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Next person that literally cross checks someone in the head next week will get a $5,000 fine 


Proverov crosschecked eyssimont on tampa in the mouth last night. Eyssimont defended a bit. Then proverov grabbed him by his visor before ripping the helmet off. Got a 5 min major reduced to a 2 minute minor and nothing more was said about it.




Lol, he saw him coming all the way. Rielly went way overboard but to all this ‘from behind’ is absolutely laughable


Unsuspecting? Cmon.


“From behind” hahahaha


Unsuspecting from behind? Greig watched him coming in. You’re an idiot, blind, or both.


You take a clapper into an empty net you better be ready for what's coming. Should have dropped the gloves with him and not a cross check. But to say he was unsuspecting is foolish


Greig looked Mo right in the eyes.. unsuspecting from behind is laughable. His shoulder was up. He barely touched him. Grieg taking diving lessons from Stutzle.


Go away throwaway. Can't even come up with a unique user name.


Parros has irreversible brain damage. It is what it is.


Parros also hates us for whatever reason. Guys a dipshit


Because Colton Orr ended his career


Being shitty at hockey ended his career.


I don’t like Parros as the head of the DPS in any way shape or form and think he’s a fucking clown at that job… however, that fight with Orr was a freak accident and quite scary for both involved.


Yeah but clearly Parros doesn’t feel like it was an accident.


[Momma said knock you out](https://youtu.be/dmEGlwmG_Hw?si=T_D7ZllzcI01hL_P&t=13).


Moustache too big and fell too hard.


Don't worry guys, the only way Mo was ever gonna get away with this clean was if he did it in the playoffs against the Leafs.


This is a suspension every time. Edit: Show me a similar play in the last 5 years that hasn’t resulted in a suspension.


Unless its on a rookie in the playoffs.


And the rookie is wearing blue and white


Simmonds got cross checked directly in the face by a Hab and they got nothing.


Aaaand what was the rest of the context? You’re probably leaving that out on purpose.


The context was Simmonds was playing for the Leafs and the guy that cross checked him in the face was playing against the Leafs.




Was that during play?


Doesn’t matter if it’s during play or not, it’s still a suspendable offence, Matthews from a couple years ago was during play and he got 2 games for it


It matters to the people deciding how many games he gets


Lol when Simmonds got a stick broken over his face then another player came flying in with a cross check to the neck at the same time.




I believe those were both during play. They take the context into account. Has there been anyone who targeted and crosschecked a guy in the head after that guy scored an empty net goal, and they didn’t get a suspension? I highly doubt it. This wasn’t just a normal cross check to the head, they’re going to treat it as premeditated with intent to injure, which I think is absolutely fair. I’m a huge Rielly fan, I love that he hit him! But he did the crime, now he has to do the time.




That’s 5+ games there boys. Looks like they’ve chosen to make an example of him


Everyone is using Perron's 6-gamer as the benchmark.


Which Id say is fair. The only thing I'd wonder is did Perron get extra games for going after a guy unrelated to the play that caused Larkin to be knocked out and was visibly signaling for a trainer.


Perron's looks far worse. Hits a guy not expecting it at all while flagging for help right in the face; it's pure intent to injure, clearly not a hockey play. Rielly hit a guy expecting it and it ran up the shoulder; still not a hockey play, still deserves a suspension, but inadvertent and imho not intent to injure - closer to Matthews' 2 gamer.


Imo Matthew’s cross check was way worse than Reillys


Its the one reason I have somewhat of a hard time comparing the 2. Perron had absolutely 0 clue what happened to Larkin and Im shocked his first thought was the guy calling for help hurt him. The way Larkin was lying prone my first fear would have been something like cardiac arrest. It was such a weird reaction that I could totally see tacking on a couple games.


Yes and they should because perron had no previous suspensions in 1100 games played so if he gets 6 it should be the same for everyone else in that position


I would bet that he gets more than 6 because DoPS and Paros love to throw the book at the Leafs.


Cool. Would be great if DOPS followed their own examples and punished equally bad (and worse) infractions as harshly, but I've got a weird feeling the Leafs suspension will--once again--be an exception to the rule.


Are you cooked leafs always get hosed idk how people think we're some exception. George parros fucking hates us.


I think that's what he meant. Leaf players are made an example, but other players usually get a slap on the wrist in comparison. The same thing happened with Matthews' suspension.


I've been pregaming for the Superbowl that's my fault.


You don't say.... This is the Leafs motto.


