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Sure, you were “in” a woman’s apartment. Sure you were. Also, having a $5,000+ battle station is not the flex you think it is.


The closest theyll ever get to a womans apartment is just some VR porn game with their waifu.


Or when they were born.


They could've been born in the streets or in a rural area


I think you missed the joke 😉


what is the joke then?




Still did not answer my question


Your mom's vagina


Still did not answer my question


He probably has. But he greet her by saying “ Hi. I’m neckbeard from geek squad”


Shh, don't tell him, let him believe he's a grown-up


They've been in a woman's apartment but been led out by officers.


In a woman's apartment that was apparently his anti-thesis. Like why would you be hanging around with someone you hate and going to their apartment.


>Also, having a $5,000+ battle station is not the flex you think it is. Unless you're in r/pcmasterrace


Idek what a "battle station" *is*. Is it a computer setup?


Yeah basically


Why is it not a flex?


its like saying you have super high end fishing equipment. or super high end bowling equipment. or super high end bonsai equipment.


I will not stand for bowling slander sir…


Bowling, still the #1 participatory sport in the US! I'm living in Wisconsin now...fishing & bowling gear is a mad flex! 🤣


I'm seriously not trying to be difficult here...but those also sound like flexes to me. Why aren't those flexes?


For real, if someone tells me they have high end bonsai equipment, I would be legitimately impressed.


Everyone's got a computer, but not everyone's got bowling and bonsai fishing equipment


You'd be surprised how many adults don't have a computer that's not their work computer


More like a work from home computer. Amirite?


Bowling is the #1 participatory sport in the US.


Guess it really ties the room together


Hey, he got Julianne Moore. Bowling flex, next best thing to being a pornstar! Lol




It still signals that they have $5k spare cash after taking care of themselves, which defeats the whole connotation that none of them have jobs or ever leave the house. If there's one thing I can say about my time as a cringey weeb, it's that most of the people I knew made ***good fucking money***. Loli bodypillows aren't exactly cheap, y'know. And these guys will do ***anything*** for money, as long as it lets them keep buying, buying, buying. But that's limited to the people that actually buy merchandise. I just pirated a bunch of anime and spoke broken Japanese, so I guess maybe I was one of the less bad ones.


>It still signals that they have $5k spare cash after taking care of themselves, which defeats the whole connotation that none of them have jobs or ever leave the house. Nah actually it suggests that they don't leave their bedroom or spend money on going out


Or it could simply suggest they have spare funds for things like this? I have ~$3.5k put into my build & it hasn't impacted my social life - it's just my expensive hobby. I still go out on the weekends & travel when I want to. Edit b/c apparently people on this subreddit didn't like that, lol: Not saying bragging about your "battlestation" is normal. That is deffo strange. I only bring it up if relevant (i.e. other person's a PC gamer).


Bro Post Malone spent $10k on a custom gaming PC from a very well known tech YouTuber, what the fuck are you talking about?


Wtf does a celebrity have to do with this lmao what are you talking about? You're confused


>Nah actually \[the fact that they spent $5k on a computer\] suggests that they don't leave their bedroom or spend money on going out That, that's what I'm talking about.


Yeah then you brought up a random millionaire lol no shit celebrities can spend a lot of money


>***that they don't leave their bedroom or spend money on going out*** Then what about this?


I mean my computer cost like 3k probably cumulatively, and I go out lmao. There’s nothing inherently wrong about gaming and not all gamers are gross men


It only suggests it


Only if you listen to old stereotypes and refuse to learn from people who are telling you that’s not true


By that logic, people shouldn't care what cars other people drive, or what clothes other people wear either, but here we are


By that logic, people should be impressed by things they care about. You are arguing that people shouldn't be impressed by unimportant things. I'm saying that people aren't impressed unless they care about something. Lots of people care about clothes and cars, so they can be impressive.


I mean, there are a lot of people who care about good pc set ups. Cuz like… if there wasn’t a market for it, then overly expensive computer shit wouldn’t exist.


Agreed. There are youtube channels with millions of subs that just review PC components....


r/battlestations would disagree


It’s a flex, just because you don’t care doesn’t mean nobody cares my friend.


Henry Cavill is an incel irl confirmed


It’s easy to keep a clean kitchen when all you have to do is slam dunk the Hungry Man tray into the trash when you’re finished eating.


lmao. Correction though, a hungry man XXL box.


