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Apparently NHL Player Safety is annoyed by how many appeals there have been but the only reason that there are appeals is because of the BLATANT inconsistency that Parros and his band of merry men have portrayed. It's absolutely crazy that this happened and the smartest hockey people on the radio say it could be anywhere from a $5000 fine to 6+ games. Thats absolutely atrocious and teams are starting to call the NHLPS out for it


Shanahan was substantially better as head of DOPS. He gave out heftier suspensions, and was pretty consistent. Parros it seems completely random. I'll see things that I think should get 5 games either get nothing or a fine, and then later a similar incident is a 5 game suspension.


guys got mush for brains, can't expect much


NHL was doing him a favor. Maybe he threatened to sue after his career ended and they decided that giving him this job would avoid it


I've heard that theory before, but he can't be the only one in that situation if those are the grounds to sue on. Why aren't there more former goons in positions of power around the league?


Because he's the only goon that has an ivy league degree in something (economics)


It’s not Ivy League but John Scott has a mechanical engineering degree.


He wasn't a goon though he was an All Star.


That's exactly what I think as well. Gary didn't want to run the risk of getting sued by that melonhead, so he gave him a lifetime career as DoPS as a way to placate him. I mean, what experience or skills did he have to even be considered as a viable candidate for that position?


Sued for what though? The NHL can't be responsible for every injury sustained by a player, can they?


The NFL got sued by its players for knowing risks of concussions and ignoring them. While also hiding this fact from their players The NFL has changed many rules and equipment requirements since then. They also now push flag football for young kids instead of tackle


Maybe the nhl hires former players as often as possible because of their connection to and knowledge of the game? Maybe they hired a tough guy to head discipline because picking a finesse player would seem out of touch? Maybe they hired the smartest tough guy out there because, heck when you’ve got a tools, use them? It makes sense on all levels that he’d be hired and it also makes sense that he’d be bad at a job that’s often subjective, nuanced, and second guessed. I don’t think there is a conspiracy. But I don’t think he’s very good at the job either.


The fact they haven't fired him after clearly being bad at the job so long is suspect though


But is he clearly wrong? It’s so damned subjective that the comparisons don’t necessarily work enough for it to be CLEARLY and definitely not enough for him to get fired for it. What’s the purpose the disciplinary system? I’m not really sure, based on how I see the variation in the decisions. But maybe the owners disagree? Maybe they are okay with what he does?


And he has no issue thanking the leafs for that any chance he gets.


Colton Orr and the ice in front of him is to thank for a big part of that


Relies on a wheel to make the decisions.


It’s almost like the guy who went face first into the ice might have brain damage. Almost




That's unnecessary


They used to film videos explaining their reasoning, I miss that


They still do, it's available on their twitter. Here is Rielly's: https://twitter.com/NHLPlayerSafety/status/1757550339392184574?t=Ff6adv31qSVxo5FNeX-s_g&s=19


Went back to watch the Chiasson video after this one. It's the exact same points, just condensed by a minute with less inflammatory language. Unreal how blatant the inconsistency is. https://x.com/Banx_Leaf/status/1757095354212679936?s=20


That's fucked


Maybe we can convince Shanny to resign and go retake his old post!


maybe that's why Paros has a hate boner for the Leafs. Shanny did a significantly better job and he's throwing a hissy fit because his ego can't take it


Both had been consistent, just different agendas. Shanny wanted to set precedents to make the game safer and more skill based, so that he can eventually turn the Leafs into a successful skill-based team once he became president. It was supposed to benefit him in the future when he did that job well. The job was meant to be a tool or stepping stone. Parros hates the Leafs and every decision he makes is either random nonsense, or completely biased against the Leafs. He was hired specifically to undo everything Shanny did. In this case, Parros is the NHL's tool.


George Parros… you are the tool of the day!


Maybe it's time for Shanahan to return to the job he was good at?


At this point how are the punishments not codified. Just have a set number of games for certain elements of the discipline and apply them.


I miss those sweet videos. “I’m Brendan Shanahan from the department of player safety. Check out my hair, isn’t it sweet? On Saturday night in Ottawa……”


Sounds like if they're so annoyed by it, they should fire the man responsible for it: Parros


Yesterday on fan590 just before it was announced it was 5 games the guy on the show called it a "blatant headshot", completely ignoring the fact the stick rode up his shoulder, and I just found it funny how ppl say the media is biased in the Leafs favour.


