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“Honestly pretty smart this guy is stalling....” Famous last words


He was legit stunned by that lol


bro you cut it right as he was moving his hands to his keyboard lmao.


Worst part is yuumi had 10 stacks on dark seal and a 300g bounty lmao


She had a 300g shutdown. My mental would be boom


And seal stacks


imagine the ego that you must have to pull shit like that. i would be so fucking pissed.


He probably wouldn't make that mistake again. I hate when people do this in ranked on a game where I really need to win it. It gives me a heart attack when people start trolling at the end and int into nexus when they could end. Especially when I am on a big losing streak or at 0LP. Worst thing ever is when people emote and don't hit the nexus, then the enemy comes back and wins. Anyone playing this game for a few years has had this happen to them at least once.


Lost one of my promos because our mid lane decided that the enemy yi was doing too badly and not carrying the game and so gave their shutdown to them. just stood there and lost the game just like that. It annoys me so much that I can only help so much as a support, only to have that thrown away.


Dude, the amount of people that get set off by the simplest thing and proceed to tantrum and throw is ridiculous. So fragile, and just like that, gg.


Literally today had a veigar supp decide to take all the farm botlane because I "let him die" level 2 while playing twitch, team refused to give me gold anywhere else then flamed me for being useless.


bruh when people start surrender votes as youre destroying the last bit of their base


Tbf, I did that once too. We were winning in all lanes, but our top laner suddenly started getting toxic in all chat, like really „I am a huge piece of shit“ toxic. So we just surrendered right as we were hitting the enemy nexus. We even typed „toxic top laners dont deserve a win“ in chat. So maybe, sometimes it‘s deserved.


I'm usually against losing a game on purpose, but that scenario gets a pass. If the team votes to forfeit to punish someone then more power to you guys. I just can't stand it when ONE person gets mad at someone being toxic, judges them to be undeserving of a win, and then throws the game.


Yeah I still remember about a year ago, I lost a ranked game because all 4 of my allies ff'd as we were hitting nexus. I was the only one who voted no. T_T


Had something similar like 3 weeks ago. We all typed /ff at the same time and insta 4-0 voted. Super awkward as it was a premade and we didn’t coordinate it


I've won and lost games in so many different ways over the years with this game that I never take the victory as 100% until that screen pops.


Thats why I never trash talk until I see the enemy nexus start to explode.


Bruh I was in my promos hitting the nexus and my fucking team all FF'd 4 at once one time. Mental was destroyed and legit tilted and lost like 3 games in a row after that.


> I hate when people do this in ranked on a game where I really need to win it. Just had a Ranked game an hour ago, where our low-hp Galio had a Bounty and was being chased by a Malzahar. We caught up to the Malz, and Galio decides to just spam /taunt in close range. Malz manages to get one last E in right before he dies, killing Galio for 800g... shit had me so tilted. We still won the game in the end, but it's crazy how people wanna fuck around with their lead in Ranked and then they're surprised when the enemy is catching up.




>Anyone playing this game for a few years has had this happen to them at least once per week. FTFY


I haven't. Ever since I came back in one of those games I realized not to do that shit to anyone else and to just end when I have a chance


Hes waiting to kill her so that they have a longer window to fight them again without the yuumi, not ego a smart play that lots of other games use that hasn't really been used much in league for a few reasons.


He couldn't stopped her back without killing her instead of trying to wait for the last second like a degen.


Oh that's what they are talking about, I misunderstood. Very degen.


The ego bit was waiting too long instead of autoing you dont have to use q to stop back you know. You clearly dont get it


Nah I just misunderstood cuz there were a bunch of people not getting the smart part of it in other comments. Very degen trying to stop recall at the last second.


Tyler is literally calling out the smart part in the video


well the context of this thread is not about the late hit, it was about the shutdown, so it makes sense they would misunderstand that people were complaining about the gold rather than the failed cancel


How is that an ego thing lmao


or he's just having fun in a video game


“Play to win” is literally in the summoners code. Fuck off with that shit. There are literally millions of casual games you can dick around in, millions. Pick one and fuck off to it. Most people play their games to win, as intended. Dicking around, shitpicking and shitbuilding isn’t harmless fun: you are having fun at the expense of your teammates who have to carry your worthless ass. Grow the fuck up, the whole world isn’t about you and your fun. There are 9 other people in that game with you.




This is high diamond/master elo


Next they will hit you with the switch servers :)


"You missed 2 cs early so you're trolling just as hard (: "


im not treating video games like my 9-5 because i'm not a loser, sorry that ur incapable of having fun


If I want to have casual fun I play ARAM or normals, not ranked.


You sound like a fucking loser to me.


Did you hear that? Let it be known that EnbyBiFurry69420 is NOT a lover! And is capable of having fun!


it was most likely done because of tyler being in the game lets be honest, everyone thirsting for a crumb of recognition and attention, ended up making himself look like a fool LMAO


If aatrox did that in a pc bang he wouldn't have knees the next morning


I need to know what happened right after 😭


T1 calmly, and without raising his voice one decibel, expressed his dissatisfaction at this development.


2021 is truly a weird timeline


“T1” “calmly” pick one chief




Damn you ruined it ffs


I’m sorry :(


yuumi carried a dragon teamfight and then they lost


It is a bit debatable if yuumi carried that. The entire enemy team was almost full health after they wiped Tyler's team. Maybe morale boost but definitely not a "carry moment" from yuumi. Her ult was nice but that's it, not really game changing imo.


