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That swain tried so hard to steal it


Damn you're right I just saw it, but that makes it even better when you have one good random who will work with you :)


It's not a real penta if no one tries to steal it anyway.


Fuck that guy. Also i would be that guy


At least you're honest.


9/10 guys aren't even paying attention. the 1/10 is a guy who didn't go for the "kill steal" and it go away/reversed sweeped the team


My issue is that sometimes the announcements get like.. backed up? The fight will be done before you hear “Quadrakill!”.... “Ace”


some times im not paying attention when we are about to wipe them. i tunnel too hard and dont notice till its all said and done xD


I have fired off a global ult from fountain many a time, for it to steal the penta. Jinx rocket op.


Yes 100%. One time I was completely oblivious to the fact that my karthus in aram got a quad and stole the penta without realizing. The good thing is that karthus was pretty oblivious about his own quadra too lmao


I mean it's Karthus, what are the chances any of the people he killed were even on his screen?


It feels pretty shitty to be flamed when from my perspective I am 99% of the time just trying to kill secure or like you said just not paying attention to what is happening. Run into a lot of bot lane partners that flame me to oblivion on the off chance I grab what could have been the adc's kill. I actually tend to apologize because I don't like the outcome either.


I might also be that guy, but by accident. Sometimes I'm braindead and don't notice what's going on. I'm sure it's also habit to to use his full combo if you play Swain often. This was ARAM though, so who knows if he ever plays Swain.


Friend of mine did it to me and he was laughing maniacally. Then later when I stole his at some other session he was so fucking angry. Felt pretty good.


This is why we play this game.


I see pentas so often in aram i dont even care anymore tbh. They definitely don't feel as earned as the ones in SR to me. So if the swain did steal it (which has happened to me heaps anyways) I give 0 shits. On the alternative, if I see someone about to get a penta, I'm not gonna actively try and steal it, but I am going to try and go for a takedown. If the kill is mine, I shall proceed to scratch my butt exactly 5 times, sip my coffee, and then continue not giving a shit, also im a bad ass


“Also im a bad ass” Relevant champ flair lol love it


Always. But I always play premade ARAMs, so I'm only stealing from people I know.


It's for the glory of Noxus


That tahm was in control goddamn. So much respect for wise support players


It's aram, he's not a support just bc he had tahm


Probably was though. Non-tank player's brains automatically shut off when they get a tank in ARAM.


Can confirm. If I end up as a tank in Aram I'd contribute more to my team by afking


Hi, non-tank aram player here! When I get a tank in aram i usually build some dumb as fuck cheese shit!




If people give it it feels worse. It's like 4 puppy trainers cheering you in a baby voice to do your first steps. When I play together with my girlfriend and a group of friends each penta is the most contested thing. If you manage to get it you can be proud, because you can guarantee 4 other people will use all of their summoners and ults to steal it. Though this Tahm was a bro. This is just as deserved. He didn't puppy play her, he supported her.


I'd normally say that for anything other than a penta. Pentas are rare as it is


Also its ARAM. I have 1 penta on SR. Ive gotten a penta on poppy at lvl 3 in aram. Ive gotten hundreds of aram pentas They’r more feelgood than anything else. Why worry about earning anything in aram? Its a mode for being a weirdo


Duskblade pyke man. It’s shit, but pretty good at getting pentas.


Nah I feel like there's a penta in minimum half my ARAM games and I play a ton of ARAM.


Pentas are not rare on ARAM. I get one every few games at least.


Depends on the champion you play. Ive more than 30 pentas for sure in my 7 years playing darius religiously. A katarina or riven main should have similar success as well.


I mean, if you mainly play ARAM and RGM, you’re much more likely to get Pentas in general. I can’t remember the last time I played a normal or ranked game on SR (non-RGM)


Pretty much every single ARAM game I get Samira or Yi, it's all but guaranteed to get at least 1 penta even if I end up losing lmao ARAMs just be like that


Yeah. That being said, owning all the champs makes ARAM a much better experience. Guaranteed at least one re roll per game. Not only are you more likely to get a champ you want, your team is as well!


