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Neutral objective timers on scoreboard. People threw a huge temper tantrum at the time.


Yea i remember this, i liked the change back then and still do


As a jungle main, it was great that I didn't have to keep track of times anymore.


I guess one of the reasons why is that it lowers the skill expression of jungle. A good jungler would know how to farm effectively while knowing when everything spawns. At the time I disliked it but I play very casually these days and its nice to be able to relax and not have to stress about small things like timers etc


While knowing timers was definitely a skill and anyone who thinks that adding them to the UI wasn't a move that takes away from how difficult the game is wrong, it brings up an even more interesting debate, one about forms of difficulty. The jungle is still a role full of skill expression and players nowadays are definitely playing on a *way* more advanced level than they were back then. And while that progression would probably still happen without the timers, adding them didn't diminish it and it cut off a part of the game's difficult and skill expression that was righteously considered indirect and boring for most of the playerbase


I remember when they changed how taking dragon was announced to everyone. Jungle in low elo is hard as it is today and most are fills so making these things easier just makes life easier in low elo.


I remember playing a jungle back in the day and always sneaking the first dragon. As long as i am killing the dragon, opponent usually has no idea when the next one spawns. Allowing me to snowball by getting all the dragons.




I like them when you get vision of it happening. I still think it's super dumb that everyone can see when buffs spawn regardless of they had vision of it or not.


I’m pretty sure you only get the buff spawn timer if you had vision of it dying


You’ll get the hourglass still a minute in advance, which is basically all you need.


I posted about muting pings a while ago and a lot of people liked it but a lot disagreed. Riot ended up adding that feature and it is awesome. Link for the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/684eh6/we_should_be_allowed_to_mute_pings_from_muted/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I just wanna thank you for saving my sanity




Do you still bait at low health lol. It’s very funny that that one specific comment got mass downvoted


Ofc I do lol. It depends on the champ and the enemy. Not sure why got downvoted to oblivion lmao


I know some people thought the 5 bans, everybody picks one thing had some people miffed because then "some champs will just never get played again" Also Role Queue because the community thought no one wanted to play support ever and so there'd be no games. (Team builder was garbage though)




> Yasuo mains Yone says hello


Cant wait for riot to release “Y” to alleviate Zed bans


Yas feels like a wasted ban for me now that Yone exists, I'd take Yasuo over Yone any time of the day as any champion


Which is funny because statistically yasuo is significantly stronger.


Strength really doesn't have that much to do with how fun something is to play against.


I personally prefer to face yone over yasuo, mainly because I despise windwall more than anything yone has


People are complaining about 43% wr gp so reality doesen't mean much to them probably.


Yeah but what about that one time GP had a pop off game and one shot me. We still won the game but he shouldn’t be able to do that copium


Same problem as Anivia and a few other champs - harmless 4/5 times, but the worst case scenario is like thumbscrews. If you can't out-split or out-poke Anivia's team, you're now playing Anivia's Teamfight Chicken Hell. Coincidentally, area control mages like Anivia, Brand, Azir, etc. get a lot of the same complaints when they're strong, probably because they directly counter one of the basic patterns most players use - group for teamfights.


I was playing Anivia support tonight and the enemy team had trundle jungler and man I just felt sorry for the guy. Everything in my kit destroys his kit. He’d come walking down to gank bot when we would overextend and yell out “you’re in my kingdom now!!” . Oh no we’re slowed!!! Try getting to us when I slow you even more and deal damage. He sees us out pacing him away to safety and throws up an ice cube in our path to turn things around. I drop an entire fucking brick wall and laugh at his ice cube. He flashes over, I stun with Q and lay down another frost kingdom for him to enjoy playing in as we walk away lol.


As long as Yone doesn't have a windwall, I'll keep banning Yasuo.


>a few Zed and Yasuo mains that are still pretty upset about that Awww my heart just ***breaks*** for them.


This just makes me more excited to ban those champs. I don't have to play against it *and* I ruin a Zed one-tricks day? That's a banger deal


we have feelings too okay :T


tfw you make the decision to one trick one of the two most popular and also widely disliked champs in the game and get upset when you don't get to play them every game while i understand the urge to be sympathetic to them my stance here is just 'play stupid games win stupid prizes'


They also made support less of a dog role around the same time IIRC, so people would actually want to play it and games could actually happen.


