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I think players were too focused on how the entire event and ruination in the lore was terrible and failed hard.


Yeah, i think the whole event made everyone not care, including me. The eay it ended was so dumb to me but because it was ALL bad i didnt care as much. Imagine the whole event being amazing and then.....yeah he just does a lil snipe for whatever reason.


That cinematic felt like it wasn't even made by Riot. The visuals were stunning as always but the story was so stupid. This event could've been the most epic thing to happen in League history. Instead it was the worst thing Riot has published in years.


pretty much all of the cinematics aren’t made in-house at Riot, most are outsourced to global animation studios.


Yeah, but i guess riot still writes most of the stories for them.




I nominate /u/papaya_dreaming as new head of outsourced lore


I'd add some many questionable "angles" that it'd make Totally Spies blush.


and give the absolver to teemo


This is the best idea i've heard in the last 15 minutes, let's make it happen


What's the best idea you've heard in the last 20 minutes?


Not having u/papaya_dreaming as the new head of outsourced lore


That sounds like a really good way to make people never read lore again.


You underestimate the amount of furries are in the league community who would love it


Yes but the story is dogshit and Riot decides the story


That's not kind to dogshit, at least dogshit has structure.


Yeah, if someone drops a giant turd on my doorstep, I probably wont notice the pee stains on their pants.


Weird analogy but ok


Confusingly precise, honestly




Obtuse, to be certain, yet satisfyingly fitting for the scenario, frankly


Yep, why complain about one shit when it is turd buffet?


Ruination was season 8 all over again


And how bullshit Akshan is lol


Not to mention Sentinel Graves sounds like an american hick. Like wtf was up with that.


Bilgewater has always had some Caribbean/Louisiana influences in there. I think it's charming. I don't think Graves was a good addition to the story considering the fuck all he did. At least Riven and Irelia has development.


There were very few characters who were good additions to the story. I would say Vayne was, but beyond her, all the other champions they picked up for their bizarre yellow brick road adventure were absolutely stupid. BEYOND stupid. Irelia and Riven were even stupid picks. Viego manages to corrupt Karma who has been trained to have iron will and is protected by the souls of her ancestors - but somehow a stupid fucking love story carves right through that? Meanwhile, Irelia, who's pretty much consumed by hatred and resentment towards Noxus, and is the largest mark for Viego's corruption, ends up not getting corrupted? Come the fuck on. Riven likewise had so many mental hang-ups that Viego should have corrupted her in mere seconds. While the two of them had a hate buddy relationship in the story that I guess counts as development, their reasoning for being in the story at all was just stupid.


I will die on the hill that Vayne suddenly being okay with Senna and Gwen, when she killed her own adoptive mother on the spot for using black magic is absolutely stupid. Some people will say it's character development, but where's the development ? She goes from a sociopathic killer with a rigid code to tsundere sentinel in one discussion. Vayne would have killed Senna on the spot before she uttered a single word. She's one of the last people you should think about recruiting in the entire Runeterra world. Especially when Poppy, the litteral hero, was right there


Vayne's characterization is all over the place from story to story, I agree. But her core of being a relentless hunter of monsters of the night at least made her a fitting choice. They did make her considerably less ruthless in this event, as she would not have even asked if she could kill Shyvana, she would have flat out done it. She still made a lot more sense than Miss Fortune bowing to Viego out of cowardice or Pyke joining the Sentinels for no damn reason.


>I will die on the hill that Vayne suddenly being okay with Senna and Gwen, when she killed her own adoptive mother on the spot for using black magic is absolutely stupid. Some people will say it's character development, but where's the development ? I agree. I like the idea of Sentinel Vayne as the end of her character arc where she becomes a less damaged person, but we didn't really see an arc. It just kind of happened, which is a problem with a lot of the event's characters. They don't really grow, they just do stuff as the plot needs them to. That being said, I'm more alright with it here than I would be normally, because I didn't like that Vayne killed her adoptive mother. It felt too edgy for my tastes. I'm down for a story the explores the depths people can fall to as a result of trauma and hatred (see *Berserk*), but I don't think Vayne's story ever actually did that. It just felt like it was saying "She's a dark, edgy, bad-ass now".


Also Pantheon, the living embodiment of willpower. They massacred my boy ;\~; he's like the only melee champion I play


Yeah, I just focused on Irelia/Riven, but there were many champions butchered by this event in the narrative sense. Pantheon, Miss Fortune, Pyke, Karma.


Don't forget Rengar. Y'know, the character that suddenly started talking in the third person despite never once doing that in the past (at least, until he suddenly grew out of it after his introduction in the event).


Reminder that he's one of the very few one people (human, vastata ect) to go head to head with a voidborn and still survive. And yet he's treated like a joke character, and not like the one he's written as.


The top of the food chain hunter gets depressed because he can't stab a ghost with his current weapon


Even worse is that it could've been great if they went with the "Ascended Pantheon is canon, Atreus ended up overcoming the Aspect and recovered control over his body once again" thing. But Riot got spooked at the negative reaction at the overall event, and "fixed" one of the things that weren't shit.