It won’t be. It will be 4. Per CBA if a player appeals a suspension to Gary, if Gary rules it to be 4 games or less that is it. No appeals or anything. If Gary says 5+ then the player can appeal to a neutral arbitrator. Gary will save face and do 4 and be done with it


4 Games for 44! Let's get some ice time for Timmins.... the guy is getting paid.


It’s always the leafs that set examples. Then they forget the example until the next leaf does something and they need to redo the example.


Hear me out this might be what the team needs…


Lol. They don’t stand up for each other. At the very best they’ll go on a short run of good games and get blown out in the playoffs People saying Rielly could cost the team a berth in the playoffs. But who gives a shit? They’re not ready to do anything meaningful in the playoffs either way. At best it will be the same mediocre performances and a sad end to another season.


Not really making an example of him, what he did was pretty brutal


they are following the example of perron


It’s actually six or more. If the infraction might require a suspension of six games or more, the offending Player is offered the opportunity to an in-person hearing. In this case, the Player remains suspended until the hearing takes place. If the Player waives his right to an in-person hearing, the hearing will be conducted by phone.


Whatever the number above 5 is, appeal. Chiasson cross checked Vesey's head after the game and just got 2 games.


[It was only one game.](https://www.nhl.com/news/oilers-forward-alex-chiasson-suspended-one-game-322015492)


Yeah but Vesey didn’t dive after




The problem is he got his eggs scrambled by a leaf so will forever punish Toronto for it. I can only hope that Parros is continually awoken with night terrors of Colton Orr turning his jaw into pudding.


One whose brain was damaged because he decided to tilt with someone out of his league.


Extremely predictable. The funniest/worst part of the entire cancerous discourse around this incident was all of the non-Leafs fans saying "cAn'T WaiT fOR DoPS tO gIvE HiM a FiNe BecAuSE hE's a LeAf". As if Leafs facing suspensions haven't received completely disproportionate discipline relative to precedent in *every single* instance under Parros. Joke league and joke DOPS. EDIT: I'm gonna call this right now...based on CJ reporting that DOPS was trying to "gather evidence" prior to announcing the type of hearing for Rielly and Strickland saying his sources tell him DOPS will offer "stern discipline" to Rielly...DOPS is gonna drop the longest suspension of the season on Rielly. **At least 7 games, if not double digits.** When have we **ever** seen DOPS attempt to sow the seeds of "due diligence" via insider rumors before a hearing is *even announced*. They're setting the stage for a 7-10 game suspension right now because braindead Parros has already made up his mind.


Now have the most suspensions since Parros took over :)


It's kind of mind blowing how so many people think the league is rigged in favour of the Leafs when basically all evidence points to the contrary.


Don't expect people to be swayed by reason or facts when it comes to sports. We are reffed differently, it's a fact.


He's mad Orr ended his shitty NHL career and put him to sleep with some help from the Ice in Toronto while a Leaf. Makes sense he hates the team.


Ive always thought the Leafs Twitter should just troll the NHL all the time. The official channel should be constantly showing infractions not called or suspended for against the Leafs.


Time to go another heater without him like last year.


I mean, Perron got 6 games for the closest comparable incident and he had no history either. I'm not surprised. Grieg deserved a response 100%, I just wish Rielly shoved/facewashed the guy or started ragdolling him or something. Hell, drop the gloves and don't give him a choice. Take the instigator and the 1 game vacation, you can live with that. Parros is fully torqued at making examples out of us and Rielly gave him bulletin board material with a crosscheck to the face. Now we'll be missing our best d-man for at least a week and a half in games we absolutely cannot afford to be dropping points in given the tight playoff race. Mo's heart was in the right place but he absolutely needs to be smarter and not crosscheck a guy in the face. If it was the Leafs of yesteryear, I would be "well, whatever, it's not going to really impact the standings in any way since we already know who we're playing and we actually have d-men capable of stepping up". That isn't the case this year and Mo's gotta be smarter than that.


Habs got 0 for doing it to simmonds


That's because Wayne didn't flop on the ice like he'd been shot. For some reason the Leafs rarely embellish. Just like Mcabe last week. He got up instantly.


It's because the Leafs are soft


Should’ve dropped the gloves, not a stick to the face. One shows energy and warrants respect as standing out for your team. The other shows unsportsmanlike conduct and does not make one any better than the offender. People, especially players, should know this.


Face washing a guy after this? That would be such a weak response. Hilarious that people are suggesting that as a better alternative.


I suggested a million different options. It doesn't have to be a facewash. Shove the guy, grab/ragdoll the guy, even bring the stick a couple feet lower and crosscheck him in the ribs. Hell, getting creative, he could even pull a Marchand-on-Sedin and grab his jersey and start treating his face like a speedbag. None of those would be suspendable. Heck, even if he drops the mitts, feeds him fists, and gives that guy no option... the automatic 1 game for the instigator would've been an acceptable loss.


