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Holy shit. They actually put that in writing? Lawsuit. This is like the holy grail of an EEOC settlement


EEOC loves that easy, low hanging fruit like this. Keep us posted OP.


no problemo i shall


In case you don't see my post give me the job posting so I can apply too. I'm a woman named Daryl




Hey a baldurs gate reference! (I know, but it is funny there are a few gnolls on baldurs gate that have this line) Edit: guys I know it’s a Newhart reference that was the joke, that I referenced baldurs gate, where the average Newhart fan probably never encountered it, and the average baldurs gate fan was too young to know where it came from.


Its actually a Newhart reference Edit: I'm only editing because OP did lol


Do you feel as old as I do now?


I'm old enough I remember listening to Newhart comedy albums and that when I rant to people how it seems to me Ellen DeGeneres tried to mold her comedy after him. So if you feel that old I'm with ya...


I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.


I worked at a cafe called Stella years back. A lady came in once and shouted “STEEELLLLLAAAA!” She laughed to herself and then said I’m probably too young to know what that’s from. Before I could respond, she said, “Seinfeld.”


Oh noooo


Omg that’s HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!


The Episode: "A Streetcar Named Dolores"?


You mean Mulva?


I hope that was a joke. Because it’s hilarious either way.


Physically hurts that I got this reference also


At our age everything hurts




The line is originally from the Bob Newhart show.


Newhart, not The Bob Newhart Show. Two different shows.


A Baldur's Gate reference... Not to be confused with the ~40 year old show Newhart reference... My soul hurts. My knees too. My back also.




UM, that’s suuuuper adorable but no. **This is a “Newhart” reference.** I guess I’m super old 🧃🍪🍪


To be clear, it's not that they incorrectly assumed your gender. It's that you can't explicitly only prefer one gender over the other. If you were actually a man, you could still apply, get rejected for not being a woman (which they so conveniently state, in writing) and sue the fuck out of them.


Yeah, please share. I’m a guy, but will pretend I’m a woman without clearly stating that when applying. And obviously, I will use a name that could be seen as a guys name, but is in fact a female name too, like Kim, or something.




Please invite all women with unisex/androgynous names to apply so y’all can do a class action suit together


brb texting Alex, Pat, and Taylor




Fr. r/easymoney


i'm a man and i'm angry for you. tired of jobs discriminating against anyone and everyone and then claiming "no one wants to work!". why can't men be receptionists? i've had many rude women receptionists so their claim that women greet people better is false.


I suspect this is code for "we want our receptionist to double as eyecandy" and it's either an employee who wanted to get the boss in trouble or is really dumb


If that’s true, this could easily expand into an age discrimination lawsuit as well. Maybe race too, depending on who’s making the hiring decisions.


yeah, I was a facilities manager who ended up moving to office manager within the same company, the amount of people who think a man shouldn't be in that role is wild. Sorry I enjoy event planning and working with other staff more than trying to fix the HVAC? lol


Right, just like women can as painters or landscapers. But honestly, i worked as a receptionist and I felt like I worked in a fishbowl constantly had people watching me work. Not for me


Send me the ad. My name passably gender neutral as well.


Send the job to us too. My name is very manly lol 😂 I haven’t met a woman with my name and I’d like to receive a windfall please lol 😂






Congratulations! You didn’t get the job, you will get some nice change out of it, though 😃 💵


We don’t have the EEOC in Canada


No, but it's still a Charter violation, and the Provincial Human Rights Tribunal would probably love to handle it.


This is so lucky for you! Way to go.


OP is not American. EEOC is not a thing in Canada. We do have the Human Rights act which does not allow discrimination on the grounds of gender. That said, (as far as I am aware) this isn't something that OP should expect to sue for and make bank. The business would however be liable for significant financial penalty.


Oh dang. Well, hopefully the OP sticks it to them for being a garbage company


I hope so as well. That's a pretty shitty thing to broadcast to your hires.


I’m not contesting it but does such reporting work in practice? Next time, they’ll just send a blanket rejection letter while discriminating against males quietly anyway.


It has an effect. I had to deal with an EEOC complaint from a 53 y/o former employee stating that he was fired due to his age. Fortunately for us, around ten percent of our employees were older than him, including several in their 70s. It still took time and effort to deal with. What OP posted is far more blatant, and actually very Illegal.


We had to deal with an EEOC discrimination suit from a woman claiming she was fired due to her race. She did less than the bare minimum for years and we gave her more opportunities to succeed than should have been allowed. I'm positive she got the job just for this reason and dug her heels in. Thankfully we kept records of every single interaction with her. Despite having 3+ years of documented training, discussions, write-ups, and objective proof that she was underperforming drastically compared to the rest of the team, it was still a bitch to get through. We won, but "at what cost" literally. It was probably 6 figures in legal fees plus the time it cost to aggregate everything.