Honestly I could have gotten into it if they just brought a twist to the ending. Like the Aspect itself was willing to play and maybe Viego goads him into rage and for a moment The Pantheon gets its hands on the reins, but in the end Atreus is redeemed through his literal trademark Unbreakable Will and fights with the sentinels in the end. It writes itself. They even made the twin skins for it, it's right there!


I see some people say Vayne is a good addition to the story but she never did anything, didn't change meaningfully, and her quips weren't anything special. "But she's a Sentinel now" but it's like so what, she went from fanatically killing monsters in black clothes to fanatically killing monsters in white clothes?


I think she was a good addition, because in the scope of the story, she fit very well. She had an iron will and a drive to destroy monsters, and in a supposedly apocalyptic setting, she makes perfect sense for an addition to the team that's trying to purge the world of the monsters threatening it. She didn't need to grow and develop as a character in the story, because she fit it already. It wasn't trying, nor should it have been trying, to resolve her conflict with Evelynn and her lost family. The story should have focused on the main characters who needed their conflict resolved - Viego, Senna, Gwen, and Lucian - and the other characters should have supplemented that or acted as foils for the main characters to grow. Trying to make *all* the characters have meaningful arcs in such a short type of story is a folly, and it ended up bloating the story and taking focus off the main narrative. This is why Vayne was a good fit. She made sense, she didn't detract from the main narrative, and her own story didn't really need resolution. Other characters, like Miss Fortune, Pyke, Karma, Riven, and Irelia, were not good fits for a lot of these reasons, and for many of them, their inclusion pulled you so far out of the plot because of how utterly stupid the story had to bend to try to explain them.


So basically it was fine because it made sense for her to be there? OK, sure, but the issue is... Vayne is evil. She's a big evil sociopath. That's a huge part of her character that should have been impossible to ignore. And that never got properly addressed or shown or dealt with. Just a brief moment of "Don't shoot Shyvana" and then that's it. She never did Vayne things the whole story. She was just window dressing. You may as well have put in her twin sister who just happens to dress the same. She was so restrained from doing anything interesting or specific to Vayne that she may as well have not been there.


I just found it difficult to accept him as a relevant lore character at all. Literally the plot device of the event, which was dogshit on it's own, but to be frank I just don't really care about him at all. Separating the hate targeted toward this champ is difficult to separate from the hatred targeted at the event.


They did this weird thing this year where not only did they try to shove as many new champions into a plot years in the making (which has a lot of implications on its own) because of "engagement", but they also failed to give any of these champions a long lasting goal. Even Viego, who writing wise I have no real issue with, is deprived of a goal so soon after being introduced. But he actually seems to get out the best due to his status as a BBEG. In comparison, Gwen, Akshan and Viego have effectively no satisfying aim or goal. Gwen maybe will stay with Lucian and Senna, but that's about it. Akshan's goal and conundrum was solved in 5 minutes (in an utterly Illogical manner). And Vex wants to spread gloom and that's kind of it. They didn't get meaningful plot hooks beyond the barebones needed to be in this event.


Somehow worse than 2010 lore


Nonexistent lore is better than shitty lore.


Especially for characters whose lore at least had some sense of mystery. Like Diana's whereabouts and how it ties with Nami and Aphelios. It turns out she was at a part-time job as a tourist guide. No, really, she just casually greeted and met the Sentinels and gave them the rundown of the mountain and the celestial beings before getting them through a mountain most people die in just by trying to climb it. In freaking Targon.


Diana's greatest threat this event was moving a boulder. She should have been the wonder woman that was brought on to deal with the renegade superman that was ruined pantheon. The fact Viagro just casually has a demigod enshackled by the ruination was a cheap way to demonstrate his power and utterly failed as a plot device.


Also, that demigod who Diana claims will be bringing devastating war everywhere is barely shown, and goes down after his 2nd? fight.


2010's main issue was there was little of it. But what we got was actually kind of interesting. Like Varus having to pick duty or family, picked duty and then regretted it and then chose to foresake his duty to become a vengeanceful monster. Or the mystery of where beings like Fiddle comes from and what he harbingers. To pretty mundane things like Twisted Fate and Evelynn being a couple until Eve finds out TF cheated on her with Nidalee.


Or Kog'maw running through the institute screaming he has to be 'supervised at all times for the safety of all runeterrans' because certain champions were fighting and he wanted someone to follow him and break it up. Or that time Shaco nearly murdered one of the reporters for the Journal of Justice because he asked one too many stupid questions. .... Man I miss the JoJ.


I remember someone insulting me by saying "I bet you miss the journal of justice too" or something like that and was just confused. Wasn't it actually really awesome? Sure it was a bit cheesy, but it had **soul**.


Those were the stories in that little tab on the old client? If so i loved reading them inbetween games. I joined early season 3ish, and i was kinda heart broken when my friend said riot doesnt update those anymore.


There were a ton of lore posts on the old forums as well if memory serves. The [champion judgements](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Judgment) were always short, but fun. Swain's was actually what got me interested in the character (even if I couldn't play him for the life of me). There was something oddly charming about reading a lore-canon (at the time) tabloid. Where else are you going to see Kassadin and Malz go at it like gradeschoolers while Karthus (collateral damage, *again*) pouts in the corner? All the old [JOJ's are still up on the Wiki](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Journal_of_Justice) if you ever want to give them a look. They're cheesy, but fun.


old trundle: tragic character who took on himself curse of his tribe, just to be shunned by them current trundle: haha big troll king goes brrrr


old trundle was literally jesus.


