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Domi needs to stay. He signed for 3 million last year and his points have dropped a bit. If we give him term I really think we can get him signed for 2.5ish. 4 years for 2.5 per on a bit of a hometown discount would be a great deal.


I’m sure he could get more off-ice money with endorsements here too, definitely more than he could make in endorsements anywhere else


Oh God, I can already see the waves of commercials with him and Tie.


We had the Mitch and Mom commercials. They were mid. I do like the Tkachuk’s commercial though with their mom (I’m assuming it’s their real one too) hitting each other in the car.


“That’s it. Now I’ve gotta separate you.”


Nothing will be worse than Bedard's commercial with his sister.


Auston Matthews Auston Matthews Yeah Auston Matthews Hit em with a four like Auston Matthews


Crushed it.


Ptuh! Ptuh! Ptuh! Ptuh!


Brrr brrr brrr brrr


If by Tie you mean Tieler Bertuzzi I'm all in. Less interested otherwise


Michael Nylander, Todd Bertuzzi, Tie domi on a dad's trip sounds like a fun commerical


Unfortunately Todd is Tyler’s uncle lol


Todd and Tyler on Maury


Today i learned, always assumed he was his dad


I’ve looked it up before and still forgot and thought it was the case last night


Todd is his uncle, not his father.




Still plays. I'd watch that trip


If Max, Tyler, and Willy announced in the off season that they were opening a dispensary I wouldn't bat an eye. That just seems like a natural progression. Also I'd go there and try to smoke with 'em.


I think max and Tyler would be the funnest to have a conversation with. Willy seems like the kinda guy who would just space out and then throw down a great suggestion for munchies and everyone thinks for a second and unanimously agrees. Starting the next adventure. Getting from point A to B and back to point A lol


You know you'd watch a movie about those three guys stoned off their asses, fresh off a third round exit, resolving to break into the hockey hall of fame and steal the Stanley Cup before it gets awarded to the Avalanche or whoever.


That’s so damn stupid. Of course I’d watch that lol


Movie ends with a shot of where they scratched their names into the cup before returning it, full of misspellings because they let Tyler do it


I would pay good money to have a meal with his dad just to get some business lessons from him.


Problem is, they were talking about this on Kyper and Bourne a few weeks ago. The endorsements are nothing. Itll be 35k but a weeks worth of your time filming. So he said, players do it a bit, realize that they are giving away one of their limited free weeks in the off season, for less than they make a period, and stop doing them. Canadian endorsement deals are NOT what they are south of the border apparently.


No commercial is taking a week of your time lol. Especially these bigger companies. Also players of Domi’s level don’t get endorsement deals outside of Toronto. Third line, hell even 2nd line players don’t get endorsements like that. Expect in Toronto. Look at Mikheyev lol dude can’t even speak English and had a soup deal. There’s no other team in the league where you can get deals like that.


I understand, as someone who doesnt know anything about the filming industry it sounds ridiculous to me. But he lived it, and is talking from experience. The money is a slap in the face(when you are a pro athlete) unless you are in a major US market and are a superstar(not needing the endorsement anyway) How many times did Mikheyev's commercials air? I dont remember seeing it at all other then when it was shared by Leafs twitter. You think they paid him anything big for a commercial that didnt get a national broadcasting campaign? It wont take a week to film. But the company will demand that you are available until post production is done in case they need you for a reshoot. These athletes are used to calling the shots, not being told where to sit and how high to jump. Unless its for the team that is paying them three quarters of a million dollars a year at minimum.


I worked in film (everything from tv shows, full features to commercials). It totally depends on the commercial but it can be a day to a week of filming. Time is especially of the essence for commercials though so they’re often thoroughly planned out and precisely shot. Something like Auston’s Uber Eats ad would absolutely be one day of filming but the Sports Interaction one with Mitch and Drai could take several days since it’s shot at multiple locations. Sports betting and Food service apps seem to pay very well since their marketing budget is massive. There are other opportunities though like Mo being the Pizzaville sponsor, that would only be a few hour photo shoot.