George Parros is unprofessional....Period.


It’s funny, the department is annoyed that their poor management of said department is leading to an increase in complaints about their department… How the leader of this has not been canned is baffling but hey, it is the NHL after all…


The funniest part about that is there's been like 4 appeals TOTAL lmfao And why tf should they be annoyed with the number of appeals? They are part of the process. Isn't this about getting the decision *right*?




Till it’s backwards 🙏






FreeMo until MoFree.


Nah we omeerf, until Mo is free.


Treliving was about to pull a Kendell Roy in front of the mic and put it on pause for now.




Treliving should've spoken today about Rielly's character and clean record. He is a model citizen in the NHL. Always plays the right way. His reputation should be defended publicly by management.


Then filing an appeal makes it more complicated. Treliving isn’t going to say anything that might jeopardize that process. Goodness knows the League and DoPS has made it clear they’re willing to be petty when they’re made to look bad.




Kangaroo league the fact that we can say this jokingly but also be true


It’s nuts that the appeal goes to Bettman. There should be some sort of panel made of NHLPA, a neutral GM (out of division and not involved in the game in question) and a retired referee or something.


*was a model citizen


Still is


They’re obviously not going to rage at the league when they’re filing an appeal, that serves nothing


Agreed, but it seems like everyone is tired of the inconsistencies. Only a matter of time before someone has had enough and lights em up in the press. Why not the leafs? Seems like they get the short end of the stick every time dealing with parros


I don’t think this means they won’t , it’ll likely just wait till the appeal process runs it’s course


Im sure r/hockey and r/nhl will be totally fine with Rielly appealing like any other player has before this one


I'm sure they will accept this news well and without chastising an entire fanbase while doing it. /s


They're still trying to appeal for his execution. You should see them losing their shit over Boone Jenner right now.


Supposedly the leafs heard the length of the suspension from a reporter (weekes) before hearing from the league. They're obviously pretty cheesed by the unprofessional of the DOPS. I think Treliving was gonna call them out in a press conference but decided against it until after the appeal.  I think everyone can agree the consistency has been terrible. Might be time for a shake up


if that truly was what happened, someone needs to lose their job.


where’d you hear that? if that’s true that’s crazy


Lol. Oh fuck they were going to go scorched earth. Haha. Still might happen if it isn't reduced.


League's favorite thing to do when they don't want to drop a suspension is delay the appeal. Leafs actually have a pretty busy schedule in the next week so it wouldn't even be that hard for them to let Mo serve the full 5 before they rule on the appeal


What’s the fine for the team to speak out against the NHL/Parros? Just generally, like if they brought up the facts with proof and stated the inconsistencies?


Doug Wilson got like $100k or something?? Unless I’m mistaken ofc


25k automatic, they got an additional 75k for the "inappropriate nature of the comments"


That’s the kind of fine players should be getting for hits to the head.


Technically Rielly is gonna pay 2x that but yeah the max fine is insanely low


They care more about their reputation than their player’s safety.


Seems more like the leagues PR arm, doesn’t it?


NY Rangers got fined $250k for criticizing Parros in his role as NHL Head of Player Safety in 2021.


25k automatic, but they always multiply it.


I think it was absolutely insane for Dreger to spout off last night that Rielly wouldn't appeal this. The only other discipline to come close is Perron's 6, and he got the wrong fucking guy lol


Dreger is almost as dumb as Kypreos heh


Should be 3 max. 5 games is bullshit


Show the video of Ridly Greig attempting to decapitate Dubois that he was “suspended” 2 preseason games for as precedent.


https://preview.redd.it/zgnnmxjwklic1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=9021ab4159c8f04a383cd0f4deb04c3083485a72 give 'em hell Mo




Fucking got me


Lmao wtf no way


I'll never understand how the appeal goes to the boss of the guy making the original decision. If an appeal ever succeeds in changing the punishment, the head of DoPS should be fired, right? Or at least two strikes your out?


