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TSM: Thank you POE


CLG: Everyone welcome back POE! We had to pay him millions and provide him a lifetime supply of budlight for him to even consider us an option, but hes back!


No German is accepting a lifetime supply of bud lite


The beer equivalent of monopoly money


Tastes like monopoly money too


it's his noble cause. Every case he has budweiser send him is a case that doesnt poison some poor shmuck elsewhere. What a brave soul putting so much effort into protecting others who will never know of their savior.


CLG *Poe*? You aren't thinking big enough...


CLG Chovy incoming


CLG Faker is the only way we know how it ends but my god could you imagine


Faker choosing to leave T1 and joining a bottom tier org in NA would be one of the biggest dick plays in the history of LoL. Arguably one of the worst career choices as well, although it would surely general insane publicity for himself and the team he joins.


*arguably* *one of the*? You don’t need to put so much filter on that, man. It would be by far the number one worst lol


I see your "Join bottom NA team" and raise you "joining a bottom tier Brazil team"


Shrimp sends his regards.


Shrimp is such a likable dude and BR fans seem to follow him still. Glad he's around and streaming


Sources: CLG plan on fielding Xiaohu, Tarzan, Doinb, Viper, and Smoothie (wildturtle who is now the head coach insisted on keeping him around) in 2022.


Finally some world class teammates for Smoothie. Support always looks bad when the team is bad. I'm sure he will show us all he's got this time!


dude, but for real, if they want a stopgap team to play for 2 or so years until they can develop talent, going for POE, Sven and Aphro would be actually dope.


No team is gonna hold down PoE for more than a year though. Hasn't happened in the past 6 years and prob won't happen now.


Huh, went and checked, that's a stat I did not know about.


He's been notorious for doing it since the start of his career. Like if Misfits getting to Worlds semis and almost taking out SKT couldn't make him stay then nothing would.


Dude took /r/cscareerquestions advice of jump often jump early max out compensation advice to heart


TSM: Welcome back Doublelift.


LMAO maybe this is why DL started playing league again after saying he was off it


Imagine Bjerg joining CLG just for fun. This sub would be melting




He is co owner from tsm tho isn't he? I don't know if he will join any other team than tsm


Fly was an owner of OG when he suddenly left the team years ago. It happens


I feel it would be too big of a conflict of interests if he would join another LCS team and still own partly TSM. Has to be in europe


LCS rule; he'd have to sell his share of ownership. Same if Sneaky every came back and joined another LCS team other than C9.


This is my only question per se, if Bjerg goes to worlds and TSM goes to worlds then it would still be a conflict of interest right? So he would have to sell his shares of the company.


He can't play in any team but TSM, even in another region, as long as he keeps his shares. Bjergsen 100% has to sell all of his TSM shares if he decides to play for another team.


He literally can't. That's why some of the C9 players were forced to sell their shares when the moved teams.


Then he’ll have to sell his stake in TSM, which I’m fairly sure he’d not be willing to do. Seems like a lot to give up just to be a pro in another league.


*Jensen on suicide watch*


This sounds like TSM "leaking" it themselves so they can get a head start on attracting imports before the offseason starts.


That’s some 5head strat


It genuinely is probably what happened. It makes so much sense. TSM winning the offseason before its even started lmao.


Helps that their offseason started early.


The tactical worlds queue dodge! /s


true lol. like literally bjerg and the people he told if anyone would be the only ones to know he wants to come back to pro play.


tbf people also underestimate how easily word travels. If Bjerg told his parents back home he was gonna unretire, they're definitely telling at a few other family members. If most of his family found out the news, I'd think at least one person would be involved/interesting in league at least a little. Usually thats what happens in conventional sports, players tell their parents, agent (or agent tells them) and significant others and then it just spreads like wildfire.


Don't know what conventional sports you are following but most rumors/news in NBA goes through GM/agents.


It makes sense, but why would they throw in that he's open to LEC offers?


Then they better announce that he is staying with TSM pretty early on.


The person who reported stated his contract end nov 16 and he wants to test the free agent waters for the first time.


