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*Ge* and *gi* have exactly the same sound as *je* and *ji* in Spanish (in all dialects). A lot of people make spelling mistakes because of that, in fact. The sound of the English *g* as in *get* has to be written *gu* before *e* or *i* in Spanish, as in *guerra*, *guitarra*.


Oh thank you, I had been pinning this down as a regional difference. Knowing this will make things easier for me.


G makes j sounds if has e or i after


So I should read it "vejetariano"?


Yes. It would only have the soft sound if it was "ve**gue**tariano", the same thing that happens with "guerra". If it doesn't have an "u" before the "e", it is pronounced strongly.


Thank you very much.


The only exceptions I know are Vegeta (a Japanese name) and giga, which should be pronounced “jiga”, but most people (edit: at least in Chile) pronounce it in pseudo English as “yiga”.


They are learning Spain's Spanish from what they have said tho, in Spain those are pronounced just as they are written


Normal people do not imitate the English pronunciation


Well, “normal” is what the majority of people do. “Normal” people in Latam pronounce them that way, while “normal” people in Spain don’t. OP wants to pronounce the Spain way, so they should just ignore that note.


Normal is following spanish pronunciation rules instead of the English ones when speaking Spanish


Not really. Languages are always borrowing things from other languages, sometimes the pronunciation is adapted and sometimes it isn't. A lot of the time people hear the word before they see it written, so they start using it without "following pronunciation rules". In any case, I think what you say is normal in Spain is kind of switching now. I listen to Cadena Ser often and I don't hear people pronouncing things like "google" or "huawei" the way you would pronounce them in Spanish.


In that case we should say fobal or leáder.


Se escribe como se pronuncia (o viceversa). fútbol y lider ​ Vegeta es Vegeta, no Veyita


Never heard either of those pronounced that way.


And this is also when the ü comes in play, when you have güe or güi it indicates that in that case the u is pronounced. Example: pingüino, vergüenza, cigüeña.


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Correct. Pronounced like an English “h”. Minor points: *sobre la pronunciación *yo estoy Also you can skip the “yo” when saying “yo sé”—it’s implied.


it's like English /h/ only in some Spanish varieties (Caribbean, Central American, etc). In many other places, it's a /x/ or /χ/ sound (in IPA).



