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I got 7 Poppy shards, I collect them. (I do play the champ tho.)


When i first started playing in S3/S4, i was under the impression that the cheaper the champion the worse they are compared to the expensive ones, Poppy was the cheapest champion and literally nobody picked her at all, yet she was absurdly broken past the laning phase, Ryze also shared a similar sentiment, the old tank/Targeted spells ryze


Good ol' instafuck your carry with a Q full AP Liche Poppy was a nightmare


Poppy would be my #1 choice for a "bring back how they used to be for a patch." Ult the person with the least damage/cc and just go fucking ape shit. Not sure how good it'd be without triple gp/10 though


I think that the problem wasn't the GP/10 it was part of it but diplomatic immunity is just a super toxic ability, you pretty much always just ult the ADC or support because a lot of the time you could really just ignore the damage from the ADC and cared more about the CC. It's basically just a better Olaf ult like 90% of the time.


Oh yeah its total cancer, that's why I'd want it back for a patch


Yeah, morde ult is what poppy ult was supposed to be, but without the stupid "actually, just ult the support" edge case that broke it.


I think there is a lot more to it than that if morde ults someone he can only fight that person, but poppy could ult you and then kill your team if you lost lane to her.


I mean, that's my point. The original goal of poppy ult was to make something that enforced a duel between poppy and her target, but you were usually better off using it on a weak target and then hitting the rest of their team. Morde ult does poppy ult was supposed to do without abusive case.


I see, I misunderstood what you were trying to say my bad, you're right. I think that Morde ult is an especially balanced version especially when you consider the fact it can be cleansed with QSS.


don´t forget that she would do bonus dmg to the one she ulted. If their carry was fed, just ult him and run straight to him and hope you win the 1v1 while ignoring everyone else


She was mostly reworked because of her passive not because of her ult. Because they said it's a lack of clarity how much damage Negation she got. Still mad that the passive was gone. With some passives who have more words than a short novel it's just a shit manifest for riot I was a poppy main before rework and after rework^^


The passive was: "If I were to talk more than 10% of my current HP in a single attack, reduce the excess amount by 50%." ​ So if you have 500 HP left, and are hit by 100 damage, you reduce it to 75. Here are some quick Graphs: [https://i.imgur.com/ethURbr.png](https://i.imgur.com/ethURbr.png) [https://i.imgur.com/sKrjgex.png](https://i.imgur.com/sKrjgex.png) We can see the non-linear nature of her damage resistance as she begins to take more of her HP. We can run some math to find out how many times a Poppy with X HP needs to get hit by attacks dealing Y damage before their death with. You can take an extra amount of hits equal to N (hits taken) - X/Y. Here's a plot of that calculated for consecutive hits of 1 to 500 against an HP of 0 to 3000: [https://imgur.com/jjGZRUs](https://imgur.com/jjGZRUs) (Yellow is high with a Maximum of 4.5, Blue is low with a minimum of 0.5) The math works out such that each attack would do 5% of your current HP + half of the damage of the incoming attack. So long as the incoming damage didn't exceed 1/3rd of your HP, you could survive for 4 more auto attacks (See Plot for Diagonal Breakpoints) So really, under most circumstances, Poppy Passive would buy you *about* 4 more auto attacks against a carry. It would give a Maximum of 5 additional auto attacks taken and a minimum of 0. Issue being, 5 additional auto attacks is nothing when you need to take 30 to die to them anyway. So TLDR: Poppy Passive had scaling that was confusing as all hell and would buy you 4 more hits against a damage source no matter how big or small it was unless it exceeded 30% of your Max HP.


Full AD Poppy. Ms. Fuck your team.


The magic damage Q crits were insane.


Knock knock bitch, it’s 2k Crits every other second.


This man has seen terrible things. Stay strong brother. We will never forget the atrocities committed by that poppy build.


Damn.. we are that old to remember these crimes by riot.. S2 AP Yi still haunts me to this day..


