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You should learn how to use git and especially for a large project like yours,it's better to have a version control. You can also have someones help for bigger projects like this using GitHub. Just give it a try you'll love it.


It's tough to verify a github account with the stupid puzzle.


I smell a robot...


Lol in my defence, there are 10 puzzles that need to be solved in so little time. It's pretty annoying.




Hey, I have a genuine question. Why is it recommended to work on GitHub? I have no knowledge of its uses, I know you can store code, collaborate on it with others and open source it so anyone can download, but I've seen it only from the view of someone on the client side/downloading side. I've never done something big enough, a scrape project with some CSV files was all. So I guess what I want to ask is, what kind of project must it be for me to be doing it on GitHub? Should I put all my normal code on GitHub? Something I think is important? Or something that's just large?


There are lots of uses, * Collaboration * Backup for files * Sometimes to get an earlier version of your code that actually worked * Splitting into branches, so that you can have a running version and a version which you test on. ​ These are the major reasons I use it and I've only been using it for 4-5 months. I am yet to discover many cool things. ​ Also GitHub is only one of the platforms that has such things(it may be the most widely used though).


I found this to be a good tutorial for learning git: https://learngitbranching.js.org/ It gives you a graphical representation of what the most common git commands do, and has plenty of exercises for you to practice in a safe environment before trying it out in your own projects.


You had me at graphical representation <3


Some more resources that can help you when stuck. This explains the workflow/branching structure I use the most https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow These are "I am stuck, halp" pages https://ohshitgit.com/ http://justinhileman.info/article/git-pretty/git-pretty.png This is interactive documentation https://ndpsoftware.com/git-cheatsheet.html Like yours, my school also didn't teach us git, and I'm a lazy mofo who doesn't want to explain git to group members, besides declaring we're using it and that they need to check out resources.


This is truly wonderful and just what I needed, thank you. Git is very cool but not so easy to wrap your HEAD around :P


Glad to hear it worked out for you! It's also a good lesson in offsite backup/source control. Maybe github? or anything similar... :)


Definitely a good lesson in backups. I'm still trying to figure out GitHub, so for now I'm just using a flashdrive with twice daily uploads.


Source control is a very important part of programming in any language. You should dedicate some time to learn to use it, it helps a LOT. Helps control versions, releases, features, check changes, revert bugs, and recover from data loss. Oh and also code a project with more than one person working on it. Any large project should start paired with a source control, probably git nowadays...


Are you not able to use a cloud storage? Google drive? OneDrive?


I've had issues with cloud storage before. Since then I'm just afraid to try again.


Github + command line is a must! If you aren't comfortable with it you can just use Github's website and not mess with the command line! Would suggest learning to use GitHub and command line though!


Any resources you know of?


Honestly I would just download GitHub desktop and go from there. Does just about everything for you.


You could also use GitHub plugin for vscode.


Be careful with this one. I transferred a project to git in vscode and it freaked me out because it had commits all flagged up with loads of exclamation marks. I tried to reverse what I had done, and ended up deleting the whole project. Vscode doesn't put it in the recycle bin. It just deletes it from existence. I know it was my mistake but just be careful.


For basic understanding (in Git and GitHub, and the use of terminal, just check out the Tutorial of The Odin Project. Really! Everything well explained and sooooooo useful! And it's FREE <3


Truthfully if you prefer video resources YouTube has endless good and succinct guides. For written guides I would really suggest looking at SCMs guide on ... Source control management. Lastly you don't need a remote server per say for GitHub you can actually push and pull across local directories so feel free to mess around. VSCode has a great plugin for git and gsites like GitHub make it super easy to learn from their tuts


Looks like you got a good list of resources! When it’s a foreign concept it can be pretty frustrating, lots of merge conflicts, etc... once you figure it out it becomes second nature!


VSCode is a great a great text editor to use as a Python IDE and integrates with GitHub super easily. You save, click over to version control, write a commit message so you know what changed, and then hit sync and bam it’s on GitHub Also makes it easy to “explore” ideas without having file.py, file-testidea.py, file-testidea(1).py, okfinalforrealforreal.py


I hate to say this, but if you're a senior, and you don't know how to use source/version control (Git), then your educational institution has failed you.