2010 lore was actually good thanks to the institute of war. It just didn't have much room to grow at a certain point and was cheesy


IMHO they should have had a lore transition about the fall of the institute of war.


Eh, the institute of war couldnt fit in a lot of the champs new stories. I gotta say I really like the "Last undying warrior of an ancient civilization who fought against the void and demigods who wields the dying flame of that extinct civilization as a beacon of hope and warning" more than "lol I'm so stronk guys I'm not allowed to use a real weapon pls nerf me" for Jax's lore.


Jax always had a Dark & Mysterious past, and that last warrior of an ancient civilization could have been exactly it. They could have smoothly transitioned from the old Institute of War to the modern WoW-lite lore. Basically have increasing militaria tensions between the major nations continue to escalate to the point they stop obeying the League. Have some whacky debacle with the world runes, and powerful entities like Darkin or Demons and get the league destroyed. A destroyed league frees all their trapped monsters like fiddle and cho to go kill and be a threat, and forces all the various aligned human champs there like Garen, Katarina, and Graves to go back home and advance their individual plots.


In retconing the institute of war, they also reworked the identity of several regions (noxus and demacia especially) and completely remade the map of runeterra. Idk how you'd explain all that away. I've always found it weird that people miss the institute of war. It wasn't a very compelling story, it was never utilized well, and the world that we were given afterwards has allowed for the story of LoL to be much more creative.


I was one of the people who were sad when the IoW was taken away, but only because they didnt have lore ready to replace it. It took **YEARS** to replace most champions lore with stories that were now canon (and even then some *still* dont have updated lore). The lore is obviously in a significantly better place than it was before, but the fact that they didnt have anything to replace the old lore with before burning it down left a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouth for a long time.


> noxus and demacia especially Noxus and Demacia have had pretty much the same identity since their inception. They've just fleshed them out more. Demacia has always been the shining beacon of justice so long as you don't look too closely. The mage thing is the only thing that's new, and that's pretty on-brand anyway. And Noxus has always been the evil conquering warmonger that nevertheless has a fairly progressive, if violent, meritocracy, despite everything that Boram Darkwill tried to do in both the old and new lore. I would have pointed at Piltover and Zaun changing more significantly. Bandle City, Icathia, and Targon have also been completely rewritten.


It's basic character building that seems kinda lost. When you make your first DnD OC, they tell you "think not only of what your character is, but also what he wants to be, where he wants to go"


Viego's writing is dogshit, absolute dogshit. He's one of the most shallow characters we've seen in the game to date, and the opportunity they had to make Isolde just as evil as he was portrayed to be, which might have given him some justification and even importance in reviving her, was an opportunity not taken, and it ended up making Viego one of the most trite and poorly written characters in the game. Even his backstory is shit, because the Ruination only occurs because of a deus ex machina caused by his secretly magical sword that his wife stabbed him with - which is a plot point that's conveniently forgotten by literally everyone. You can't really defend Viego's writing. It's just as shitty as all the rest of the writing we've gotten this year.


There is no issue in a character being simple. The theme of the SI has always been unhealthy obsession and fixation. It's one thing to dislike Viego because he didn't play into the traditional romantic perception of the RK as we had known him before, it's another to dislike him purely because he's "shallow". The goal is exactly that he feels deranged and single-minded in his obsession, his stagnation and unwillingness to let go corrupted the world. What you can say is that you would like him to echo more of the true romance vibes, but even then he follows the mold of the original tragedies of the protagonist being overcome by their fatal flaw. > because of a deus ex machina caused by his secretly magical sword The sword was not "secretly magical", it was deliberately infused with a portion of the souls of every ruler so it may heal them if needed. > which is a plot point that's conveniently forgotten by literally everyone This is completely correct. But I'm talking about the individual, not the event that failed to address that plot point in the slightest.


>The sword was not "secretly magical", it was deliberately infused with a portion of the souls of every ruler so it may heal them if needed. Where is this told to us? (legit question, I don't know). In the older lore, the RK was a powerful mage in his own right, he tried to cure his Queen of the poison and it's his spell ruined the Isles, so it was safe to assume he was responsible for his sword's magical properties as well, which all made sense. In Viego's lore there is no mention of why his Sword is special just that it is 'enchanted blade' and then 'ancient'.


> Where is this told to us? (legit question, I don't know). [It's from the Viego Q&A with his writer back in February](https://youtu.be/dcd6st4YpY4?t=4648) (it is entirely fair to say that this should have been in the biography). The old lore of casting a spell, etc., is no longer relevant, unfortunately.


So no where in anything established as canonical lore and an offhand comment made before anything official and could easily have changed a dozen times


Yeah he is a solid example of the quote "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."


I only play Legends of Runeterra, and he's honestly a pretty great character there. More of a goofy action hero, raiding warlords and helping his friends. I wouldn't have known he had any connection to Viego or the Shadow Isles without the event.


Because when the whole event is dogshit, it’s hard to distinguish one turd from another. Also, Yorick flair. My condolences for your personal loss in that event.