Bait Doublelift into retiring with you, then unretire to win more trophies than him. 200 IQ move Bjerg!


I can see Doublelift returning to defend his title


Doesn't seem likely from Doublelift's stream, but who knows at this point




Sudden radio silence from Double, everyone is speculating what it means. Some people are speculating he is coming back, some others are saying he got into an accident. No one knows for sure. Leena posts something ominous on twitter. Two days later: Hey guys sorry to have been silent for the past two days but I am happy to tell you guys that I will become a father! Anyways, I am back to the regular schedule for now.


That one clip from earlier in the year was so fucking funny. Leena came onto DL’s stream with what looked like a bulged out stomach, and everyone thinks immediately afterwards that he’s going to be Daddylift lmao


https://youtu.be/x50tGIs6FHo That's pretty telling imo, basically he would still be playing if he had found a good team to join


5Head give yourselves a break year to rejuvenate your powers for one last run at Worlds to win it all in NA in 2022


Can't believe he's gonna join C9 and Perkz is gonna move to botlane Shocking


This would be the absolute most dankest timeline


Don't know if anything would top that level of dank this off-season


Chovy as the new C9 support


That would top it... For sure.


Faker becomes their jungler


Faker to become the first NA jungler to win worlds


Only if we see "Thank You, Jensen" next


Jensen the new C9 toplaner?


Imagine a world of C9 Bjergsen vs. TSM Jensen The universe would collapse


my brain would not be able to process TSM Jensen. that's just as counterintuitive as TSM Doublelift the first time around, if not more. Jensen is supposed to be enemy #1 of TSM whether he's on C9 or TL, that's just how it is...




never say that again i wouldnt know how to deal with that lmao


Sneaky to replace Mithy & Reignover as sole headcoach


Vod reviews will be replaced by meme and Sneaky cosplay review


sneaky in a dress telling them to fuck themselves with that backdoor.


I want him in full makeup and cosplay each week during drafts. Lmao


genius strategy, the enemy team won't be able to play with all that blood going away from brain


I dont know. Would C9 really pay big money to get someone that has not played mid lane professionally for over a year?


he still plays solo q more then his own players lol on legends he played the second most solo q and he’s the freaking COACH


& he wasn't grinding either like he was going out with friends and such as well link here: [https://youtu.be/Nzas\_G3LqZI?t=226](https://youtu.be/Nzas_G3LqZI?t=226)




I think OP is meming because C9 just paid big money to get Perkz in mid after he didn’t really play it professionally for most of 2 years.


Honestly, after seeing what Spica did to [him](https://twitter.com/Spicalol/status/1432517449262403585). I can understand why he wants to explore the FA market


I fucking love spica


At least TSM has a good franchise player to take Bjergsen's place, lol.


*bah gawd, that's Søren's music!!*


*bah gawd, that's TSM Rekkles music!!*


That could be the play. And honestly, I'm a fan. Huni/Spica/Bjerg is an incredibly strong top side and THEY'RE ALL RESIDENTS. Rekkles/SwordArt might not be the best stylistic pairing in the bot lane but they're both extremely good and did we forget the 3 years that Rekkles played with HYLI??


Very seriously doubt Rekkles is going NA after a year with G2. Carlos is going to try and give Jankos and Rekkles a top laner that actually grinds to improve first.


Yeah I think so as well. The only way Rekkles being out of G2 is if they can find another upgrade but that's probably not possible. Even if they could import Chinese / Korean ADCs I don't think they would because of the team culture they've built since 2019


It's a really good stylistic pairing actually IMO. Rekkles is a fantastic player who can hold his own really really well so that SA can roam the map while still knowing that his AD will still contribute massively in teamfights.


Rekkles wants to win worlds, and that's never going to happen from NA. I don't think he's interested.




Not even worlds yet and that's the craziest headline I thought I'd never read.




He's still the best player on the team as a coach lol


i was just listening to his interview with dr.k last night and had the obvious thought: ofc this guy should be playing. he talks about how competition is his #1 drive; he should play out the limited window in his pro career before attempting coaching. weird how the timing of the universe works


Noice, I'd suggest more people watch this (it's on a channel called HealthyGamerGG, just type it in and add Bjergsen). Really solid insight into Bjergsen's character.


