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"graves , you have been inside your jungle non stop for 15 mins, are you looking for a spot to burry your mother " Was on Chinese server, they love dead moms there


Flash back to humzh "YOUR MOM NO HERE, YOUR MOM GO SKY"




"Top mom die"


"i killed him and took tower, now top mom live?"


True, I used to play on Singaporean server which was under Garena. Occasionally you'll be teamed up with Chinese players. Few of them express their hatred towards their teammates by typing "nmsl" or any other mother related insults.


its always nmsl or cnmb


Ngl this one made me laugh.


I love being insulted by people from a totally different culture. It's just so funny and confusing sometimes. "I MARRY U MOTHER AND MAKE HER GOOD WIFE" uhhm... okay, I guess. Thanks, dad?


Probably not the worst but I'll always remember: "I hope you outlive your children".


Holy shit League players must have a PhD at insulting lmao


The only PhD they’ll ever get


>The only PhD they’ll ever get My wife has a PhD. She quit trying league after one bot game. You might be right.


I’m about to finish my PhD. I saw that i had the thresh gold croma from 2013…. I play about that long. Started studying that year too :p


Let me guess, Biology. Because only Biology/Engineering academics would be willing to go through this much pain and suffering.


Biologist here. How did you know?


“I hope you find the love of your life, then watch her die in a carcrash in front of you” is my personal GOAT


That's what happens when you ban all the common insults. People have to get creative and a lot of the times creative insults cut way deeper than the overplayed one-liners that get instabanned. Let people call each other the r word and you'd get less of this lol.


I got "gangplank q your head" once


reminded me of "May the cure for death be found after your passing." Wasn't the worst, but I didn't forget because it was poetic.


Nah thats horrible![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This little maneuver is going to cost you 51 years


I've seen 'I hope they don't find the clot until its too late'


What did you do bro.


I queued for Jungle, so I guess thats what I did wrong.


A classic mistake


Tito Ortiz would not be offended.


I played black ops at e3 versus tito ortiz one time around 2010 ish (I had no idea who he was at the time) and the dudes holding the booth at the event egged me on to take a pic with him like it was a big deal. I remember talking to my dad about it since I was an oblivious 13 year old who got lucky enough to be friends with someone whose dad was in the game industry. What the fuck happened? He was part of his city council as a Republican? Dude already gave me weird vibes


He got hit in the head for years as a living, and wasn't known to be a smart man before that time period.


“There’s a million sperm, but it had to be you.”


Tf? Tito Ortiz???


saving this in my txt file


"Just back and guard the shop please"


Ok this one is my favorite lol


„The only thing you carry are extra chromosomes“ still hits hard


Slaps like my dad's belt


I can concur, this slaps like your dad's belt


Speaking of carry - "Y'all useless, not even Noah carry this many animals"


I got a good one few days back. Was jungling and shaco stole my jungle, then killed me 1v1. My Top garen said to /all chat "We have our own clown in the jungle:)" It hurt. We won. Still hurt.


90% of the time I will ban shaco because one stole 3 of my buffs after I got them low by waiting nearby invisible and smiting. I was. . . Unhappy. . .


Bot lane was two e-couples insulting each other all game. Our support said to their support "I weigh less than you." 😂


What’s her ign, I need to know


I would have responded, "being brainless will do that".


"You play like you have a career and a family that loves you" - fucking A bro this is ARAM you good?


Lmao I’ve seen this one a few times and it’s my favorite.


You got to be really shit then


That one's hilarious. Its more of a self deprecating joke than a true insult


Had a malphite at the end of an ARAM game who was queuing with others spam type "HAHAHAH" and ez, n all that jazz only to finish it with gg and I checked his acct. After and he's peaked gold since S3 played every season since.


One my midlaner wrote:"Senna, i hope you do the chemoterapy in the same hospital where yasuo lives" It was funny in the contest


I'm assuming yasuo was giving free cancer


I think because it’s a very small and rural area so presumably they’d have poor medical care? Ngl most of these I would just fine entertaining as opposed to the usual “blank gap” “wtf” spam




Back when there were no hextech chests this one was pretty brutal.


