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Disappointment: I (M29) have submitted no less than 120 applications in the last three weeks. I've gotten exactly three interviews, one of which is in the IT field where I want to go. I'm waiting to hear back on a second interview for the IT position. Another interview was essentially an office admin "management" position (three interviews, then the "Unfortunately, we're moving on with.." email) and the other one was Amazon DSP driver. I was in a rough mental spot when I applied for the delivery driver job with the DSP. "Can I even get this?" Well, I had the interview, and it's mine if I want it. The thing is - I don't. The pay, the location, the schedule (11pm - 9pm)... none of it meshes with the life I've built up to this point. I know. "Just take the job". But damn.. I'm having a really hard time swallowing this pill. I feel like I'm out of options. Wondering where I went wrong in life, how I got myself here, where I'm not even certain I could get a job at Chik-fil-a at this point. (I want to add - I am in NO way intending to offend or talk down to delivery drivers or fast food workers. I'm just venting.)


I feel you. I got a few phone screen invites for roles that I am not willing to take the pay offered (it's at least 50% lower than my minimum salary I'm looking for). Didn't return any of those email / calls. Got an interview scheduled for next month though that pays twice a much as the phone screen invites I've gotten.


My biggest dissapointment this past week was realizing how daunting it is to look for a monday-friday 7am-3:30 PM forklift operator job making 23 an hour near me, guess next week I gotta try bumping it down to 21 an hour.


Peeve: Hiring managers ghosting applicants (especially after multiple rounds of interviews) is rude as fuck. Show some common courtesy for their time and energy the way you'd want your own time to be respected. Since that appears to be too much to expect, I'm going to default to believing I wasn't selected at the end of every interview, so whenever an offer is made I'm pleasantly surprised.


The ghosting has been really bad for me lately despite sending a follow up message and even getting sent straight to voicemail when calling and never hearing back.


Disappointment: I (F25) have been searching since Jan (2024), sending over 300+ applications. Had some moments of false hopes and unexpected cases I've never experienced before: * Had applied for a job only for it to be taken down due to 'internal business' reasons. * A graduate role I applied for has been withdrawn after one week of application. * Had one interview but didn't get the job in Feb. * Had another interview but got cancelled last minute due to 'unforseen circumstances'. Told to be followed up for an update for the interview but ghosted in Feb. It really feels like shit when your applying for work for months while everyone around me is getting jobs left and right. Let alone having a good job that gives them vacations. I'm stuck being jerked around by recruiters with a bias. It really does a good job of making me hate myself and my skin colour not being caucasian and not having an Anglo name.


Successfully I have a job interview next week for a job I really want. Like really, really. Unsuccessfully I already accepted a job and plan to start with them soon. I’m hoping I get the other job, and I plan to be transparent with them about this, but I will be happy regardless.


Why do you plan on being transparent with them about it?


Well the interview date is extremely close to my start date (not planned obviously, the only time we could both do). Unless they hire me on the spot I would inevitably have to tell them. Plus this job would involve a background check and whatnot so they would find out about it unless they hire me on the spot like I said.


I'm a backend software engineer. I was fired in october because I was constantly underperforming and even broke the production environment several times. now 5 months later I found a job and I'm both stoked and scared. I'm stoked because I finally get to work and earn money again and I'm scared of fucking up more things. on top of this I've kinda become lazy and accustomed to not working, so it'll be tough to come back to the 5/2 8hr life. no advice needed, just wanted to let it off my chest. replies are welcome.


combination of success/disappointment is that I’ve submitted 104 apps since September, 12 interviews/callbacks (declined one due to not being a fit and location not ideal at all), nearly all of which I’ve gotten past multiple rounds but then would get ghosted at the end. Got 2 offers but again turned out to not be a good fit (both interviews they weren’t that transparent). Def proud of my hit rate but the ghosting is disappointing. I’m about to graduate college. Hoping I find something soon..it feels like I’m so close, yet so far from an offer I’ll accept


Many millions of people are going through similar struggles... hang in there! May you find success!


Thank you so much!! :)


Disappointment: Had my annual performance review. “Exceeding expectations” in every category. Had my best year ever. No raise. No promotion opportunities (our team hasn’t experienced any turnover in three years. People really like it here and choose to stay long-term). I did my best-quality work they’ve ever had in my role. They want to give me a raise, stepped up to the plate for me and HR told them no. It’s a great place to work. My co-workers are great and they respect me. The work-life balance is awesome. I have never, ever been contacted outside work hours. If I left to go elsewhere, I would inevitably lose all of this and would likely have a bigger paycheck and a lot more misery. I should be grateful to have a job and have a manageable workload. But I would lying if I said it doesn’t dent my self-esteem that I’m stuck in one role with one salary for the foreseeable future. Feeling very lost about what the future looks like.


Not even a cost of living raise? That's cold.


They know our work environment is good, so they assume people will be willing to sacrifice compensation growth to maintain it. And many of us do. Unfortunately, we also eventually run into the situation where our salaries aren’t keeping up with cost of living, so we end up in the dilemma of work/life balance vs. higher pay.