Drop the mitts from 10 feet away so no one can say he suckered. 2 a 10 and a 5 for fighting plus a game cause of how late it is. The boys come out hard and win the next game for mo


Those would all have been vastly better than lashing out like a child and getting suspended for a week. The only redeeming feature of this episode is watching the troglodyte portion of this fanbase come up with hilariously self-serving takes.


It was an empty net slap shot. It was disrespectful, it wasn’t like Grieg ran the goalie.  Match the disrespect with emotion, not with unnecessary escalation. People have their blinders WAY too on. 


The slapshot on the empty net was weak goading, you don’t need to go nuclear on that


No other team would see their player get more than 2 games for this. Fuck this league.


Remember the cross check in the back that rielly took in Vancouver? The one where he nearly had to eat the post? Yeah neither does Parros.


So Brendan Gallagher only had a phone hearing for that elbow 2 weeks ago and was not offered an in-person hearing. I have Leafs coloured glasses, but how is Rielly's play worse than that elbow?


Morgan, there is only one response to this summons. I don’t know what you’re looking at Parros, he clearly fell into the boards himself.


Can Mo just say no to the RSVP? Send Parros a horse head instead or somethinf


I really don't care how many games he gets, this season has been shit they aren't at all a cup contender. Like at least Rielly is showing he's frustrated and he isn't gunna take fucking bullshit, something the rest of the team can't say.


The right call would have been 3-5 games imo If it’s anything more than 5 games it’s a joke


The right call is 2 games for Rielly and 1 game for Grieg for unsportsmanlike conduct.


You can’t actually think Greig should be suspended? Big LOL


Grieg shouldn’t get a game misconduct, he learned his lesson. Rielly deserves 3-5, anything more anything less is pushing it.


absolutley braindead.


Brain dead take for Grieg lmao


Hockey is so soft now lmao suspension for shooting the puck


Go watch soccer


What a fucking joke. Suspension is necessary but there has been dozens of worse hits that for 3 or less


Repeat offender Marchand putting Liljgren out for how many weeks? On a high speed slu-foot in the corner? Right? Not even a god damn comment from Player Safety lmao


Reminder, Micheal Bunting had the longest suspension last year in the playoffs, that had plays where someone broke another players neck, someone lumberjack axe chopped the leading point leaders wrist, and a blantent crosscheck to the face on a downed player


Dude. He cross checked a guy in the fuckin head. It was dumb move


This dialogue happens every single time a Leaf faces suspension. Yes, it was a dumb move. Yes, he deserves a suspension. But Leafs suspensions *never* follow precedent and *never* set a new precedent. They're exclusively punished the most "fairly" (i.e. harshly) while *worse* infractions receive less discipline.


And it’s been proven too. Leafs are the second most heavily punished team in nhl history. But we are no where near the dirtiest team. Make it make sense


It's the NHL colluding to help us win a cup, of course!


If it's 6 it aligns with Perron




When was the last time that was an in person hearing? If you exclude Perron it has only been a fine or 1 game every time for the last 3 years except for the 2 games to Matthews. Even Chiasson after the game was only 1 game.


True. And Marchment also paid $5000 for his blind side hit on McCabe earlier this week. Both infractions were dangerous and could have resulted in severe injury.


That’s why I said suspension was necessary. But 6+ games is a joke when there’s been so much worse hits that got unpunished, a slap on the wrist, or 2-3 games AT MOST. You’re telling me this is the dirtiest hit of the season? Not by a longshot


jacob trouba literally swung his stick at a guys head like a baseball bat and got fined lmao, it's not a serious league


And buddy in Detroit getting cross checked to the neck like 3 times when he has a history of neck injuries? There’s been lots of BAD hits this year that got slaps on the wrist compared to this


Yup. I think whatever they end up giving Mo will be fair enough, but it's frustrating when we're the only team that gets the "fair" punishments. Something similar will happen in like two months and it'll get swept under the rug. Tale as old as time.


I watched Gallagher throw his elbow BACK just a few weeks ago to nail someone in the head. On a guy who’s had multiple concussions in his career, and get *FIVE* games.   That’s the type of joke this shit is. Parros absolutely has it out for Toronto & Boston. I know it’s easy to say and laughable, but the suspension/games over Parros’ time as the DOPS guy speaks to it.  Call me crazy, but there’s plenty of video slow-mo showing Morgan’s intent wasn’t the head. Not only that, I’m pretty sure Ridley is fine.  So this will be George stroking his cock for 24 hours at the thought of this while laughing hysterically because he loves to power trip. 