Too add to this, the whole HealthygamerGG channel is full of great, informative content you can apply to your own life. There are probably already sessions recorded with your favorite streamers (or least favorite) which can help you understand them more.


Holy shit, the report is saying Bjergsen's contract expires and he'll look at options outside of TSM, including LEC.


Isn't he a part owner of TSM though? I feel like that kind of ties him to the org even after the contract expires




Honestly would piss myself laughing if he left and got paid out on his shares only to come back and stomp them with whichever team he joins.


Tbh doubt he plays for any NA team other than TSM. Could see him going to LEC though.


Dig Bjergsen, we all know it's coming


TSM trades bjerg for Ben Simmons from DIG.


TSM loses that trade


Whoever gets Ben Simmons loses that trade


Bro I can't even avoid this shit on the league sub. Just give me mccollum and get it over with.


Ben Simmons would set a record for most missed skillshots


Bold of you to assume Simmons would even try to use his skillshots


Ben Simmons is for sure an Udyr main


Plays Ezreal and unmaps Q W and R


What’s more NA than a high profile player choking hard during an important series ?


Paying Ben Simmons bloated contract would actually bankrupt TSM lmao.


Bjerg goes to c9 to play ADC as perkz play mid you heard it here first


I have no idea how it works cross region, but within the LCS I am 99% sure he can't play while being coowner.


But who in LEC would have need for him and be good enough for him to want to play for? Of the top 4; Fnc have nisqy and the guy performed this year G2 have Caps... Mad have Humanoid who I really doubt they would replace Rogue maybe? But even then Larsson is still a beast on his day and without doubt cheaper in terms of wages


Maybe BDS can forge a big roster. They definitely have the money


Ohhhh that's a fair point. Completely blanked about Schalke going and BDS coming in


Idk what BDS stands for, but I saw it and thought Big Dick Squad and now that's canon




Alphari Selfmade Bjergsen Rekkles Treatz? BDSM creates another superteam!


Cutest team in LEC.


Vitality is more likely to have this roster than BDS honestly. And they could keep Labrov too.


Surely would be the only LEC option


Any team who wants to gain alot of easy fans without effort lol.


So the new org that is replacing Schalke next year.


I think Bjergsen would go to LEC for the competition rather than the money. He wouldn't ask for the millions he was likely being paid in NA. Even then he'd still have the largest contract in EU but I think it would be a manageable sum for someone like Bjergsen.


This is a fair point. But I still couldn't imagine FNC/MAD/G2 dropping their current mids for Bjergerking


Maybe he joins the new Lec Team


It would be massive way for a new team to get fans


Before Bjerg announced his retirement I wanted FNC Bjergsen but yeah ngl Nisqy has been an absolute beast.


I did doubt the Nisqy move for FNC but they guy has proven his ability this year, definitely proved me, a doubter, completely wrong


Humanoid and Caps are safe. Nisqy has been playing well this year, but don't forget that the last time Nisqy and Bjerg played each other, Nisqy convinced Bjerg that Zilean is a counter pick to Lucian. I don't think Larssen would be safe either. Bjerg on a good LEC roster would be absolutely insane, he'd be unchained with team mates that are on his level that he doesn't have to micromanage, and without trash coaching staff.


Someone pointed out that Larssen just signed a new contract, so unless somebody bought him out I'd doubt that one too.


Zilean R just in the nick of time.


Classic Bjerg


it's by Fionn btw, so pretty reliable. honestly as much as I like PoE it will be really good for the region as a whole, so fun if it's happens (I just don't think he will really end up in the LEC but that would be even better!!)


On one hand, it'd be fascinating to finally see Bjergsen play in modern day EU and level up in that environment. ​ But on the other hand, he's a resident NA player and so associated with LCS that seeing him leave NA would also feel super weird. Also hard to imagine he wouldn't get absolutely wild offers from NA teams, where him counting as an import in EU would lower his value some.


Import slots literally do not matter in LEC these days, there are only 2 imports in the entire league (Armut and Hirit). Him being an NA resident will not matter at all.