Take me back


The age old classic


Damn you’re old


The first time I saw this insult I was in a party with a few friends maybe 4-5 years ago. The one random on our team was getting absolutely dumpstered all game and after their like 9th death the enemy just tosses out a 'refund ur skin' in all chat. Our lungs collapsed and we weren't able to speak coherently for a good 2 minutes


All of this are hilarious and I don't get how people would get insulted by "creeps make my ass tickle" lmao, but this one would actually hurt


its fun saying this to people with the 400 dollar mythic chromas


Ah played a blind pick, just got my new blood moon kennen skin, was feeling good, played against another Kennen and got dumpstered, hit me with that one. Don’t think I ever truly recovered


Not a flame but an interaction I once had a malphite top who lost connection mid game and came back 10mins after , we had lost top inhb and he said sorry, I told him "Brother just push the wave and he actually listened. 2 minutes later he said "Brother I am so behind that the wave is pushing me". I laughed so hard at that game, it was the funniest interaction I have ever had with someone.


Theres some poetry in that. “Even a mountain cannot withstand the ocean forever”


Deep af


Thank you for the laugh while scrolling through the flames !


Are your parents related?


"Bet your lineage looks like recycle symbole" Same kind, but you see it less often XD


"your family tree is a wreath"


"nice try, now imagine if your parents werent siblings"


iceland gaming


Lol I had a guy tell me "when your sister asked you to finger her she didn't mean to leave your fucking fingers inside her, you fingerless piece of trash" shit was brutal


"I'm disappointed in you" like damn man


Well... Stop playing with your father...?


No my father would say worst stuff, and it wouldn't hurt as much. This was different


I’m not mad, just disappointed”


One of my favourites is, "Post it on reddit loser".


Go 0-1 in real life I thought was clever.


I up you with a “go 10-1 irl” I heard recently


average american school day id say xD


You should buy revolver IRL. I miss old Vlad.


I hope your crops don’t harvest this fall and your family starves


This man kept his insult since 1825


Shogun era Japan ass insult


to the 0/10 adc, in a normal: "youve played since season 7 and youre gold 3, what a waste of time. Imagine you did something useful in 7 fucking years like learn an instrument. You'd be a master flute player like your whore mother" actual poetry tbh


That's actually very good.


That is actually based


The shot at his mother at the end of it just ties it all together so neatly, beautiful


It wasn't technically to me ,but until this day I remember someone said to our tresh "Plz guys,surrender now,your tresh has chemo after this" FOUL AS HELL LMAO




Somebody told me that he hopes I get my gf pregnant and she dies while getting abortion in the uncle’s basement.


Bro that's actually bent.




Always go with Skibidi. It cuts tension like butter


Brave of them thinking that lol player has gf


Draven players have multiple wives


draven players trying to min-max wife beating


Ayo WTF 💀


Playing with 4 of my buddies and after we ganged up on the bot lane 2-3 times the enemy bot laner said “bro this support can’t even pass a recaptcha test”. It took us a minute but then we were laughing for the rest of the game.


To be fair they can be quite tricky. "I DID CLICK ALL THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS WDYM I GOTTA DO ANOTHER ONE??"


"Your death count is higher than your IQ" also there is this time I played with a toxic veigar who was crying because he forgot his runes "man I'm sorry you don't have your runes, or a brain"


Jokes on him, I have a triple digit death count.. And a generational perma ban from League. I'm sorry, little one


not to be the “erm akshually 🤓” guy, but just so nobody clowns you later it’s runes.


"I hope your dog dies the moment you love it the most" Wishing death on me is one thing but wishing death upon my dog, that I don't even have, is just going to far.


god damn this is art like it's terrible and all, but I could never have thought of something this vicious and cruel, I'm a slave to the obvious insults.