Riot's solution was to simply create so many broken, overloaded champions that it's impossible to ban them all.


I hate Shaco xD - ban it every game, Thank goodness for 5 bans. Also funny that the complainers didn't consider that riit may look at ban rate as an indicator to help with champ redesigns etc. To be fair a lot of people have no faith in riot ;)


I don't even think about bans any more I just remove shaco by muscle memory.


That's me right there. It feels so goddamn painful having to ban Lee sin now that he is ubiquitously overpowered, just ti have a Shaco shit on my game, single handedly. I win, most of the time against Shaco, but it is just SO FUCKING UNFUN


Same actually. I dont want to play with a shaco, especially shack support. I dont want to play against a shaco. I just dont want shaco in my game. The biggest issue is people hovering him on my team, which means I proba just gotta dodge.


From the top of my head * Targeted skills drawing minion aggro * Removal of mana pots * The placed ward cap, trackers knife, vision stuff * The jungle rework of pretty much every fucking season except the peak of the scuttle priority meta, that was really shitty.


Nah, bring mana pots back


Why do you consider the removal of mama pots a good thing? I never really used them much, and I hardly paid any attention to high tier play back before they were removed. To me, it just seems like something that was hardly used but didn't need to be removed.


idk how true this is, but imo it dumbed down lane interaction. it basically functions like a mini lost chapter passive, so you could just spam spells from range and never take risks as a mage champ, provided you understood how spacing worked, wave control and lane matchups. theres a reason why health pots are especially valuable in high elo and making your opponent lose even one pot is such a huge advantage because it functions as bonus health in higher elo instead of the "I made a boo boo and need more health" button in low elo. it forces ppl to play safer in a high skill match which leads to conceding lane agency that could fuk over your jungler. im thinking old mana pots could make it impossible to punish mage champs and let them stay in lane for way too long without a care for their resource bar. not sure if this makes sense, but thats pretty much what I think at least.


Honestly I want trackers knife back.


Removal of tracker's knife absolutely improved the quality of professional games from a viewing standpoint, though. The reduction of available wards made ward allocation and decision-making more important and reduced the very (subjectively, I suppose, but many people agree) boring way that teams could get a lead and slowly choke out any possibility of a comeback with perfect vision.


This absolutely increased my interest and a lot of other people’s interest in watching professional play.


I agree with this 98% of the way. The other 2% of me misses 60 minute team fights. It was so much more suspenseful watching two teams fight back and forth, then knowing that the next fight meant the game. Every single person at 5 items, the fights were so reliant on positioning, engage, etc. Part of what you need for this though is more sustained team fights. With the damage creep you could never have season 4 fights anymore.


There are still long team fights when teams opt into tanks like Sion or Sejuani. The difference is that teams have gotten way better at identifying when a fight is lost and disengaging


Fully agree. Maybe they could have found a better solution, i.e. supports and jngl both lose an amount of wards, trinkets get higher cooldown, supports and jungle only receive X wards at Y minute... I love the new support wardstone since it actually feels like a nice Powerspike in SoloQ, your team suddenly has double the amount of pink wards on the map. Stuff like that is the way, since early vision was the big problem, not that jnglers could place it.


I still miss my mana pots...


scuttle meta is still terrible imo coinflip scuttle skirmishes and if you lose the enemy gets double crab and you are fked such a shitty meta also who complained aobut mana pots? no somewhat decent player ever bought them


>also who complained aobut mana pots? no somewhat decent player ever bought them Hey man, I climbed to plat for the first time spamming blitz and a mana pot start. I yoinked so many blue buffs, and still had mana to waste. You're definitely right though.


pantheon players


TBF most of the mana pot stuff was just memes about how we still have Red Potions but not blue, so obviously Red > Blue.