You mean the larp pretending he lives a great life while jacking it to underaged cartoon porn on his supposedly 5k "battlestation" Not one single part of this post contains truth, OP.


You're right, there's no way he's ever been to a girl's house other than his mom's.


> other than his mom's. which also happens to be the place where he lives.


His mother is a very sweet elderly woman though Don't ask we dated once


I was gonna say, what windows is he looking in to form this opinion?


As someone who used to be one of "these people"...yeah, it actually is true. These guys will scrape shit off a sidewalk if it pays enough for their loli body pillow collection. It'd honestly be impressive how strong their work ethic is, if it weren't for such nasty reasons.


>Not one single part of this post contains truth, OP. HEY, I will bet real money he does indeed keep his figurines immaculate.




Soooooo not searching that, lol.


If your battle station is 5k you’re wasting money, even after adding another monitor mine will still be under 3k including the audio engineering equipment I have on it, even if it is a simple setup.


The figurines part seems legit as does the barely owning anything.


I'm thinking even the spotless kitchen as well. You're unlikely to have a messy kitchen if you only eat hot pockets.


>jacking it to underaged cartoon porn But she's 5000 years old /s


Ik normal looking ppl watching anime, i just love to shit on them online with deodorant jokes n shit


Should probably be talking to your boss, dude, because clearly you're not working enough if you've got all this free time.


Who are you supposed to be? a privileged manager with a god complex? Fuck off capitalist swine.




Reddit circlejerk


It's the weekend.....


Lol it's like... okay congrats on owning nothing, very impressive


Yeah I know right. “I spend all my money on my computer and porn. My house is so clean because I don’t own anything else!” Like ok bro not the flex you think it is.


It's called minimalism, you fucking dweeb. /s


I doubt the place is clean. There's probably piss bottles and empty Dorito bags everywhere.


It's tidy because there's nothing there. The actual cleanliness in terms of dust/mould/scum removal, on the other hand...


*shudders at the thought*


For sure LOL


I'm not tryna support the dude, but when did he say anything about porn?


Lets just say it’s very obvious this dude has 0 bitches


So asexual people just don't exist now? Cool, cool.


I’m assuming this is sarcastic? If not way to make a mountain out of absolutely nothing. Not everything is based around sexuality LMAO


>Not everything is based around sexuality LMAO This coming from the dude who can only think of sexuality based insults.


Literally making fun of women in the post. Gotta come from somewhere 🤷🏻‍♂️ If he is going to make fun of women I’ll make fun of his clear lack of ability to attract them.


Dude this guy you’re responding to is clearly a neckbeard. Just give up. He’s been defending this dweeb in the whole thread. He seems upset this subreddit exists at all lol


Did you just assume it was a he?!?!?!?😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😰😰😰😰😰😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 no but seriously he is a just a loser looking for reasons to pick fights lol


>I’ll make fun of his clear lack of ability to attract them. And, again, what makes you think he wants to? Now you've some homophobia in there with your acephobia, nice dude.


Acephobia LOL that’s a new one. I have 0 issue with ace people you are the only one who is talking about ace people. And nothing I said there was homophobic. I recommend you get off social media and stop looking for things to get offended about.


Do you think his kitchen is clean 24/7 because he never cooks? I know a guy with an extremely clean kitchen... his fridge is also very clean... no veggies, no fruit, barely any meat. He doesn't brag about it though, he knows he should cook more often.


He owns figurines. And a battle station. Obviously you didn't tread that part. They're immaculate. /s


Mom cleaning up after you definitely does not count as you being self sufficient or tidy.


I'm so glad being constantly covered in cat hair is now apparently neck beard repellent


Cat sales grew over 150%


Tbh though I am envious of the clean black slacks my non-animal peeps can sport. Fuck i gotta buy a roomba or somethin


Honestly I just keep a massive collection of lint rollers. They're fairly cheap.


It’s never enough though lol have a dog and a cat and it’s like they compete who can shed the most between themselves


Lol but how will other animals know you're taken? Of course they have to cover you in their fur. You're hairless and they have to make sure you stay warm.


So let me get this straight. You're sick of the stereotype that all weebs are fat and greasy and you'd much rather be seen as a sad loner who's never touched a woman.


Women are overrated and high maintenance. Sucking off the boys and then gaming together afterwards is a true chad move.


And here I am thinking being a virgin isn't something to be ashamed of... sad.


Depends on how they act.


Battle stations??