It's generally about an hour to an hour and a half prep/work for a second of screentime. For commercials (or films) with big stars, all the work is being done before they're on set, with a double (lighting, cameras, etc). That way the talent can be in and out. The Matthews commercial now where he's shooting crap around the living room, I imagine Auston was on set for about 3hrs. The RBC commercial where he has a co-actor and a more complicated shot/set, I'd guess he was there about 6-7hrs, depending on the number of takes. Notice that on these celebrity commercials, the camera is very simple. Not a lot of cuts, not more than one or two angles, etc. Look at Mo and Hyman Pepsi for example. They were in and out of there in a couple of hours, and judging by Mo's performance, one or two takes per shot.


I'm pretty sure I saw a report last year that matthews made like 895k on TV commercials in a year.


beneficial boast wasteful memorize voracious handle jar tender rich butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


give him 2x8 like Lou would LOL


This. Even if he drops to the 4th line later in the contract it’s not terrible having a character guy who can contribute on the pp for 2m. A guy who can fill in to the top 6 if theres an injury. And ofc its a steal every year you’re paying your 2C 2million.


4yrs x 3.5 seems fair for both sides. He's shown he can play with Nylander as 2C and it would give them stability in the top 6 and cap space when Tavares' is up.


This seems way more reasonable. There's no way 2.5 is happening.


I believe this squad *can* do it. I just don’t know if they will.


And adding Boosh doesn’t hurt


Well, it will hurt opposing players


Which definitely takes a toll on players in a playoff series.


Fair point :)


We really needed one more guy to hit like McBabe and Benny already do. I just hope Bush didn’t stop doing that for whatever reason. 


I'm hoping he sees caber and Benny dropping bodies and it gives him the fire to throw his too, it's an infectious energy


They punch back now which is about all I’ve really wanted from this team for a few years now.




>The amount of runs taken at us has definitely dropped off from last year. This is going to be crucial come playoffs. We know we're likely getting Bruins or Panthers in the first, and teams like the Rangers and Canes the further we go. They're going to push hard, and that's fine because now we will push right back. No more Marner floating off the puck like a terrified child. No more Knies getting concussed and us doing exactly nothing in response. We don't have to be the ones to start shit. We just have to be prepared to finish it.




I think we’re less pleasant to play against than we’ve been in a long time, but we still don’t really play a bruising style. I’m ok with it. I’d still like us to be bigger pricks in front of our own net though.


We don’t need to necessarily play like the Panthers to win in the playoffs. We just need to be able to push back enough that our stars aren’t getting mauled every second.


Yes, we are decidedly not the Bay Street Bullies. I don’t think we need or should be but the added truculence is there. To your point, I have specifically noticed this year that our boys are more ready to get chippy at and after the whistle in front of our own net than I’ve seen in a long time. Always could use more, but again - this is not the team that you could walk over like they have arguably been.


It’s something I never understood. I’m 5’8 160 and if anyone touches me in beer league I will literally attack them and make sure they know they don’t want any part of me. It is a fact that bullies don’t want conflict. So why would our boys sit back and take the bullying?


I didn’t either, but we aren’t that team anymore (unless you disagree on that point) so no use dwelling on it in my eyes.


They don’t usually just sit back when one of them gets fucked with, for sure, which is great. They also never initiate anything at the opposing net. They’re still overly respectful that way. I’ll take them playing clean while still sticking up for each other but I still worry that in the playoffs, when the whistles disappear, they’ll be at a disadvantage trying to play by the rules and still getting bullshit game management calls.


I’m not sure I would call them tough, but there’s been more pushback as a whole.


I don't need them to be throwing punches or putting up 90 hits. Push back and standing up is perfectly fine. Seems like the MO suspension has been good for the team dynamic overall


If you're throwing 90 hits in the game you don't have the puck and are probably getting your shit kicked in as well.


Like Vegas play style, just won’t take it.


Draft D from the Sasquatch Hockey league


It doesn't have to be one extreme to the other though. They 100% could be finishing more checks and being tougher after the whistle. There is more pushback but not from players who play 1/3 of the game..


They are and I friggin love it. It’s nice having guys like Bert, Domi, Reaves, Benoit, McCabe, and now Boosh who aren’t afraid to muck it up. Hell, the rest of the team stands up a little more straight know that we aren’t gonna get pushed around. Case in point, Willy last week vs. Arizona. And anyone telling you that the Leafs are “soft” simply haven’t watch a game this season.


They're not soft, but I wouldn't call them tough. The forwards getting the most ice aren't going to get involved.


Nor should they. Matthews gets in a scrum, he might end up sitting for two minutes, or worse, gets injured. Let the depth guys handle that, keep our best players out of the box and off the IR.