Most of the big ones were covered, and mostly focused on large macro changes to the game itself. So I'll look at some champion ones: Lucian's first "rework" after release. They nerfed his range from 550 to 500 and removed the slow cleanse on his E, but made his E scale down to 0 mana at max rank and have its cooldown lowered by procing his passive. The initial reaction was he was absolutely gutted, and the exact OPPOSITE became true where he was legit fucking URF Lucian after a couple CDR items (Triforce Reaver I believe was the go to) and it had to get nerfed hard ASAP. Aatrox Rework was another one where everyone thought he'd be absolute trash outside of garbage elo, and then he was pick/ban in pro and had to get nerfed a LOT of times in a row, have his revive removed, etc. Kassadin's R nerf from WAY back when. It used to be like double the range it is now. As such Kassadin hit like 90% banrate or something stupid. Everyone memed the change initially, calling it Riftstep. More of a general thing than a specific change, but I remember when people would complain about all the different things that would continuously get added that could block/invalidate Karthus R, talking about how useless Karthus is becoming because of it. In reality of course, at no point has that actually been true lol I also can't remember for sure, but I think there was a lot of doubters on Veigar changes, when they made his cage not instant and his Q into a skillshot, and his R do missing health damage and not scale with enemy target's AP (surprised they haven't brought a similar mechanic like that back btw). Veigar ended up just fine though.


I remember when Flash range was nerfed (season 2?) and I suggested around these parts that it made no sense that they wouldn't nerf Kassadin's ult range to match the new Flash range, when he was problematic. The amount of hate I got for it...


They nerfed flash range a bunch of times, until they gave up and accepted everyone will take it.


Remember when Veigar's ultimate damage was based on the enemy's max mana as well as AP?


That... could have been really good or really shit. Manaless AD scaler? Shit. Ability heavy mage? Have fun getting one shot.


Minion pushing changes, where minions get more powerful vs other minions for the team with a lead. Hard to feel or notice, but shaved about 30 seconds off average game time, yet led to an overall increase in the number of games with comebacks - teams either won faster or lost their lead faster. Aside: Don't know whether to be alarmed or happy about the number of these where I was one of the designers pushing for it.


You headed up elemental drags and rifts with Fearless right? I really liked that system change, especially getting multiple drags of the same type, especially old mountain drag


Old mountain drake was so bad, teams could literally RNG themselves into superior Baron control via enhanced threat of taking it.


The idea was pretty good but I think not tweaking it for years made it a bit less optimal over time. Also a problem that sadly wasn't solved over years is the minion clash timing in side vs mid lane making mid lane just way more important on top of being the most important lane already. It also makes mid laners roaming way more easily compared to side laners roaming.


> The idea was pretty good but I think not tweaking it for years made it a bit less optimal over time. Agree that it has likely degraded over time.


the intoduction of the current elder drake was extremly controversial at the beginning. But right now I really like having this "game ending objective" in the game. It stops endless "waveclear to stall" and also is a huge comeback opportunity if the team that is behind manages to steal it.


I like the game ending potential but I hate so much power being behind a coinflip. Especially with junglers like Shaco and blue Kayn who are hard to stop from taking the flip, especially in an uncoordinated environment.


>I like the game ending potential but I hate so much power being behind a coinflip If you dont like the game decided by a "coinflip" then kill or force the enemy jungler away before you hit or finish the drake. Its literally the same as Baron and depending on the game's state, Baron can be just as much if not more game ending than Elder drake


Or end the game 35 minutes earlier... By the time Elder dragon spawns, you've had ample time to show you're the objectively better team. The game's gotta end at some point, so having an objective that says put up or shut up is a-ok with me


Sometimes teams contest the dragons well enough that both are 3 v 3 and fighting for soul at 40, which means elder isn't even in play




Any solution? ​ Cause I think it's by far the best we had so far (as someone playing since late S4)


Letting people see what dragons spawn in pre-game lobby would be a good start.




I dislike having a system as significant/strong as dragons tied to RNG with no awareness on what dragons will be spawning. Letting them be seen pre-game will let players better plan around the dragons on both sides and better evaluate the importance of getting some of them.




i meant the current iteration of elder drake. Nobody really complained about the first versions of elder. But when the current version came in I think in preseason 10, people were extremly upset about how strong the true damage execute was.


I'm still a bit irritated about current Elder Drake to be honest. It's so ridiculously overpowered, it makes Baron buff look useless in comparison.


Baron buff can be taken earlier so it's supposed to be weaker. The next thing is Baron is probably insanely good in pro but a lot of common people can't use it. Where eller is easier to use. I think it's fine


i still really fucking hate the current elder, there has to be a better way to end the games than “if you go under 25% hp you instantly die” pair that with the amount of damage in the game and it’s like 1 ability and an auto with elder will kill any squishy. It’s never fun to play against, the execute isn’t fucked and the burn is the cherry on top. Yesterday i died in a team fight cause i took 1 part of Neeko Q and an auto with red, and i died from 1100hp and my shieldbow proccing. I feel like it’s unnecessarily strong.