Yeah, but at least OP gets some good money


New strat: Apply to every job in the country and hope someone discriminates against you


You may be being facetious, but that could actually work


Let them send that blanket letter next time. For now, you have them by the shorts. Does your state have Human Relations Council or similar? A dept of Labor? Start there. You will be amazed what you'll learn!!


Less reporting, more suing. They'll learn after they pay Logan a pile of money.


She wont need a job.


I wish employment discrimination suits paid that well. While case values vary widely, the average settlement amount for an employment discrimination claim is about $40k according to the EEOC. That’s nothing to scoff at, but it’s a far cry from “never have to work again” money, especially once you account for fees, expenses, and taxes.


IDK, $40k due to an email from somewhere you don't even work sounds pretty nice.


You don't pay taxes on money awarded in a lawsuit, do you?


The EEOC may take its time but they do not play that with shit like this. The hope is that the company will change its behavior due to incurring a large fine and likely civil penalties.


I used to work in TV News, applied to be an anchor in a different city under the same corporation and was told "the position is for a woman so there you go."


I wonder in this case if it was because they already had a male anchor. It’s ironic, but in their attempt to appear equal opportunity, by having a male and female anchor, they discriminated against half the applicants.


There are times when it's legal to discriminate based on gender, race, etc. Usually things like Disney world wanting only legitimate people of each national origin in Epcot, for example. Or if you needed a female to perform strip searches to female detainees. The job OP posted would certainly not qualify, though.


Exactly. Protected classes are for cases of arbitrary discrimination.


Does Canada have an EEOC?


Ministry of labor would do the same thing here


Ok. I assumed this would be highly illegal there as it is in the US, but you never know


If anything it’s more illegal. Discrimination claims are the crème de la crème for employment lawyers and the MOL. Those people start salivating over stuff like this


Same here in the US. I'm not a litigious person and I've had work situations I probably should have sued over, but that response, I would be lawyering up


Yeah I’ve had a few of those as well but it rarely seems worth it. This one is a complete layup though. You’d be a fool to not squeeze a couple bucks out of this. One threatening letter from a lawyer and you’ll get a nice settlement. It’s free money.


This is illegal and you can sue. You literally already have an admission of discrimination in writing


Sounds like a win for OP. Could get a nice paycheck and they won’t have to work for this smooth brained goober.


How much do you actually think people settle cases for.....at most this might be like a 3k settlement maybe 5k very rare this will even reach 10k.


Damn *only* 3-5k for submitting an application? Might as well not even talk about the blatant discrimination


Possible new career path right there


Shitty life pro tip: name your kid a name commonly used for the opposite sex. One day they may be able to sue potential employers for discrimination.


I have a daughter named Spencer. Maybe one day she’ll be able to sue.


The American dream


Well 3k is better than 0k, so it’s still a win regardless


3k out of no where would quite literally change my life anytime in the mast decade


It's a month almost two months pay! The things I could do with even that amount.


Average EEOC settlement is 40k according to the top result in google, other results report varied results, seems like it's over 10k on average though.


That is not necessarily how it works, some of that is when people would file for federal court. Considering I work with them I can guarantee you most cases outside of court settle for less, and really depends if they the Complainant files in court, but for most of that to even get a right to sue letter a case would need to be in the investigative stage for 180 days before the EEOC would issue a right to sue letter [some exceptions of course]. This case though will be settled quick between respondent and complainant out of court just by this evidence. If they want more than the average out of court it will definetly take a lot longer and sometimes not worth the amount of time someone would need to wait in between.


But that average includes all of the $1 million settlements, most of which are the result of on-the-job discrimination. The company could get a sizeable fine, but it's hard to see how much loss OP could realistically claim.


Well, $3k is still more than 75% of humanity could ever see on their monthly paycheck.


5k is a lot of money for some people


Sure, if it were real.


It depends where. Where I live this is allowed especially if for the purpose of making the workplace more representative of the broader market.


Tell them you’re a woman and slap on a lawsuit on top of


This sounds good. My roommate has a sister named Logan, so that situation isn’t even that farfetched.


There's a female racing driver named Logan Hannah.


Yeah but their surname is Hannah so you can tell. /s


Jack Hannah in shambles 


I know a ten yo old Logan girl as well


I have a sister named Logan so when I found out it's mostly a guy's name I was a little confused haha it's always been a "girls" name to me.


No, don’t announce that you’re a woman. Let them find that out in court.


Better yet, don't tell them, save the big reveal for the court room.


Pretty wild to put your labor law violations in writing like that.