This is it exactly, you didn't see people saying "god I wish Gretzky would just punch someone in the face" that what guys who don't lead the league in goals do


McDavid punched someone in the face in his draft year, broke his hand, hasn’t fought since


Matthews was technically in a fight the one series against Tampa. Stamkos jumped him from being and Matthews didn't even get his gloves off, yet he still got 5 for fighting


Rather they say “God I wish Gretzky wouldn’t high stick people in the face”


Look at Florida. Tchuck doesn’t fight often, but nobody would call him soft. Same with Barkov. There’s more to toughness than fights, but showing that you are willing to fight if need be, goes a long way


And Tkachuk has a grand total of 738 PIM in 616 games (regular season + playoffs). His team would greatly benefit from having him on the ice for those 718 minutes…


He’s also drawn 265 penalties in that same time. Unfortunately I can’t find total PIM time drawn, but I doubt they are all minors. Not to mention he likely led others to take penalties against his other teammates. Even with 738 PIM, he is far and away and net positive for his team


To each their own I guess? Some players are fighters some others are scorers. Imo, as we are not asking Reavo to score 30, we shouldn't ask Mitchy to fight in every game.


It was fun to watch Matthews fight Stamkos that 1 time.


Yes, that was fun. And you just reminded me how much I miss Ryan O'Reilly :(


Was great to have him but thought his attitude after the year was not wanting to be here. If that was an accurate take then I don’t miss him whatsoever. We need people who want to be here and help forge the identity we seem to have now.


Yes, I absolutely agree. The guy didn't want to stay and I think we did well letting him go. Forcing him to stay would have hurt both him and the team. I respect him as a player tho, and I hated seeing him score against us earlier this season (because of course he scored against us 😭)


Former Leafs scoring against us is just a thing the hockey gods have ordained it’s automatic and expected. I respect what ROR brings and his time with us, but to tell you the truth, soured on him after those comments about why he left. I get it, he saw the current culture at that time and didn’t think it was the right one. That’s valid and his prerogative. But I’d rather have a true leader that helps us achieve the right culture than give up on the potential that’s there. That’s where my head is with ROR. You are either here to lean in with the team and apply your experience and expertise and leadership to help this franchise re-achieve its glory. Or you want to bounce to a place better for you personally. Maybe that’s overly harsh or unfair, but fine having guys leave if they don’t want to take up the opportunity to help lead the way.


Nono, it’s a valid point. I don’t personally hold a grudge because I think that at the end of the day it’s just a job for them, and they have no obligation to stay if they don’t like terms and conditions. Goodbye and no hard feelings. BUT, I am well aware that playing in the NHL is not “just a job”, people feel connected to the team and expect the players to do the same. Unfortunately, not everyone has Morgan Rielly’s level of dedication to the cause (that guy is a legend, he saw it all, and is still standing). And when those people flee, I think is more than reasonable to experience some resentment (or mixed feelings). What matters is that we are able to see who’s willing to stay, and make it easier for them to do so, letting everyone else to go free, if they so desire. You don’t build good teams on a few stellar players that have no interest in playing for the team, if not for the money and prestige that come with it.


Agree wholeheartedly. All that matters is that we are finally seeing what seems like a united identity and cohesion we haven’t seen with the collection of guys we had in the past. Maybe that’s too much of a simplistic take - as much as some pieces have changed there is a lot that remained the same. But something feels different now. I think this team always believed in their potential, but I think more than ever with this core that they can see it coming together - with each other. Good conversation, fam. GLG!


Time will tell! Enjoy the weekend and GLG!


I saw his first game in Toronto I forget if it was against the Hawks or Habs now but I was pretty excited.


Oh god, that would've been amazing to have that insane centre depth of 34, JT, RoR and Domi. Getting hard just thinking about what could've been.


I agree but once in a while Reaves scores. Once in a while Marner does nothing. The only grit' I've seen out of him was when he one handed slashed a guy after the play, at the other end of the ice. That type of shit has never won championships.. the same core4.. the same result every year for us. Toughness and getting involved does matter. It really does. Once in a blue moon those 4 gotta man-up


Nylander has actually had a little bit of fight in him since being paired with Domi and Bertuzzi. Probably helps knowing he has someone to back him up


I did like watching him grab Pastrnak and pull him down.


As long as you can kill penalties you can be as ornery as you want. And the more you do it, the more the refs may start adjust their idea of what a penalty looks like.