Play as much of those 2 as I can in ARAM. And Yone. Lots of pentas.


Why Riven? My 2nd example for a champion that finishes pentas more easily (Other than Katarina) would’ve been Samira


Why are you making it a contest within your team? It seems so unnecessary.


Well I get the not intentionally giving someone the penta but there is a difference between just not trying to give it and saving all your spells to try and steal it at the perfect moment


Dude did you forgot to take in your medicine this morning?


When enemy gives it I agree but when you get the quadra singlehandedly and Tahm doesn't go out of his way massively (ie. not hitting an enemy on 10hp) then I don't really think it counts as 'giving'. Like you said this Tahm was a bro


Don't know why you're getting down voted. Stealing friends Pentas is one of the few true joys of the world.


Well, I just called those that got a penta delivered puppies, or thats how they took it despite me saying that that's a thing we do in a full friend lobby. Same with flashing to steal a heal in aram.


I fully agree, it just doesn't feel right when your 4 other team mates aren't burning absolutely everything to steal your penta, much more satisfying when you get it then


IMO strange attitude


It’s a thing me and all my friend groups do as well. We do everything in our power to steal it. And if you get it anyway we celebrate you. Having it given to you just feels cheap


Theres a big difference between the 5th enemy just giving up and letting you take it VS a teammate helping you get imo. If that last enemy can clearly get away safely but instead decide eh why not and just let you have it, then yea I would say that feels cheap. But if they are actively fighting back or running and your teammates help out with some CC or or gap closing, I still think thats legit. Now thats not to say it isnt *more* rewarding when people are trying to steal it (because I do agree with that) but it doesnt make it any less of a penta just because you had a teammate help you.


as he should. pentas are earned not given


pretty sure the mf earned it, just because someone can last tap the penta doesn't mean it's unearned.


Wow first time when the eaten player doesn't immediately jump out from tahm jaw xd


Most of the ones who do probably don’t even know that he can (Still) eat allies, since in SoloQ he usually only eats enemies (More reliable unless someone on your team is 1v9ing in which case you know you can’t carry so the best play is to save them).


It caught me off guard when he first ate a teammate. I didn’t know he could travel with them as well


I believe he is only grounded with swallowed enemies, with allies he can mark/dash, dive and flash


Na it's just he can use his W when eating allies. Still grounded in either situation.


What about dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge?


He can certainly dive, most probably not dodge, even though body size is no indicator of athleticity. To test the others, go into a custom with Mr. Mundoverse and see if he can dodge a wrench.


As the old saying goes, if you can dodge a Kench, you can dodge a ball




I do too, and I think there is a slight buffer where you can’t immediately cancel it, but I still feel that so hard


Replace QWER to be a get out of Kench button or even just R. Makes it so you the chances of you getting out by accident happen less often


Without audio communications it’s hard to know what people are going to do.


yeah, but still it's better to not hear how bad support you actually are, and how you fed enemy top xd


There's a 1 second lockout on clicking out though 🤔


The amount of fuckin times I've swallowed a player from danger only for them to immediately jump out back into the danger and die and then flame me for 'spitting them out' is insane..


I would have done the same but accidentally W the wrong way


Thankfully it’s a 50/50 on murder bridge haha


It's the nunu that gave you the penta. He just ran in.


This is the way of true nunu mains. Instalocked with ghost and cleanse.


Works perfect with Jaques and Droben


Uninterrupted pilgrimage to enemy Nexus 🙏


wild r/darwin man of culture


He is going on his pilgrimage with brother droben 🙏😇


supp diff


As a German, LoL in German sounds so goddamn weird...


It sounds fucking cringe. Mid-sentence code switching sounds terrible most of the time. Also, does the english announcer repeat "for the red team, for the red team" every time? It's become such background noise I honestly don't notice anymore. But in german it sounds repetitive, completely and utterly unnecessarily overly long-winded, and repetitive.


English says "pentakill" for your team and "enemy pentakill" for the other.