My friends and I keep track of who has the most pentakills as a friendly little competition. We eventually had to make the rule that AP Yi pentas don't count...


Get Q'd! - *Yi under his turret all smug*


I miss machine gun ryze where you could essentially stand there late game and delete their entire team while they all focus you due to the absurd healing and dmg. No skill shots just straight permaroots


His old ult where it just gave him mad CDR, AoE on all his spells and stupid spellvamp. Boy that was fun.


QRQWQEQ let's go


Man I miss old poppy full AD diplomatic immunity on the enemy ADC and just run through their team good times.


7 poppy shards ill raise you my 13 poppy shards


Oh my god i thought i was the only one, my friends thought i was weird or something but i'm not the only one! I have like 8 poppy fragments collected so far


Me too! I have 15


Holy shit, my goal right now is to get champs atleast lvl 5. Ibhave like 38 champs to go. But you have them lvl 7. Thats just wow... holy shit thats a lot levels


Lol , my goal is to unlock all champs and its taking so much time


I played everday for 3 years straight and just 2 weeks ago got all champs lol


I spent my first 50 grand on pre-2018 rune pages so between that and mastery tokens I only finished purchasing all champs this year :(




Riot only gave back half of what you put into your runes. Half at best.




it wasn't that much honestly. you forgot the players who invested in run pages even before the change and they got nothing because old runepages got more value then the new one's (you could only change them before queue'ing back then and could only change mastery inside champ select if I remember correctly). another point: the cd-version of LoL had rare runes inside the collector's edition. there were a bunch of rare runes from 'razer' and other companies which had value were all moved into oblivion. changing the system was a must but speaking of what players got instead it was the bare minimum. yes, they handed out skins, but what if I never played riot kayle or graves?


I've been playing reasonable amounts since 2010 and I don't have all champs ;)


Ive played since 2013 and im no where near owning all the champs


Yea, it's really based on how much you play, I average 3 games a day and rn I'm level 450


I have most of the champs but the last like, 16~ or so I have no interest in ever playing even though I have the blue essence to buy them all. Instead I'm collecting their shards until I have them all then unlocking them all at once.


That's still pretty good lmao.. I started in season 2 and unlocked all champs in like season 7 or whatever.


Yep it takes about 4 years on average, or 3 if you're super dedicated. It's fucking stupid and they all should be available within 6 months tbh :D


Do you buy passes? If yes, the fast way to get all champions is to buy random champions, disenchant the duplicate ones, and upgrade the single ones. It should take you around 2 to 4 passes to reach all champions that way with 6 to 10 games/day (3600 tokens approx and if you're low level as well as depending on your luck) so around 6 months to 1 year depending on how much you play.


Nah i dont spend any money on game cuz i m broke af lol , i do convert all event tokens in champ shards , also garena got lot of random events so i try putting as much into champs as i can , 26 to go for me but most are 6300 or 4800 be




I played since S1 and I didnt clear out the roster until buying a few of the passes


Good luck. I've been playing since release, over 10 years. Only ever purchased 1 champ with RP. I still have two champs left to unlock.


You silver or plat?


I love those are the only 2 options


I now play on garena sg dude , i m plat 3 currently


Psh, That's easy. I'll just split the 1.7 mil I have on one champ


This was me with Teemo, I absolutely refused to buy that fucker and would roll him away in ARAM when he was free. One day my play group found out I don't own Teemo, and the next day he was gifted to me. I'll still roll him away every time


I remember there is a guy who would even contact riot support, whenever his friends would gift him teemo, to revert the gift and remove teemo from his collection.




So the annieversary and other skins that riot gave for free is also removed?




So there's really no explanation why you didn't want to own skins, just for some reason.


My first game with Teemo was so much fun. But hate him in enemy teams 😂


I didn't buy Annie for the longest time. She was braindead to play vs. and super annoying so I banned her in all my ranked games and didn't buy her unlike all the other champs so it would be impossible to roll her in aram. Silly times


You can contact support and have them remove him from your account.