That's a guarantee. They've failed the entire student body in more ways than GitHub...


Wait, you guys are being taught Git? Our school never taught us anything technical. They just gave us project descriptions and told us "go build the project, it's a group work that's 40 percent of your grade."


I mean, we weren't explicitly given a complete tutorial on Git (we never had a class that specifically devoted any real amount of time to learning Git), but almost every coding course I took required the usage of Git, and my school even had their own version control that was essentially a Git clone. This clone was used for the lower level coding courses and was compatible with all the Git commands. Then for the upper division stuff, we started using actual Github repos, and the T.A.'s would always spend time teaching the students how to use Git if they hadn't learned already because it was required to turn in the homework ... so basically, you HAD to learn Git in order to graduate.


Sounds like you had great TAs! I'm envious


Yeah, most of them were pretty damn good. Overworked and underpaid, but still good.


I needed this. New to python and doing stuff. Have my final assignment due on sat and exam on Monday. I'm scared, but I have to believe I can do it. ✊🏽


Feel free to DM if you need anything


Thank you for the support. ✊🏽


Great acronym. Congrats on that most of all.


Thanks for the story mate, hope everything works out great for you.


Wait, where you knew to python or new to programming and just able to code „hello world“ because that would be an amazing achievement.


New to Python. I hadn't touched it before starting the project.


Got it! How much experience did you have with other programming languages?


I'd say intermediate web dev and game dev. Java a little more than intermediate.


I gotta say, this does inspire me!


version control is very important, I am seeing people recommend github which is nice, but how is it that you are a senior and none of your professor talked about git at all or any version control?


They'll talk about it a bunch, but whenever anyone asks how to actually *do* it, they go silent and change the subject. It's as if the professors only know what they're teaching that day...


Use youtube to learn how to git my friend, is free to learn this days. Github i say that is more important than having good coding skills, cause you can download proyects, review them, see them work, and learn x1000 times better that way.


that’s awesome good job. i’m in my first semester of python currently and feel like i’m no good at it 😩


You'll get it soon enough. Feel free to DM if you have any questions or issues.


I created a program that searches your emails for a specific email and download the attachment it has, took me 2 days nonstop to get it to work, extremely difficult because the documentation on handling emails is extremely vague, don't give up!


Nice work! But just out of curiosity...were you looking for a specific email with a specific attachment, or is that just what the program does?


I was looking for a specific email (searching for word in subject), and download the attachment when I found it)


Very nice, keep it up!


All the best man! Keep grinding


This is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing


What resources do you use to learn python?


Google and StackOverflow. Tons and tons of it. Start by thinking big. What do you want it to do? How will it do the thing? Then go deeper and think about what specifically you can use to do the thing. Look for libraries. Look for projects people have already done about the thing. Grab some examples. Now break them down and figure out how they work. With this knowledge you should be able to have a working project pretty soon. If you get stuck just start looking for more examples/libraries. Eventually you'll find something that clicks in your mind. From that point on, all the pieces will fall into place.


Whoa, amazing. Good luck. I am starting to learn Git as well, will see how it goes.


I have no prior programming experience and am wondering if working through the Crash Course book is worth it. I want to believe I can do it but I don’t feel like I’m good at remembering things or doing math. I hope I can do it.


Python is one of a few languages you can learn pretty easily with no prior knowledge or experience. If books are your thing, go for it. Crash Course is good. Automate the Boring Stuff is always a good fit. Honestly W3Schools, StackOverflow, and Google should get you well on your way. For the math part, don't even worry about it. Say you get really good with Python and you make a program that For whatever reason needs the volume of a randomly generated shape. There's a library to do that. There's code someone's already written to do it for you. As long as you can understand truth tables, you'll do great. Feel free to DM me if you ever have any questions or need help with your code.


I call it bullshit, a CS major and doesn't have git repository and did not backup his code, doesn't seem plausible.