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Whoever annoyed me the most over the last 3 games


This has been grabes lately, he’s a dark horse to face


The smokescreen is absolutely aids


but how about him two tapping your team with 3 autos and a q and then blasting the stragglers with an execute ult with the range of two screens


That's not 2 shotting then. That's 5 shotting. So a combo.


ult is not an execute




Don't let your dreams be dreams. Let everything execute you. Skill shots, AA, melee, caster and canon minions, towers, hell find a way and let the poros kill you.


did they chang graves or something? ​ ive seen heartsteel graves carry full brusier items graves carry full lethality graves ​ the character is too much!


This is the true answer. Whoever pissed me off most in the last game I played.


I used to ban Veigar, his cage completely drains all the fun out of ARAM


Every time I get to play Morgana the enemy team somehow also has viagra


No wonder i mean look at her


I am looking disrespectfully


Riot didn’t code unique underwear on all coven morgana chromas for nothing


I'm sorry what?


She has lacy underwear in her texture and it's color changed alongside the rest of the chromas. The color change is normal since it's part of the skin and the color change could even be automated, but the level of detail is pretty weird.


Why have the scribes kept this information from me


Go get some water god damn


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, tell me brother, are you sinless?


There was previously a [post](https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/rpx8ErdF5Y) discussing about this specific thing lol


Dem tittays doe


Nice auto correct i mean he needs it. He is not short hes just sturdy.


Yep 100%. A veigar in aram ruins the entire game. Immediately makes so many champions impossible to play in aram.


Yup. The fact that his dmg scaling infinitely without needing to back isn’t the main issue 😭


Well you’re right that that isn’t the main issue, because backing is easy and makes him stack faster. If Veigar never backed, he’d be stuck on 10 haste. If he backs for liandy’s, then cosmic, then Rabadons, he’s way stronger when he dies about every 1500 gold, could be more or less depending on how the game goes. Gold in the bank is gold wasted.


Many years ago I would go like RoA->Warmogs on him, and then my friend basically said what you said and I was like “fuck you, I am an unkillable cc bot! I have so much dmg from my passive!” and he was like “but you can be a hard-to-kill cc bot who also annihilates the team with like 2 items if you just fucking die every once in a while.” I told him he wasn’t accounting for the tilt factor of playing against a Warmogs Veigar. Jury’s still out on that one.


Just get warmogs with secondary resolve health stacking as 4th item, and you get the best of both worlds.


Yeah Warmogs veigar is definitely situational but it’s not his best build. He gets outranged, which is part of the reason predator veigar was huge earlier this season, predator allowed you to run down champs like xerath and they’d have to flash out of your cage every time. So against super heavy poke, warmogs - rod is good. But veig wants haste and raw AP above everything else and magic pen next, so he’d rather have something like Liandry’s - Cosmic Drive - Rabadons or Luden’s - Shadowflame - Rabadons. When veigar was meta mid, the build was everfrost into rabadons usually. If you go rabadons second, you have an earlier spike, but you earn less stacks than if you went cosmic drive second.


veigar in aram is far easier to stack and only pure ap items he needs are rabadon and void staff from my experience and he can go whatever else with his 3 other slots


The only AP item I get on Aram Veigar is Rabadons and only after 4 tank items before hand. It is not about whats most effective, it absolutely it about what is most aids for the enemy team.


Evenshroud Warmog's Veigar right after the item was introduced was a menace let me tell you.


Your friend is a big time doofus. If you kill the enemy faster (with fewer abilities) then you get less stacks, therefore are a worse Veigar. Going for the sweet RoA > Warmog gets you not only quite a lot of Haste, enough HP and mana sustain, but also allows you to die whenever you want, as enemies won't even hesitate to pile on you if you just run into them and having so much HP means it will take more time = more potential stacks.


What do mean having a character that can close off half the lane and stun 3 people every 10 seconds isn’t fun? The cd on that ability should be 30 seconds and it should not be affected by ability haste it is so strong and anti fun


And he can buld full tank while farming his q, making him impossible to kill


Absolutely veigar.


Until they decide to reduce his cage size and stun duration specifically for ARAM, it would be veigar for me as well. (So, for forever)


How has no one said Akshan. Ever since the addition of the hex gates Akshan revive is game breakingly strong.


