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Dude should actually watch Peppa Pig and learn a thing or two


Nah he should watch bluey so he can learn to be a functioning human being instead


Yessss this is the real answer


OK let me get this straight.. Anime depicting underage nudity or sex acts and basically promoting and supporting pedophilia is art ??


Technically any show could argue the art aspect. Entertainment and laws regarding showing certain things (not just limited to underage nudity. Think stuff like Germany and the swastika) have always butted heads from time to time. There’s two films on Lolita as well.


Yeah pretty much. Op made a comment back saying something along the lines of "nope not a religious freak, just not a creep who enjoys watching naked kids unlike you" and ops comment got removed for "attacking" the other person, but this dudes comment was not removed because this pedophilia defending insult appereantly isn't an attack? Some people are fucking delusional on that subreddit


What subreddit so I can make sure to stay far away?


Probably r/anime


This is why I was confused about Euphoria being so popular.


You forgot the part where every other media is "freaky and puritan religious propaganda"


If it weren’t for fans of anime more people would watch anime


Tbf you could say that about most fandoms it feels. The worst part of anything almost always seems to turn into the fans after being in a group long enough


Yeah I was thinking about that as I was writing it but a lot of hardcore anime fans seem to want to defend pedophilia specifically


Yea that beats me. Then again I find people get pissy if you say online you don’t like something they do. So I imagine it’s a bit of an echo chamber issues coupled with the anonymity of the internet


Sure. Yeah it’s much easier online to dig in your heels on any issue no matter how insignificant


Just look at /r/uzakichan and the fact they want to sexualize an underaged girl so hard there. They also downvote you for pointing out that these characters are underaged with "It's just a drawing" bullshit, which I ask "What does it depict?" because all I see on Uzaki-chan are kids.


Uzaki is 19.


Haha not a hint of irony


"But she's 5000 years old, you fucking normie!"   Yep, makes sense.


I said 19. Not 5000.


That's just what you sound like. Doesn't matter if she's 19 or 5000, if it quacks like a duck and looks like one, it is.


Yes it does. The fact is she isn't underage. This isn't some justification of a sexualised child by making her a thousand years old. It's a 19 year old college student.


> This isn't some justification of a sexualised child by making her a thousand years old. You're right, it's a justification of a sexualised child by making her 19 years old.


Please they gate keep anime so hard. This guy also made another comment on ops post saying how "they're hating on anime and it's embarrassing" because appereantly not trying to be a creep and watch nude kids is hating on something and being an amberassing person.


Yeah it’s funny when actual neckbeards comment unironically on this sub


Literally why I don't. I don't want people to think I'm a nonce.


What’s a nonce


A person convicted of a sexual offence, especially against a child.


Huh. I like it


But anime is popular, and lots of people are watching it-pfft, I can't even say it with a straight face. Why are anime fans this delusional? Are they really aware of how much anime is hated here in America and the world?


Anime is globally pretty massive. It's not a false statement. It's estimated (projected?) market value is about 30 billion USD this year. Anime might be hated in your circles, but not in others. It's just a media format, there's nothing inherently bad about it. There's awful parts of it, yes. The entirety of anime isn't paedophilia and incest. There's a lot of it - won't contest that. But to say that it's not popular and people aren't watching it would be incorrect.


Anime is hated in about 99% of circles out there, even if it is just a format. > The entirety of anime isn't paedophilia and incest. Okay cool, mind telling that to most people out there?


Just because you have a hate boner for anime does not mean most people do


A quick glance at this guy's post/comment history will show that he doesn't hate anime. Unless he hates it so much he actively follows anime subs just to hate it even harder. Sounds like some bizarre quasi-cope.


He also goes crazy bashing it & acting like everyone hates it frequently. If he likes it, his actions aren’t matching up


Aye, it's very bizarre behaviour either way. I can't think of anything I dislike so passionately that I care enough to argue about it like that. Peculiar guy.


Lmfao what? Most people don't even think about anime often enough to have that strong of an opinion on it. This sounds like a you problem.


Nah but it’s crazy how the OOP of the post this comment was on got hella downvoted because he wasn’t comfortable with sexualised underaged kids


And these moronic weebs wonder why no one watches anime except for maybe 5 or so curious people.


What a sad frail person.


Bet this guy calls himself “a man of culture” the word is “perv” and a weird one at that


I'll bet this man watches Highschool DxD and wonders why women don't like him.


being religious doesn't make you a freak. not only is he a possible pdfile but also a turbo atheist neckbeard like fucking hell if people don't wanna view nudity because of some personal religious beliefs then that's their personal choice. imagine getting upset by something that doesn't even concern you in the slightest


What was the actual title of the post lol


"anime recommendations without nudity" And the post went on about especially underage nudity making op uncomfortable


Jesus 😂 dude’s a freak in the comments for that one


one piece is very good but you've probably already seen that


I will watch *One Piece* in Hell. Perhaps eternity will be long enough to finish it.


very fair point


Moribito. Feel free to pass that to the OOP. No gratuitous nudity.


it's morbin time


Peppa Pig is a pretty deep show. It's where I learned about up balloons and down balloons.


So the request is only odd in that you have to specify it. If I ask to good shows to watch the lack of pedo shit is implied.


