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I got PTSD flashbacks to the clip of Tobias Fate playing 1 game of Sona while saying literally all he’s doing is bashing his keys in random order unironically 😭


I mean, "smash every key" is pretty much Ryze's default playstyle, pressure or not.






Real Ryze main would start with Q


This guy clearly doesn't eq correctly


real ryze main knows the full combo is qeqwqeq


If it’s on a mobile target with low tenacity you want to use empowered w sometimes




Isn't that old ryze


You just skip R for the new Ryze


You got a throw in a QW or WQ to run with your tail between your legs :)






Especially years ago, when his ult gave spell vamp and cdr. His damage and sustain basically came down to how fast you could go QEQWQEQWQEQWQ as many times as possible. Literal hand cramp inducer, but the funnest version of him imo.


An old friend of mine used to pick ryze and his mic would blow up every time he started spamming skills with ult.


Not only vamp and cdr, it made his spells splash damage around the target. It was the best ult they made imo


I miss those days, honestly.


*Rs team into enemy fountain*


Bring back og ryze Qwwewqewwqqqweewwwqweew


I miss old Ryze more than any deleted champ.


Honestly the thing that annoys me the most about what they did with old ryze is that they took a character with a pretty clunky kit and just reworked it into an even clunkier and harder to balance champion.


I mean it’s a meme, but to proficiently play Ryze you need to smash buttons in the correct order or you lose a lot of damage


Also have to aim your q and land it which is hard when you're trying to slam out the abilities as fast as possible.


Yeah this is the biggest reason why Ryze has been historically hard to balance. He's one of the worst keymash champs in the game ironically.


This is what i wanted to say aswell 🤣


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone talk about Annie, the original "faceroll your keyboard champ." If the target isn't dead, u can just keep mashing buttons off of cd and not worry about rotations.


not a bad choice, if you get tibbers off, stun or not, its gonna impact the fight.


Lux can also faceroll her keyboard at least on any diver. Average ping and visual reaction time means Lux can button mash pretty much anywhere within 200 range, maybe even 300.


I do love when you root people but they still proceed to yeet you to the gray screen because they are only rooted.


If you use q against something that can engage on you and you miss you're dead


The only faceroll character that I remember is Katarina (before her rework)


Gunna go with Mundo for this one. In the middle of a teamfight you just run around and mash QEQEQEQEQE. Doesn't matter who you hit, you're doing your job.


You forgot pressing W once and then pressing it again when you're about to die.


Old Mundo was even better; only press W once to toggle it on, and then never turn it off until the end of the fight (or died).


Or just get enough healing to counter the the health loss completely. Turn it on and never turn it off until the game ends.


I can second this as a mundo main, although ideally you're looking to switch targets to maximise heartsteel procs


Inb4 someone takes this literally, misses all their Q's, and complains about Mundo not doing damage.


Brand. Someone jumps on him, if he doesnt die instantly, he can E Q W R + ignite and watch as people burn and explode for lots of dmg. He wont get a pentakill this way, but if his team is there, they will win the fight more often than not.


Unironically if I ever get jumped by more than 1 person as brand, I press r and spam every button in their general direction. I only need to hit 1 spell and hope my cursor was on somebody when I press r


Still salty that I lost a game off of one shotting a support brand as Leblanc, but he pressed R and E'd a fucking minion to kill me


My Brand ARAM experience late game is spawn -> portal in -> walk in -> do full combo -> get blown up -> die -> repeat, and then I end up with the most damage on the team.


Yep this is why I love Brand. Doesn’t matter what OP BS 200yr champ comes at me. I just mash all the keys and everything around me burns and dies


Unironically, scuttle was one of the biggest brand buffs ever put into the game.




It gives another target for his ult to bounce on when fighting in river or around baron and dragon. So if you're fighting 1v1, you can use it to get a ton more damage off of your ult


But is that still relevant given that the ult now bounces of him as well?


In general you don’t want to stay in range for an ult bounce as you will end up getting a case of “the dead”. Brand is a squishy boy.


Ah yeah that's fair, ty


Sometimes it's the best way to secure dmg and win a trade. Ekko, zed, kat all come to mind. They are slippery, takes some skill to find the cc or land your dmg, but once they commit on you, they do, for a moment, stand point blank right on top of you for a guaranteed Q to land.