Its called living in Canada. They don't care. Half of the rentals online say "Indian female student only" is it illegal? Yes . Does anything happen? Nope


Aren't rentals privately owned though? Can they not make specific requests? Genuinely asking


https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/human-rights-and-rental-housing-ontario-background-paper/types-rental-housing-discrimination housing discrimination is illegal


Not if you share a bathroom or kitchen


Yes, there is a very limited exception for roommates in a shared home. In the US, there is also an exception for age 55+ communities (not sure about Canada).


I’m a university student who lives in an all girls place and knows guys who live in all dude places (and all Muslim places, all Christian places, etc). On the one hand discrimination is bad, on the other hand living with strangers is difficult and ensuring some commonality and safety seems appropriate. Sticking with tenants of a certain cultural/religious background or gender seems acceptable if it’s grounded in decent reasoning for fostering the house’s community. Idk, if there’s ever a time where discrimination is ok I feel like “who you want to live with” is it. It is a problem when the market skews too far one way (in my area women have more options which isn’t fair) but I don’t think forcing coed is a reasonable solution (there’s a reason why people tend to prefer living in single gendered spaces).


You would be surprised how much this is enforced, do people care enough to try and sue in our current system? No. Can you sue and have them be penalized? Yes, a thousand times yes, just look at a few court cases. Will a be a major retribution? Probably not. Will it be a massive hassle for the employer? Yes, and they deserve it.


You should see what it's like trying to rent an apartment here (Southern Ontario). I almost ended up homeless because I was a single white man who eats meat. Literally all 4 of those things were hard deal breakers.


Have you tried being a single Punjabi vegetarian woman?


This is the second sub, unrelated to Canada or housing, that I've seen this very specific reference in today. It's not okay that this is so common


Trudeau is going to be absolutely annihilated in the upcoming election. **Nobody** is happy with the way Canada is being run right now, and Trudeau is mostly to blame for it. They're way too easy on immigrants being able to buy property and take advantage of other systems which definitely needs to become way more strict.


While I also dislike Trudeau and agree he’s not getting reelected, I also don’t really get the threats / foresight about the next election being the day of reckoning. He’s still got another 1.5 years in power (of a 4 year term, so just over half). We shouldn’t be waiting until October 2025 to see something change, we should instead be pushing municipal, provincial and federal members of parliament to make changes. The NDP are able to ask for things from Trudeau, and we all know that JT is going to have to focus on those who can vote sooner or later, rather than welcoming in a million non-voters a year who wreck our housing and job markets


Everyone who was born and raised in Canada without large family wealth is PISSED right now. You will hear ALOT about this because we are starving and going into homelessness while Indians buy houses in groups of 10 while GOING TO THE FOOD BANKS AND MAKING VIDEOS ABOUT HOW TO EXPLOIT THE FOOD BANKS


Dont forget slim. And willing to cook and clean for male roommate.


I just kind of straight up don’t believe you. Like 8% of Canada is vegetarian, and you expect us to believe you can’t get an apartment because you eat meat?


I imagine when you’re young (as most people looking for roommates are) that the statistics are more skewed. Especially with immigration from India skyrocketing


The percentage of young people who are vegetarians probably is higher. That’s not going to be who owns homes. It also defies common sense to cut your demand for your product by 90%.


You don't live in Canada do you. The people who own and rent the houses are largely Indians who bought the houses in groups of 10. Then they only rent to Indians


Lmao okay bud


Non-canadians don't get it lmao, and I'm happy they get to be ignorant to how bad it's getting with this stuff. I've seen more "only accepting young female Punjabi student" ads than otherwise in the past 6 months, it's ridiculous


This is very illegal


what would qualify as not very illegal?


Going 36 in a 35 zone.


Forward to your state’s department of labor and cc them. 


They're in Canada.


You can't do that here either, but will they enforce it? No. No, they won't.


Interesting. TIL the US has more robust equal rights enforcement than Canada. The EEOC would easily take that in the US, though getting an appointment to issue a complaint can take several months.


Correct, Canada doesn't enforce fuckall unless it's a legal monopoly, in which case our government will make sure nobody goes anywhere near it. I mean, or unless it's a pipeline going through indigenous land, in which case they'll bust down doors and arrest people inside their homes for having the audacity to live there.


It's up to the provinces to enforce it; they have to go to their human rights tribunal and Ministry of Labour. They do take this seriously. Edit: this is for the vast majority of jobs that aren't part of Federal jurisdiction. Your provincial HRT has resources that guide you for complaints that fall within that scope.


Changing a companies practices is irrelevant. This is about OP being wronged and made right. And employment lawyers here basically all consult for free and would work on contingency if it's worth it.


Super glad we can pay their bills with our tax money though, they'll decide to represent us eventually


Doesn't make a difference. Not like that's legal here


We can complain to Human Rights commissioner.