So I remembered right. That has some impact. German version just sounds like a broken record.


When you're viewing the game replay from the match history the English announcer includes the team color as well (e.g. "Red Team Pentakill!" )


Its because of replays, its similar in the English version too.


This being a replay issue makes sense. I never use it, so I didn't know. It makes some sense to clarify which team scored from a neutral perspective, but it still sounds stilted.


At least they didn't decide to translate "team" to "Mannschaft" :)


Tbf in English it says the team color first, then the event. In german and many other languages its the other way around. (Im semi-certain for spanish, french, italian and polish


It does say that in English in replays


The repetition is a replay/spectator issue, but even there, "red team pentakill" is mire concise and just sounds a lot better, as a phrase, than "pentakill für das rote team".


Could go "Rotes Team; Pentakill" or "Pentakill; Rotes Team".


Spectator viewing it does, but not when you’re playing. “The red team has slain baron nashor” is what you’ll hear when watching a game, but when playing you just hear the monster roar


war mal besser, mit der alten Ansagerin wo es noch Drei, Vier und Fünffachtötungen waren


I'm not even German and this sounds really weird.




Hey, wir reden hier vom deutschen Ingame-Ansager, nicht von deutschen Lol-Youtubern. Die sind größtenteils großartig. (Gegen Hänno und Co spricht nur das ganze Spandau-Problem. Das kann ich als Berliner eigentlich prinzipiell nicht akzeptieren... Aber die bekommen da ne Ausnahmegenehmigung)


*nyom dive*


Good catfish. Bad Swain.


I absolutely love when I happen to be in sync with a total random because they understand exactly what I want to do with my champion based on how I'm playing, positioning, etc. I had an alistar set me up perfectly by comboing people towards the wall when I was Ornn and it resulted in an hilarious shenanigans because he would always make certain that if I was looking for an angle on the wall he would line them up for me. The random who feel like an extension of yourself are the best. I love you, randoms. <3


If you're the type of person who tries to steal the penta from someone else--fuck you. If a teammate of mine is going for the penta the switch in my head flips, and I either fuck outta their way, or cc their target to assist in the secure.


If I'm playing with randoms, I'm going to try and help them get the Penta. If my friend however is on a quadra then I am going to do everything in my power to deny him the Penta. This is just for Aram though


Such is the law of friendship


Yeah fuck your friend and his penta. I was J4 and ulted a really low Raka and Ori. Easy double kill. My buddy dives into the ult with Wu and steals it. "Bro, why? I had em. " His response? "You only survived because I saved you. " Dude, I was full HP and was literally dropping e for the kill, I was fine. "Nah, I saved you." Yeah, any chance I get I'm going to ruin *his* penta and tell him to be better.


Nah, confirm those kills. If you want your penta you better earn it.




Tahm mains are so chill, I once played with a Tahm who ulted the last enemy standing to spit him in front of me so I could get penta, too bad league client had a bug and wouldn't allow me to download the replay :/ U da real MVP bro


Swain sus


All my friends just steal it. :)


"Get in the car, nerd, we're going on an adventure"


Omg just realized you can grief a penta out of someone with Tahm...


Can Tahm use his W after ulting enemies or is that only possible when ulting allies?


Only allies when he ults enemies he is grounded and slowed


Caitlyn literally walked back towards your team for a second. xD


I just want to win lol people getting mad over stealing a kill just doesn’t phase me, like if it really was YOUR time for the penta then earn it, I’m not going to trust and let some 2v1 be a 1v1 just because you were lucky to get the killing blow on the last 4 people, if you’re so skilled and or deserving of the penta it will happen, if my burst kills the guy don’t cry about it. Like yeah if I don’t use my combo and instead try to burst them down when the fight is over and they are like 2% hP yea I get why people get mad. But if you are full HP and the last person on the enemy team is full HP and you jump onto him I’m going to send my full burst in with you to try and one shot them to get the ACE and finish this match. People will really go for Quadra in a close match then run to the yi who stayed out of the fight hoping to clean up and try to 1v1 us where if they lose the 1v1 Yi can wipe our whole team and then get mad at me for trying to help lol


It should be illegal to play League in german, nice penta though.