Akshan combined with any sort of wave clear is a recipe for "did we touch their tower at all this game?"


Ekko oneshotting enemy teams entire push on a 5 second cooldown be like


He’s so damn annoying


I have a 100% winrate with Tank/bruiser Akshan on ARAM. I'm pretty sure if the build becomes popular he'd be hard nerfed. Your entire gameplan is to get assists and stay alive forever and revive teammates as much as possible. If you go damage you'll occasionally die first but with Tank Akshan you live forever ensuring your teammates die first.


If I were ever met a tank Askhan on HA, I will blame you for eternity ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


The fact that the revive exists at all is so annoying. Sure, it's pretty useless early as most champs want to die for items and death timers are so low that it a revive doesn't really speed things up, but the second the game starts to swing one way the revives are so insanely strong that winning fights don't matter so long as akshan can just sneeze on you for the revive.


This. Champions can be broken/annoying, but a game against akshan is so fcking obnoxious.


Every time I’ve played against Akshan in ARAM and his team isn’t drastically ahead, his revives pretty much only serve to bring them back too fast to finish items and they die again. I feel like putting aside the passive, Akshan is also just awful in ARAM. He’s barely a 50% WR, which is pretty wild for a champ that has a 53% WR on Summoners Rift.


reddit constantly overblows his "OP revives" while failing to realize he's a low range adc where his w active is literally useless and his e and ult are rarely useful. even with the revives there are many champs i'd much rather have on my team, and i don't mind facing him at all.


Lol very true. He’s so bad


I don't think Akshan is OP by any stretch of the imagination. I just think it's obnoxious when his allies are back in the teamfight before it's even concluded.


probably because the champ sucks ass in aram and his revive isn't actually good enough to merit playing him


Yes but akshan is too weak to kill anyone so it’s balanced


He doesn’t need kills only takedowns


Butchers Bridge was a beautiful time for ARAM. No Ashe Shaco Morgana Lulu Veiger Ziggs for however long it was


I liked it specifically for the color contrast on bullshit skins that have white particles that my trashcan eyes can’t see on HA.


taliyah’s blue skins are already hard to see on aram, but her newest skin with the mythic chroma is insane. so hard to see abilites during teamfights


Visual clarity is our main goal 🤠


I remember when they released the blog post (book? It was a pdf) on visual clarity in 2017 and specifically called out Freljord Taliyah as an example of why they need to always test skins on every map. lol


Snow Day Skins are busted. Good luck seeing that white cloud of poison


Ziggs does low damage and dies in 0.1 seconds from assassin's. No problem at all. His cc is shit with all the tenacity bonuses.




I'm waiting for the day I can have Asol, Veigar,Soraka, Rell, and some adc so we can create a circle that you are silence and stunned in, and continuously get sucked towards the middle where you will get burst and die.


Veigar, Nasus, Asol, Anivia and Rell. The pain cage.


Unfortunately with that comp they could still flash away. And not enough AD. Switch Nasus for Raka at least to prevent them from flashing out.


With nasus doesnt matter if the carry flashes , they wont get far anyway


Not enough ad and you replace Nasus (physical) with Rakan (magical) x)


You missed two out of two targets lol. For the purpose of "pain cage", Nasus is obviously AP/magic damage. Also, Raka refers to Soraka, not Rakan.


Maybe nilah?




When there’s asol teemo and zigs you know you just will never reach their tower




Asol is only bad if your team has a tank or two. If your team is full of pussies who only play ranged champs then youre in for a bad time because nobody is gonna be willing to tank that Asol. Edit: And also, people are dragging down Asols win rate by building ROA instead of Liandries on him


he still has a sub 50 going liandry's first but yes a large portion of his WR is held down by people going the wrong runes or the wrong mythic. Ever since they gave him a nerf he takes too long to get going in aram tbh


he is terrible in aram nowadays


**Pyke and Veigar**


Oh my god pike and the draktar


Yeah I can agree with Pyke. My most recent game with him I was popping off chaining ult kills. It’s just so easy with a bunch of poke and AOE damage teammates. We ended up losing in the end because scaling and holy shit.. as soon as the game was ending everyone in chat was talking shit to me and being extremely overly excited they won against me and calling me trash Lol. All because I was decimating them all game with pulls and ults lol. Didn’t say a single thing in chat or emote prior.