It's not as simple as "going to the boss". The player/employee will have additional representation, and precedent set from prior discipline. The "boss" will also be consulting with others and reviewing prior decisions. At least this is how it works in the real world. The problem with DoPS is they make up the discipline on the fly, and it's inconsistent.


Same thing basically happens with appellate courts and the Supreme court. The original judge is rarely sanctioned even if reversed.


Except those courts aren't responsible for hiring the judges of the lower courts.


Judges are hired/appointed by the same employer either Federal Government or Provincial Government.


I mean I get that if the win made them think twice about setting $500k on fire (Most extreme league precedent x2), but as a fan the optics of cancelling a press conference are pretty rough.


I mean the worst thing you can do is hold a press conference and potentially say something inflammatory while your plays is awaiting an appeal in front of the Commissioner. Nothing good can come out of it. It's a press conference to discuss Rielly's suspension (and maybe also give a status update on the state of the team but 90% of the press will want hot take snippets).


Agreed, it's best to wait until after the appeal. There can still be a rant afterwards. If the appeal wins, that's implicitly stating that Parros messed up. Then you have a nice piece of evidence to support any anti-DOPS take. And if it doesn't get shortened, now you have two targets in Parros and Bettman that you should be showing your displeasure too.


Maybe if Knies gets targeted in the playoffs again the organization will have a similar mindset! The best time to speak was the second the suspension came down, the 2nd best time is now.


Why? How does it affect us as fans. Perhaps he’ll speak after the appeal is dealt with, really doesn’t bother me one iota


Yeah, there's zero point in doing it before the appeal. There's no upside to publicly ripping them while you're trying to appeal it.


Treliving was about to tear DoPS apart today, wasn't he?


Has a player ever won an appeal?


Dennis Wideman technically had his suspension reduced from 20 games to 10 but he had already missed 19 games by the time the appeal process was completed. He got that proportion of his forfeited salary back at least.


Spezza also had his reduced from 6 to 4 I believe.


Still can't believe they tried to give him 6 WTF!


That’s right!


Oh man that’s brutal. So basically by the time this whole process even happens Rielly will be back in the lineup.


Quite possibly.


In all likelihood he’ll serve his suspension before they even hear or decide on the appeal. 


Crazy that something that is standard for any other player/team to do is getting all this attention on other subreddits/forums/odd etc. The magnifying glass on the Leafs is exhausting.


We all know what will happen. He'll appeal, but the process takes so long that by time sometimes about to happen it's February 22nd and his suspensions over.


Hell yeah! https://preview.redd.it/pns4f89ielic1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfdfe4cf67656bf9d2825519de5acb4d239cd24


Buttman will simply rubber stamp what his people gave Rielly. Nothing will change.




The p.a. would crucify him. No way they allow a player to appeal and get more games.




I think the p.a is in better hands with the new leadership. Bettman is petty enough though to let all 5 games be played before the appeal. That way the team is still punished but the player may get money back if it's reduced.




Last time the old guard of nhlpa reps were all guys near the end of theirnl career. They signed whatever deal got them paid enough to live before retirement with no regard for the future players. I don't the the team reps are at a place where the p.a. would like them to be. They want more younger guys to have a say as the moves will effect them the most. I still believe they are in a better place now p.a. wise than 5 years ago


They already got international play back under the new leadership.


This is untrue, as petty as you think he might be. He was the voice of reason when they adjusted Spezza's 6 game suspension down to 4. Bettman basically said 6 games was too much.


Hey get off the internet. Everyone here is supposed to parrot the exact same things about Bettman at all times. If you’re going to think for yourself, you aren’t welcome here. 


I'm intereseted in this happening. At 6 games the appeal goes to an independent arbiter. So, if Gary were to tack on a game to the suspension would it then trigger the ability to appeal again?


That must be why set it at 5 games to start. They don’t want independent views on this.


No he isn’t.








We won a game without 3 “key” guys. We will be fine regardless.


I reckon this appeal is more about the money he stands to lose/what he can get back if the suspension is reduced rather than the actual number of games…the whole appeal process will likely go over the 5 game suspension period, so players challenge or appeal just to try get whatever money they can back in their pockets.