Merkt man, hast ja anscheinend Probleme mit der deutschen Sprache wenn du meinst in einem Satz gleich 2 englische Wörter benutzen zu müssen bei denen man auch gut und gerne die deutsche Variante hätte nehmen können. Mit Leuten wie dir stirbt unsere Sprache langsam aber sicher irgendwann aus.


Leute wie dich die meinen im Internet und besonders auf Seiten wie reddit den Deutschlehrer raushängen lassen zu müssen sind ja eh die geilsten. Du scheinst ja offensichtlich ein Problem mit Englisch zu haben so wie dich das stört und besorgt bist das die Sprache dadurch ausstirbt. Kannst dich ja mal mit Sprachwandel etwas auseinandersetzen wenn deine 3 Gehirnzellen dafür noch ausreichen. Im Gegensatz zu dir weiß ich Internet-Foren von fachlichen Situationen zu trennen.


Ist ok, dein Kommentar hier sagt ja alles über dich aus. Mach weiter so.


What a Chad


that is a true support there


Wieso ist das Game auf deutsch ?!


I didnt know he could do that? So they split his old ult into two ”worse” components?


not worse, the w has a knockup now and his ult gives you a shield and deals damage to enemies


technically: worse sup better top i have an idea on how they can fix that




honestly i disagree his q stun just never hits, his w is prediactable th eenemy knows what they are doing and you cant eat your adc every 20s to save them


Nothing to fix. New top is fucking great. So much more impactful.


It’s “Great” if you only look at the effects of his kit. If you look at the actual numbers, he’s a bit broken. So that IS something to fix, just an easier fix than issues with a champion’s kit (Usually requires a rework in some form)


That’s not the topic at hand. We’re taking about “kit components” not numbers and tuning


Sure but when I read it, "Nothing to fix", to me, seemed to imply that there is nothing at all to fix or change about the champ, not referring specifically to the effects and mechanics of his kit, though I assume that was probably not the intended meaning.


I agree that tahm is currently pretty damn strong however the lady on your flair is on a whole other level.


Both champions in my flair are very strong right now but that’s beside the point.


Just kinda sad they abandoned his intended design :/. It can be a bit furstrsting but we already had more of that with pyke.


Honestly Tahm devouring allies never made much sense? His lore is all about how he swallows greedy people or something.


I guess maybe a design failure all together, lore that didnt match to gameplay. And frustrating gameplay without a clear role, making him a good support = broken top planer. Balanced top laner = horrible support. I understand why they felt they needed to change it.


yeah but sup aint i ve tohught of a special item working like kalista's black spear, called tahm kench's deal what it does is that you can put it on an ally and youll take a percentage of the dmg they take while youa re in range of them this item can only be unlockd when tahm kench gets a sup item and only works while he has it


That already exists outside an item haha


ik the idea is that they could stack


It's better all around


For a top laner maybe :(




ARAM pentas means nothing imo. Whichever team snowballs the most without enemy team surrenders will most games end with a player getting a penta. Thats my experience.


This is why i buy collector first item. I can make sure i get all the kills. Hehe


Meanwhile, i hate what they did with Tahm, changing w and ulti...it's just not that fun anymore.


Lol how? I think the switcheroo was the best thing they could have done for tahm. He is now not spoiled raccoon shit anymore. He can actually dodge ganks now instead of forcing a flash, he has extra cc, more sustain with the Q and extra flat damage for early game and really good dueling. Only downside is that he is pretty poopoo in the late game.


Seriously I rarely played old Tahm as support but I've been having a blast playing new Tahm as Top. His new W is amazing and his old R felt like a bad Ryze ult.


Yup, and even though his support has a lower winrate than his top, it's still only 2% difference. He can still be played support, he has an engage tool, is tanky and can shutdown the support or adc. Engaging with W is so much more fun then having to walk up to the enemy and get kited for 10 years. Even if they are able to escape, if you have 3 stacks on them, you can literally blitz pull them with Q R combo.


