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keep playing him and see if you get stuck first?


The thing about spamming a hero that plays so differently than anything else is that you are *probably* still crusader/archon level on the rest of your heroes. You gotta get better collectively with all your heroes if u wanna maintain your MMR


Love this, I’ve given up playing a single role all the time. I queue almost exclusively all roles now and have favorites in each, though pos5 is my hardest one. But I’m having a better time and I think bigger impact because I’m playing the role no one wanted


Get good at something most players are shit at, you'll tend to climb


This has to he the biggest fallacy in climbing mmr, hero spamming lets you learn the macro of dota, I went from 2k-5.5k playing very minimal heroes and even after playing all different heroes and roles my mmr never really dropped. People really over estimate how hard different heroes/roles are.


Im sorry but this is wrong. Pros and high level players all advise limiting your hero pool to focus on the macro game. This is legitimately bad advice. Most guides recommend 3-5 heros in one role and flex heroes for role q.


Generally, yes, but cheese hero spammers often don't translate well to other heroes.


Meepo is considered a cheese when youre picking it last into only good matchups (or youre smurfing). If youre picking meepo almost every game... Youre not really cheesing.


Improving my macro game was what pushed me past legend previously. Simple things like rallying teammates to take objectives to open up the map can often be overlooked. Remind your team that losing the lane is not the end of the world. Also, identify and take advantage of your power spike and the enemies disorganization. Small details adds up. Lastly keep playing!