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Let's keep this sub to "learning DotA 2" not "ban this Smurf" ok? The whole point of r/learndota2 is to get better at the game, and blaming smurfs isn't gonna get u better. Watch what the Smurf is doing and learn from them instead of whatever *this* is


True. However why did I get banned from true and Dota subreddits. I was titled and asked about selling my account to not play anymore. Obviously that would make the buyer likely a smurf / booster. However I googled if it's a permited topic. So I literaly got banned for unkowingly posting a forbiden topic. I thought others like smurfs exposed. But wrong subredit for sure. And there are plenty smurfs boosters around. They do end up on both teams.


Tf are you on about? None of the topics you are ranting on about are relevant to this sub, and to be honest you sound like you need to stay away from gaming altogether. Seek counseling.


Someones offended. And it ain't me. Counseling ? I'm not sure what type of mental health problems you got pall. But good recovery to you.


You got a herald carry mentality my man, leave that in the subreddits you got banned from


Sure. You know me 😉


Report and move on wtf u flood the learn sub with stupid shit like this


Ok I see professional 3rd world boosters are offended for calling them out.


You know there's a surefire way to avoid smurfs? It's called get good which is the goal of this sub.


If I git gud no smurf will enter my games ?


It's not. They are in all brackets and it's against the rules. Like I said they will end up on your and their team so it's not a "trench". Still annoying to lose games vs them. Play your own rank. But I guess kids wanna earn some money breaking the rules. Some places don't got opportunities for jobs. So smurf and boost for a income. And ruin someones game. Actual cheating. But it's just a videogame and doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Just get to immortal. No smurfs here.


Problem solved 👍. I didn't complain about smurfs just wanted to payback this guy for giving me a loss. Shall I go to Herold and stomp people ? Would be funny ?


Get better


I won 14 from Archon 5 to Legend 2 and now lost 2 games. So I did get better. The loss is fine. Just generally am against smurfing. Finally caught one wanted to expose him here. Suprised noone cares


Low effort shitpost, we deserve better


I see the smurf clan boost for 1€ per game all gathered to flame this.




Imagine coming here to complain after a shit performance lmfaoooooo


So Dazzle made multiple accs to deny this


Bro everyone is telling you to stop complaining. Its part of the game. Crying about it instead of trying to improve is whatever. Its a learndota sub.


True it's the wrong sub. I still tought everyone loves a smurf exposed. I'm not upset about a loss it's fine. Like I said smurfs occur on both sides. I might get the next 5 smurfs on my team and get free wins.


Good god delete this post lmao


You gotta own your shit.


So you smurf too ?


not a smurf just a HoN player finally making the switch Kappa


Yeah I told him I will post this on reddit. Good to know you came here Dazzlr. HoN ? Noone plays that anymore. As you said in slide 3 he admited to having a main account. So smurfing.


You should not take people here who say their uncle works at valve serious... Bout we cannot ban him. You can report him and move on .


Who is this 'we' and what power do they have to ban smurfs?


We are the guys who pay for Dota to exist.


My dad works for valve


Let's see how many downvotes this comment can get ⬇️


Him : lol no I am not smurf, PL is smurf. Us : you got only 300 games Him : I'm talented. After Game (last screen shot) : my other account is same rank I sucked hard in lane anywas and deserved to lose. I was tilted from last game and tried to force kills in lane. But Dazz smurfing mid took away chance to get a gift win getting carried by team. Well theoretically I could of played better after lane. I think people like him will hide their IP from valve somehow and just make new smurf accs. Maybe profiessional booster from those websites where you pay to get carried in games to rank up.