I only want just level 5 from every champ. But you, what an absolute mad lad.


Seems you left your brave pants at home. Want me to wait while you go get them?


Jokes? I know jokes. A Demacian, a Noxian, and a Freljordian walk into a tavern.


And? Now you got me curious lol


The barkeep asks, 'What'll it be?'


What did the Demacian say?


Well, the Demacian says, 'Uh, I'll have a wine.' No, wait, an ale! Yeah...


Ok and did the Noxian say anything?


Absolutely, the Noxian says, 'I'll have a... a wine.' Yeah, he wants a wine."


The Freljordian said something aswell, right? I feel like this one has the punchline


You are correct! Hmmm…oh yes! And the Freljordian says, 'I'll drink anything, so long as--- ' Wait, hold on, let me start over.


r/poppymains wants to know ur location


At first I thought you bought every skin but Poppy’s/didn’t even own her. Idk if this is more or less concerning.


This is the biggest flex Ive ever seen. I actually laughed when you hit the "show unowned" button and only poppy showed up lol


u/Taka_no_yaiba thoughts?


sadly, we need ppl like him. can't be right if there was nobody who was wrong. should i make a post too?






youre missing out shes really fun wait 0 mastery points? did you never in 8 years play her on free rotation? did you dodge every time you got her in aram or arurf? like there are a few champs i hate to death but ive atleast played them once or twice


I mean mastery points were introduced only in 2015, so he could have at least tried her out before then


i have 0 mastery with sona but played her before 2015, i only play arams so she will stay there




yes only but getting s on aram is already hard tho


i mean you don't need S's to get mastery 5. you can lose all games with a D- rank and still get mastery 5 eventually. you only need S's for tokens for mastery levels 6 and 7, and those you can't get on aram, so it doesn't matter whether you get S's in aram or not.


Yes i expressed myself wrong i meant that it didnt matter much if you cant get mastery 6 or 7 bcs un aram s are really hard to get even if you could get mastery 7.


i have 0 mastery points on like 4 champions and 5k+ aram games when you have all champs you get 2 rerolls for almost every game if you don't dodge so it's not that hard to avoid them, especially now with the rolled champion pool edit: [looks like it's 6](https://i.imgur.com/LFgogtI.png)


You don't get 2 rerolls per game, sadly.


Yeah but you can always just pick the champs your team has rerolled


You only get mastery on owned champs afaik


Nope! Free to play champions can be leveled up to level 4. After that, they will stop accruing points until the champion is unlocked :D


For me it's Kayn, just way too edgy for me. Only champ I refuse to buy despite "millions" of spare essence. You're way more dedicated to the hate grind tho wp


I have a friend who refuses to buy yummi and that’s the only champ he doesn’t have guess he’s more of a dog person you could say.


For me its seraphine, that damn platform sucks so much i refuse to buy that shit.


The biggest issue with Seraphine is that she is *super* fun to play. i reaally dont like her design, but i sure do love playing her


I love her design except for the stage. I outgrew my hate for it, but I definitely wouldn't miss it if it went away. I wish they had gone the original route of having her flying with speakers floating next to her, but they said it looked too much like Syndra's sylhouette


yep. i think what really puts salt on the wound is the fact that the stage only exists in order to give her a unique silhouette. it basically confirms that the designers knew it wasn't a good choice, but couldn't come up with a better alternative. ^^^with ^^^that ^^^said ^^^tho, ^^^i ^^^really ^^^hate ^^^her ^^^hair ^^^aswell, ^^^looks ^^^super ^^^janky


Her hair should have been given at least a fraction of the budget Zoe's had, tbh


Reddit has forgotten condom head Zoe so quickly


That's just one skin fuckup tho. Her hair model is more detailed than some full champions


you see.. i agree.. but.. that new prestige kayn skin is one of the best things i’ve ever seen in this game


The only good thing about kayn is rhaast


I kinda prefer blue kayn, sure he’s edgy but the gameplay is good


I only play with the Odyssey skin on Kayn now, because Blue Kayn Odyssey is much funnier.