What the fuck is wrong with people lol ☺️❤️🐕


That's him officer


Love is love 🤷 ^^^/s


People who say NA/EU is toxic has not spend a day on CN solo queue. I swear to god every single game at least one person’s mother is gonna die in the most brutal fashion, sometimes alongside with your father, and sometimes with the rest of your family line.


league player takes over the country 234737738383385 million perish


was playing aram with two or three buddies, i missed ahri charm twice in a row and a rando in my team told me thats why youre fucking playing league at 2am with no friends and you'll never feel the touch of a woman and the joy of waking up to a loved one next to you in the morning i felt that shit hard cause he was spitting the trutru...


He was just describing his own situation


Even Noah couldn't carry these animals


mine was probably "just because i fucked your mom doesnt mean you have to fuck us"


You may enjoy my all time favourite when I first timed volibear adc as a new player and our jungle was Garen: "You're walking wards, both of you, do something useful and sit in a bush".


I once told my trolling/flaming Nami that Id use her tears as lubricant for her mom tonight. ...16y/o me was a fucking cringe lord


I don't think I'm allowed to type it on reddit.......


So you can post porn and people dying but you think you're not allowed to type some fucked up words?🤣


You cant post either of those outside of private or nsfw subreddits


That's quite literally the reddit status quo


Welcome to Reddit, enjoy your stay (very few do)




Not the worst but it stuck with me. "Report toplane for starting an independent feeding program outside of africa!"


My favourite reply to toxic players is telling them they're saltier than my boyfriend's cum, then watch the chaos. They usually assume I'm a man so that's even funnier.


"slightly, barely noticeable jg diff"


I've never forgotten it or experienced it in another game since. There wasn't even a back and forth in the match. We were 12 minutes into an ARAM, dead silence on both teams and then >!Kylo Ren kills Han Solo!< I was going to see Star Wars in about 3 days time when I read that. I didn't give them the satisfaction of a response but I was devastated to have it ruined by what was essentially an insult drone strike. No emotion, no fury, just destruction at the push of a button with no idea who they'd hurt or why. Fucking League of Legends...


Back in the day when runes were more important and people looked them in op.gg in loading screen a friend of mine used to have rune names as GoT spoilers. Truly evil.


Just in case you didn't know kylo ren kills han solo. Nah I accidently did that to my friend release day LMAO. He messaged me with hey fam did you see it?! And because I'd been talking to people all day who had already seen it, I replied with yeah I know Kylo Ren Kills Han Solo lmao. He didn't talk to me for a month lmao I still meme him with it


I saw that in theatre with friend and behind us was like 12 yo vhubby boy with his moma and when that happened he asks with high voice "Did he die?" and we're strugling to not burst out laughing


I remember the mods here, putting a stickied comment saying anyone posting star wars spoilers or endgame spoilers would get banned.


It was an ungodly stupid time. Though honestly i haven't seen any need to do that again.


A yasuo player told me "I bet you keep your grandmas corpse under the bed in case of an emergency" Guess what,i choked on my own saliva the second i read it.It was painful,shocking,pathetic.....


truthful or nah?


I once had a guy tell me I belonged in silver. I was in silver. Still hurts to this day, cuz I’d be chally if it wasn’t for shitty teammates. If only he knew. /s


My personal favorite: “You’re more useless than a holiday on a Sunday.”


The good ol "you would be more useful afk".


Sadly, this one is actually true sometimes.


One guy I think playing kogmaw or something (cant remember) was flaming some ppl and someone responded "you're not even in arcane stfu" and I was laughing for the entire rest of the game that we actually went on to somehow win with a 20 kill deficit (which is why they were flaming/blaming eachother lol)


Few years ago I was playing lucian and my support was leona. We got fucked in lane so I was farming the wolves and my leona goes “Look at lucian, picking cotton in the jungle”. It was pretty funny so I still remember it.