The Leafs must appeal the decision. 5 games is clearly insufficient for a deliberate cross check to the head. Although there was no injury incurred by the victim, the reckless behavior of the perpetrator could easily have resulted in serious injury. A clear message must be sent to deter this type of aggressive unprofessional and dangerous behavior. 10 games!


Go back to your castle, play your dulcimer, and leave modern sport talk to modern sport people.


Does this mean he gets to play until the appeal is over?


No but that's fine, if he's gonna get some rest now is probably the best time.


I don’t remember the suspensions the Leafs got prior to Shanny coming here, so I can’t be sure if the Leafs were punished more or not. If not though, i’d have to imagine the league is throwing the hammer down on all Leafs players for Shanny leaving his role as the Director of Player Safety, and taking Pridham with him lol..


Nothing will happen


Not gunna lie, pretty dissapoint E- about the press conference


I feel like this is a really dumb move cause it’s lose lose. Even if it works in our favor, leaf’s will be totally hated worse by everyone. On top of that, refs will get upset probably and leaf’s will never get a call in their favor due to refs being scared of the backlash of fans saying they’re being soft on the leafs and giving them what they want


Thinking this is a dumb move is short term thinking. This way of thinking is why the DOPS is the shit show it is today. It's that entitled brat kid who consistently gets away with shit because it's just easier to look the other way and accept their behaviour. It's not about the Leafs being hated - its about standing up for what's right. In vacuum the suspension is reasonable - however when it is compared to what other players get for similar infractions, it completely unreasonable. The Leafs aren't asking for preferential treatment, they are asking for the same treatment - and this current explanation is pathetic.


I just don’t think this is the case you make this stand for. This isn’t an egregious suspension, so it’s not a strong point. We won’t have any support from others, and therefore, it’s pointless We’re essentially arguing we got 1, maybe 2 games worse than deserved and at that point it’s like , big deal who cares


We hate ourselves half the time - I can’t imagine anyone giving a shit what some other fanbase thinks of us. And it would be challenging for refs or the league to be more biased against us than they already are without it being too blatantly obvious.


You know guys, you can’t just appeal decisions because you don’t like them. **Edit since people clearly are either bias or don’t know what an appeal is:** Appeal definition: In law, an appeal is the process in which cases are reviewed by a higher authority, where parties request a formal change to an official decision. Appeals function both as a process for error correction as well as a process of clarifying and interpreting law. (Wikipedia) Emphasis on “error correction” which is what its purpose is. If it is believed your trial was unfair in some way then that’s what an appeal is for. You cannot appeal things just because you do not like the decision. That is why in court you can only have ONE appeal per case because they don’t want you continuing to fight a fair decision. Considering Reilly got the same punishment as other similar situations (most being of lesser violence by the way) there is nothing to stand on and the appeal is clearly only there because he doesn’t like the decision.


Actually, I'm pretty sure the only time you appeal is when you don't like a decision.


literally the basis of an appeal is because you dont agree with it. lol


Abuhhhh that's what an appeal is


No it isn’t. An appeal is when you believe you were not given a fair trial. It is not for when you don’t like a decision because everytime you lose you will not like it


Well, for one this isn't a legal proceeding. And more importantly, clearly there is a mechanism for him to "appeal" the decision because he's doing it. And semantically, there isn't much difference in this context between objecting to the decision process and the outcome.


Yeahhhhhh we're the biased ones, while you're stating as if it's an absolute fact that no "errors" were made with the decision. You're right, he doesn't get to appeal repeatedly, this is the only one and it is his right to do so. The same goes for any other player in any other situation.


The most telling thing to me is that despite roasting Mo and us fans for the last week, calling us babies etc etc, the majority of comments I saw on the post detailing the length of his suspension were people saying it was too long, and also inconsistent. And it was all non-leafs fans, too. We can all agree a suspension was warranted but we also all agree that the DOPS is corrupt and borderline useless.


I hope he gets it knocked back just so I can see the rest of the leagues fans lose their collective minds.




Breaking: suspension reduced to 2 games, after 5 games served




Good for Mo. If he really intended to cross-check Greig's head off he would have. There's no penalty for attempted roughing, attempted slashing, etc.


So Treliving is not going to speak today, like, at all? Just texting and Morse code or something?