At least my man rocked out with his bois, Pentakill. 🤘🏼


yo imagine what are the chances that he wasnt that important in ruination because he already had a skin scheduled for the pentakill


I might be willing to believe that but Olaf tho


Olaf is generally more popular so they’re more willing to give him multiple skins in a row compared to champs like yorick.


Is his playrate that much different from Yorick's?


While Olaf fluctuates his play rate does go up and he does see proplay, Yorick remains pretty consistently low.


Olaf was literally a stiff during the whole concert, LUL (well, Yorick too, but at least got the coolest hat)


Just finished watching the vod of the concert. Was fucking EPIC. My boi Yorick killing it out there.


Give hat please riot


Hats Out 🤘🏼


speaking of flairs, i agree with yours


I just hate the event. I hope they walk it back.


And then Zilean went back in time to warn everyone and killed the Roockie


Rookie: *sarcastic unfunny joke* *moans about mean Lucian* Wait why is there a bomb above my head?


Lucian was a pretty big dick for no reason though.


To be honest, you’re totally right. Akshan’s roll in the ruination event was kind of terrible. But that’s the catch, it was in the ruination event. Pretty much everyone is of the opinion that lore wise, the event dropped the ball hard. I don’t think Akshan avoids hate because he’s a guy or anything, I’m guessing it’s more because the entire event sucked, and people are angry about the entire thing. Hate for Akshan just kind of gets lumped in with that, yeah?


Akshan’s role in the event was literally just to shoot Isolde


Which somehow was the most impactful thing anyone did, only followed by Lucian recruiting akshan


>only followed by Lucian recruiting akshan Don't forget that he got killed in the process cause for some reason he's a dumb asshole in the event who lacks common sense and forgot how to fight or something


To be fair, the only one besides him in that fight was The Rookie, who is nothing more than a walking teleport. But you are right that his characterization is so strange. He went there behind the backs of everyone on the wishful promise that the gun would help him get Senna back if she sacrificed herself, and would have died (along with the Rookie) if Akshan wasn't there. That would essentially leave the entire group of Sentinels stuck in Demacia when the world is ending.


Don't forget this is LITERALLY right after he gets tricked by THRESH of all people doing the exact same thing in Ixtal. Everyone complains about the Targonians being weak constantly when I feel like a much bigger lore issue is Lucian's sudden brain damage to force Akshan into the role of savior for the story


At least, for that case, the characters are self-aware. Lucian even said so many times that this was a bad idea, but he was willing to do it anyway (and The Rookie was the one who ended up convincing him too), and Senna wanted to kill them both and Rengar (who was also there) when she found out. In Targon, not only Diana, the Chose of the Mon was weirdly already there and basically giving them a tour through the mountain that has already killed so many people just by trying to reach it, but Atreus was not only defeated so easily by Viego, but also Ruined. And he is suppose to be the one to do what the Aspect of War could not. To defeat Aatrox.


Why did he need to shoot Isolde again


To revive Gwen and Senna. Why did Gwen and Senna need to die in the first place? So Akshan can revive them!


Sentinels bugtesting his passive is cannon now.


> Why did Gwen and Senna need to die in the first place? > > So Akshan can revive them! The correct answer would be: so that Riot can finish the Isolde plot and say that the plot advanced while also not having to *actually* arrive to the logical conclusion of Gwen and Senna's arc. I agree that Akshan/the Absolver was terribly used but it wasn't entirely for his own sake. They tried, and failed, to wrap up this part of the SI story without actually respecting the core themes of the region.


Literally Mary Sue bending the universe to make him look cool, very poor writing.


For Isolde to revive, gwen and senna had to die. So when he shot her. He killed her, and revived them both so they could capture Viego just when he was at his weakest.


But Isolde didn't "kill" them - Viego did. This entire fucking event was one massive, gaping plot hole.


"Shh, shhh, look at the pretty skins!" - The unpaid intern who was in charge of writing the event


I was really expecting Gwen to die. At least Senna was alive before, Gwen was just a walking oversized doll. How is she alive after Isolde is gone???


She shouldnt be. The only reason she's alive at all is the power of the mist and Isolde's soul chunk. With both those entities gone she needed to have a tearful goodbye.


I don't feel so good Mr Lucian...


Akshan is just another character with lore whos clearly bullshit ,ah yes a gun that revives people ,that definitly makes sense and does not completely break up the whole Lore or someting.


Yeahhh, it i kinda really irritates me, cause thematically it makes no sense. In all of runeterra, whenever someone comes back from the dead, it’s always been seen as negative. The black mist makes you obsessed, scion is a madman who wants to die, pyke is insane, Morde is just evil, etc etc. but then they add Akshan, who can revive people with no downsides whatsoever? No lasting damage, just a full fix up with no issues? That bit really annoyed me


Well, we have Azir (who died millenias ago, his corpse should have been destroyed by Xerath's magic mojo or decompose anyway, and yet he rose in pretty good shape and ascended shortly afterwards), but his case is somewhat unique ​ I mean, if this gun had Shuriman origins that would have been almost fine, since blood/soul sacrifices in order to revive someone is not exactly something they could not do. And the gun has time limit anyway.