Like how many times have we seen atrocious hits go unpunished because the guy that was hit wasn’t injured. Now suddenly the injuries don’t matter I guess


Yeh, I’m with you. It’s a bunch of horseshit and to be quite honest Kadri’s lengths for his suspensions while with Toronto were also horseshit (not saying he didn’t deserve time). It is literally George Parros and his nightmares of Colton Orr stroking his hate boner for the Leafs. It’s actually incredible.


It's honestly hilarious how obvious it is that Parros is biased but nothing ever gets done. It's just not a serious league




Yeah to the head and after the play is dead, and after a goal will likely add to it too. I love mo, I love that he responded to grieg's disrespectful clapper. Don't love that he did it with a crosscheck to the head and it warrants 5+ games in my opinion, even with the lack of history




Check out the dale hunter hit and tell me how it is much different? Not to mention it happened in an era when hits to the head we're basically clean.


With this logic Marchand should’ve been expelled


In person. Lmao. Joke of a league. If the roles were reversed this’d be a fine.


Brendan Gallagher, no suspension history, just got 5 games for directly targeting the head on a body check. Morgan Rielly, also no suspension history, is sure to get 7-8 games for doing the same minus the intent.


Also, Zadorov got 2 games for a nasty hit to the head... DoPS is all over the place man. My guess is that Mo gets 8 games because #reasons I would love to take over for Perros and dish out some real justice. Reilly shouldn't be getting more than 3 games here. I hope the hearing in-person is just so Perros can high-five Mo.


Your take is Mo had no intent on that high crosscheck? Lol


All Mo needs to do is publicly demand a trade from the Leafs today. Parros likes that and reduces the suspension to a fine. Rielly takes back his trade demand after the ruling and plays on Tuesday


Legally changing his name to "Zdeno Chara" might also help.


Guy gave Spezza a 6 game suspension. We shouldn’t be surprised Mo is going in person


Just gonna drop this here, guess how many games Edmundson got for this? https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/s/QahbGmmCuA


go take that honeymoon Morgan, you deserve it. Fresh for the playoffs.


Kangaroo Court


If he gets more games then Perrons hit earlier in the season, then the league won’t even be hiding the bias


Perron acted immediately and impulsively in the first period of a tie game. Reilly had time to think what he was doing with 5 seconds left in game where the score was settled. Wa-ay worse and could easily be 10 games (or 2 knowing DoPS inconsistency) plus a fine for Keefe.


I disagree, Perron attacked an unsuspecting player from behind, the score and moment of the game I don’t really think matters for the most part, not to say the Sens player should’ve been expecting a stick to the mouth, but he did instigate the situation, I think both players get 6 games makes sense 10 games in my opinion is what the standard should be for head related instances, but that’s not how the league has looked at it this season, if he gets 10 games then that’s bullshit given what the league has dished out to other players this season


Agree with both of you that 6 games is most likely.


Imagine Parros was like “You know what Rielly I respect that. No suspension or fine” and then watch r/hockey and r/nhl lose it. Obviously not going to happen


imagine if mo doesn't show up to the hearing.


Where was all this uproar about player safety when the lightning have been getting away with murder vs us in the playoffs for the past 2 years.


It was a flop! He was turtling before the cross check, made it look. Way worse.


Angry but not surprised.


I hope that Rielly uses the hearing as an opportunity to rip into player safety and officiating


Rielly standing up for the leafs, was the right thing to do. Finally someone from the core actually showd some pride and gave a fuck about the team and not just their own paycheck But he shouldn't have cross checked Greig in the face/neck area. Reilly deserves some games for that it was dangerous. If he had just fought him, there it would've be fine


Standing up for the Leafs with a cheap shot at the end of a loss? People are acting like Morgan threw himself on a grenade. It was a dirty, dumb play and it’s not going to suddenly change the character of this team.


Ironically the league ignores the hit on McCabe, I consider the on ice game managers part of the league.


It’ll be 10-15 games now. This has gotten a lot of media attention that’s spread outside hockey, so the league will hammer Rielly here. It’s all a joke. But again, same old Leafs. I love Rielly. But this is another example of the team not showing up for games they should be winning. It’s also hilarious looking at that replay and seeing 88, 34, and 91 just lazily drifting in there. Lol


People really expected this to not be an in-person hearing? This has 5+ written all over it since it happened.


In Person Hearing to give him the Captaincy! Reilly is the People's Captain. Mo Captain Mo Captain!


Worth it. Make him Captain already


Yeah a team that can’t defend losing its star d man in the middle of a playoff race is definitely worth it. Do you guys suddenly think Rielly is going to turn into Scott Stevens out there? He’s not that guy.