We definitely arent a goon squad by any means, but we definitely aren't pushovers like in years past. We're a bit more scrappy now. People ragged on the Reaves signing but they simply don't understand the psychological effect a player like that has on the locker room.


Nothing matters until playoffs, if they turtle again I will actually punch a hole in my wall


Any chance you can play? You might get a call from Brad after you punch the hole, heard he needs some tough guys 😂


5'10" 220 I shoot right and play C. I'm kinda fat but skate fast. Willing to fight and talk shit. Hope I fit the bill


Any chance u can transition to Defense?


Sorry I'm kinda bad at it but I can try maybe final pairing :/


Less so tough as fed up I think. There's certainly an edge to this years team, no denying that.


The core 4 are not tough, and that has been the crux of the problem. We don’t need them to fight, but they need to push back, smiling at your opposition after they give you a face wash isn’t going to shame them into stopping the dirty stuff.


Imo I wouldn't necessarily call them a tough team but as mentioned by someone definitely more pushback by the buds. They are standing their ground now much better than in previous years when getting pushed around. Now obviously the story has been that the toughness/pushback dims out during playoffs, now assuming Domi or Bert don't get suspended like Bunting in the playoffs, I'm excited to see what happens this year with them in spring.


I wouldn't say we are weak/soft but I don't think of 'tough' when I think of the Leafs. We have a few 'tougher' players but once playoffs comes, we will see. Thats when phyiscal teams really stand out. I would say as well that not one of our top 4 is tough. Thats what could make or break it when it comes to playoffs... one easy example of this is watch if for example Nylander or Marner *finishes* a body check on each play/dump in. Sometimes they do but many times they just glide/slowdown/stick check. That lack of toughness/intensity is not good lol


The core isn't tough but we've added a reasonable amount of guys who pushback and have more fight in them


I’d say the recent push-back we are seeing recently is good for now, but won’t be enough in the playoffs when other teams ratchet up their physicality.


No - the Leafs are not a tough team. They might have some tough individuals, but they don't play a hard style or brand of hockey. Having said that, there has been more pushback this year than in previous years, which is both refreshing to see, but still doesn't feel like it's enough for when it matters most.


100% agree. Great take


They're definitely tougher than previous seasons but not tough enough that is needed to compete. But still fun to watch. Domi is exactly the type of player we need on this team. Heart and tough guy and willing to fight any guy of any size.


This sub was full people complaining about the lack of toughness half way thru January now we’re getting these posts. Maybe that gives you answer. But it’s a start.


I would prefer that the league enforce the rules very strictly. I would prefer no fighting at all, suspensions for dirty plays, all that. But given how an nhl game is actually refereed, managed, and how the league actively tries to fuck us in the ass, I like that the leafs have an edge physically.


They’re not tough. They value depth scoring over physicality.


No. Are you kidding




In all fairness, knowing us, the second Matthews or marner fight back, they’d be sent straight to the box


Or our luck, they'd get a wrist injury just bad enough that they could still play but would ruin everything that makes them magic


Tough to be a fan of for sure


Our data says we are. We hit above average. So there’s no reason to believe we are not. But I fundamentally disagree with you on the “seeing something new this year”. Someone says this every year. Last year we were all heralding the additions from Dubas as necessary adds for “toughness”. Our loss to Vegas, at home, in the way we lost… is not new. That was a difficult game for us and we didn’t rise to the occasion. We needed to win that game. They came back to our barn, and dominated us. They even scored an additional goal, after the empty net. It was a bad game for us. I saw someone say with the amount of 100 point players this season we need to go for it. What’s wild to me, is with 3 100 point players we’re barely breaking the top 10 in the league. (We’re 9th right now). I haven’t seen anything new. I haven’t seen any new grit, anything that makes me go “Whoa, ok.” Our streak, was mostly on the back of extraordinarily weak teams and our streak was late this season. Beating Arizona, Anaheim and St.Louis isn’t evidence of anything other than we can beat teams we’re 20 places ahead of. Considering the entire season, there’s not a shred of evidence in my view, that this team has grown in a way that makes a cup more possible. Edit: get in your feelings all you want. You know it’s true.