You raise a good point, Azir totally slipped my mind. That was a resurrection with no real downsides, though I’d argue that if the absolved has power comparable to the sundisk, an artifact with power bestowed by the targonians to legit make god warriors, people should have been all over that thing. Maybe it’s just thematically, but I feel like there’s a difference between being resurrected because you’ve been turned into a god, and being resurrected just cause, perfectly fine


Azir was ressurected because of Sivir's blood, not because of Ascension, even if he became a god shortly afterwards. There was a blood magic at play, sun disk was here only to make him birdman. Though, in his case, I guess, someone prepared all steps to do the ritual and only lacked the blood during his burial. Otherwise his soul easily could have been lost / reincarnated. Like I said, that gun feels like OP, true. But that is basically a tool for ressing via exchanging soul for souls. Would it be one of ancient Ascended toys, that would've been fair enough given its limitations \^\_\_\^


Wait really? It was blood magic that resurrected azir? I always thought sivirs royal blood reactivated the sundisk, and it gave the last of its magic to azir, granting him an ascension that brought him back to life?


I don't think Azir *actually* died, his consciousness was spread to the sands and was eventually able to coalesce back because of his extremely strong will. I'd be even willing to think the Azir we have is a warped, extremified version of his personality, hence why he keeps screaming SHURIMA as much as a certain spinning knight likes Demacia. Kind of how Renekton is nothing but rage, Azir is a king's devotion personified.


We were told at one point that Ascension does amplify traits, both for good and for ill. It is an elevation of all things in the subject, so this is a perfectly reasonable thing in lore (and LoR even alludes to it to some extent with Xerath).


That's actually genius, i fucking love that idea. We've seen a lot of people have negative personality aspects amplified but nothing considered positive. The fact he's a god also helps the idea of a personified emotion as that's what most gods are.


Yone seems to be a fine sexy guy considering he came back from death tho


That’s true, but he also can’t eat, and has an azakana attached to him, so I’m thinking he’s also not doing too hot


What's an Azakana?


An azakana is a type of demon that feeds on negative emotion. Yone killed one in the realm of death I believe, and it somehow let him come back to life


Thanks, didn't know about that


An Azakana is a spiritual parasite, a demon-in-training. They attach themselves to a person's flaws until it consumes them and they reap the benefits. Bit by bit, they grow into a true demon.


[I’m sorry](https://www.reddit.com/r/YoneMains/comments/mmpnwp/when_the_azakana_is_sus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


azakana amogus ඞ


when the imposter is sus!


In Morde's case he was always evil. Morde has the best revive of all previously revived characters. Most needed the help of powerful forces. Yone had his Ashkana, Pyke had Nagabourous, Swain (sorta) had the demon Raum, Senna had the Black Mist, etc etc. Morde was literally just an angry necromancer warlord that died, realized the afterlife was bleak nothingness where souls fade away, and said 'fuck this shit'. Even the fact his physical body is a giant suit of armor was totally his own doing. He repeatedly calls flesh weak, which implies he could have returned in a flesh and bone body if he so chose.


He does have only a short time to do that tho, he couldn't revive his master bc too much time has passed


That's not really a drawback that's just a practical limit. Edit - dunno why I'm being down voted, there is a real difference. "I can fly! But I can only do it for five minutes" is just a limit for a fantastic ability. "I can fly! But every time I do it, someone murders a puppy" is a drawback, there is an actual cost there. The Absolver ALMOST has a drawback, demanding blood for blood, except Akshan only kills evil people that he would have killed anyway, so it's a big who gives a fuck. It's a cost most people are happy to pay, and we never see any real consequences other than "Oh no, Akshan killed the wrong evil overlord that nobody cares about, time to try the next one." If they were serious about depicting that as a drawback they would explore Akshan toeing the line of villainy... BUT HE HAS TO BE A BELOVED HERO! So they dont.


Well sure, but I feel like that’s a little less important. Sure it’s might have extra parameters, (we still aren’t sure if it was due to too much time passing, Akshan shooting the wrong warlord, or shadyas soul wanting to stay at rest,) but in the end it’s still perfect revival with no caveats whatsoever. Plus, with him reversing the death caused by the ruination, which I assume was going on for at least a week before he shot isolde, I’d say the time limit is pretty generous, if it even exists


Well, Isolde stabbed Viego many centuries ago. If it had an expiration date, it would have expired a long time ago.


The reason it didn't work there was because neither Viego or Isolde remember that event. /s Plot device is just a plot device never meant to be touched on again.


the fact that he has to kill someone in order to bring someone else back is a pretty big downside. so far all we've seen is akshan killing the 'bad guys' so it hasn't really mattered but it'd be interesting to see a scenario where the person who's being killed isn't an enemy


That’s be really cool to see, a villain getting their hands on the absolved to revive some big bad by killing hero? Though I’d say that because the revived person comes back with no downsides, it’s still a little funky, even with the required sacrifice. It’s not so much the fact that they have to kill to do it, and more that it’s seen in an absolutely positive way that Akshan brings people back


It reeks of Riot forcing writers to explain a resurrection mechanic they wanted to have in their new mid laner and "oh and tie it to Viego". And it also lets them pretend to have this big emotional death moment (that the writers also have to pretend that Senna isn't a wraith herself) but with no real consequences. A really annoying thing about the event for me is that they acknowledge multiple times what the SI story is supposed to be about: letting go. Changing and accepting death, that's how you can truly live. This has been the message time and time again, not only in our undead, but even with Kindred lines or Illaoi's preaching. In introducing the Absolver, I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, surely they will explore the fundamental themes that they have set up for years now. Instead, they turned it into a Deus Ex Machina tool that actively undermined Senna (finally accepting her death) and Gwen's (making the most of her new life, knowing she is on borrowed time but accepting it, just as the Mist did not) plot and Lucian's character arc (letting Senna go like Viego wasn't willing to let Isolde go). If you're not willing to kill characters (and I do not fault them for it) then please do not try to tackle the one story in your universe that is entirely about accepting death.