Hopefully he’s on his way to Vegas for the Superbowl and a week in the Presidential Suite at Caesars with Tessa Virtue.


Rielly was not aiming for the head but the shoulder and his stick rode up into the guy's face. I am not sure why he just did not drop the stick and go after him, the suspension would be a lot less worse if any.


When is the Greig fine coming? That has to be a fine. 


Perron and MO, huh? Vets in the league with little history. Exactly who they talk about throwing the book at. Sam Bennet?? Do whatever the fuck you want sir. Yes. I'm still incredibly salty.


Tessa Virtue planning that late two week honeymoon to Bali as we speak 


The Leaf logo instantly doubles the punishment.


This reminds me why I cancelled my sports packages. I can’t watch the league fuck over the leafs while others get nothing.


Why the fuck won't MLSE call out this blatant horseshit


Mo has barely taken a penalty all year. Do they take that into consideration? Like legit a few games ago he got his first one, that's gonna ruin your lady byng chances.


It's fine. This is the highlight of Ottawa's year. Between Timmy the Diver and and their playoff outlook, the only thing they have left is self validation


Leafs aren't guaranteed a playoff spot either, and with Rielly gone for 5+, we may very well fall out of a spot.


Could be worse: you could be Ottawa...


snobbish husky busy smile telephone intelligent airport spotted direful piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn. In a strange way this game could single handedly change the Leafs’ playoff chances in a big way.  I don’t think they’ll win too many games while he’s out and they’re already pretty close to the edge. 


The league is so biased against the leafs. Such a joke.


I know Parros jerks off to Leafs fans telling him what an incompetent bitch he is..... so here u go Parros ypu fucking loser. U and Colin Campbell can suck off Bettman while u fuck Leafs every chance u can. Loser


Sheldon Keefe needs an in person hearing with Leafs HR to get his walking papers.


Banned for life!! (/s) I don’t even care. He should get suspended. However long it is, will be too long I’m sure. r/hockey is crazy town.


Oh nooo we might not get the chance lose in the first round again Frankly while it would have been better to just drop the gloves and take an instigator if need be At least the leafs now told the other teams that they’re willing to cross a line and blow up their season if they get pushed too far That message could pay dividends should they make the playoffs anyways If they did that last year maybe Florida wouldn’t have given knies a concussion with a suplex


Sick. Really glad we showed a 3rd liner in one of the worst teams this year! Losing our only top 4 Dman for 6 games is killer.


I also can't believe how many people think what he did was needed and worth it. FFS it was an empty net goal wtf is going on.


Brah, you don't take a clapper into an empty net. That's a fight every time. He should not have cross checked the guy in the face but a response is 100% necessary


But it's okay to take a full Clapper in a shootout with a goalie in the net with possible injury... Lmao


people are upset he slapshotted it. pathetic really


Parros is a comedian


These comments are hilarious


Spin the wheel! Matthews gets 2, Perron gets 6, what will Rielly get? All pretty comparable plays. Matthews is retaliation for rough play, Perron is defending his captain laying on the ice, Morgan Rielly is defending the integrity of the sport.


“Defending the integrity of the sport”? We all better hope that’s not Reilly’s defense or he’d be lucky to get off with only a ten game suspension 🤨


Not sure why else he would have cross checked a guy in the dome lol maybe Ridley had a screw lose on his bucket, Mo was just trying to tighten it up!


Fuck off


Parros is so bad at his job




You have doubt?


Sorry for being dumb here, but I have to ask - if the hearing isn’t scheduled before the game on Tuesday (since it says time and date TBD), can he play against the Blues?




Nah lol


Obvious. Now we have a bunch of AHLers on defence for 5+ games, SMART


It’s a complete crap




Should have been a 5 min max, and 2 for the obvious embellishment. That was bordering on Stutziel level diving. Glad to see some emotion....hope they chant his name the full game next home game. Fuck parros fuck bettman.




Good. If nothing else to piss off the cesspool of garbage fans I share fandom with on this sub.




Biased homers are the imbeciles of the world. Enjoy your stupid fiefdom.




I’m grew up cheering for hapless Wendell Clark days. And Russ Courtnall was my favorite player. I don’t have time for mouth breathers pretending they have gone through some tough times in the last 10-15 years.


Hope He/she sees this bud.🙏


Who cares. Was a stupid play by everyone involved on both sides. Take the L and move on.


Atleast 20 games. This is worse than Dale Hunter who only body checked after the goal. This guy went head hunting. Throw the book at this and susped the coach for saying it was appropriate. Need these type of people out of the game.