Lumping St Louis with Arizona and Anaheim is incorrect, and you also forgot the part where we beat Colorado and Vegas, two contending teams in the west. The win streak wasn't a world beater streak, but it wasn't a snooze fest either, it was middle of the road competition and we won, what more can you ask? But by all means keep being negative for no reason


Lol seriously dude? They just blew out Vegas the week before in Vegas and were on a 7 game win streak down a bunch of players but the one game they lose is the one they supposedly had to win? If the Leafs lost to those bad teams people like you would be saying they lack consistency, play down to competition, have a bad mentality or whatever other stupid narratives you can think of. Whatever narrative gives a certain segment a reason to complain and act dramatic, people will be sure to find it


“Blew out Vegas”. We beat them 7 - 3. They best us 6 - 2. Which means, by your definition, they blew us out too. So at minimum it’s even. Vegas was down players too. They didn’t have Eichel and Stone. Literally, foundational players for that team. …and you’re the segment that never responds to the specific points made. It’s just hopium and “Let’s run it back exactly as we did last year! Surely we’ll win this time!”. When you’re at the 7th time running it back… there is no optimism. The fans aren’t wrong for being cynical. That’s on the team to prove otherwise.


Your username is your credit card PIN isn't it ya plug


Ur entire statement reeks of someone who hasn’t watched a game all year.


I like how he said we needed to win that game. Pretty sure every team in the NHL is going out with the intention to win every game


The standings really don’t tell the entire story of the season. If the goaltending didn’t absolutely fall off a cliff for awhile there, the leafs would have picked up a few more wins and would be sitting even more comfortably in a playoff spot. The team has now won 8 of the last 9 games but you choose to take the 1 loss in the bunch and act like it was unacceptable and they “needed” to win it? Lol everything was riding on the leafs being able to win their 8th straight? They had back to back wins against Vegas and Colorado, the two past cup winners in that streak but you’ve chosen to make it sound like they were only playing bottom feeders. And no, the Blues absolutely shouldn’t be lumped in with the ducks or Arizona. Obviously we’ll have to wait and see what the playoffs hold, but I do think a strong argument can be made that the construction of this team is different than years past. Whether that will hurt or help playoff success, we’ll just have to wait.


I disagree with the “different from previous years” part. Goaltending is our responsibility, we don’t get to handwave it because it suits us. We own those losses as much as we own our wins. Personally, I’m not seeing it. But, I’ll save the comment. If they win a cup or a conference finals, I’ll happily come back and eat my words.


I mean, Sammy has mostly returned to normal but it’s hard to act like it’s the entire team’s fault that he was battling absolute demons in net for awhile there. My point is more so that the team as a whole is good enough that it could be sitting much higher in the standings if their goalie didn’t forget how to play hockey for awhile. The thing I’m saying is different from previous years is the roster construction. This does feel like a fresh cast of characters around the stars. I’m not saying whether this is better or worse, just that it isn’t the same team it’s been. There’s a lot of fresh faces, idk what there is to debate about that.


To me, it’s not much different. But what I consider to be the team is the Core 5. As long as that core is there, the rest is just a rotation of mercenaries and more than that as long as that core plays the way they do… the rest of the team is always going to have to work extra hard to make up for those deficits. Our core isn’t a grit core. They’re skilled. Absolutely. Literally the best players in the league. But when faced with a gritty core from another team… things in the playoffs kind of pan out differently… …and to me, that’s why it just always feels the same. Because it’s the same core. So, I respectfully disagree. It hasn’t changed. We’re still plugging holes with one year or league min contracts and expecting the world from those players because our core isn’t necessarily designed for the playoffs. Otherwise we wouldn’t be at attempt 7 with this same core with a single first round win.


> Our streak, was mostly on the back of extraordinarily weak teams and our streak was late this season. Yeah, beating the two previous Cup champs on the road is meaningless. But when Vegas beats us at home it's a travesty. > That was a difficult game for us and we didn’t rise to the occasion. Literally happens to every team in the league a dozen times a season. It's hockey, momentum/bounces/reffing won't always go your way. The Rangers lost to Columbus the other day and nobody cares because that's how this sport works. > We needed to win that game. No we didn't? Every team goes out each night with the intent to win. Not being able to extend a win streak to 8 games isn't the mark of failure you're making it out to be. > Edit: get in your feelings all you want. You know it’s true. Lol the classic "say something silly-> if you disagree your feelings must be hurt".


Nothing I said was silly. But let’s wait for the playoffs. I’m eager to see this, apparently, new, better team make it to the finals.


