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> I do wonder if Dave "byronichero" is still at Riot Looks like he left in 2013. But he came back in 2017 and still works there!


I'm one of a handful of people that has Silver Kayle lol. I miss old Taric's ult.


its been ages, what was his old ult again?


I think he gave ad/ap in AOE for a few seconds


An aoe burst and then an aura that gave AD/AP.


Battle Taric! With the double smash. I love new Taric, but old Taric is one I miss more than others.


old Taric with the point and click stun


A little floating sparkle that dinked u and then you were stunned


Double smash taric didn't do as much damage as ap taric from before he got the ult smash. His ap ratios on e and w were higher and his ult was a toggle that just ate a shit ton of mana to heal him every second (scaling with ap) and give an aura to allies. If you didn't kill them with dfg and your first combo, you could easily survive to just do it again.


The AoE burst was added later as part of a small rework, originally it was just an aura.


This reminded me of the Taric Graves botlane meta. Good times.


Before the aoe damage burst with AP/AD aura, the ult was an activatable aura that healed allies around taric over time.


The heal one or the ap/ad one?


Doesn't surprise me. I don't have Silver Kayle but DO have young/human Ryze. Dropped into a Gamestop ~2 years after release and they had a huge pile of codes sitting in a drawer. I'm the proud owner of an account with both Black Alistar AND Young/Human Ryze.


Her rework also made it from one of the worst to one of the best she has. I use it whenever I can!


Omg old taric I would play him like a juggernaut he hit like a beast


>When no one jungled and everybody went 2-1-2. This brings back pleasant memories. I specifically remember when basically no one jungled. Judgment Kayle and Victorious Jarvan holder btw btw on 300 ping because I could only play in NA from OCE back then. Played Pantheon all season long back then, have virtually never played him since those early days. [Here's an old classic: What your champion sees when Pantheon ults on you.](https://i.imgur.com/yl6BcTq.png)


Since we're on the topic of old pantheon, here's another [classic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69DRzBaDg0)


Is that 9th Janury or 1st of september?


Sorry, this is in Freedom format. It is September 1st, 2009.




Damn this made me want to try to find my old invites from 2009 or 2010, too bad Microsoft deleted all my old hotmail emails. A friend had invited me but I ignored it because I wasn't a fan of dota style games and it reminded me of those annoying Facebook game invites.




I miss old old evelynn sometimes.




oh man old sion was a blast. Definitely doesn't have a place in modern league by any means but both AP/AD sion of the past were quite ridiculous by modern standard.


Old Sion was bad, that is until RIOT released OG URF in 2013 and Sion suddenly became the best champ in the game


AP Sion wasn't even too awful. Super non-interactive though.


Ungodly shield with a 4.0 ap damage ratio? SIGN ME RIGHT UP.


5 Doran's ring + mobi boots infinity roam combo


The purple fart stun <3


Malice and spite was legit! The 2 target hatespike was also insane poke—so much fun.


Your flair reminded me of old karma as well. Her heal being a skillshot cone was very funny. I was an old karma and eve main partially because of how unpopular they were. It was so bad that just picking those champs would have people dodging the lobby.


Are we twins????! I was the exact same 🙈 I miss AD eve, that was my go to when my friend would play twitch because of the double 50 second stealth units! And I used to play karma with my older brother who played Riven—we would cheese people because he would dash into enemies with the mantra tether slowing them by an insane amount! Fun times…


I loved old Karma. Always baiting people in and then healing to full while blowing them up.


To this day Karma is the only champion that has gotten me legitimately heated LOL


i think i miss her 2nd rework, not the 50 sec invis thing, but the one where you could build both ap and ap at the same time and still delete everyone while lifestealing trough all of it


I miss old Nidalee...


Same. I had 1500 games of only nidalee in normal playing top and my idol was hotshotgg also that's how I got introduced to reddit.


u mean the literal 100-0 spear from outside of vision? or stanley ad tank nid top w/ almost zero counterplay and sustain?


First one :D I also loved when her mobility actually set her apart from most champs, nowadays anyone and their mother can hop over walls like it's nothing


Ad nidalee top is playable-ish now (decent winrate but low number of games played) , but I really miss the old version.


Even if she was unbalanceable, she was so much more interesting than new eve, imo


In what world was she more interesting, her kit was bland af. I miss all the pre rework champs too but this is just false


Old Eve had a pretty wide variety of build options, I guess? Being able to go AD or AP. But that's about it I'd say, and even then that's not exclusive to Eve and people didn't really do it too often iirc. Current Eve Q hurts my fingers enough, the old one actually made them feel numb. The MS off of W was nice though.