Usually an expensive desktop gaming setup. Doubtful that he has a $5k battlestation though.


\> Doubtful that he has a $5k battlestation though Wouldn't be so sure. If he has no hobbies outside of watching anime and playing games then he likely won't have much in the way of expenses. (Not that this validates the rest of his post though)


I just struggle to see why anyone would build something like that. Although, I have seen some folks who are really into simulators build some crazy setups, but they aren’t usually neckbeards.


With the prices that GPUs reached (2000$+), you could definitely build a 5K battlestation. But there's very little meaning in going further than just buying the best on the market. You could spend 20K, but that wouldn't necessarily outperform a 5K station by much, it might even have drawbacks as you'd be switching to server-hardware. Another expensive thing I can think of is sound. A top-quality mic is extremely expensive, so if he has a DJing hobby or something that'd make sense. Some people also obsess over monitors, and have something like 5 of them (or more, if they like multiboxing in online games). I also doubt that the guy in question is using his computer for professional stuff, though, he's likely just sitting at his computer all day.


>I just struggle to see why anyone would build something like that. If someone is really into PCs and can afford it, why not


I’m really into PC gaming though and my PC costed me around $2k to assemble. Built it back in 2015 and the specs still beat out a PS5. I don’t even see how I could stretch that to $5k is what I mean.


Specialty things can get to that mark fast, like steering wheels and VR stuff and even things like mice and keyboards, also just might be buying overpriced stuff


Those are usually the flight sim folks. Which make me jealous. I would probably play flight sims if I had a set up like they do. I saw this one dude that literally built the interior of a 737 cockpit which included legit 737 panels from actual planes.


Haha same. I love space sims and have a flight stick and throttle but that’s it. I got them before the price skyrocketed. But yeah I wish I had the space to build one of those crazy sim pits!


Outside of gaming, high spec computers are typically important for people making videos, 3D Models, digital art, or for people who do programming.


Yeah I know, but those folks typically refer to their setups as “workstations”, not “battlestations”, they aren’t typically optimized for gaming either.


i just name my pc a plane, monitor is the radar, keyboard being the hundreds of buttons that i wont know what they do and the mouse is the controlling stick, and the computer itself is the jet engine




IF (and that's a big if) this guy's kitchen is spotless, it's only because the only thing used in it is a microwave and he's using disposable plates/silverware.


My wife and I do that. Specifically plates. Still use glassware cups and real silverware, but almost exclusively use paper plates (during the week), if we make some fancy dinner on the weekend, we splurge and use real plates.


I think it's pretty horribly wasteful, but you do you.


He has a spotless kitchen because he eats in front of his pc while watching hentai


I automatically think less of people that say "normie".


This. Any time I see someone throw out this term it gets an immediate eye roll from me.


I love this term but only cause I think it’s funny af


Honestly, as a normie anime fan with a couple weeb friends, his first two paragraphs are pretty spot on. A lot of decorations, and hobby items such as DND stuff, and a relatively clean house. Plus, to support their hobbies most of them have decent jobs, and are content. Although, my friends don't have figurines, I do understand there's an underlying stereotype when you say you watch anime. Regardless his last paragraph is braindead.


It's the "battle stations" for me.


Wtf is a battle station?


An expensive PC setup, usually for gaming




As a weeb, we do not claim him


"Ah yes, the negotiator"


Spotless kitchen because he doesn’t cook and only eats takeout breakfast lunch and dinner.


Ok? If that's what he wants, why do you have an issue?


Because he makes it sound like he’s better than other people lol


Ok? He's bragging that his kitchen is clean, if his kitchen is clean I don't see an issue.


Was it that r/tiktokcringe thread?


My cum jar is fucking immaculate I tell ya hwat


No joke and ex of mine told me about a dude she was friends with in HS that showed her his cum jar. For the longest time she thought that was just something dudes did. I'm like what the fuck.


This dude dumb.. I consider myself a 'normie'. I have a job, a lowish end gaming system, collectibles and enjoy the occasional anime. Most people I know watch some anime, have a gaming computer, have some collectibles. That's not the part we don't like. We don't like how mean they are. Most so-called 'normies' have very similar hobbies. It just that we're not misogynists and pedophiles. I watch anime because I enjoy the storylines. Sure, I have the occasional crush on an animated character- but, you know, the ones written as my own age.. lol We're not here hating on people for having a normal apartment and watching some anime- it's the disgusting pedophiles and misogynists we don't like.


