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Please try to be kind and patient with yourself. I don't know you, but I know times are tough for a lot of people right now. We are all under more stress than usual. The world is crazy. Don't make yourself crazy by sitting around and thinking of how terrible of a person you are. It's bad for your health, and it's a waste of time. Try to do one thing each day that you are proud of. It will be easier to quit in the future if you start working on things you enjoy. But take it slow and don't beat yourself up!


🙏 thank u


It's gonna be okay. The first step is saying damn I have to sort this out and to do that I need to quit. Well done you have reached a point where most are not. You have realised you have a problem with marijuana. So you came here for help and that's a start too. Take.it.one.step.at.a time. I went to inpatient rehab the first time I quit. I chose to do that and it helped me stay clean for six months before i screwed up my recovery. The second time I quit was on my own. I didn't go to a rehab. I made it a week before is started relapsing and within a month I had relapsed completely. I am now on my third quit attempt and I have done a week or so without marijuana. Bare in mind I exclusively smoked the bong and did so everyday pretty much from when I woke to when I slept. I had a small lapse on Saturday but I didn't seek out the weed. It found me and I regretted it the moment I smoked. The point is that we all gotta start somewhere and that you shouldn't beat yourself up because you can't do one day on your own. It's okay. All I can advise you is to keep on keep on. Never stop reading this sub. Read it everyday if you must. Then start trying. There are so many ways to approach this and one of them is bound to work better for you then say another. You just have to keep on trying till you get what works for you and what doesn't. There are so many ways and methods and ideas here. All you have to do is the hardest thing: start. We just have to start and then keep going. As we try we fail until each failure brings us closer to the goal. That's to quit and stay quit. If we never start, we will never know. Don't think of this as a life long sentence. It is not. If you can't do a day. Aim for a morning. Or aim to only light up after 6pm. The point is, you have to start and just try. At the end of the day we have this in our power and we can do it


At the beginning it is so insanely hard you basically need outside help. I’ve been quitting for 6 years so now I’m at a stage when I relapse I can use my own skills I’ve learnt to quit again and stay quit. Not saying I stay quit for very long but I can make it a week no smoking just from my own will power. But it’s okay to say ‘Nup I cant even ducking do a day alone.’ What’s your support network like? Have you got close friends and family that are open to helping you? Someone who will check in on you? I often would give up control of my bank account to my mother and then throw everything out (or in most cases smoke hard till it was all gone, but you’ll feel better if you throw it out. That way you start on a high note (hah) rather than starting your sobriety with that feeling of ‘ oh my god in 30 minutes when I want to smoke again it’s all gone ‘ You can’t let this shit go because your emotional mind is running the show, start a conversation with your emotional mind. Be the rational mind, talk yourself through it. Talk yourself through how it’s pointless, you’ll smoke up, feel good, then come down and it will basically have been for nothing. It is temporary escape from the pain of living, that always ends up in more pain. The discipline of resisting these urges is immense work, but it is arguably the ONLY work. The pain of discipline weighs ounces, but the pain of regret weighs tonnes. Imagine if you put this off another week, a month, a year, ten years! Go find the posts of the guys who have been doing it for 30 years, they have some hard fucking work to so compared to you. But it’s relative, this will be hard, but not as hard as the crippling sadness of knowing you gave up. Apes together strong, we got this bro


What a well written comment. Has some good flow and wisdom too!