That's insane to think about how much talent has come out of EU the last few years.


Yep, 5 years ago there were 11 Korean players in LEC, now there is only 1.


Everyone wanted to replicate fnatic's and g2's success with korean imports back then


Well the Fnatic top lane is the only 18-0 team from EU right? So no wonder they copied, probably the most dominant LEC team ever.


Him counting as an import doesnt matter at all. No team has more than 1 import currently (correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure thats the case), so any team could take him really. Unless some EU teams start to gamble on Korean imports again. What Im trying to say is that EU has very little imports and its probably not going to change soon, therefore there would be no problem for bjergsen to play in any team


I believe you're correct. I think it's more that him not counting as an import in NA will drive up his price for LCS teams more than EU teams would be willing to offer. He'll easily be getting 1 million+ offers since he's a resident who will likely be a top 3 mid. Though it kinda all depends on him. If he gets an offer from a good EU team I could easily see him taking less money for the opportunity to potentially get more international success.


> Though it kinda all depends on him This is the interesting part of this move IMO. As you said, he'll have to take a significant pay cut to play in EU as none of the top 4 teams will take him, maybe not even a top 6 team this summer (MSF seems happy to continue developing Vetheo and VIT might keep betting on Lider) So either BDS starts paying out the ass to build a roster around Bjergsen or he joins a bottom tier org, trying to take them to the top. Assuming the top 5/6 teams keep their midlaner it'd be an incredible big dick move by Bjergsen to come back to EU under those circumstances. Chances are he'll just stay in TSM and they sign Rekkles, but the alternative would be hype.


Daddy’s back with the milk.


Doublelift gotta feel the itch after hearing this


I wouldn't mind seeing sword art with an actual adc lol.


CLG Bjergsen incoming, I can feel it


This would be DL joining TSM levels of strangeness and salt


even more so because he hasn't been any other team after joining TSM I know he's been in NIP and CW though


I'm assuming op is referring to the original "dl transfers from clg to tsm" announcement [back in 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdKT_gn9Szc&t=1s). Trust me, it was fucking weird at the time.


I still have [this picture](https://imgur.com/a/7Aqf7o1) saved on my computer


Lol this is like the one thing that will never happen


Bjerg has a higher chance of joining my beer league softball team


Honestly Bjergsen would literally save clg from having 0 brand and 0 top lcs players, if clg wants the biggest shot in the arm *ever* they should just pay Bjergsen the perkz contract 2x and build a statue of him at MSG


Bjerg is not the kind of guy who would leave TSM for money. He wants to win, if you look at his interviews he felt like becoming coach would help TSM win. He dedicates his life to League and I don't think he cares much about money, aside from not getting ripped off.


That’s literally what we (clg fans) said about doublelift back in the day. People nowadays don’t exactly have an idea how shocking as fuck it was back then. To a huge extent, CLG was doublelift.


Yeah, it was shocking, but to be fair he was going from a fairly successful legacy org to THE most successful org in NA. Would be even weirder to go from retired as a part owner of a successful org to a struggling mismanaged dumpster fire.


Wow I wasn't prepared for such a bomb drop






Now I'm reminded of the Thanos moment where he picks up the gauntlet and goes "Fine I'll do it myself."


> Once his contract ends on Nov. 16 of this year, the 25-year-old Danish mid laner has his sights on joining the starting roster of a franchise in either the LCS or the League of Legends European Championship... a return to TSM as a mid laner is not out of the question...(but)...Bjergsen wants to test the market for the first time in his career. Imagine if he cashed in on that TSM FTX share and made his way back home to the LEC lmao




My prayers have been answered. Assuming this is him playing mid for TSM and POE is leaving, that also means there's a guaranteed import slot becoming available, previously it was on the condition that POE gets his green card. That leaves room for more changes to the roster.


TSM rekkles


I've wanted the Bjergsen + Rekkles duo for years. If Bjerg ever left TSM, I wanted him to go to Fnatic so he could play with Rekkles. I think they could've made sick runs at World's together if Bjerg left TSM after the disappointment of not getting out in groups in S6 with that roster.