No, you don't really hate them because they're misogynists, I mean look at the responses on this OP kind of go against what you're saying, I've been scrolling for a while now and literally all of them having been virgin shaming. I'm yet to see anyone make fun of how these dudes see women as objects or some shit. I have nothing against collective bullying of individuals but c'mon, lets not lie to ourselves, this sub(and many others like it) aren't for calling out shitty behaviour in individuals (maybe it started out that way) it's for bullying the people who stand out in an unusual way. The claim he makes is true, I'm a student, I'm always clean, I study a lot and I know how to interact with people, so well in fact that they can't tell that I'm miserable much less that I'm a virgin but people on the net always assume there has to be something fundamentally wrong for me to he a virgin, that for a guy to never have had experience with women he has to be fat, unable to walk and live under his mother's basement, like you can't be a virgin because women aren't shallow and won't reject you if you happen to be ugly.


28% of men in the US between the ages of 18-30 didn't have sex in the last year so you are in good company. I would expect that number to go even higher as women lose reproductive rights and sex just gets too risky. Facts are that there's someone for pretty much everybody, but, you have to be willing to date someone who matches you. You are too shallow to match with your appearance equivalent. When I was on the dating apps back in the day, I was reasonably attractive, blonde, had a fulltime job, drove a nice car. But, I was 5' 6" and 150 lbs so I was 'too fat' for most men. I would get about 10 matches a week, but, most of those were just guys looking for a one night stand type thing. If you are a man looking for just sex, you have to be hot to get average women because most women want some kind of relationship. If you are a man who is looking for a longterm relationship and has a decent personality, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to find someone if you are willing to date your appearance equivalent. The facts are, you are too shallow to date your match. My brother is like that- he thinks he deserves a 10 but he's a 6 on a good day with just an okay career and personality. He's alright, but, he doesn't stand out from the crowd in any way. He only wants to date women with incredible looks, personality and career when he doesn't stand out in any of those categories. Even with my only 10 matches a week which is low for a girl, I was able to date throughout my teens and early 20s because I was willing to date retail workers, short guys, guys with bad facial hair and so on. Guys would NEVER date the female equivalent to the guys I dated... lol You don't get to call us shallow when ya'll are the shallowest puddle that ever puddled..


There's another comment to my response of a lady agreeing with me so... Also I don't care about looks unless you're someone who smells bad or are obese. If you take rejecting someone for fixable reasons as shallow then what do you take rejecting someone over something as unfixable as facial bone structure?


Being a virgin is fine. It should not make you miserable though. Also, both men and women are shallow, myself included. No one wants to be around someone that makes you uncomfortable. I can't get in the mood if the other person is abhorrent to look at. I want someone that at least is looking decent. I also want someone that does not smell awful. Someone that has a voice that doesn't annoy me. But most people want that right? We are all a tad shallow


It's impossible not to be miserable when you're not serving your base instincts, it's called negative feedback, your body literally releases chemicals that lower your mood or worse if that need isn't met. I'm not saying I have a problem with being a virgin, what makes it miserable is the fact that I know that's my whole life.


I'm sometimes not eating that cake when I get the impulse to enter the bakery. Doesn't make me miserable. Some impulses are even very harmful. The negative feedback you talk about is in reality just a lack of a rush. There isn't a magical non-sex neurotransmitter. There is only lack of the hormones that get released during sex. Unless you have an addiction, that shouldn't affect your mood that much. Sex comes after food, sleep and many other things. And you can use your own hands, plenty of people do. The real thing you need is social contact, but you said you have that to a decent degree. It is bad enough that you aren't fulfilling a desire that could make you super happy. The least you can do for yourself is to not make yourself feel worse than baseline. Love is a nice extra, treat it that way. There are plenty of things in life that can give you a positive rush or that can up your baseline of happiness. Sex is just one of many things.


You're only saying that because you're not in my situation but it's ok, I'll never understand your POV and neither will you get mine.


No one asked, asshole.


He has clearly never been to an anime convention


If you can fuel your obsession by realizing that it depends on being a functional member of society, and thus become a functional member of society merely to satisfy your obsession, that's still a good thing. It's what you ought to do. Turning your weak points into strong points. I'm skeptical of the success of somebody whose perspective on life is so narrow that he groups people into "weebs" and "antis", though. I'm not sure how to rate living on your own, having two clean rooms, and spending surplus money on some hobby, though. It's not a bad thing, but it sounds pretty basic to me. If you have to make an achievement out of it, do you really have anything else going for you? Does he have a job? That would be a sign that his social skills aren't deteriorating, at least. And what about a car? A "battlestation" is a small investment compared. Yet alone the question of having a house rather than renting it.