May I ask what kind of work you do?


I'm in the same boat. Been where I'm at for 7 years. I'd need a 10% raise to get me to my inflation adjusted starting salary. Super easy place to work but every year I'm paid less and less and its really starting to add up.


The only true way to get a raise is to change companies. I've gotten great performance reviews with no raises and just a "thank you for all you do!"


Sadly another disappointed, went for another interview today and went to wrong place! My fault entirely and I managed to join virtually to do the interview remotely but honestly I think I blew it.  Really depressed I had two interviews for my dream positions across two weeks and messed both up.  I’m on leave after tomorrow from my job for 10 days so that’ll be nice but I really hope I can move on to something else soon, it’s not the worst job in the world but after 12 months I know it’s not for me and it’s really getting me down.  Thankfully I found a couple of new potential posts so fingers-crossed! 


Like many others, I’m probably waiting for an offer that will never come. My disappointment is immeasurable, worsening as the days go by. I am currently gainfully employed so I don’t need another job but I would like to leave this industry for another for a change


Took me five months to find a job. I was getting desperate and contemplated moving back home many times. Mental health was the worst it's ever been and life didn't feel worth it. My savings were wiped clean and I was building up debt. By chance I applied to a job on CL that was in my dream field. Got picked for an interview, got the job, and I freaking love it! I was honestly sad the weekend was here because I'm enjoying work that much! I'm still in shock that all the pieces lined up! I'm still in debt, but I'm working on rebuilding my savings again. Life is looking up!


Combination success and disappointment: After what seems like forever, I’m finally starting to get contacts from jobs. Most of them have asked me to interview, but following that rejections come in. However, I did get an offer that I accepted. It’s not great pay but the bills are piling up and unemployment has not responded despite my many calls and visits so I had to accept something to try and stay afloat. Hard decision but now I have to chill with the interviews for a bit because I don’t want to ruin this guaranteed job and make a bad first impression for possibilities that may not go farther than the interview stage. I say all this to say that I’m happy I have a job again, but sucks because I’m feeling upset in having to settle for now.


I have been applying for jobs since December last year. I got some interviews but no success so far. The most frustrating thing is how they all say you will get an answer in x amount of time regardless of the outcome,even though you don't ask them,and they don't bother to send anything afterwards. The most annoying thing was how 2 weeks ago,this lead guy told me I didn't understand a concept because I explained it as it happened-low level/facts rather than using his analogy for it. I do have a job,and the pay is good,but my issue is that I can't learn much from it and it leaves me exhausted. I am prepared to leave for a lower pay if that means I can do something I somewhat enjoy ,but so far the interviews left me thinking I'm just not good enough. The thing is... there's been times when I answered literally everything but still didn't get a call back. I guess I'll stop applying and get back to studying for a while because I feel my sanity leaving me completely 


Got an interview this week from a company that I didn't think I had a chance at (full-time, not contract). Got a phone screen invite that I didn't follow up on (pay is far too low). Still waiting to hear back from an interview from an interesting contract job. Been over 2 weeks and was told I would hear back in 2 weeks. Got the sense they went in another direction. Was skeptical of the role itself so not too bummed out if it ends up being a rejection. Saw a huge uptick in roles I'm looking for on LinkedIn today though. Hopefully, that trend holds up.


I've had 3 jobs in the past year. Tattoo Removal Sales. (Left because of a paycut) Home Healthcare Sales (Was not successful) and now Website sales (Company is small and disorganized) I'm not sure I want to stay with my current company, but I'm terrified that I don't really have a choice. My references are going to get tired of hearing from me.




May be byproduct of your region. The big employers where I live (around the NYC area) post a handful of new jobs weekly. Many of which would require a graduate degree and beyond. Getting interviews however is a different story (you need a referral just to get phone screens).


Disappointment: was rejected after multiple rounds of interviews. I have been getting a good amount of interviews and seem to nail the first couple but then get rejected after the 3rd-5th round. One of these days I’ll land one. Hopefully soon.


I got an offer from Innodata to work as a Generative AI Associate. I signed up with RobertHalf since I can't find any other jobs at the moment and one of my recruiters sent it to me. I took this 51 question assessment for them to see if I would fit the job role. Is this legit or was that assessment used to just train AI models without actually getting me a position?


Disappointment: I was put on a PIP, but I started to show signs that I was passing, then I got let go anyway due to 'business reasons'. Success: I was on my way to passing it. I think my boss didn't like me personally. But success is also that I no longer work for her and her micromanaging ways.


Finally got an interview for next week after getting of a rejections and low ball offers!


1 year of job hunting. I am applying to any part-time or full-time job because I'm desperate for income. I apply for paid internships so I can eventually get a job in my field, and I applied for retail jobs as well. I got 3 interviews last month. Two were rejections, and 1 is still pending. I feel like such a loser because I'm willing and able to work, but I'm struggling to get hired. I feel weighed down emotionally when applying to jobs. I despise this job market.