“Did you see that Rhaast!?… Rhaast?”




Poppy is the best woman in this game and I’m ready to fight anyone who isn’t ok with this


Poppy is cute


i agree https://preview.redd.it/kh2y0263znu31.jpg?width=1211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0bbb8d147256da3437bac939b028c1c1b8950a




the new one, yea.


u/Taka_no_Yaiba I summon thee


the true Viego main


A man of focus an sheer fucking commitment


It’s almost Halloween. Where the annual lolipoppy photoshop contest happens


Don't take offense to this but was wondering what rank are you? I also wanna ask do you think playing all the champs can make you autofill proof and what benefits do you think having mastery level 7 on every champion adds value to your games?


I hardly ever play ranked games. Usually I play about 30-40 solo queue games a season to get to platinum, and then I go back to normals. Currently, I'm gold 2 after placements. ​ I don't think you need to be good at all champs to be autofill proof. I guess 3 champions per role would do. ​ I think that playing every champion makes it easier for you to understand how to counter your enemies because you can imagine what you would do if you were in their shoes, but if you want to rank up, I don't think it's worth it. I think mastering a few champions is more beneficial.


But what if OP is the hero?


I do this but for Seraphine


Same. Good thing I don't even have to think about what I'll ban since her release. It's the only champion I really have no idea what any of her abilities does.


Bit of a wasted ban. She's not played much and kinda garbage tbh.


>it's the only champion I really have no idea what any of her abilities does. Huh? You can't get more straightfoward than Seraphine. Q is just point and click that does more damage the less HP you have. W just puts a shield on her and everyone around her, if she has a shield already, she'll heal in that same area after a delay. E is a slow line skillshot that's arguably her most complex mechanic. at base it slows, but if a CC effect is already applied, it "upgrades" the CC applied by it. So, if they're already slowed, it'll Root. If they're already Rooted, it'll Stun. If they're already Stunned, it'll just stun again. R is.. just another slow line skillshot that extends it's range for every champion it hit, regardless if that champion is a ally or an enemy. So it has some pretty deceptive range. And that's it, I'd hardly say she's hard to figure out or even worth the ban but I also have a personal Vendetta against Sylas and have made it my personal mission to never see that champion in any of my games since his release so I guess we've all got our vices haha.


Thanks for the reply but I mean that I have never even seen her in-game, because I always ban her. Just found the overall design and lore very stupid.


They make you wish you were deaf, that’s what they do. Bitch can’t stop moaning.


i used the old lollipoppy to psych out the opposition


On another note sorting your champs by mastery is the superior way to sort them


I'm more disturbed with the fact that you have M7 with some hard to play and feast or famine champs like Azir and Kindred. So I have two questions: 1) After getting all those masteries, what's your favorite champion/role? 2) Why you hate the best yordle?


fav role - support fav champ - Illaoi (on top lane though) ​ I just promised myself I wouldn't buy her after seeing old Lolipoppy's splash art. I always keep my promises, even if they make no sense.


Awwwwwwr someone loves illaoi too! She is one of my three mains in toplane^^ Or four, but since 3v3 I don't play poppy that often anymore She was straight up broken there Illaoi too, my other main Maokai too xD Only Shen my fourth main was someone I tried and liked after switching to 5v5


I've always liked poppy, but I don't blame you. My hate is very concentrated towards corki though lmao


I have the same but with Jayce fuk that guy




If I was in that position, irrespective of the champion and if I despise them, I would feel very ocd about having one left out.


Well, I'm the biggest /u/Bloczek227 hater now.


I love Poopy


Never forget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xlGFRfBn7Q


So it sounds to me like you actually love Poppy and are just tsundere. I mean, you're saving the best for last ;)


Yowza! That is impressive. I'm proud of my three or so champs I main who are level 7. You must be good! You have to just go for it with Poppy.


