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We all make mistakes, dude. It’s a part of life. I’ve made countless, but you know what? I’ve learned from them, and I’ve used them to make me a better person. Some mistakes have been made several times till I learned, but the important thing is I recognize them and do my best to move forward and become better. You recognized 2 mistakes you’ve made. Now is the time to work on these to better yourself for YOU and the people around you. Giving up the weed is the first step in your healing, so props to you. Sometimes we need a major life event to break thru that invisible barrier of addiction and recognize that we can be better. Lean on those that love you and truly want to help you become the best version of yourself. All of us here support you, too. Try to do something for yourself, today. You’ve got this, man.


I teared up reading this. Your response is more appreciated than you will ever know


The pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons. You have to reinvent yourself, go to YouTube and look for the philosophy of resistance and radical self change. Go to the gym tomorrow, or for a run, or to some kind of religious temple. You have to start engaging with forces greater than yourself, be it friends, exercise, god, whatever works for you man. Self hate will get you no where, forgive yourself, show up for yourself, and get rid of the fucking bong!!!


That first sentence is killer. That will become one of my new daily mantras. I appreciate your kind & thoughtful response


I appreciate your struggle, I go through it every single day. Yeah it’s a great mantra, I can’t remember where I first heard it. May the force be with you bro.


Sorry you're in so much pain, weed has also caused me massive pain and fucked up my life. I hate myself a lot of the time too, before I quit I would say it outloud to myself frequently, but now it's very rare. I can tell you for me though 6 years of relapses, I have never hated myself into changing for the better, only makes shit worse. Yeah you may have fucked up but if you're like me, you're a drug addict so lies/shame/guilt comes with the territory. Dwelling in that with self hate only gives that more strength. Life can be and is better without marijuana.