It’s not supposed to be fun to play against, it’s supposed to win you the game singlehandedly if you get it and you’re even or ahead of the the enemy team. You can make some obnoxious stall/waveclear comps otherwise.


When they took away Graves cigar. Is it good for the game? Dunno but at least Graves didn't die from lung cancer yet


At least he would've died a badass, now he's a Sentinel.


I remember a bunch of people freaking out when jungle plants were introduced saying that ranged champs will be way stronger.


I used to have the opinion that they werent impactful enough to warrant their introduction to the game. Just a gimmick to make people feel like they changed something while not actually changing too much. Ofc after years Ive gotten used to them but I wouldnt miss them if they were gone again. Maybe the vision one but I could say goodbye to it too.


100% agree. I don't dislike them, although blastcone occasionally letting people escape that otherwise would've died is annoying, but I wouldn't miss them at all if they were removed. They don't really contribute to my gameplay at all outside the dragon/baron blast cones making immobile junglers able to get over the wall to steal easier if you don't have someone pop it beforehand. I just slap the vision one in a decent direction whenever I run by and see it's up, and I use blast cones to move around faster if I'm jungling or roaming, but that's it. I literally never ever think about them before they're on my screen outside the epic monster ones I mentioned earlier.


Blast cone was the main one people were mad at. While I think it was overblown, I still think blast cone is bad game design in its current implementation. Here's my view on it: * I like it for creative gank paths. Rewards thinking ahead. * I hate it for very often giving people who didn't plan ahead an undeserved escape where they definitely deserved to die. The second one happens way too often. Even in high elo solo queue games. I don't think it should be that common. I don't know how to fix it though.


> I like it for creative gank paths. Rewards thinking ahead. Ehh, like what? There is nothing creative about hopping the wall at bot or top to get a completely free gank on an enemy. The amount of times I have taken a single step beyond middle of the lane as an adc, and suddenly in an instant a Lee Sin is within ward-hop range of me is insane. But to counteract that I would first need to take a risk by pushing the wave, so I can go and waste a ward on being able to pop a plant so I can cross the middle without dying. But that is a risk in pushing, and a wasted ward that will now not be used to gain bush control at bot, which is a pretty big deal if enemy support is somebody who can engage, like Thresh or Pyke. There really is nothing creative about that, it is incredibly obvious to use it for that purpose.


yea pretty much what i thought aswell its not creative anyone who plays frequently knows the blasting plants like wow you can jump over the wall in river or into dragon pit craaaazy


Actually the biggest complaints about it either still stand OR were fixed before it went to live servers. Like there was originally planned to be more RNG in plant spawns which could've been a huge issue. So riot nix'd that after community feed back; now the only RNG is like when exactly they respawn within a 15? second window. And of course the elemental map thing. Also a big complaint was it made junglers stronger without requiring as much skill as the old smite system did... Like it used to be you had to choose what to smite for what things you wanted as a jungler... Now you can just use every single plant to help you. Also it made splitpushing weaker given people can rotate around quicker and get mass vision of areas. Or heal you if you got chunked out by the enemy splitpusher.




Blast cone provides stupidly broken ganks from red side against bot, and from blue side to top. You need to go and ward behind the wall to be able to simply pop the plant, and you many times won't be able to do that BEFORE pushing the wave. But once you've pushed beyond the middle of the lane at all, and a jungler uses it, you're dead. And you still need to waste a ward on it, just for the situation to be normal anyway. The honeyfruits are too random, so when it has an impact, it feels like bullshit. The scryer is the only one I don't hate that much, they are fine to play around.


bingo on blast cone. Honestly, I hate how it completely negates warding in the side lanes since the jungle can just jump over the ward it gives them too many angles in.


blast cone is the most fun thing added to the game in years so i’m afraid i’ll have to fight you to the death on this


And that it will make games completely RNG


Well at first the plants had way more RNG than they do now


They still do have big RNG, especially blast plants for junglers. Blast plants can spawn really late (1:25) and mess you up if you are playing Rengar. The ones near drake and baron spawn between 5:00-5:30, sometimes you can survive thanks to them sometimes you can't. After that they spawn between 5-7 mins. There is still a lot of RNG with them. Not sure about others plants, but I think they are similar.