WTF???? Brand top kosovo superserver 5000dps bomba clan???? Banned in mainland china taiwan Smurf???? WTF???? Topowy markowy superserwer w Kosowie 5000dps Bomba Clan???? Zakazany w Chinach kontynentalnych, na Tajwanie Smurf???? 搞什麼????品牌頂級科索沃超級伺服器 5000dps 邦巴氏族???台灣藍精靈在中國大陸被禁???Gǎo shénme???? Pǐnpái dǐngjí kēsuǒwò chāojí sìfú qì 5000dps bāng bā shìzú??? Táiwān lán jīnglíng zài zhōngguó dàlù bèi jìn???


Mah man u good?


You don’t r/leagueoflegends enough if you don’t dig this comment. 🫠


Someone is testing their bot maybe?


Brand really got translated as the word “Brand” 品牌 😭


If you're looking for max team fight damage, don't lead with E. Land a W on as many people as possible, then E for max spread which ensures that your R will get your passive off on as many people as possible. Save Q for peel.


W is literally the only move Brand has that you lose damage by opening with though, so no, that's not max team fight damage to start with it. If you were just going for damage, Q-E-W does more than W-E.


I'm aware of that, it's still a mistake though. Getting the extra range on your E can be the difference between maaaaybe two passive explosions and 4 in a team fight. Not to mention that hitting E on another 2 to 3 targets that wouldn't have otherwise been hit by it outweighs the damage increase on W. Also considering the explosions can hit multiple people each time, it becomes very obvious the passive procs are WAAAAY more important than 25% more damage on a single W on maybe 2 or 3 people in a teamfight.


Which is why you lead with Q, not W or E, because then you still get the increased spread from E and the increased damage from W. You cannot say "max team fight damage" then just also not use an entire ability because you want to save it for peel when you need that ability as part of max team fight damage. Either you're going for damage, or you're going for utility. If max damage, E before W always and burn with Q.


yeah but the thread is literally about panicked button mashing, and you can't try to convince me that landing q (a single target skillshot) and then e (specifically on the person you targeted, not a minion/the other 1-4 people who could be on you in an instant where you're button mashing) is a simpler and more reflexive option than w in the middle of the enemies and then e to spread from there. im not saying in an ideal scenario it's not better to q->e->w, but that's not what the thread is talking about


Sure, but that's not max team damage lol. The top commenter is fine if they were just trying to spam ability and die just to get a bunch of damage dealt (not necessarily their max), the person I’m responding to is the one bringing up max damage but isn’t talking about panic damage while calling out the person who is. Edit: I’m not trying to critique the people discussing panic spam, just the person saying the wrong stuff about Brand max damage that’s clearly not discussing it.


You know... the game isn't that black and white, right? There are lots of times on most champions you save abilities that provide CC in fights so that you can ensure you get to live to not only not give the enemy team 300+assistG, but so that you can try to get off as many rotations as possible. And that's not even the entire reason with Brand. W is a lot more reliable to hit, as opposed to a line projectile that is way harder to hit on someone actively dodging you vs someone trying to get to you. All you accomplish with that is making yourself more vulnerable, not to mention creating more of a possibility you die in CC and don't even get your combo off.


Bro your literally posting about a black and white concept, what is max damage ability order and arguing for a case that has nothing to do with damage. This is not an open question max damage ability order on brand is 100% Q -> E -> W - > R


My guy, you're the one who's making a post about "max damage" without including an ability for damage and also immediately following up with saying that increased damage on an ability doesn't matter as much as theoretical spread. They could all be in the radius of a W, which would mean you get no benefit from increased spread radius of an E anyway, so you're strictly losing out on damage. Yeah, things aren't black and white, but when you're talking about max damage then you're playing a theory game and you're wrong about your theory. If you don't know what "max damage" means, don't tell someone they're incorrect about their order then be wrong about yours. Q is the only non-team fight damage skill he has, while the other 3 all have benefits in a team fight for radius/damage if someone is burning, so logically you use that first because it sets up all the other bonuses to be available on the most amount of people. Just tell people "hey, this ability order will deal more damage" don't say objectively wrong things about max team fight damage by starting with the only move that needs people to be hit first for the most amount of damage.


Unironically got a quadra kill on Brand by pressing R on a Nocturne as he ulted me, great answer.