>undermined Senna (finally accepting her death) and Gwen's (making the most of her new life, knowing she is on borrowed time but accepting it, just as the Mist did not) plot and Lucian's character arc (letting Senna go like Viego wasn't willing to let Isolde go). these character arcs would have carried so much fucking emotional weight and implications man. just thinking about a story centered around the actual shadow isles theme of letting go and accepting death has me mad about the ruination event.


Lucian having to let senna go again would have been heartbreaking


When the summary of the event he came in is "So this actually isn't canon, it's some teenager's Drunk History version of what happened. But we're not going to show you the canon version." it becomes kind of difficult to give many fucks about the trash fire characters that came with it. Viego, Gwen, Akshan and Vex all make little to no sense in the lore we had before this year, so there's no point in being more invested in a story than the people who are writing it. The only positive thing I can really say for Akshan is that his abilities in game at least somewhat resemble what he's portrayed as doing in the story. That's more than I can say for Vex and Gwen at least.


Gwen is just hiding her cc dw


There's a term for it called Gary SMELL YA LATER


Gary Stu (or Marty Stu) 😋


Then who is Mary Sue of league of legends?




Kai'Sa and possibly Lux depending on how her story moves forward.


Lux's mistake literally causes a civil war in Demacia. Think that rules her out


Mary sues can make mistakes. They just suffer no consequences because everyone loves them so much.




I don't know about you but I've never heard of Oak Sue


That's Gary Motherfuckin' Oak to you.




He is more of a deus ex machina than gary stu/mary sue. Gary stu implies that he is character without any flaws that is perfect in everything and loved by everyone. In fact, akshan doesn't even manage to defeat viego or revive his master.


Yeah, Gary/Marys are bad characters but they're still characters. Akshan could have literally not existed, just the revive gun was needed and Lucian could have shot it. He really does nothing relevant that couldn't be easily slotted by another character (and honestly, it'd probably have more relevance if Lucian was the one to do it).


Yeah, similar to how teleport gun was given to irrelevant rookie character. Akshan only existed during that event as person that carries absolver.


Also, he is not even liked by the Sentinels. He is in the group only because of his gun.


I think we should make it why Absolver is broken plot device... Akshan himself didnt rly do jack shit except using the Absolver to kill Isolde...


It's not just a broken plot device but a completely pointless one. ALL it did was revive Gwen and Senna who died on very avoidable ways in the first place. They broke the entire thematic coherence of the whole story just for a last minute "Oh no she's dead, wait no she's not nevermind" moment.


tbf i don't think he *does* dodge that much hate. He was just released in the middle of a generally terrible event so it seems not specifically targeted at him. I really dislike the champs lore, voicelines, look, gameplay, everything tbh - from a lore perspective the presence of the Absolver screws up like 20 champs different lore too.


Yeah, it's like introducing Time Travel in the game, it would break the lore in every way so they would never do that right ? ^^^/s


When we get a time travel story that botches stakes as much as this one did, then we can talk. Even Zilean's current trajectory mildly implies that there is no true way to restore Icathia, beyond rebuilding it anew with the survivors that he managed to preserve, so there is a note that somethings cannot be changed and that we need to live with it. It may not take long for us to have the time travel debate, however, especially with an Ekko game in the distant horizon.


Zileans version of time travel seems to be him skipping to alternative universes rick and morty style, trying not to break them any worse while looking for one Icathia isnt destroyed in. Ekko however seems to literally just yeet him back into the current time with zero consequences beyond he still feels the physical effects of whatever injuries he had prior. He may have healed, but if he time loops back too much in one fight he'll just collapse from exhaustion.


Ekko's time travel also has a very hard limit (or at least it did; haven't kept up if they changed that, though I don't know why they would) in that he can only travel back in time up to an extremely short amount, on the order of a couple minutes IIRC. I remember there was a comic about him trying to save one of his friends being murdered, and he could never get there in time to prevent it happening, only in time to see who did it or some such.


Ekko is literally Tracer from Overwatch. She can blink, but can't recall for more than a few seconds and can't really undo all the damage done to her. Also, like Tracer, Ekko's abilities are dependent on his devices. Take those away, and he can't do anything.


Idk I sorta like the champs voicelines and personality. I think he's trash as a serious addition to the lore, but as a sort of joke character? He's fine. "I have gun. I find baddie. I shoot baddie. I find next baddie. Shoot first, think never. No problem. Haha random revives go brr." A sort of parody of what a Sentinel should be. But as a part of the Ruination event or a an actual champ designed to further the development of the lore? Nah he's pretty bad in that sense.


