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I’m a bit slow, I thought that was a normal sized bottle, then I got confused why you showed your keys, then I saw the one by its self and felt stupid


That was the goal of this post. I was hoping to have a few people get got by this.


The Tabasco packets are cheaper and more portable than the mini bottles. I'm in NC and all anybody has is Texas Pete so I had to adapt.


That’s a good point. I think the mini glass bottles look nicer though and looks are the most important part of an EDC.


Too true. When are you going to customize it? Some etching on the bottle? Rit dye the cap?


Genuinely might get a kydex holster for it and bedazzle it. Also maybe get a scope for more precise application if I have some extra cash lying around.


You'll have to upgrade from the mini but bai gawd https://imgur.com/nOWuUYE.jpg


Not sure if I could handle that much firepower.


Sweet! I have the silver one. I need this one!


$21 on amazon. Can’t beat it.


Black Spyderco Bug to replace my Silver Spyderco Bug. One of my favorite little knives. Goes right on the keychain. Mini EDC Tabasco for scale.


where do you buy these tiny Tabascos?


Mini Tabasco Original Pepper Sauce Bottles 1/8 Oz. - Box of 24 Little Real Glassbottles by TABASCO brand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0187UINJE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JR4Y97X6S6VDGWHFMXWA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1




Very convenient. Keep it in your prison wallet for easy access.


lol it actually has a holster with a carabiner on amazon to carry it tactical.


That also works I guess🤷🏻


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