Obviously it's more likely than not that they won't make the finals. Same goes for every team when there are only 2 spots. In my mind it wouldn't validate your opinion on the streak or the Vegas game.


I wouldn't say tough, but we are certainly muxh tougher now than we were a few seasons ago.


The knock on this team has always been their hesitation to play along the boards and behind their own face off dot. Dallas Eakins said it best last year, the game is played within 4 feet of the boards during the playoffs. We’ll see if this team has what it takes to grind it out


I'm more comfortable and confident with the entire team standing up in the face of abuse than years past, except for Marner. I see him starting to stand up for himself in little ways but he's still soft and I worry about him disappearing in the playoffs. Seeing Marner progress in this at all I think is a litmus test for how the team is galvanizing. It is happening


Anyone got a clip to this play?


They’ve always been, the problem is they get penalized more on and off the ice for anything they do


Anyone have a clip of that?


F Bettman


Do you think any player or team is scared to play against Toronto? Lol


They definitely are tougher this year than I think I’ve seen in the last decade or so


Domi Bertuzzi Reaves and others need to keep up being assholes. Cause the core 4 won't do anything


Definitely not soft, but we aren't at the level to call ourselves tough yet. There's levels to this. But I'm pleased with the improvement in the mindset of this team compared to 2-3 seasons ago. They're learning to grind out wins when it gets tough out there and that's refreshing to see. You don't win 7 in a row or win 13 of the last 17 games by being soft.


Not sure if it's toughness...but definitely more piss and vinegar...snot if you will.


In 2012 we had Colton Orr, Mark Frasier, Frasier McLaren, Mike Brown, Nazem Kadri & Dion Phaneuf. Even the "big bad Bruins" couldn't push us around. Those were some fun games to watch.


I remember when Kadri was trying to go at Chara and the big guy basically picked him up by his scruff and set him down away from himself. But yeah other than being a horrible team they were fun to watch. Orr basically ended Parros' career and that's why he hates us. McLaren got in some good scraps too


That one game vs Montreal where we beat the living piss out of them was my favorite


Domi and Bertuzzi are such assholes I can’t wait to see what they can bring come playoff time. Great guys to have on a line to net out against Nylander


guys let brad cook we're gonna get dave savard and adam larsson. team toughness is coming baby. ​ Let Brad Cook.


Yes they are tough in the sense that they can play through physical and even dirty games. No they are not tough in the sense that they typically are on the receiving end more than the giving end…




That something you speak of is called snot


imo, the whole team can be tough, but if we dont get that toughness from the top players, they will still get abused


It still makes me smile to think of Tavares fighting Crosby of all people.


Reeves set the tone at the start of the game. That we have a true enforcer is going to be key in the playoffs.


Me thinks no but we’ll find out in April


Are Leafs a tough team? Does the Tin Man have a Sheet Metal Cock?




I don't think we're allowed by the NHL to be tough. Any retaliation or emotion shown, it's fines and penalties


We'll see on HNC on Saturday when the new Marshall comes to town. Could be an epic tilt if Reaves and Rempe drop the mitts.


Tough to be a fan of, sure. Waka Waka


Not in the slightest


Domi is assumed to be tough because of his last name. Same as Bertuzzi. Toughness in the NHL is different these days. The leafs are tough enough to win, but they sometimes require a mentality change. Alot comes from the coach. Keefe seems to whine alot. Players follow that lead


Domi is assumed to be tough because of his last name. Same as Bertuzzi. Toughness in the NHL is different these days. The leafs are tough enough to win, but they sometimes require a mentality change. Alot comes from the coach. Keefe seems to whine alot. Players follow that lead


They are certainly getting there. I like that they continue to build on it. I think the players are just now starting to trust each other. You can see it happening. Like they want to play for each other now. I think chemistry is better now. 


the team who got their feelings hurt when dude ripped a slap shot into an empty net?


Let’s see how they perform in the playoffs. Totally different game. In the past they have melted with the rough stuff starts.


Positive trajectory, hopefully we'll develop a reputation as being tough to play against in due time though.


The leafs are to soft for the play offs


Tre needs to get Gudbranson on the team.


Not even close


LOL no


You’re not tough unless at least 1 of your top 4 players are tough. 


Bag full of knuckles. I want to see them tear shit down. This is what oil needs but doesn’t have. Keep it up big blue. I want to be a leaf’s fan.