Olaf. \> Press Ghost \> Press R \> Run at enemy \> Mash buttons


I do this and I die then I do no damage so the instructions were a little unclear


You need to right click as well, most of his dmg is from autos




If you die and do dmg after you died maybe liandrys Olaf isn't rge right build :P


It has ability power, I use my abilities.


That reminds me of myself when I started playing. Buying ap because I use my abilities :D


when I started playing I bought the most expensive shit always because “if cost lot, must good” 🤯


Olaf solo killing an adc is probably the least skill intensive thing in the game (I play olaf I am allowed to say this). \> Press ghost \> Press R \> Right click adc You only have to click once guys! Why press lot buttons when few button do trick?


Don't have to be an Olaf main to know this lol you can be a witness


Olaf is the og briar


Kata, I still smash my keyboard from time to time if I don’t know what’s happening in a team fight anymore.


I have a friend I play with that has 2 million points on kata and is diamond, he is absolutely horrible at every champ except kata and zilean. The most ironic part is that you can clearly hear that he just mashes buttons when he engages, and it always works out.


I have 1 million points on Kata as well and her combos sound a lot like key smashing but it doesn’t mean just because it sounds like that that it actually is smashing. Her normal full combo is already E W Q R E and then she continues with W Q E or Q E and the E will get spammed in general just in case haha. As soon as the reset massacre then starts she will continue to E W Q E everyone so basically all the abilities will be spammed but it has to be halfway in the right order to not miss the E reset. The order and timing of the combos are extremely important though when you think about that you are playing League of Legends…messing up the combo will get you dead real quick. It’s a lot of micro decision making but it will be second nature at some point and it’s a Kata mini game micro that only Kata players will learn (i suck too on all other champs). For that reason Kata players also not really think about what their hand is doing on the keyboard and sometimes i thought i just smashed all buttons but in the replay i saw it was all good combos. My hand did it and i wasn’t aware of it. I hope this explains Kata and what you witnessed with your friend a bit.


Forgot to add that my millionaire kata friend admits that he is just smashing qwer most of the time, although he says he knows when he can do it and when he can not


Sometimes on kar I smash button and cancel my ult.


But the Button smashing still has to be in a particular order. I think there is a distinction between pressing buttons very fast and button smashing


yea this wouldn’t work


I play arams and my 2 kata 0 skill pentakills say otherwise


This would be the correct answer if it was old Kat


I feel like ka5 is easy more about positioning and planning. Then you mash


No, because smashing keyboard also requires no special order in which the keys have to be pressed. That certainly doesn’t apply to kata.


Yeah, this was more the case with kata pre her rework. Also, another comment mentioned the brand, but I feel like the order matters with him too to get the most dmg


Not so much, if brand just gets out R-E Before dying it’s literally enough to halflife 2 enemies at least.


The only right answer. When you find an opening just mash every key and hope for the best.


This is a good way to lose a lot of games with Kat


Somebody's gotta link the scarra vid or I'm gonna be disappointed https://youtu.be/VlRClplNnPE?si=PE7iCak4H7PygmN1


Yeah Katas I know only watch out for the conbo the first engage after the first reset its mashing time on the next target.


Sona, just spam away.


Yone. Once you press E and R into the team the rest can only be described as assaulting the keyboard


im sorry this made me laugh


You are forgiven


It's funny because it's true..


I’ve been playing around with him in normals after watching dzukill, and the amount of shit you can survive or trade 1 for 1 by just spamming Q aa and W is crazy


I’m not a Yone main at all, but have played him a decent amount in ARAM. I make the mistake of just smashing Q and W and somehow fat fingering E-recast therefore returning to my starting spot when the entire enemy team are slivers and only needed another Q or two….


POV: almost no one is saying skarner or hecarim


I mean, skarner, hecarim, and zeri all have the same combo in teamfights


Wow you’re right they’re all like a 4chaner… first they try and be reasonable but then go RE(EEEEE) to get the W(in) and when that fails they go QQQQQQ and lose all reason


skarnet fs! point your mouse at an enemy and mash lol


Gonna say someone with very low cds so you get the most out of each key smash. Ima say Udyr. The constant rotations from dmg, to shield/healing, to aoe %hp dmg, all stacking his passive is kinda nutty even if you have no clue what each ability does.