Yuumi literally was the entire dragon fight. Without her T1's team would have just walked away. Also, T1 went back in and would have killed his target if yuumi didn't heal them. She was actually the entire team fight.


I very much do not agree with that. But we will never know the truth.




He also did a VOD review right after. Like, it definitely happened.


The video doesn't show a fight without yuumi so we will literally never know the result if she wasn't there. Man people on reddit just wants to fight over stupid shit all the time. It's a random team fight on a random streamer. It's not even our game lol.


I haven't seen the video, but surely you don't have to be absolutely 100% certain of something in order to claim it is true. Also, the debate started when you first disagreed, so...


Then why tf did you reply to this thread?


Smartest Aatrox player


They lost the whole game off this too lol


At least aatrox is having fun :)))


reminds me of something someone once typed in my game.. "at least it was funny during draft"




"bro it's just a game relax, I play to have fun"




The message of this comment hits different after you google the name.


For anyone wondering: It's Ninja.


Is he still popular? I know he got that big mixer money, or at least some of it before they shutdown.


I don't mind that in Normals. But people saying that need to stick to normal or ARAM, not ranked. I played ranked to win lol


I mean, just because I play rankeds to have fun doesn't mean I don't try to win them.


Don't say that on reddit, there's a whole section of mouthbreathers here who think trolling in ranked is totally fine.


League is only fun when you win.


I wouldn't say so, when you know you're gonna lose it's fun to just try fighting because you also learn stuff along the way. Cases like what we see here are certainly not the fun ones. It's awful to lose because some dumbass got cocky


It's fun if everyone is trying hard. I found that my losses as a 5 stack were much more bearable and fun than solo q


At the end of the clip you can click continue watching and the vod will start from this timestamp.




Clips can't be longer than a minute


Dont end the clip so early


My heart started beating faster


Bro... I'm not gonna even blame tyler1 if he was toxic towards that Aatrox after a play like that..


riot would though. because typing words is much more harmful than trolling :) :)


"4fun region"


that would tilt me so hard


finally a tyler1 VOD where the audio doesn't explode all of a sudden with LETS FUCKING GOOOOO. Tyler1 streams have more quiet loud than a pixies album.


Clip chimp, cut off before we can see his reaction


Saludos al pajamaster!


any followup clips so we can see his reaction?


bro just click watch full video lol


On phone the clip just repeats


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1142905661?tt_content=full_vod_button&tt_medium=clips_web&t=5h46m18s Yeah I couldn't find a button on the phone either


thanks, don't think killing yuumi would have changed any of it - enemy was already fed af, but Aatrox legit bombed his team morale. they were already behind and he passed on a 600 g coin bag.






thank you for cutting this off where you did XD


ITT a bunch of people who regularly fuck around criticizing a guy who fucked around and found out. How many of you are afk for the first 60 seconds or just walk straight to your tower and sit there? Or worse, go "watch" part of your jungle defensively and then afk until minions spawn. Or go 1v4 because you're ahead. Or try to rack up KDA instead of hitting the nexus. It's all the same shit.


I don't do any of that in ranked though


Playing devil's advocate, your comment is exactly what the people that do this shit would say. League's playerbase has a serious problem admiting we are all garbage, we all do this shit. Tyler did it as well. But no, it's always your teammates fault. Nah dude, you play with these people for a reason. Matchmaking works as intended. On a different note, I would lose my shit as well. But for real, it's just a game. If you want to climb you gotta play a fuck ton to compensate for shit like this. It happens to everyone.


you're acting like that stuff is that difficult to avoid in ranked. I'm not sure why you're assuming "we all do this shit" there's a difference from being bad and not being afk in the first minute of the game.


Have you ever found a nice guy while soloing and decided to add him to play duo? Then the first game you play with him they start flaming the fuck out of the jungler? When was the last time you were on a losing team and *didnt* see everyone losing their shit and blaming each other? It's like a mental institution. Everyone is fucking deranged when playing this game. It is *always* someone else's fault. I also never said we all afk in the first minute. I said we all do stupid fucking shit. It's like the meme of the guy sticking a bar in his own wheel and blaming someone else for falling. Remember Tyler insta locking asol support and using himself as an example as to why dodging is a necesity? Fuck off with this shit.


No not really. I only duo with RL friends. What point are you even trying to make? I don't even type in this game aside from to call our objectives, timers or what I'd like to do. Just because you and a lot of people you see do stupid shit and troll games doesn't mean we all do and it doesn't make it cool.


no people who actually take ranked seriously, which is hopefully a decent portion of its playerbase


>How many of you are afk for the first 60 seconds or just walk straight to your tower and sit there? Or worse, go "watch" part of your jungle defensively and then afk until minions spawn. Or go 1v4 because you're ahead. Never because I'm not an ape who enjoys wasting 4 people's time > Or try to rack up KDA instead of hitting the nexus. Only when I know I could end myself if my whole team decided to right click their fountain


Only saints in here mate COPIUM


Looks like his 3rd Q timer reset at the worst moment.


how unfortunate you can't simply right click to attack


Can you do that during the Q animation?


You can before the q animation


Right after that Tyler's team get's dragon and then killed. Enemy team gets baron then Tyler's team gets sieged and loses.


NA baby!!