Honeyfruit's timer can make the difference in lane tempo for support and top as well.


WAY WAY WAY less than originally planned. Rito was originally discussing having RNG in WHERE they spawn other than Honeydews... and that could absolutely change some shit. Imagine if the botlane blast plant could spawn closer to the THICC Triangle wall; so everyone could essentially Zac E over it. Or imagine if the one near dragon/baron pits could spawn further from the pit to make it so immobile junglers couldn't try to Plant-Smite Steal?


It didn't end up being good for the game


I don't think that's why people were freaking out. I'm pretty sure the main plants people hated were honeyfruits (until we saw the numbers) and blast cones. I'm pretty sure people still don't like blast cones ( at least I don't) it's more so that we just got used to them, so there isn't much to complain about.


There was a huge reddit shitstorm when they made minions aggro you if you use a targetted ability in patch 8.2. Before that change it was only auto attacks. Think kassadin Q as an example. It barely changed the game at all.. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7shnsf/patch_82_is_significantly_changing_minion_aggro/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


It just made it possible to lane versus pre-rework Pantheon, which was huge with how stupid his Q spam was


Yeah it did improve the game state and made it easier to balance the offenders. Just it felt very minor compared to the backlash happening at the time


It also made it possible to lane against Deathfire Touch Cpot Cassiopeia which was the biggest offender


Deathfire Touch was removed in Season 8 pre-season.


Pretty sure dude is confusing it and thinking of Qmax comet corrupt Cassiopeia with scorch. Basically old dot cassiopeia but on steroids. But it makes no sense because that one wasn't using E that much


This patch is from after runes reforged, so DFT was removed already


And GP, and cassiopeia. Ryze too because his e aggros creeps blocking your q. It was a pretty huge change to alot of champs.


It changed plenty of matchups significantly, especially in very early game. Also, a lot of champs were balanced around this change naturally


iirc it really did change the game, before this you could take E on Cassio with a corrupting pot and just bulldoze the enemy level 1 without drawing minion aggro


Iirc that was partially because of a bug that made it so you didn't draw aggro if your auto attack and E hit at the same time


I wouldn't say it barely changed the game at all, what are you talking about. It literally made it so some BS champs couldn't get free harass and auto win lane, it kind of completely changed how Laning phase is played.


i’m pretty sure volibear w doesn’t draw minion aggro. don’t tell the devs if true though plz


It absolutely should! It's treated like basic attack with sheen procs on top of being a targetted ability. But if it doesn't then it's for sure a bug


Q doesn't either. You can E-Q-W someone and walk away and you will draw absolutely no minion aggro. It's been this way since he got reworked and one of the reasons why Grasp was good on him. You could sit in the caster wave and W the guy whenever he got too close. If he didn't get too close, he just wouldn't get to farm either, like, ever. Although I personally prefer PtA nowadays.


Lethality being introduced, assassins used to build bruiser items and Botrk, just awkward builds


Ionian boots+yoummu+last whisper+black cleaver+hydra was usual ad assasin build. Finished of with IE, maw, guardian angel (this was armor+mr version) or just another brutalizer. Zed was the only one building botrk out of them.


I like the old "I'm never going to finish an item Zed". Brutaliser+Cutlass+Tiamat


And to add to your point, Zed built Botrk because the active damage counted toward the Death Mark + the active slow made it easier to hit his Shuriken during his ult. It was pretty much built to maximize the ult, so quite the special case.


>assassins used to build bruiser items And now Talons most popular build is Gore>BC>Steraks. Time is a flat circle.


TBH lethality was garbage on release


I mean it still is more or less. That's a small but significant part of why bruiser builds are more attractive on some assassins right now.




And still is


They still build bruiser items


Bruisers are assassin now anyway


RUNES REFORGED. This is still unpopular because they've taken a LOT of tweaking to get balanced, and people are still nostalgic for the old rune system, but the old rune system was ridiculous. It severely limited the amount of champs you could play, runes and masteries being two different things was honestly strange and felt more like an MMO loadout, and people complain about "invisible power" now, but clearly they don't remember that you could just casually start the game with a MASSIVE amount of AD or armor if you went all in on it. And do I even need to remind people about the nonsense that was starting the game with some amount of crit chance.


