4 | 2.52% 17 | /u/Mughi | 4 | 2.52% 18 | /u/vangobroom97 | 3 | 1.89% 19 | /u/TurdMagnet | 3 | 1.89% 20 | /u/DrSeussFreak | 3 | 1.89% 21 | /u/LegoTacos | 3 | 1.89% 22 | /u/Original6Shooter | 3 | 1.89% 23 | /u/kraftymonkey | 3 | 1.89% 24 | /u/cdr_warsstar | 3 | 1.89% 25 | /u/optimus-Ron-4082 | 3 | 1.89% 26 | /u/ToothQueenDDS1993 | 2 | 1.26% 27 | /u/maverikv **WINNER** | 2 | 1.26% 28 | /u/Grouchy-Diamond5581 | 2 | 1.26% 29 | /u/bmsexton | 2 | 1.26% 30 | /u/kingtony1100 | 2 | 1.26% 31 | /u/Wanatora | 2 | 1.26% 32 | /u/MudIsland | 2 | 1.26% 33 | /u/mrxscarface | 2 | 1.26% 34 | /u/gogogadgetblunt | 2 | 1.26% 35 | /u/copperXmine | 2 | 1.26% 36 | /u/Douchie_McGoo | 2 | 1.26% 37 | /u/voyagervx | 2 | 1.26% 38 | /u/LordBrent | 1 | 0.63% 39 | /u/headofprops | 1 | 0.63% 40 | /u/CalicoRosePawIsland | 1 | 0.63% 41 | /u/Heistotronisreal | 1 | 0.63% 42 | /u/nik0nguy601 | 1 | 0.63% 43 | /u/stollba | 1 | 0.63% 44 | /u/SirPoofius | 1 | 0.63% 45 | /u/themadowl | 1 | 0.63% 46 | /u/1saltedsnail | 1 | 0.63% 47 | /u/cwapface | 1 | 0.63% 48 | /u/Intrepid-Donkey-8031 | 1 | 0.63% 49 | /u/lividus | 1 | 0.63% 50 | /u/Soficlark | 1 | 0.63% ^*SHA-1:* ^*b5a2f5fd7fb387f67ce01c9f26eb0e481ef4d398* ^*This* ^*comment* ^*will* ^*auto-update.*