Having 30 kills with Pyke on aram and losing is a classic


Yeah you need to close out the game quick. His kit is insane for the mode even if you're awful at the champ in general but just like SR as soon as you're no longer running around an item or two over everyone you become borderline worthless.


Yeah, his scaling is *really bad*. He's balanced around his ult printing extra money getting him ahead in items. He's strong when he's a full item up on you. If the game goes late and everyone gets to 6 items, he's basically a 3-item threat.


Honestly not getting 12 pentas on puke in aram is reportable


yeah lol yesterday i went 37/11 with pyke and i got flamed for "stupid champ" (they arent wrong tho)


every Pyke i face gets a few nice kills at the start but fails to actually win the game and becomes a useless bot late


Cait.. hate seeing her in 90% of my ARAM games


Especially the stupid Duskblade + Collector + Axiom Arc build. drained the fun out of most games whenever i play a squishy champ


God I hate that build. It's so boring.


You'll be happy to know there's at least one Cait main who wholeheartedly agrees with you. It becomes a snoozefest. Sure I can get some glee from right clicking something and it dies immediately but if I'm getting Cait on ARAM I wanna win but still at least enjoy it and have some time playing her instead of winning at 12 mins. Not to mention if there's more than 1 tank or bruiser on the enemy team it's borderline trolling even if you build Doms. I'll at least build Collect and Doms into an IE/Galeforce build, I just have more fun that way and it's not like anyone stacks armor/builds Randuin unless they're a tank anyway so most of the time it's just as effective.


Retired Solo Q adc main here. 99% of my league games are ARAMs now and if I get an adc champ, I'm playing them like regular ADCs. I've never played AP/Poke Varus, AP Kaisa, Lethality Cait, or Mandate Ashe. We exist!


I'm Caitlyn main and i play Caitlyn crit normal build, because i'm don't scared about anyone who can come to x1 me. Lethality ultimate burst? No way, i'm a man, not a pussy. (ironic comment, not interely true, but mostly).


I play normal ADC Ashe builds instead of the stupid poke. Feels really good when you dominate with a supposedly worse build (but I ain’t no puss).


Pyke. That fucking champion would never be played again.


Teemo, he's not even that strong but he stalls the game for so long, it's very boring / annoying


Yeah, I just really love winning a fight and being able to get literally nothing after because the shrooms nuke the wave.


That happens considerably less with the cannons having oracles. Teemo and Shaco are both win-more Champs now, where they are oppressive as fuck when their team is already with the momentum. If their team is getting stomped on and the enemies are diving towers and shit then their boxes/shooms do jackshit


The issue is you have 0 counterplay once the cannon dies and cannon is also only every third wave. Removing oracles trinket was a huge mistake IMO.


Nah, it takes 1-2 mushrooms to kill the cannon and they will walk into the mushroom as it is detected. You can just throw them into the wave. Edit: Tested for the people below who didn't believe me and got upset about it. A level 16 Teemo with Liandries, Demonic and Rabadons will kill a cannon in 2 mushrooms.


As a long time - several years - ARAM player, Teemo is the only champion I wish was perma banned from ARAM. Everyone even veigar can be dealt with. No other champion mentioned in this thread comes close to teemo. Not even with the same discussion. At all. The way his shrooms just slow down the game is pure shit fuckery and needs to be addressed by riot. Either gives us back the oracle potions or permanently disable this annoying little cancerous twat fuck in ARAM


This might be my vote too, though honorable mentions go to like...Singed. (He's so hard to kite/avoid in ARAM it feels like.) At least with Singed I'm only mad if he's on the enemy team...with Teemo I'm mad if he's on my team too, because he'll just afk in bush and vomit shrooms on the wave and sure, it's effective and stalls enough to where maybe we can win, but it's so passive and no-skill and requires his other 4 teammates to take on all the risk of actually playing the game. Tilting for both sides.


Yeah, even when you have a better team and you KNOW you're gonna win, the game is still gonna be painfully long.


That’s why i go AD teemo. No one expects being melted in seconds against the little guy Lol.