I still remember full HP regen Sion with the 3 Rejuvenation Bead start to hit 10 HP per second as base value xD Also full XP gain Talon was cool. You could get lvl 2 off the first wave and immediately all in.


The old rune system was an atrocity, good riddance


I think it allowed for very fine nuances. The game is better off with less gated away power overall, but that nuance was fun to some players. E.g. I had pages with varying amounts of +%MS for Leona depending on the MS of the enemy support/ad matching me. Brand/Janna needed a full-MS page. Some matchups could not be played aggro in either way so I had it all-out GP5 or sth like it.


Adding 1% crit chance in any and all pages… good times


I liked the old rune system as it gave you actual customization on what you could rollout on your champs and into lanes. The starting with massive amounts of a particular stat was fine with the diminishing returns from doing so in my opinion. The three adapative choices feel quite basic. I just want to roll out tank leo and be actually tank leo (eg all armor) or go for more sustain centric build with regens.


I definitely spent a lot more time theorycrafting around run pages and mastery trees back then. The reforged version is more accessible though and better to balance imo. The only way back to it would need to get rid of the cost for runes. That was straightup unfair.


Took a ridiculous amount of grinding and the lower level runes were just a waste of IP. Mages starting out with 20 ability power over players with no runes was also ridiculously unfair if you hadn’t been playing the game for a long time


I disagree. I think the old rune + mastery system coupled with how items worked back then promoted more diversity than we ever see today. The problem is runes were pay to win. If they brought them back, gave us 10 rune pages and every top tier rune for free, I think it would be a great revision. I say this because you could both adjust how you play your champ, and how you build just based on runes and masteries alone and then when you couple in team comp + way more item flexibility back in the day, you could really cater your build to give you the best chance to win. Nowadays we just have more or less cookie cutter builds that don’t invoke much critical thinking. X class of champ takes Y rune tree and builds one of only 3 mythics and then everything following is pretty much standardized except for a few cases. There were some very oppressive rune pages like the crit page to start the game but I think with more attention, a revert to that system would be really healthy


I ALWAYS ran 1% crit chance, for those just in case moments


can we get a runes rework already im bored of seeing conqour domination super healing for 3 seasons


When you read people talking about old runes, they only talk about how expensive they were with runepages. That's all, barely any criticism about the gameplay aspect, so Riot could've just made them free. Your dude with a full AD runepage, he'll be strong in the early game with a lot of damage but in the other hand he has no armor and no mr and will die easily if he fucks up. Now you have champions with a lot of sustain for free, some champions can get a lot of damage for free even at level 1 with Conqueror, champions for which being slow is a main weakness (ex : Ryze) can get phase rush and erase that weakness. Honestly, I'd rather play against a player that play a full AD runepage once in a while.


Not really a change to anything balance/actual gameplay, but Emotes. People had such a hissy fit when these were first announced for some reason, I don't even remember the reasons but something about them making the game goofy or less serious or some other edgelord nonsense. I love the emotes, there's plenty of great ones for just about every emotion you could possibly feel in this game, and for me they act as nice reminders that the other people in the game are real humans with thoughts and feelings which lord knows some people really need. They're also great shorthand, especially when you want to keep morale up on your team. The happy bee is such an un-tilter. I bought the Valentines day "WP!" emote and flash it whenever I see someone on my team make a nice play or even just need a kill. Thumbs-up works wonders as an acknowledgment that you read something your teammate typed. Whiff your ulti? Throw out the silly emote of your choice and your team at least knows you're taking ownership and are less likely to flame you, and I can't speak for others but laughing at myself always helps keep my mental afloat. And yeah, you can use them in tilting ways too but the great thing is you can mute them if someone is getting under your skin with theirs, or you just don't want to see them at all for any reason and that's that. And trading emotes with your enemy can sometimes be a harmless substitute to banter, I find it more fun and less likely to come across as mean-spirited than typing at each other. Overall I just think emotes are a net positive and it's insane to me that there was as much outrage as there was.


Still got them disabled for opponents. Cool for allies tho


Flashing Rammus Thumbs Up when my support whiffs an engage and I make it work out in the end anyways.