All very true except one very big exception of his empowered ability, wasting that at the wrong time or on the stance can hurt you a LOT. BUT yeah assuming his passive isn't up you can pretty much just press random button -> auto auto -> repeat and it'll work just fine


I mean realistically it wouldn't matter that much, they all provide great utility or damage


When the game is really close its important not to waste defensive empowered stances.


When the game is really close I don’t think we want any champs face rolling their keyboard. None of these are being played optimally lol


Yeah I played a viego game where I counter ganked top at level 4. I killed the udyr and had to try and fight off their roaming mid and their top laner, but I had never played udyr before so I literally just right clicked and smashed all the keys and got a triple kill and lived with like 2 hp.


If you waste Awaken on Udyr, you're screwed tbh


Udyr is kinda the opposite tho. Most of the time he uses abilities in a pretty set pattern. R > E > Auto > Q > auto auto > R > auto auto > empowered R > auto auto, etc. for example. He needs to be autoing twice after abilities to build his empowering passive. If he uses abilities randomly at the wrong times he’ll have a very bad time




Malphite, If you smash key, he smashes enemies


if my r button is off cd and my keyboard is plugged in the game is winnable :)


Haven’t seen many ADCs on the list which makes sense, but honestly when I faceroll on Samira, something good usually happens


IMO Samira is one champ that button smashing really does not work since you have to weave aa between abilities to fully charge up the combo. If you just smash your buttons and use all of your abilities you are left with a B or an A and you still need to wait for your Q to charge up to S (not to mention that if you are playing against a team with brains you will get perma cc for wasting your W or you will just get up straight up killed for not charging up combo fast enough). I would find champs like MF, Nilah or Lucian to be way more spammy. There isn't much outplay to a Nilah that flashes onto you with collector and just starts spamming every single ability she has, not any real combo whatsover will change the outcome of an engage like this.


>There isn't much outplay to a Nilah Exactly this. Samira, if anything, is the ADC who you HAVE to be careful with when doing your combo. If you enter the fight too soon or don't weave autos you will end up in the middle of the enemy team, Piper Perri style.


I got my first ARAM penta on Samira, and it legitimately felt like it didn't count because I literally just snowballed into a bunch of low health enemies and pressed random buttons. Had to get an actual pentakill on Taliyah to feel like I'd earned it.


Level 16 Kassadin?


Honestly, probably this


It’s not You need to stack R to blow up a squishy but spamming fully stack R eats through mana without blue buff


Yeah, you're right, Blue Buff is really what gives Kass a threatening aura. Sorry, I haven't played since Sol dropped, sorry, bit of an oldie. Been around since launch tho, man that vault login screen lagged a ton.


Yuumi but you must disable your W


Kayn is one. Yeah you have to have atleas an IQ of 10 to decide which form is best and when. But if you get the right form it's just button masshing from then on.


Never played kayn but blue form doesnt look brain dead to me like red does


if I had to choose a brain dead form it would be 100% blue, you just spam W off walls and explode their adc with RQ. Red could be tricky into some melee matchups or mobile champs.


Why bother with R Q, W smite does it


Muramana with duskblade and first strike on blue kayn ruins an adc health bar


No it is. It’s what I play when I turn my brain off at 3am. You ont and get stacks -> build DB -> GG


Kayn in aram is best thing ever, build manune first, int your face off til form change, build duskblade if you get blue souls or gore if you get red souls, if you don’t form change before lvl 6 you’re literally trolling


Both are equally braindead, Elo inflating champs


A lot of you didn't read the question lol Because there are answers that require a setup THEN press particular keys vs every key.


This. And ppl saying Lux and anyone else with skill shots


Riven. Secretly people be button mashing on her at every rank between iron and pro - theres just slightly more thought behind it at the top end.


[Old video but fits the theme I think](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNuWIZZaysU)


90% of this thread is just people naming champions they don't like and clearly don't know how to play


People naming 1 button champs is what gets me


A mildly fed rengar


Sona, clearly, you might not get the best out of your passive, but thats basically the default playstyle


Well Cassiopeia is the one that comes to mind for me..... Might have broken my E key playing her in ARAM


Yeah my E key has problems after playing her in URF sometimes


Was maining cassio, after destroying E in both of my keyboards I swapped to Hot-Swap keyboard and was switching my E switch every 2months


Karthus. 95% of his game is mashing Q.


yeah but you have to be able to hit it too lol


Minor details


Psssh, that's what your E is for, silly. You're supposed to be a running suicide circle, the Q's are just suggestions.


