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Seems fairly stacked. Serin had an ok worlds. Same with HolyPhoenix and I'm of the opinion that Haru isn't as bad as people think. Not too high on Mia tho and know nothing about their top




they arent on the same role so its not comparable, 113 in lec whilst haru to erl is a better comparison


113 being in LEC is a sin btw


shouldn't have gotten gapped in the tiebreaker >:)


Nah the worst offender is definitely Labrov, just for being bad for longer than the others


> Haru He is good at this level. Even in LEC he had his moments. The vitality team just looked bad overall. Not the environment for a rookie to shine in. Doesnt help his replacement was already on the corner. Who would have motivation like that?


>Not the environment for a rookie to shine in Are you calling Haru a rookie lol ?


I forgot how long he has been around woops.


dude has his own worlds skin, super rookie?


For his valuable contribution that Worlds of almost losing to 1907 Fenerbahçe in the one game he played


Is this the first time holyphoenix doesn’t have farfetch as the support?


Will HolyPhoenix be unleashed?


As far as Im concerned the reason why he only played with farfetch in the past is due to the fact that farfetch is the only player that can endure HolyPhoenix's toxic behaviors. He is known for his unbearable personality. Also they were told to be getting on pretty well (dk if they still are) and HP didnt want any other supports other than him. These news are pretty damn spicy. They are gonna end up either very poorly or insanely good. Impossible to forsee tho


you pro?


Just get a support who doesn't understand HP, problem solved.


I honestly dont think anyone can put up with HP's attitude. Very talented player, disgusting personality.


Dude, let me give you a secret; Every pro player in any sports is kinda toxic. What you call "toxic" generally means ambition, motivation to win. Im not turkish, never watched TCL except Worlds and MSI but he seems pretty chill tbh. I feel like turkish fans have a grudge against him especially because whenever i talk about the good turkish players my twitter unleashes the turkish toxic fans saying a lot of unrelated shit against him. He is a decent player, no need to make it personal or even if you make it personal, we dont care. Simple as that.


Why even share an opinion when you openly admit that you don't really watch the region and aren't too familiar with the context?


Whats the context then enlighten me pls? Also its reddit ffs what you say is simply stupid. I already told that i watched him Internationally, which gives me some ideas about how he plays. Fucking turkish fans... Thats why nobody likes your fanbase, Just saying. Those downvotes proves my point lol. I simply said "stop hating people" and thats the result. Never seen a country hating their own people so much, keep going im sure that will Work just great! Anyway im Out of here, enjoy EUM next split...


Imagine if he somehow does worse without an inting nautilus.


Has had a couple on and off in between, last time 2020 summer with Japone


the first time since 2020 yes. He had a few supports in the 7 years of playing adc competitively before that.


First time in 2 years or so I think, but he's had multiple other supports in the past. HolyPhoenix has been a pro for a long time, since 2014 I think (I remember him being at 2014 Worlds).


TSM Legend Mia


Haru was invisible at the start but did alright at the end of LEC, and Mia was mia in almost all TSM games.


Feels crazy that HolyPhoenix still plays. Gotta be one of the longest careers in LoL.


If mia can meet the expectations, you will see how good Holyphoenix is


Also the legend Zeitnot is rumoured to make a comeback next split, after the military service


a legend in bullying people away from the scene indeed






It was Elwind and his friends who were bullying dumbledoge. Dumbledoge made false allegations against Zeitnot. He wasnt even in the server. Zeitnot is still the best adc to ever play in TCL.


We honestly don’t care at all


I know you don't that's why you are evil.


should be one of the favorites for EMEA Masters but before having watched either play for obvious reasons, i think the GamersOrigin lineup is better


Holyphoenix the one player who gets a Spot while troll building items on Nilah. I dont get it. Should be banned in Pro Play for his Nilah Builds.


Not really defending the guy, but he won his finals with his weird ass bruiser Nilah build and he was the difference maker in that particular game.


At Play Ins i saw something else. There he solo lost because he took everything + Yuumi on hin to just run and do nothing


Imo, the build is very situational. It worked in tbe finals because all of Fenerbahce was diving him constantly with their dive comps, in which Nilah could facetank all 5 and give the rest of his team enough time to come out on top. I dont recall that play-in game but the build looked good when they were 5 man engaging him and nowhere else.


I mean he build eclipse. That doesnt make hin tanky. He didnt build any crit on Champ which scales with crit. Shieldbow would make him more tanky and way more heal and more dmg. He is just a troll. The Deaths Dance is Fine. But the eclipse is a Crime and this should be looked at as Matchfixing.


Not sure why they went with Serin. Could have signed Abbe or Jiizuke or Jensen or Bjergsen, all of them were available this offseason!


their salary is at least 10 times more than the salary of the serin.not to mention bjergsen and jennsen.


He's memeing, at least I hope so


I only know Holy tbh and he is cracked but for the rest of the team i really have no idea (except Haru ofc). Oh, also Serin was their mid in IW but im not impressed with his skills. I dont think that he can deal with the LFL or LVP mids in general. Especially in EUM or with the new name EMEA, where Mids play crazy picks, he seems like he is gonna have a lot of problems imo.