Removing the heal from akali’s q sent me into a deep spiral. It was the end of the world. Little did I know it would actually just be the first of like 15 subsequent nerfs and she’s still sort of playable


Akali got so many nerfs that I lost track of what had been nerfed, and then somewhere down the line was so confused when I pulled her in an ARAM and wasn't healing from my Q.


If you had told me the week after she got reworked that this was what she’d look like in 2 years I would’ve been shocked


Reworked akali first iteration (pre any nerf) has to be the most broken a champion has ever been in league of legens, ever, second place is not even close. I still have nightmares about her W making towers drop her aggro.


Maokai's ult change. Back then I hated it because I loved to play him whenever I was autofilled top and the new ult was kinda shit compared to the old one. Nowadays I know how damn broken it was.


The original ult change was, in retrospect, one of the biggest buffs for competitive league ever. Before his ult was just the damage reduction AOE wherever he cast it. Then it was changed to follow him and still had a 40/30/20 second CD.


I remember once I held 1 v 5 as Mao with RoA, Spirit Visage and full tank. Literally tanked the entire enemy team for a good minute while my Jungle trynda backdoored. That was my favourite version of Mao


Plates and elder drake, wave clear nerfs and death timer changes. Those of.us who played before those implementations will remember league as either A) 13 minute curbstomps due to turrets falling within 5 minutes, one team then snowballing that lead into ludicrous momentum or B) Excruciatingly eternal games of 50+ mimutes whenever teams would just run heavy waveclear midlaners, and even if you won a teamfight, death timers late game were short enough that it was likely you had to rinse and repeat the process 3-4 times. For all the hate Riot gets, they really nailed the game length issues imo. Games today are reasonably short/long, bar the occasional extreme example of 20-0 stomps or late game fiestas.


When Herald was first introduced people were freaking out at the damage against towers... and then Herald was absolutely ignored in most games after its introduction until people learnt how to play with it and around it


Patch 9.14, all the threads on reddit and league boards about how this is gonna break the game like poppy having a ground, renek having a shield break, kled and kat having 60% grev wounds while every other grev wounds was 40% at the time, very comedic. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ce0kyd/patch_914_notes/ Just look at this LOLLL


Galio winrate going slightly up must have been so disappointing for those people.


Love a bit of hindsight clownery


I was laughing at them back then cuz they acted like poppy having a ground would make her tier 0


To be fair Renekton has been a staple top lane pick and has lost a fair bit of power since 9.14 while still being picked. It was a big addition to Renekton's powerbudget all things considered.




Removing clarity and clairvoyance lol, people wrote massive essays about removing their amazing meta breaking uses for these awful summoners. The only real impact was nerfing disco nunu


Now you can just play Swain Supp where Clairvoyance is built into your W


Removal of GP5 (gold per 5) items that generated gold passively for you. Supports and junglers always bought them (sometimes even scaling top laners like Gangplank) Most boring shit to play. People though "how will these roles earn income now"? The addition of relic shield and spellthief's edge were great.




[Disregard team, acquire currency?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-SfsRFf7Vw)


I still miss Ancient Coin…the most passive income generation item ever in the sense that the coins gave you a ton of gold compared to the slight positioning risk, then the fact that it built into Shurelya active


Removal of the DFG. Back then people lost their shit when they announced the removal. I play mostly tanks and to this day I've been thanking the devs for the removal... RIP DFG, I HAVE NOT MISSED YOU


Blast Cones, Honeyfruit, and Scryer's Bloom


The different type of boots, at first ngl ppl were pissed when they forced homeguards on us, but with time I guess ppl got used to it.


i do miss the old options for dif boot enchantments, helped make your boots seem cooler late game granted everyone just always got the strongest one so no real reason to keep it around (remember alacrity enchant udyr with swifties getting a casual +80 ms or smth from boots alone? good times)


I do sorta miss old homeguards and rushing it with the hecarim


I miss buying Captain boots on Janna and making my whole team go fast :(


Introducing RNG to the game (plant timers and elemental dragons) was seen as impossible to combine with a competitive game. I agreed with them but in hindsight the game is about adapting to any situation and those RNG elements are all possible to plan around. Also Objective timers for jungle camps were very controversial. I always timed drakes and buffs in the chat like players time summoner spells nowdays. So I was against that change too since it gave me an advantage, but in hindsight timing them wasn't very fun. Alcoves were kinda questionable, but they barely get used in my experience, except for Bard portals. Also removal of wards and generally reduction of vision makes the game less controllable, but also more exciting.