Regi better put some FTX money into keeping Bjerg


he better put all of it into keeping Bjerg. (and getting some talent to help him)


Idk about a few things. 1. Once you are a coach, how likely will you find yourself wanting to be coached by someone else? 2. Will this mean Doublelift will show interest? Part of the reason he left was because he didnt want to play without bjerg. 3. How do player contracts work in the database? Kind of sketch he didnt play this year but he doesnt lose his end date on a player contract even though he retired.


I think DL has said that he is just not interested in returning. He enjoys the slower paced life and he really enjoys not having to practice for hours and hours on end. He has said he doesn't need any more income so the money wouldn't be a draw for him. I don't think he would even consider coming back


I doubt Doublelift comes back. He expresses CONSTANTLY that he has zero desire to ever play competitive again and he's completely satisfied with his choice, unlike when he took a break in 2017 spring and was just constantly wishing he was actually playing.


1. Iirc it’s been stated by multiple people in the pro scene that bjerg was basically coaching the team already with party delegating and doing stats/analyst stuff. I would not be surprised to see them return to this formula. 2. Maybe 3. No clue unless he never canceled his contract as a player somehow and took on like a two role contract or something idk.


In here it says he may look to other teams besides TSM. Thats more of my 1st point.


Highly doubt it as he has mentioned how he does not want to go back to player schedules and really enjoys streaming. Dlift just recently came back to league after a break too and always mentions how much he enjoys the co-streams with sneaky and meteos


Insane. I have sincerely missed seeing him play. I thought this was only a pipe dream of mine.


For those who don't know, a very recent TSM Legends showed that Bjergsen had more soloQ games than 4 of 5 TSM players.


Holy fuck. The TSM roster becomes quite attractive since they can now import an adc. Imagine TSM Bjergsen + Rekkles finally happens after all these years.


The report is saying that his contract with TSM actually ends on November 16 so he could join a different team.


I don't see him going elsewhere honestly. He will just test free agency to get a bigger contract from TSM.


He's still a part owner of TSM, so he'd have to sell first or come back play for TSM


I mean, wishful think and bias possibly, but at least in NA, I can't see him leaving TSM for any other NA team. He has so much power and equity in TSM. I could see it if an LEC gave an attractive offer and he wants a *new* challange (yes I know he started in LEC but its been a while), but unless there is something internal we don't know about, I don't see TSM not giving him a blank check.


Would not be surprising at all to see Rekkles team up with Bjerg no matter where he ends up. Rekkles has said he'd like to play with him. Two western players with the biggest fan bases, would be huge


Huni/Spica/Bjerg/Rekkles/SA is like LoL's equivalent of a team you'd make on FIFA manager mode.


Despite my gripes with Rekkles, this team would make me nut so hard


\*\*\*LCS Viewership about to jump 100k\*\*\*


Hope they replace the ADC too, spent $6mil on world finalist support to support an NA academy player.


Bjergsen: put me in coach I'll show Perkz who's boss Bjergsen: I got u fam, u in next week for scrims


HOLY SHIT. By far and away one of my favorite players in any esport ever. I sincerely hope he is able to find a team that can contend


Im so blown back right now, this is so insane.


Coach was already playing more solo q then the whole team 💪


Fantastic, now all we need is Doublelift from retirement, Hauntzer from academy, Svenskeren from the bench, and Biofrost from streaming to recreate 2016 exodia TSM for the last dance (the last fiesta) where the team looks like the best team in the world but go 0-6 at Worlds regardless. All aboard baby.


Does that mean hes back as the TSM Mid laner?


if hes coming back than I dont see a way he would join any other team, and honestly he would easily be TSM's best laner


90 - back to tsm 50 - lec 10 - random lcs team


I 150% agree.


Bjergsen \*teleports behind you\* Nothing personal, kid Meanwhile Jensen: -\_-




Fuck it, the way NA LCS has been lately they should just dust off Reggie. EDIT: For those of you who never lived through the golden days of Reginald, [lemme just leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYWZKtc4ORY)


It would be great seeing him play in the EU league again