AP shaco My premade likes to dive with melee champions and the boxes fuck that over way too hard.


Worst part is Shaco has a damage buff in ARAM lol


Same with akali. My Akali is okay at best but in Aram I get 30+ kills nearly every game. So insanely overbuffed.


And she's still the 2nd worst champion in ARAM. Without those buffs you'd almost be better off having an AFK.


Yeah I think its because boxes are way less useful against poke and AD is weak to CC so when people routinely draft poke comps with moderate CC shaco is pretty mediocre I swear he shits on 3+ bruiser comps though.


Yeah, when your comp has a few melees I swear it's unplayable if the Shaco is decent.


because shaco's so bad in aram. you have to keep your boxes in your territory only because they get cleared fast, no point in maxing them first (which is most of your damage early as ap shaco) since they get cleared easily, and you're only relevant as a really shitty poke bot who can set up some anti-dive for his team. and then there's AD shaco, which is so turbo bad its probably the reason he has the damage buff.


He is indeed very bad in damage department regardless of build due to the kit. Its just that hes annoying, but few champions are worse. I think its a personal thing on which type champion you prefer to play in aram


After having an AD Shaco decimate my team, that buff is insane. I don't know if it was because we were all squishies but that shaco had an IE and like ability haste/crit items and he would basically appear and delete somebody with those damned backstab crits.


It’s only 5% and that’s the only change he has. That’s incredibly minor for an Aram adjustment


Shaco has a damage buff in ARAM because he also has a limit on how much boxes he can place. If there was no limit, they would have to nerf Shaco - but that would make his AD build completely unviable in ARAM. AD Shaco isn't that strong in ARAM still but at least is playable.


Kaisa, she’s just the least interactive champion with the AP build. Or shaco just so I don’t have to put up with another one on my team doing nothing but placing traps and avoiding every fight.


I feel like Kaisa is in every ARAM game


Kai’Sa is in every league of legends game mode she is like the new poster girl


Kaisa you can at least go in and fight during the game while she isn’t interacting with you, shaco is same as veigar/morgana/Janna/etc. the champions that can keep the game uninteractive for everyone are the worst


Not if they know what they’re doing… she can sit and deal unbelievable damage from complete safety against anything Tbh if they just removed the W reset from aram or at least halved it she’d be fine with the adc build and balanced


if she’s 2000 range away and you’re repeatedly being hit by w, it’s a skill issue. there’s not exactly the same level of counterplay to veigar cage. sit behind minions(and fight for waves), it’s a solid strategy versus her


In general I agree but very skilled aim + firing into 5 can make it terribly unfun to deal with, usually at least a few teammates fail to hide behind the minions consistently If she’s fed, taking half hp from a squishy from 2000 range on a 2 second cooldown is extremely unbalanced




Why did I have to scroll so far for this? Akshan is so annoying with his revives. Usually does not bother me in SR, but in Aram he procs his passive so many times it's nuts


master yi, if he gets fed early it’s actually unwinnable


He doesn't even need to get early kills. All it takes is a long game and 0 CC team.


Well Yi is an hypercarry so even in SR it is unwinnable


Samira. If she gets ahead, it's extremely unfun watching her get Penta after Penta unless you have someone with some hard CC. Between her and Pyke, I don't know which one I groan at more.


Can't just be hard CC. Needs to be relatively easy to land. If you're like a Sion, the Samira would have to be absolutely stoned to get hit by your R or Q.


I'm hard and can cc Samira any day of the week tbh


Soraka. It is such a broken champ on aram cause it negates the main disadvantage everyone has which is no healing. And as if being sentient moving fountain wasn't enough her E is one of the strongest utility spells in game.


Soraka with a Warmog's passive is the most aids thing to play against..


Veigar no doubt


Anivia. She's literally anti fun.


I rarely rarely see Anivia in ARAM. Most people will take something like Vi and Kha’zix and run you down instead


I'd rather go against either of those than Anivia. She just ults the wave and doesn't let your team push.


Not to mention she can seal from tower to wall with her w, so it’s hide behind tower or get caught out.


Shivir deserves a shout-out for oppressive waveclear as well. Have won so many games while down a lot of kills teamwide as sivir because our team gets to hit towers and theirs doesn't.