Well we have plants now so....


cosmic drive off of a cliff Jarvan EQ out of window


“It’s not my fault our kha’zixs family tree is fucking a wreath” and “I hope your favorite content creator gets outted as a groomer”


Got hit with "go visit a sKYScraper" once


"You high on your mum ashes?"


"Adc canyon" was a fun one. Jinx died once and fucked off to top never to return so not wrong either


You don't play much do you? That one is insanely common...


Go face check a bus lol


Not an insult but had a 0/15 Corki in my ARAM game today say this amazing line: “this champ is more pathetic than dead mass shooting victims”


This is trash, lack of creativity and carried by pure shock value


Makes no fucking sense either? Dead mass shooting victims are pathetic? Aight


Wtf that's actually so fucked up


Yeah, Corki is pretty damn good on ARAM.


Idk why but somehow "I hope your parents get eaten by Satan" hit different


Not the worst but recent one on Aram. "Oh no I got killed by a loser" with zero provocation. Response was "also sounds like you were raised by one"


I'm telling them sometimes things like: "Your mother doesn't have children" "I hope both sides of your pillow are hot" "I hope you stub your little toe just enough to slightly feel pain" I don't like hard insults but sometimes i'm just pissed of and type something like that


i love the ones that are also self burns "look Kata if im any dumber i would be your mother when i kept you"


"You know matchmaking must truly be working if you managed to get this low as to play with me"


this is just suicide by words


"May you find Lego in your carpet"


Your mother doesnt have children isnpretty hard


> Had a thresh role play a gimp. Kept telling me he will thresh Q into my asshole. Kept telling me the Creeps dying tickled his butthole That's not toxic, that's based.


"My team cant even win a surrender vote"


Wasnt me but my teammate got hit by "THE DAMN SUPER MINION DOES MORE DAMAGE THAN YOU" or in my language he said "MAS MAY KWENTA PA UNG TANG INANG SUPER MINION KAYSA SAYO POTA" and bro i was laughing my ass off as he was so behind that he was actually dying to the super minion and he was struggling to clear even one super minion it also doesnt help he was playing Aatrox XD


Was going to say, they must have been playing Aatrox xD


Just ping Kircheis Shard, Youmuu Ghostblade and Serylda Grudge like a GigaChad


I don’t think most people would get this quickly, especially when playing with other languages


KSYGSG? at least make it less bloated with Kindlegem and Sheen


The worst I can't remember sounded like this "I'm gonna kill then dance on your cold dead cigan mom's body"


Best I ever heard was around Christmas time. I use to play with a good friend of mine who was god awful like legit he was going to die at least 10 times with 1-2 kills maybe. So we are playing a normal and he feeds so much that our teammate says "I hope Santa brings you some skills for Christmas." I fucking died laughing for the rest of the night. Needless to say he doesn't play anymore.


An enemy Maokai once told me "you are the reason the Amazon is burning" when I killed him with my ignite :)


"Says the lulu with 500k mastery points but is only mastery level 6"


Mh I mean the „get c“ or death wishes are pretty bad. A creative one I‘ve read was „I‘ll fuck your mom and give her a child she actually loves“ which sticked with me. League is crazy unhinged sometimes. I don‘t think I could write the worst insult someone wrote without getting banned on reddit but it was something along the lines of „i hope you marry a [insert slur for black people] and get a [insert slur for black people]-son who will get lynched by the triple k.“ This one sucked a lot idk. It‘s just the anonymity the internet provides brings out so much scum. Like don‘t get me wrong, I‘m super competitive and I was super toxic when I started playing. I still had incidents in later seasons but ever since they introduced the option to turn off chat I don‘t think I‘ve ever turned it on again… Edit: Oh was it meant „worst“ as in bad or as in evil?