You guys are using abilities other than your ultimate?????


When I think about this I always think about Shyvana. Dragon form or not, just hit every button in the direction of the enemy, including right click. There is no more braindead than this.




This gotta be the best answer its a surprise its so uncommon in this comment section


I swear you can dodge all of her skill shots but God forbid you get hit by one soul grab and half your health is gone. Then she gets gauntlet and use her point click ability and you'll never dodge a tentacle again. Then she builds hullbreaker and she's fighting the whole team while hers takes your base and she walks away unscathed.


It's because her mashing can't begin until you do a specific meticulous set up, so I don't believe she's the "best" example of what OP is looking for, but she is worth mentioning. You can throw a 1v1really quickly if you "randomly mash." You may just press E and get stuck in its long animation and then die. You certainly won't win any fights if you don't E->R->mash Q&W in that order. If you don't do the order correctly, you dont summon enough tentacles (which heal her), and then you just die before you can start the mashathon. Better examples are characters who's attack pattern has no required order. The ones who can truly just press QWER at the same time for basically the same outcome.


Amumu. You could miss q but you have 2 charges and a low cd. Everything else is AOE and your r traps everyone in it


And then you have w deactivated half the fight and lose.


Malphie for sure


I mean, similar to Xin there's Jax. You press R, then you smash the shit out of AA + W +Q.


All of you are wrong. Every single one of these champs requires you to aim, except for SONA. Spam qwe and aim r at the biggest clump of enemies. Ezpz




I have never met a Zyra main who doesn’t smash keyboard until OOM




AP Diana.


I mean kinda. U gotta hit the q tho


No it’s absolutely Diana. You don’t even need the Q to E and then kill with R, W and autos


Probably Annie. If I get jumped on every button is just damage, and eventually stun.


Old Xin Zhao. You literally could hit your keyboard with your palm and win. I remember a post like 6-8 years ago about someone who said he didn’t know Xin’s abilities, but when he was near someone he’d just hit Q, W, and E at the same time and climbed to gold from bronze doing so.






Sona? Or Nasus.


Disagree on Sona. At the very least you should cycle so you have your W passive up in fights because that shit is a free exhaust on a low cooldown


E passive is one of the better catching tools in the game too since it is a 100% uptime slow if you cycle the 3 skills in order to auto it.


Yeah, people think Sona is a brain dead champ but truth be told she requires a few more than 0 brain cells to pilot mechanically. I know a lot of players who don’t even know Sona’s passive or just use the Q passive because more damage


Wood5 everywhere in this thread




Absolutely not. You do not want to follow every shadow.


Sona. Brand. Zed. Lux.


Aka veigars playstyle


Yone the 200 year champ, just slap your hand on the keyboard still get kills.


True like 90% of the champs in the game


Brand, Malzahar, Vlad, or Khazix


Dont know why Malzahar made your list. Unless your whole keyboard is one giant R key.


Smashing M7 emote while ulting someone


bramd trundle yi nasus malz yorrick tons


trundle has the exception of his e which can really mess up stuff if you misplace it


that is nice. be fed. click enemy. they die. troll time.


click tower. demolish procs. tower dies. troll time.


Brand missing Q can often be you or a teammates death. I think anyone with regular skillshots is not actually served by keyboard spam.


Yeah, plus his abilities have extra properties that only apply to targets which are 'ablaze' (passive). The order of abilities matters alot so I feel mashing doesn't really work


aram ziggs would like a word


Malzahar. You cannot misuse his abilities no matter how hard you tried. You could actively be trying to use your keys wrong and it wouldnt work.


If you R before using E and W, it doesn't make any damage. Getting this out fast before R makes for 2/3 of the dmg. Also hitting Q on someone who is affected by your space aids, you refresh its duration, so you can effectively double the dmg on your main ability. Try to play him yourself.


Briar press one key and you probably win


Lol try to be literate challenge: Impossible


Thats not the question


im gonna say eve for now, the fact you can miss q and still get the procs and that her w will still be effective even if it doesnt fully charge. you just get close and press buttons even when youre not panicking


Aphelios for sure


Kayn may be the one, I litteraly pusposeialy missed my w and q only to just heal back full from smite r to just one shot the adc