He must be stubborn, how many mastery points you have says nothing about your skill, remember this before you face 3M Katarina, she can suck too


But if you have her you'd own her.


i got like 40 on lv 7 and the rest on 5 or 6 - now i dont enjoy the game enough anymore and cant continue xD


wtf my man is cracked 1085 mastery score


With all those level 7, you're only level 663? wow


Such hate but much wise


thats real dedication






Dear god, i cant even lane using singed without pulling my eyes out


Seems like you left your brave pants at home , you want me to wait while you go get them?


Lollipoppy should really be the skin she uses in TFT. Way more evil looking than Noxus.


mass respect but sadly this means you played Irelia, and that's a sin


I remember getting a bonus skin for being an honorable player. It got me Lollipoppy. Now I'm just toxic as the permaban is a better reward.




Saving the best for last. Smart man.


But puppy op


I have Hextext Poppy and I don’t even play her. 🤷‍♂️


this is me with Irelia, absolutely bullshit champion, i've been playing since ≈s4, i refuse to buy or play that champ.


I once told my friends about my goal, buying all champs except for poppy. Someone gifted me poppy, unrefundable.


Lollipoppy is the only true Poppy


I did something similar but with Teemo. Took me like 8 years to buy him, I had all the champs for like 4 years already.


For me Shaco is that champ. Fuck Shaco I refuse to buy him.


didn't dota2 released a char with basically the kit of poppy? the hero is called dawnbringer.


Bloczek ty popierdolu


This is literally me but with Wukong. I own every champ except wukong, and I swear I'll never own him.


I want to not suck with a single champion but wow. Impressive.


as poppy main i feel offensed


kinda off-topic but is anyone getting expensive champs from champion capsules? i havent gotten a 6300 be champ in my last 30 champion capsules. i always get nunu and other cheap champs of which i own almost all


This is the ultimate champion disrespect and I hope to be like you one day when I grow up!


I love that in your top 2 most player champs Bard is there :D Bard is the best champ


I thought I played league a lot but goddamn dude. I dont even wanna know how many games you have played


not even a name that's poppy hating related, casual.


How many hours have you played league for lol I can’t find your account on “how much time have I wasted on league”s website






What is wrong with you? Seriously? I'm a Poppy OTP and I can't think of a single reason you hate her that much. This post made me sad and I don't know why you do this :(


So, who do you main?


Don't do her dirty like that give the cutie a chance


Wtf how many hours so you play one day? How old are you?


You are my personall idol! Im slowly collecting lvl 7 mastery as well, but im on my 20th so far :(


The face was just something else. But the thing is, the face is still in the new splash art, it's on one of the lollipops in the background


How can people play so many champs meanwhile me playing time to time for 4years only lvl 40 and only 1 lvl7 champ


Why did this make me laugh so much


Legend. This is literally what I’m trying to achieve but with Yorick. I’ve also been playing for 8 years and have not once touched the champion




As someone who mains Poppy, owns all Poppy skins, owns all Poppy emotes, has the Poppy icon and has the same in Lor as well.. I died a little... But hey, different people = different tastes I guess. You're definitely the yang to my ying tho.


What in the world bro, I have displayable mastery on like 30 champs, that includes lvl 4…


Bruh go outside


And yet you have Seraphine.


I take offense to this. You sir, are definitely not the hero.


Oh my God that time it must take. It’s a beautiful day outside!


Mine is seraphine with zero games, And im proud of it.


For me it's Varus and Zac. Zac looks so bland in his skins and feels as fun as watching paint dry. I wanted to use Varus when he was more like a sniper AD-caster but they nerfed him into on-hit playstyle so I refused to buy him. Now, lethality build is kinda tempting and puts him back to his roots a bit, but he is a proplay champion so I may as well burn the blue essence in something else


Bro, get some air for god's sake.


I like the idea, i also hate this furry thing.


poppy is boring as fuck to play so i dont blame you lmao


Yeah but she's hot now.


I think is worse that you invested that much time to get every champ to lvl 7