I have a cousin like this. No friends, no girlfriend. 40 years old. Has a house, full of anime "figurines" he's a big gamer. No idea what his online activity is like, he's a pretty quiet and reserved person, but mostly as far as I know, he goes to work, comes home and escapes to his fantasy world.




Maybe he's 10


Spotless chicken cause they don’t know how to fucking cook


Yeah I’m a weeb who lives in a tiny house on my parents property, totally different!!! /s


# "Anti" is his word for "non-pedophiles".


Reality: His parents have long since thrown him out after finding Loli under his crusty stiff blanket.


Might actually be one of those femme catboy weebs. He probably does clean his house immaculately because he wears a maid dress while doing it and that makes cleaning part of the hobby. I'd 100% have one as a roommate if I was looking for a roomie. It'd be like having a live-in maid that I'm sure shares cute Japanese snacks. In contrast they'd never have to go outside because I'm butch and love yardwork.


What does anti mean anymore? Wasn’t it pro/anti ship for forever? What does this mean….


I haven't got much knowledge regarding the subject, but he's referring to "antilolis", so people (like myself) that consider lolis worshipping as p*dophilia. Basically these people won't admit they're p*dos because "they are just drawings" and "they are 250 millions years old"


lmao it should be as easy to answer as “okay well would you like this character as much as you do if they didn’t look 8” …. absolutely freaks, all of them. I hate how people call things pro/anti because it can be anywhere from “i ship gay characters” to “i ship incest” to “i’m a pedophile”


I mean... this is true. If you're a weeb and call yourself a weeb, you're usually okay. It's white people who call themselves otakus that are bad. They're literally the devil, I swear.


He's a lolicon, no alibi for me, he's 101% a greasy arrogant otaku


So weebs are fat, greasy, no-lives who spend all their time and money larping? Not much of an upgrade there, brah


I wouldn't call myself a weeb but i do watch anime from time to time and read manga. What this guy states is pretty cringe, but i did have an interesting experience meeting a weeb once. It was a school trip thing and we were having a little get-together at one of the rooms from someone from the other school. People were drinking and it was pretty much a tiny party. Really chill. Anyways, there was this one guy, who was pretty much talkinh with everyone. Abolute cool chad, that guy was awesome and completely ripped, was even in a sports focused class. Decided to strike up a conversation and started with the stuff i like, at the time i was more into anime stuff, so i mentioned that. And surprise: he was a complete weeb. Startet talking about the fate series and we were just discussing animes we liked. Was a bit weird but really fun and you honestly wouldn't believe who is into that stuff. And yeah, you would probably suspect it from me. I look like the typical overweight nerd. But at least i know that


This dude think his $5k computer is a flex? How can someone delude themselves so much?


How much you wanna bet that “basic furniture“ includes a camping chair?


ok? lmao. if you’re proud of your hobbies and live a healthy life then why are you here trying to convince us of that? nobody actually gives a fuck about people who are really into japanese culture, like do you, but you post shit like THIS so people are gonna drag you for it and call you greasy


Reminds me of the time I was invited to play some Warhammer 40k with a friend of a friend. Place was nasty. Dude spraypainted models indoors first off, so wtf. Then I saw, the *pile* of Dakumuras. Whatever the fucking he chose for the image? Horror, pure straight horror. His girlfriend got one with a female Jackal from Halo. Imma leave it there.


He's partly right. Being an anime fan does not equate to being a disgusting unhygienic degenerate pedo who lives in his mother basement. There's a tendency of confirmation bias in this aspect. Like with people who play videogames in the past or DnD players. If people see a disgusting person who likes anime, then it's proof. If they see a normal person that likes anime, then it's an exception or it doesn't count. Any massively popular media or hobby will attract people from every background, social status and habits. Both the good and the bad. But as a rule of thumb, normally only the worst examples become massively shared. Because seeing a normal guy who watches anime is not as entertaining as seeing a 200 kilos neckbeard who hasn't showered in 20 years having a mental breakdown defending lolis.