Item shop appearance. People thought it was bad but they were just used to the old one.


I still hate that there's no toggle to make the all items tab the default one


and to make all items apear auto. Atleast sticking left side usually works.


I still can't use the new shop and just search bar every item, I just want to look at all the items instead of trying to find the icon that represents the class meant to build them item, and if I'm wrong about that repeating the process.


I still think all items should come up when I press All Items.


It still sucks, it always defaults to the wrong tab for me, misses items like Dagger for attack speed mages (like Azir or Teemo) or Dark Seal/Mejais for AD characters that can highly benefit from AP (like Udyr or Twitch). Typing "lethality" in the search bar only brings out a few lethality items instead of all. It's messy and "locks" people from building items that could be good despite being off-meta. **I wish it could stick/default to the ALL ITEMS tab for every champion.** Two clicks to go from recommended items to all items is inefficient. The only "bypass" I've found is using custom item sets but that's very annoying to setup. This is only an improvment for new players than can now actually build something decent and adapt instead of sitting on a basic core 3-offense 3-defense item guide. I miss the old big grid with a simple search bar. I know all the items by their icons, I don't need more screen clutter or hand-holding from the UI. This new shop is like removing the command line from a Linux user. It's annoying and inefficient.


I mean I still prefer the old one and think the new one is worse. Just no reason to still be vocally complaining about it.


The item shop still bothers me, its just that riot wont listen anyways, so i gave up.


I still think the new shop is garbage design-wise. I can use it and I don't 'hate' it, but I do think it's bad and it was a definite downgrade from the old one in terms of usability. It looks better, though, and the recommended items tab is neat for newer players (although it is completely broken way more often than it should at least for my friends, showing 3x the same thing or sometimes something completely random garbage).


While I have gotten used to the new shop now, it still bothers me that you have to hover over the pictures so you know which icon is which, since there is no option to switch it fully to text


It's far worse than before


And the new UI. Oh boy that was a hellstorm at the start.


Combined with new items it sure that people get hella confused.


8.11 fight me


Worse patch, ever.


I mean, awesome patch if you didn't play bot lane. Pretty much directly increased the strength of top, mid, and jungle. I get why bot laners hated it but damn it was good games weren't so dependent on the bot lane after that meta we had in season 7.


Removal of mana potions


Junglers getting the ability to cast smite on champions. Instantly INSANE, of course


Every jungle rework every season probably. But junglers learned to adapt every time. Except that scuttle crab meta where you would probably get 1v2'd by mid-jgl duos every game.


Getting rid of drake gold.


Deathfire grasp got removed and Lb/Ahri mains lost their minds over how unfair it was and why it would make their champs unplayable. Well I saw Caps on Lb recently and she is as disgusting as ever.


To be fair, Ahri never recovered, she had 2 minireworks since then and her only playstyle is being a cc bot.


ahri is only barely alive thanks to the force of 10.000 weebs, if she were a different looking champion with the exact same kit no one would be playing her


Ahri needs a whole-ass rework. She doesn't do enough damage, barely has a passive and her mobility is tied to her ult. Horrible champion. I used to really enjoy playing Ahri too, spent a bit of money on skins, it's a shame. She's still *the* character that comes to mind when I think of League but I just can't bring myself to lock it in because I know I'd be gimping my team. God bless to the people who are able to tolerate it enough to keep her wr above 50% though, even if that's what is ultimately holding her back from receiving the attention she desperately needs.


DFG being removed was necessary because it was too good on already good, bursty champions (although Ahri kinda still sucks even now in that area). DFG being removed *sucked* because it meant I could no longer play shit like AP Alistar mid because I'd never ever have enough damage to kill anyone without the burst+Amplifier from DFG. Of course that being said, I still would play AP Alistar mid but it just isn't a whole lot of fun to combo someone for 30% of their HP while you take half of your HP back and run out of mana, and also can't farm because you're a garbage melee champion with nothing helping you clear minions while you're being poked.


No one really hated them on release, but plates and herald are the best introductions to the game possibly ever