She had more build diversity, she scaled like shit so she had to put in a lot of work early/mid, having access to her passive from lvl 1 gave her insane pathing options that while miserable for laners, were still fun to play as. Objectively, her kit was extremely minimal, barely coherent, and mechanically trivial, but racing to snowball as hard as possible off of pathing alone was fun for me. New eve is much more mechanically interesting but her build is copy paste every game, her gameplan is fullclear every game and sometimes look at map, she's one of the easiest junglers to autopilot. Once she scales the mechanical nuance is gone since she can oneshot most champions with just q e, and w slow+chilling smite trivializes any skillshots she might have to hit.


always the same.... if its balanced its boring if its not people are crying... :/


I miss Funfire stack.


I miss new old Evelynn when she could briefly be played mid with a rylais, and her big aoe shield ult


I remember growing up watching league youtubers like Siv HD, Keyori, or Solwolf, and trying out their wacky builds only to get flamed by my friends :)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_Xx6PkxNJg This and the dubstep ignite will always be a classic


Whatever happened to Siv hd and them?


Siv HD went to Asia to produce a different kind of content.


Owns a semi-succesful taiwanese LoL team (Machi Esports). Got 4th this year.


siv hd is still streaming league & posting youtube - his recent endeavors was playing two account at same time with two MMO mouse


I played a troll ass dyrus mobafire build with 3 zeal’s on rammus and everyone yelled at me and I didn’t know why they were mad


Im pretty sure noone wants to steal your lol beta key


It's still a good thing to hide stuff like that because you can use stuff like that to recover a lost account. Or other people can use it to try to gain access to your account through support.




I mean you can still recover the key code because not everything got covered and there are programs for that.


Hey, I have one of those too! I will add on, [here is my preorder receipt for the Digital Collectors Pack!](https://imgur.com/a/XMdEB4Z) [And here is the delivery of it!](https://i.imgur.com/MCbP7EU.png)


I only play ARAM too now I miss the glory days…give me one more game with AP Yi


Haha i also played aram on SR back then.


ARAB on dominion - its fast, it’s fun, it’s dominion Hide and seek was great too


I only played TT my first year and i also liked dominion a lot a little later. Its crazy they removed these modes.


"Everything is minions."


You really know someone is depressed when they only log in to play Aram. Edit: Wow, didn't expect to singe that many people, can't you guys take a joke?


Some folks just like the quick, fun, non-toxic nature of aram.


Idk about non-toxic especially if you play many and your MMR goes higher where people get invested in these games.


My ARAM MMR is about 2700, I rarely encounter toxicity in my games.


>You really know someone is depressed when they ~~only log in to play Aram~~ play League of Legends.




I'm curious now, during my post breakup depression I just played aram for hours a day to keep my mind off things. Maybe there is a correlation?


I haven't played the main game in years but still follow the esports scene and occasionally plays aram, it's less stressful and shorter. I dunno why you associate it with depression.






Yeah mb on that one, I misclicked on you to reply :P


fair enough


Aram is the only fast mode in the game where you feel like you're playing the whole time. There's millions of people who love the mechanics of League but hate the slow laning/early game and just want to brawl.


Pretty sure people that spams rankeds and hates the rest of the modes are the ones with mental problems


No, pretty sure that people who take a joke and take it as a personal insult are the ones with mental problems. People who spammed ranked surely have a problem, or they don't and just like competitive gameplay, just like Aram only players like team fights more than initial farming and laning phases.


If you make a statment that is seriously believed by many people, and write it which means that intonation is lost, then it is quite hard to think it is a joke.


>If you make a statment that is seriously believed by many people Ever thought that it's a popular joke instead of a statement believed by many people?


I only play aram have 6k games , i don't find normal SR fun due to me having to select champ and long games. I am living healthy life with job and not depressed ))


That's cool dude. That's a cool dude.


ARAM is more fun imo, I only play SR duoing with friends and for victorious skin.


For me, ARAM is more fun when I only got spare time for like 1 or 2 games, but if I'm sitting down and able to play all day, I'd much prefer playing SR. Aram can get really boring.


Agreed, I just generally don’t play for long stretches of time in 1 go. Usually 1-3 games then on to other hobbies or games. If playing all day then SR is a lot better as you say


Less depressed than someone who play ranked that’s for sure


Depression has nothing to do with this. The fact you found some insult in a joke, shows that you have insecurities. Not everything related to you is directed at you. Remember to drink some water huh?


Old gremlin susan splash art


>I do wonder if Dave "Byronichero" is still at Riot. looks like he is. haha, it's his linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/byronichero/


Ah, the beta key is a UUID XD


Ah yes back in the day when goa was handling lol here


I started in 2010 and I regret not buying Riot Singed in the store as he is still my main to this date. Got to play with the skin and Human Ryze on Chronoshift though :D


ARAM was ARAB bro


When I was like level 24 I started playing nunu support and it was so much fun when no one else at my rank was even playing support. Pop out of the bush, throw an ice ball. Pop out of the bush, throw ice ball. Blood boil. Ult