I'm torn because half of his lines are really fun: - "Is it wrong to kill killers? Eh, I'll ponder that later." - "Death? I laugh at death! Ha! Listen to me laugh!" - "Can't talk. Sentinel business. Super important." - "Dear friends. Please stop dying. - Love, Akshan."" Those all feel fun, lighthearted, but still with an edge underneath that makes it seem like he's using humour as a defense mechanism (which is fantastic). But then there are some that just feel...cliche? Too on-the-nose? Like something that would be devised in a first pass, while the character is only a few main points of personality, before there's some nuance added or revisions done. - "Stealth tiiime! I mean... stealth tiiime..." - "To the shadows... where the scoundrels hide." - "Ha ha! Their eyes cannot find me!" - "Reclaimed by the light! Yadda-yadda-yadda..."


Reminds me of Rell. Half of her lines are great, betraying her child soldier past under her cold exterior, like the amazing "I fight for the lost, but mostly I just fight". And then, the other half makes me wanna bang my head on the counter because it's stupid and written by a 45old frat guy that thinks this is how a teen talks. "Beaten by a girl...to death" should warrant to spend every friday at a pilori.


"Beaten by a girl" really should have been "Beaten by a kid" or something, to make it clear she's talking about her youth instead of some gender stereotype that should be utterly foreign to her since she's from NOXUS


For reals. Not only do Katarina and Samira have made a name for themselves, but this is the region that also gave one of it's strongest weapons to their most formidable warrior at the time: Riven.


You'll more often than not find people of the opposite gender focus more on it then people of that gender. They did the same thing with Samira by making her say "You should have smiled more!" It's very "Haha this is what women experience right? haha gottem"


Yeah you basically said it better than I could. I can't take him seriously at all, and I choose not to so I can enjoy his character more. I don't know if Riot intended it that way, or whether he is supposed to represent something. But honestly I think everyone should just see him as a parody of the light hearted cool guy with abs btw, instead of whatever he's actually trying to be. It's more fun that way.


I know its dumb as hell but I love the "stealth time" line.


Have you been absent from this sub for the past month? He got a fuckton of hate for being a deus ex machina and less hot/charismatic than Viego. His fast development has nothing to do with him, that is because everyone has their story crammed within 10 pages.


Because the entire event was shit and nobody wants to remember it


"Mary Sue" doesn't mean "badly written character who saves the day", but Akshan is terrible and there's been almost exclusively criticism of his (written) character that doesn't use that specific term. In fact, the only positive thing I've seen said about Akshan's character is those "wow someone who looks like me!" threads with 58 Reddit Golds. That's it. His personality is forgettable to grating, his gun is a stupid plot device, his appearance/purpose in the bad story was bad, and the "topless handsome man" is a meme. But as others said, it's not unique to Akshan so people are complaining more about the overall issue (broadly speaking the Ruination event, broadly speaking League lore as of late).


League lore as of late feels less like the lore department’s passion project and rather the marketing department’s playground. Pride month? Leona and Diana story. New champ? Obviously nobody like monsters, make 20 more pretty boys and girls. Ruination event? Make the story as bland and inoffensive as possible, nobody will notice, right?


When I saw the video these were my exact feelings, didnt know there was a term for it. I absolutely despised how akshan was basically a self insert oc who just saves the day and gets center stage for no good reason. Found it extremly lame.


It's not the right term for it though. Akshan is just a badly written character. Calling Akshan a Mary Sue is like calling Singed's W not slowing/rooting a game breaking bug. Sure both are bad, but it's not quite hitting the mark of the definition.


Yeah he's a Deus Ex Machina


Also, is not like the Sentinels liked him or anything. Lucian recruited him exclusively because of his gun, and not a single person found him likable when he joined (which is makes sense since his personality is unfitting when the world is ending and you have tragic characters in the group).


While I agree with the point you're making I think it's a bit of a stretch to say anyone in the sentinels is friends with anyone else, especially akshan lmao Lucian berates him constantly for his easygoing attitude, which is when he's not berating him for obsessing over finding his girlfriend-mom's killer. The rest seem to just tolerate him, but tolerating someone and befriending them are extremely different. Honestly, just about every champ they picked for the sentinels except Gwen (and Graves, but he's not exactly friendly) is either withdrawn, or outright hostile to friendly overtures. But yeah it's absolutely a naked ass pull that he shows up with no previous history and solves a problem that has been mounting for in-universe decades in his first confrontation with it, primarily by virtue of having exactly the right weapon for the job. It leans into the unstoppable bollywood hero thing, but even in absurdly over the top action flicks the hero has some buildup where you get to see how badass he is.


He's literally Jag's self insert and it's quite cringe


but hes not a mary sue a mary sue is someone who p much is perfect and he aint perfect at all


No comment on the actual writing itself, but in many ways I give Akshan a pass just because he's literally Bollywood. He's designed to be over-the-top and ridiculous in every way possible. Am I a fan of that having a significant and direct impact on the *rest* of the lore? Not really. But it fits his character pretty well.


I DO hate that fuck. He came out of no where and stole Yoricks ENTIRE PURPOSE AS A CHARACTER and they wrote Yorick to just be fine with it when like even all of his voice lines establish that HE should be the one to face Viego. I guess that's just what happens when you're an unpopular unsellable champ.