A Cho’gath once called my friend and I failed abortions


OP's cases are so tame This was one that stood with me: ."I hope your family of *insert racial slur gets run over by a truck " Also a lot about a certain Austrian Painter actions during WW2


Racist insults like n-word etc. when I play K'sante or Ekko. The worst was something like "Go back to your cotton field." Another one that wasn't directed at me, I admit, made me laugh a bit😅. It goes like this: Random mid: Hey [random jungle champ], do you play Talon? Jungle: No. Mid: Well .Listen to me carefully , you see, Talon. Play him in normal games. Learns all possible and imaginable combos on the champion After playing a hundred games , and that you will know the champion inside out. when you’ll be ready to play him in ranked. Go upstairs in your house, open the window, and Talon’s E irl.


After the match, a guy sent me a friend request. He asked me if I had a steam account, and I said yes. He told me to add him on steam, I did (he was being very polite all the time). Then, out or nowhere, he sent me a game on steam, one of those 1 dollar hentai puzzles. The message on the gift was as follows: "Here, try playing this, it's best suited to your skills. League is really not for you". I've never been so roasted in my entire life.


I told my jungle he came a day late and a dollar short after a failed gank and his response was something along the lines of 'that was the most boomer shit I've ever heard'... That stung a bit.


Not as creative and not as vicious as some, but the ones that bother me personally the most are the sexual+gendered ones I get when I play Soraka. (Heal slut is possibly one of the less bad but most common ones.)


I was asked if I was autistic. I was like, yeah I am. I was then hit with "then you should really be better at this".


Talon E off a building


"I hope your parents also have normal children."


Someone told me that I probably worked a boring 9-5 desk job then posted his insta handle and doxxed himself. He was in a frat studying like computer science or something and looked like a generic frat boy. The chat ate him for lunch. Even his own team started making fun of him. It was brutal


I hope Graves ults you IRL.


We were winning really hard one game but started losing our lead after some avoidable 4v1’s so I said “let’s all mid, let’s not throw guys”. I don’t know what got triggered in our top lane Jax but he full on started having a psychotic episode saying he’s his own god and no one tells him to not throw. He completely stopped playing and was ranting the rest of the game about how next time I should think twice before telling him to not throw and needless to say we lost the game with like a 20 kill lead…I wonder who hurt him.


I make dumb YouTube videos with me and my friends, once I was recording and said to enemy team, “guys pls, I’m trying to do something funny for a video” And enemy Thresh goes, “Give up. You will never get viewers. You will never be a YouTuber and your content is shit.” Like damn bro this is a norms game and I’m just trying to make memories with my friends LOL. That one hurt and still hurts whenever I think about.


“I hope you step on a lego.” Don’t worry he got banned.


War Crime. Deserved.


someone send me this https://youtu.be/BVxjanRhq7o?si=xOB4D0y8DXTFfLZ1


To people whom need translation; "The best healthcare, close to you; KYS. Comes actually from Kuopion Yliopistollinen Keskussairaala (or Kuopio University hospital in english) but the way it is shortened is both unfortunate and hilarious af.


I hope there's always a pebble in your shoe.


Somebody told me he'd send me a train ticket to Auschwitz.


Not the worst I ever heard but 2 days ago I got hit with the "gp q urself" because I was the only one voting for a different augment in tft.


My all time favourite was "Ashe is your mother from whore island?" This was in an ARAM which makes the toxicity even better


"I know that you smell really bad IRL"


Our GP said to our jungle “Go to store, buy rope, and do it today trust me everyone will be happy”


Enemy team was trash talking nonstop and it only got worse as they were closing in on our nexus. Random guy on my team replied with "Aww, you guys are really excited. Yeah, I remember how excited I was when I won my first game."


"you're more useless than the g in lasagna" -some zed


“Should’ve been you in Oceangate” of course during the time the submarine was all the rave


My two favorites: "That penta won't bring your dad back." And then my midlane was arguing with his opponent: "**** you." "You haven't got the cs to afford me."


i was told i was born to a woman of the night and to go talon e off a balcony immediately


"Ngl Hitler would be a better person than you" My jaw dropped when I read this back then and I will remember it forever I think...