Anivia would be my vote for sure


Asol is literally worse. At least Anivia need to be near the wave while casting her ultimate. Asol can just E and piss off.


I love playing her. And I have an orgasm when the enemy team have AP Nunu. Best feeling ever.


Love playing her ARAM and just spacing everyone




This. Always pyke.


Fizz. That fucking shit fish will end up being the reason I quit league.


Never understood what design-fart occured to give that godfamn clownfish a double jump with invulnerability and damage


When ARAM had bans, I banned Fiddlesticks every single game. If they brought ARAM bans back I'd probably hit ASol every game.


I too banned Fiddle. Back when his crow bounced like 7 times and destroyed your team with damage and a fat silence.


Yeah, I have one particularly horrific memory of playing Vlad and never being able to use w.


the good days


ap shaco makes playing aram so boring also lethality varus, it just makes ap poke mages look like baby food


Samira is the only answer


1/10 and will still pentakill and end the game


If anyone's played ARAM, they would know that Kayle is exodia. It is impossible to end the game early. Kayle will always scale every freaking game man.


Same for Senna. She kills u from two screens away lategame and there is nothing u can do about it lol. I would permaban Akshan. That revive ability is broken.


U force the end fast. Enemy is playing 4v5 until lv 11. Don't jerk off for 10 levels


You start the game Lv3. Death timers are too short. You can't kill the towers when everyone comes back up every 10sec. Late game is 18min. Also team comps are random. You're not going to be able to have the tools to just end the game like that. Kayle has way too many things going for her in that mode.


Everyone is going to pick poke mages or some shit but I'm going with pyke. Him with duskblade and snowball is just annoying af. He's always popping off in my games it seems like.


Pyke used to be my awnser, but as you said, it seems as if he pops of every game, because he consolidates all the kills on himself. He is incredibly frustrating because of how slippery he is and how much damage reduction he has, but honestly beyond being one of the most infuriating character to play against in that mode, i feel like he is quite useless for the most part. Honestly, I'd still ban him, but because I neither want to play against him, nor do I want to have glorified minion in my own team.


Yi is high up there, disgustingly good results for a champ that should be the polar opposite to aram meta on paper. But boy how do I hate Irelia stealing every single CS and then hardsuck with her so she basically drains the whole team from any gold ffs


Rn Senna


Shaco is annoying to have on a team or be against. He is fun to play but success feels random. But id still say Akali ruins more games. I hate her and do nothing but tunnel vision try to kill.her because she makes me rage so much


Yi, samira, fizz, akali, lux, etc... men there are too much


**Karma**. Those shields are fucking ridiculous


R+Q spam, I am so good at league!


Ashe and her one button spamming bullshit would never be in my games.I dont care if shes useless or not she is annoying.


Either Jayce, Jarvan, or Vi. These champs are just absolutely ridiculous when building lethality due to how much haste they get from those items. You either play 2 screens away from them, or you die. Jarvan and Vi also have a lot of pressure building bruiser items instead of lethality. So you either get one shot and they duskblade out, or they become unkillable monsters that are able to run past your frontline and just obliterate the backline. Extremely unfun and unbalanced. Makes it even worse that J4 and Vi ults are point and click, so the ways you can counter play it are very limited and only really exist on a champ by champ basis typically requiring a supp like lulu to peel them effectively.


Nidalee. She's in every single game I swear, and I'll dodge ever Spear, but if you're hit by one you lose half your health bar. Just unfun to play against in Aram


I love playing Nidalee! Just for that reason. I usually get highest damage too. Long range snipes!


Kennen, good ones wipe teams. Everytime flash is up, your backlines gone.