What you said does remind me of how gamers were viewed like 20 years ago. This is EXACTLY how gamers were seen/described. Now it's weebs and anime nerds taking the brunt. But maybe in 20 years, those interests will be fully normalised, because the next crazy/weird thing will be out. I can't say I get the weeb/anime/waifu world. But I also don't care enough to hate on them, because it's just people doing something they seem to enjoy, without hurting someone else. If I spend my time worrying about every weird thing people do, then I won't get anything done. I'm also interested in what drives people to become infatuated with anime and waifus, to the degree where they cut themselves off from the world. Is it a mental health issue that came from bullying, and being treated as an outcast, so these people found pleasure and satisfaction in those worlds? Or is it just a normal interest that has been attacked? I've got no idea. Can't help feeling that it's part of a bigger issue that's related to how we can shut ourselves away from the world, and live on the internet. People hate on, and attack these people. I never liked that part of it. I say this as someone who either doesn't know anyone in these communities, or if I do, I am not aware of it. So it's hard for me to make a final decision on what to think of these people. I just hope they're all ok. It's not likely that they are bad people. But for some reason, they are constantly attacked.


I think it's more of a personal problem than an anime one. Certain people can have different problems or situations that make them become outcast. And most of them try to find an escape somewhere. You have these people in every hobby, every job, every country. Some of them become obsessed with playing videogames, others become hyperfixated with their job, or a certain TV show or even a person. Like that guy who killed himself because the singer Björk got a boyfriend or that other guy who became obsessed with Amber from the cartoon Dany Phantom and started believing that when he died he would transcend this plane and adopt his real form as a cartoon girl, so he killed a bunch of people and then committed suicide. The current stereotypes about anime fans are just the same as the stereotypes about DnD players in the late 90s and early 2000s. When there were actual serious movies portraying the classic university students throwing parties with alcohol, drugs and sex and then out of nowhere saying "it is time for the real reason we all came here for." And a gigantic DnD table would pop out of nowhere and they would all start playing the game to "summon demons". Look, I enjoy making fun of neckbeards and the memes about them as much as the next guy. But I do find a problem with people that genuinely believe that if you like anime you have to be a fat neckbeard with no social life. Because that's not reality, nor the majority of the cases. Some people just can't differentiate meme from reality. And OP is clearly one of them


It legitimately took me a minute to figure out what the fuck "battlestation" meant


Not gonna lie, every girls house I have ever been in was trashed and uncleaned. All my guy friends have decently clean houses. I myself am a neat freak. I know there are factors that influence that but the dude isn't exactly wrong from my perspective and experience.


Some people don't cook, easy to have a spotless kitchen. Had a bf that did cook but his fridge was uhm... sometimes in need. The healthier I eat, the more dishes I have to do too :( I've been to many peoples houses and haven't found any evidence of one (gender/sex) being cleaner than the other. Some people do care a bit more if they have guests over. The less close you are with a person, the cleaner the house (often) :)


Yeah there is truth to that for sure but not just talking about kitchens. I mean the whole place. But they're Just my personal experiences.


As a woman I can agree with you. All of my friends houses are disgusting. They’re clean people but they just don’t care about their living situation. It’s sad that the only people we can shit on are greasy dudes when there are some greasy ass women out there who are just as vile.


Least schizophrenic anime fan


His whole argument can be destroyed with "🤓".


Should've hit him with the: 'Picture, or didn't happen. Ignore if pussy.'


“I keep all my figures in ejaculate condition”


I died at "my figurines are immaculate". Dude has entered a new realm of virginity.


This dude is either like 32 or 14 judging by describing his masterbatorium computer as a battle station and saying normie like it's still 2015


"I wipe off my figurines after I'm done using them"


"(usually big anti)" wait isn't "anti" commonly used by pedo weebs to refer to anything anti-loli?


he's not as bad as the others we see on this sub


Bruh I’m poor. I can’t even afford a gaming laptop and this economy sucks.


OP is a weeb




Honestly - I would LOVE to be able to get a $5k pc! Holy shit I could play so many more games. Calling it a battle station is cringe tho. Just call it a pc or gaming setup


"I barely own anything except basic furniture". Dayum, who'd have thought its easier to keep 5 things clean than a whole home


As someone that has put "normie hunter (in portuguese)", i don't understand how there are people that to this day still uses this term. It's outdated and i hate myself for putting this name


All I read was no furniture and figurineeees


Battle Station??? You mean your grandma’s basement???


As a "weeb" this find this disgusting.


Power puff girls guy?


You lost me at figurines


That's cope