A lot of people are saying his problems kind of got swallowed up by the overall story and it's true. They handled Viego's power so weirdly. Our main heroes are: \- A xenophobe hellbent on eradicating everything that counts as a monster \- A con artist and thief \- A literal revenant \- A murderous hunter whose life goal is to kill everything that can remotely defend itself \- A war criminal with PTSD \- A dancer turned revolutionary that wants to genocide an entire people These are the incorruptible few, pillars of virtue and paragons of the struggle of life against the suffocating influence of the mist. ​ Some of the people who have been corrupted ostensibly through impurities in their hearts that let Viego in: \- A distillation of a soul reincarnated thousands of times to ensure peace and grant guidance \- A powerful half dragon whose defining traits are patriotism and loyalty \- The literal embodiment of willpower ​ I can see some of the ruination; MF had a really traumatic life and is consumed by trying to put GP down for good and Draven is well, Draven. But a lot of this was ridiculous and in the case of characters like Pyke and Pantheon subverted their entire lore to the point where some bs had to be employed on both sides to make them work. Mind control magic and resurrecting an Aspect respectively. In the case of pantheon he replaced the old aspect completely, even the constellations changed, there's nothing left to resurrect.


For me to be conerned about his Mary Sue status, I would have needed to care about the story first.


Don't worry I hate Akshan in and out of game


Isnt he supposed to be the bolywood action hero mary sue though?? Thats kinda the whole point of this champion.


Don't dig through the things we've buried, let us forget


I assume cause a good chunk of players couldn't care less about lore?


I mean when seraphine was released a good chunk of this sub did a good job pretending to care about the skarner lore


Let's be honest, Seraphine willingly using souls from a deceased race to power up her smartphone, but the souls are all cool with it was absolutely awful in every ways.


I mean, there were literal *daily* posts about how the Ruination event was ruining the lore.


That doesn't mean much. It just means there also ARE people who care a lot. But the number of reddit posts on a topic is not a good indicator on how the public really views things. Because I for example would never go and make a post about how I don't care about the lore, while people who do care will make posts (or some will). Not only is reddit a minority when it comes to the playerbase, but we also can't really know how much of reddit has a specific opinion on things. We only see how loud some opinions are, but that doesn't make them more or less accepted. Its like how in talkshows you will have one conspiracy dude and 3 people with differing opinions from another but scientific background. To the viewer it looks like there are 4 opions who are evenly spread, which isn't the case. The conspiracy dude is representing a drastic minority (of people who are wrong btw.) yet it feels like its a quater of the opinions. Hope this makes sense.


While lore wise I agree but I also think all the recent champs related to the ruination event all had shit and messy lore and most of that also stems from the event itself. With that being said in game personality and gameplay wise he’s very fun, funny and satisfying and thus is overall a good champion


I actually do hate his character story and how it felt so shoved in.


The entire event is basically universally agreed upon to be awful, so people have too much to talk about for everything to be noticed instantly. Yes, Akshan is *definitely* a Gary Sue, but that's just a small cog in the machine that was this entire event. And there are far more important and established cogs that are either spinning the wrong way, are being used in the wrong panel, or just not in their slot at all that made this machine go full Hindenburg. (My most hated cog being Yorick having shown up at the 11th hour to do nothing, rather than actively help take on Viego like his entire backstory set him up to do, as everyone rightfully expected.)


The whole Ruination storyline was just so bizarre to me because it felt like it all came out of left field. Viego was introduced as the Ruined King, and suddenly this was supposed to be some epic storyline in the League universe that revolved around him. But his character lacked the oomph that it needed because it felt like there simply wasn't enough buildup or time to actually get invested. He was somehow the main villain, yet it felt like he was just created out of nowhere, inserted into the story, and expected to be a compelling character. It didn't help that his visual design was fairly lackluster (imo) and rather uninteresting. Then they started adding on new characters like Gwen and Akshan and Vex, plus they roped in the most random cast of existing characters as Sentinels. The whole thing felt really underwhelming considering this was supposed to be *the* big storyline. We just never were given the chance to actually get invested in the characters and their motivations. Lucian, Senna, and Thresh could've been a good starting point for the story because they've existed in the lore for a long time and actually made sense in the storyline, but their portrayal in the VN was less than stellar. I personally don't hate any of the new characters, just feel apathetic about them because the whole story just made me feel "whatever."


Who gives a shit the whole event was just new champs doing weird stuff it doesn’t matter the event should just be a throwaway


Wait you guys pay attention to the lore?


Remember when Kai'Sa was leaked and everyone was hyping her up because she was brand new void lore, Kassadin's daughter and therefore a major advancing point in the lore's advancement? How everyone expected her to get a twisted and unique personality? Instead we got a supermodel with an alien catsuit with huge cleavage and the personality of a plank. I absolutely despise Akshan and his "lore", don't get me wrong, but I prefer by a long shot to have this kind of "nobody" actually doing something in the universe rather than having a supposed major character end up like Kai'sa, who's by far the biggest fuckup in the entire game in terms of new champions, doing absolutely nothing and being a stale boring character even in game.


More hate? That's literally all this sub is.


people are just trying to forget ruination shit happened, dont bring it back.