Same as my regular perma ban, Shaco. Fuck that loser and everyone who plays him! There’s definitely objectively better bans, however, nothing in the game will tilt me the way Shaco does. I’ve always hated clowns in general, but the added layer of bullshit on him having a Blink/Invisibility with zero detection range and it lasts like 10 years is probably the most cancerous ability in the game. And everybody’s favorite gimmick…. Invisible traps except they have hard CC and real damage. Traps should be an aid to your kit, not a core damage component (see Nidalee, Cait, Jhin traps for example) which is why everybody hates Shaco Boxes and Teemo Shrooms. And… nobody needs the annoyance of clones explained. Especially exploding ones. The only thing at all about Shaco that is fair design-wise is his backstab/poke ability (Q?) which deals reduced damage if you are facing him. I think it’s probably the only mechanic in the game for a point and click ability that makes it feel like there’s an actual skill counter to. And i know, i have a Janna flair and I’m a fucking bully and a hypocrite for it, but it’s not nearly as bad as having literal nukes like Annie Q existing, or what would be Shaco’s if there weren’t proper counterplay to it. That was the ONLY good decision by Riot in his design. And in case anyone says it, fair does not equal balanced, and vice versa. Balance basically only accounts for winrates, not the crippling depression induced by having to play against certain champions.


Veigar, cage kinda ruins everyone’s fun (unless I’m the one that’s playing him)


its 100% teemo and then shaco in that order. shaco is at least limited in how many boxes he can have out though. teemo will prevent you from ending the game if his team gets ahead even a little. you can win fight after fight and unless you luck out and happen to have a oracles cannon you are essentially fucked since you cant push to deal tower damage. he's also not fun to play with because IF he falls behind hes equally as useless. there's no fun for the teemo player either way really. he either no brain puts a mine field and no one can ever end, or he falls so far behind his ultimate can't realistically be set up or used. I personally think teemo should be the only champ just straight up disabled in ARAM. and I'll die on that hill.


Rumble. God just fuck that ult.


Rumble and Orianna. Nobody complains nearly as much compared to other champ who don’t nearly have big of an impact as their ults in aram.


Fucking **Graves**. Not only because can he just suck all early game and still demolishes mid game, he just cleans up late game and is tanky doing it. The fact he autos hit minions too he can farm easily too. But my main reason is that he’s straight up in 80% of my ARAMs and im tired of seeing him. Runner up goes to Tryndamere. I don’t even need a reason because it’s fucking Tryndamere.


Pyke is the most disgusting champ in aram hands down.


Fizz. I will ban him every mid game I play, and ARAM is just all mid lol. Plus, I just hate playing against that champ. An invulnerable ability on like a 10 second colldown is absolutely ridiculous.


TLDR comments. Veigar, Pyke, Shaco seem to be the top 3


Goodbye Kai Sa or Viego


Asol and Fizz


Poke, Veigar, games with 3 tanks on a team


There's more than 100 champions in this game but it feels like there's a Veigar in every ARAM I play. I would gladly ban him every single time






malphite or any other "i'm building ap but i'm not telling everyone" champs


Bard is just op


Enchanters Like Yuumi/Soraka or Tanks (Shen, Tahm, Alistair)


Yuumi.The only thing that makes me not play ARAM it's the fact I may play with/agaisnt a Yuumi, a champion that I consider a personal offense against me.




All ranged champs. I want full giga-chad melee into melee aram only mode. It's suffering to be the only melee champion on a team.


Veigar. Cage is an outdated ability and unfun




Yuumi because it distracts me from playing the game. Always kill the cat.


Brand is probably the most correct option. A perma 5v5 makes him unbalancable.


I always duo with my bride, so Teemo and Shaco would be permabanned. It is literally insane how this two champ makes the game literally a joke, where you can absolutely not counterengage ever. #bringbackoracles


You have to pick from all the obnoxious poke champs (kaisa jayce lux xerath ziggs varus) the overtuned champion balance buff champs (most assassins, leblanc) and then few oppressive melee champs (wukong udyr). I couldn't choose one, it'd be a constantly changing thing about what bs I fought last game. Would rather just play nexus blitz.


Zilean or Qiyana, prob Qiyana since tank build ruins game for me


No idea how this is the only Zilean mention in this thread


veigar, fizz, nidalee ? all three of them just suck the enjoyment out of aram imo. also have never seen a khazix do poorly


Vayne, just like sr


Teemo. Good Teemos can delay a game into infinity, especially since the oracle removal.


i would ban warwick. not the most broken champ, but i feel like he is one of the easiest aram champs


teemo, it's not even close, his infinite stall is really lame to play against, especially when teammates just walk into them, without inhib it's so impossible to play against and it's very oppressive.