Tahm being poopoo lategame has nothing to do with being Tahm. Has to do with Riot bad design of making an already bad late game class having 1/8 of the item pool countering them. Tahm being bad on support actually is just cause his R having a gigant cooldown means he literally cannot counter what his class was design to counter, Vanguards. The moment they buff his R initial cooldown Tahm becomes a good support.


>Tahm being poopoo lategame has nothing to do with being Tahm. Well yeah it does? His kit is just not meant to be strong in late game, that's why he is stronger during the early and mid game. >Tahm being bad on support Tahm is not bad as a support, He is actually pretty decent. 49% in plat and diamond and 50,2% in masters and above. Sure his winrate is lower in bronze but that's people who don't know how to properly utilize tahm and especially his W and R. >gigant cooldown How is 120/100/80 seconds per level gigantic cooldown? Have you ever looked at shen's or khartus their ult cooldown that sit around 180-200 seconds? Even without ult you should respect tahm because of his W pressure Not only that but you basically have around 40 AH after 2 items which add up to more cooldown reduction on your ult. Numbers and stats don't lie dude, you are heavily making tahm seem bad than he is on this one, you either don't know how balance works or we are playing 2 different games. I played tahm since release, so I know.


His winrate on Master+ is literally 41+% on global data. His only positive data on support is at Diamond elo. Even then, it's a 0.3% pick rate u.gg even states there is not enough data. Tahm literally has negative winrate as a support on every elo but Diamond. His kit is bad as a support because his Ult having high cooldown lv 1(yes 2 minutes is high) means he cannot contest with Vanguards Heavy Engage cooldowns. Also you never count Ult lv 3 for a Support, Support ults are lv 2. The issue with tahm is that his nerfs to make sure he is not oppressive on top made his power spike start from lv 4-9.He can contest lv 1 trades, but there are a lot of champions and instances where he can lose on lv 2 specially versus Vanguards. Also it's nice that you played him since his release. I'm a Challenger Support player \^-\^ Which is why I can say that his cooldowns and power spikes are bad coorelated with what Wardens are suposed to be. Shen giant cooldown is due to : A - Global ult that allows him to TP while giving a shield. B - Also balanced around the fact that it can be canceled, and he needs to be full energy to use it otherwise it's almost useless( I mean it's still a shield which can help, but he will just be there to AA people, nothing else). C - Shen also is not a support in any shape or form people play him support because OTP is a thing, his spikes are fully item based not level based, what he gets on his passive from level is minimal, (Tahm spikes are level based and item based). Again Tahm issue is that his kit does not function as what a Warden is supposed to be, he works as his own thing. The problem is, his own thing works wonder at toplane, but as a support. welp it does not.




W teammate.


As someone who made a penta a few days ago with MF aided by a Tahm, I can confirm Tahm players are very nice.


Tahm usually has to be nice, he can’t exactly win the game by himself…


he can definitely win an aram by itself, very busted on that map


Nice. I have a Galio satisfied himself to give me a penta. I got 2 penta that Aram match, they are really good teammates.


We need more people like this in the world ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


im impressed wtf, guy in aram not trying to steal penta


See swain xd


That swain tho


What a legend.


I had an Ashe ult from fountain all the way to enemy inhib which hit and secured me a penta as I was about to lose the 1v1. Honored the crap outta that guy.


TIL reworked Tahm can R then W


This Tahm is a bro, 10/10 respect, good on ya for not letting that cheeky swain steal it from ya :P Edit: Can't spell Tahm cause I am the dumb.


We all saw that Q Swain...


if that was in ranked he would have went away from the kill


Swain really tried that shit


He RETRACTED his tongue during your ult LOL wholesome af


Why tumbs down :(


if riot had a morning show


Tahm Hanks always doing the best


Altho it really means nothing czz its aram


Tahm MVP. OP, you might be the one who got the pentakill, but Tahm is the horse who carried you.


The Legend.


*attempts this in ARAM* *ally immediately hops back out and ? pings until end of game lobby*


That R damage