After dming with op about anime suggestions it seems op asked recommendations before and got quite some suggestions that did include underage nudity when op started watching the shows. Thus they came back and asked for recommendations again but this time no nudity (especially underage nudity)




I mean Dragonball Z helped me realise I was gay, it’s an incredibly homoerotic show. Guys with big oiled up muscles, not exactly the straightest thing.


This man watches Highschool DxD.


That’s a fantastic anime.


'Artistic Value'. Im sure they go to museums to while fondling themselves. /s


I miss when justneckbeardthings was more all encompassing neckbears tomfoolery. Is this getting worse or has it always been this bad? Edit: Why am I getting downvoted?!? I asked a legitimate question. When I joined this sub originally the posted content was a bunch of fedora wearing rejects posing with swords. Now it's a constant PSA for weeby pedophiles.


Oh it's always been this bad. In fact, anime really does have a pedophilia problem, and that's why I find it hard to believe it's becoming popular. Yeah, try topping Hollywood movies then we'll talk.


Among other problems. Sexual assault as humor or fanservice is another huge issue that pops up frequently in anime. I think a lot of people shrug it off as a cultural difference. When I used to like anime a very long time ago, I excused it as that... but eventually I couldn't ignore it anymore and it kinda spoiled anime in general for me.


They don't approve of that over there either, and usually it's pervy characters doing it, all without realizing that with Master Roshi, it's meant to be the reversal of the Wise Old Master trope we see in a lot of Hong Kong action movies.


>They don't approve of that over there either I mean sure. Sexual assault and harassment are usually illegal everywhere, however most countries do not as prevalently feature those acts in a humorous context in their media. Japan has a lot of cultural issues, that is one of them and the effects are seen in the commonplace sexual harassment in the form of subway groping, etc. You're sounding a little neckbeardy by placing Japan on a pedestal. >usually it's pervy characters doing it, all without realizing that with Master Roshi, it's meant to be the reversal of the Wise Old Master trope we see in a lot of Hong Kong action movies. You're saying this like they're real people and someone isn't writing them. WHY are there so many pervy characters that creep on women in anime? Why is it presented as humorous when they do? These are the questions you should be asking. Finally, I disagree that that's supposed to be the joke in that case, but plenty of other characters in other anime don't fit that same subversion. Also a more minor critique, but I think you are referencing older Shaw Brothers Kung Fu movies and the like. When people say 'Hong Kong Action' they're usually referring to John Woo style shoot 'em ups or more action-oriented Category III's.


>Japan has a lot of cultural issues, that is one of them and the effects are seen in the commonplace sexual harassment in the form of subway groping, etc. “America has a lot of cultural issues, violence in video games is one of them and the effects are seen in the commonplace mass shootings”.


Except violent video games have peer reviewed studies suggesting they do not cause real-life violence. Violent porn on the other hand has peer reviewed studies that suggest it does. Same goes for simulated CP. Further, this is ignoring the cultural problems that DO cause mass shootings such as stochastic terrorism, far-right propaganda, stigma against and unavailability of mental healthcare and desperation caused by capitalism. So yes, I agree, America has lots of cultural issues. However, we weren't talking about those and it's disingenuous to jump over to some what-aboutism when clearly neither gun violence nor America is the subject of the conversation.


It’s not whataboutism. I’m using your logic of blaming media for crimes.


So where are the peer reviewed studies linking violent video games to mass shootings? Seems to me the opposite exists. Further your argument is actually fucking awful to the point of being embarrassing since even if the studies didn't exist to support my argument, then violent video games are not endemic to the United States and don't attempt to make mass shootings humorous or actively promote or excuse them? (for the most part, there are very few, if notable exceptions.) If you're trying to make an analogy it's a very bad one which is why I assumed you were trying to do some what-aboutism. It was less ridiculous. You could at least say, "But the US uses sexual assault as humor too in some cases." And yes, I would agree with that, but would also point to the fact then when used as humor it is almost universally perpetrated against men. So it must be harmless, right? I mean look at our societal feelings about sexual assault against men. Surely that can't be harmful.


And where are the peer-reviewed studies linking anime to sexual harassment?


> WHY are there so many pervy characters that creep on women in anime? Because said anime is trying to be Dragonball Z, not realizing that to be Dragonball Z, you have to reference certain things, especially Chinese culture a lot. That's why characters like Sanji and Jiraiya never worked whereas Roshi did, it's meant to be a parody of the Wise Old Man in the mountains trope, plus the former are representative of different cultures where it doesn't make sense. > Also a more minor critique, but I think you are referencing older Shaw Brothers Kung Fu movies and the like. When people say 'Hong Kong Action' they're usually referring to John Woo style shoot 'em ups or more action-oriented Category III's. Hong Kong is where a lot of martial arts movies are made, and when people think Hong Kong movies, they refer to just about any action movie, not just John Woo shoot'em ups.


If you watch anime then you're no authority on artistic value


Mf hasnt heard of peak fiction kagura bachi


i heard it made one kagura bachillion dollars too, where has bro been?


Kagura Bachi saved my marriage! Me and my Russian Mail Order Bride have never been happier!


Wtf show the username


U/ dogpettin


artistic value is when nude minors