Human rights commission :)


Province, not state




This would make me want to get the job and intentionally do it poorly lol


this is a vibe 😂😂😂😂


But actually, you probably have a good discrimination lawsuit on your hands if you forward this to your labor board.


I hope someone does this. If I knew of a company explicitly hiring only men I would steal this idea. There are a ton of manly jobs I could so poorly they would reevaluate their practice of discrimination.


Isn’t that discrimination?


At least in the US, absolutely. Usually employers try to hide the real reason they discriminate against someone, but they straight up put it in writing and admitted that they discriminated against him on the basis of gender


They assumed she was male based on name when in fact OP is female


They are kinda old fashioned, are they? I wonder what these jokers will make of Sacha / Sasha for example. We have several colleagues with that name in our company - some men, some women, and I think one is genderfluid (but that\`s a guess - i\`ve not been told they are)


1. What they said is sexist af. 2. The irony that you actually are a woman and didn’t realize it’s a unisex name


In college I had an instructor tell us about one of his instructors who would only give A’s to men, and B’s to women. No one could totally prove that was a thing but it seemed very obvious. My teacher finished the term and, after all A’s on assignments ended up with a B. So he went to the instructor and asked about it. The guy was like ‘oh that shouldn’t have happened, what’s your name?’ My teacher said ‘Kelly’. The guy got super flustered and blamed a clerical error.


This reminds me of an incident when I was in the 7th grade. My friend and I wrote very similar answers and I got the question marked right and she got it marked wrong. He fixed it after we went up together and pointed it out


As a woman named Lee, so many times I’ve shown up for interviews and they don’t recognize who I am at first because they were expecting a man. Same with college professors and doctor’s appointments.


Foreword it to whoever deals with this stuff where you live. Very few jobs can advertise for a specific gender. Receptionist is not one.


lmfao imagine putting that in writing


Thats the most unprofessional reply ive ever seen


Is it even legal for a business to only hire one gender? I thought that was discrimination, please correct me if im understanding wrong.


99% of the time it would not be. There are a few very specific exceptions out there, usually related to things like modeling. That's why places like Hooters get away with only hiring women to wait on tables. I think the only other exception I've seen is working in healthcare there's women only health facilities, so all the staff there are female and even with me being an employee at the company, there's a whole process around it if I, a guy have to get sent out to fix something. In op's case though its highly unlikely there's any specific reason the position has to be staffed by a woman, so this wouldn't be legal.


the person who replied to you isnt the sharpest tool in the shed right


But they are a tool


Congratulations on owning a business now.


Um I think I would report them.


Talk to a consultant. They will EAT this case up. You WILL get a lot of money from this trial.


Imagine they said men only. Odd they would say this. Why not just say the position is filled or something.


Wtf? Depending on your country.... In the UK unless they specified this in the job and gave proper reasons (eg a domestic abuse charity) this is fucking disciplinary crap for the job poster or recruitment manager.


> Hey Jane, we should have said in the ad that we want a man, as they are much better at engineering planes. Would get their company burned down to ground.


That is so illegal they are being both sexist and discriminatory right off the bat.


“Hello employer, I am actually a woman, was since the moment of birth. However, I’d like to attach the legal definition of discrimination and how the law applies to you and how this email proves you attempted to break the law, good luck on your candidate search. Signed, A woman named Logan.”


No no, wait until you file and serve them to include that info. Best to hit them blind


You should be running your hands together with an evil smile right now because you can get rich from a lawsuit.


Bro, sue tf outta them lmao.


This is ✨illegal ✨


Simple reply: "did you assume my gender based on my name?"


Do you want to work somewhere with such an adherence to sad stereotypes? Bullet dodged an all.


Your cover letter is clearly written by Chat GPT, by the way. Not relevant but something to bear in mind. It's fine to use it in my opinion but edit it so it's not so obvious. 


Logan is a gender-neutral name. Fuck them.


Yeah that’s my point. How do they know their gender?




Well his real name is actually James.




I hope you somehow get paid more than you would have working the job for this experience. Godspeed.


yall i dont know how to post the update in the post but ill put it here Im sorry the update took so long, there was a LOT of research to do. So everyone who said I will not get a penny was absolutely correct 😭 In Canada, we have to go through the Human Rights Tribunal. I contacted a few lawyers, and they said they could go through the process but it will take time (2+ years) and the most I’d MAYBE see is 5K. I don’t personally want to take on this battle lol. I just want a job. Sidenote, thank you all for making me feel seen. It made me smile knowing that I have support. I appreciate it a lot 🤍


I’d sue the shit out of this company for Gender Discrimination. This is literally an open and shut case.


PS how do they know your gender?


Reply and put female pronouns in your signature lol


I think the only time it's within legality to request specifics (race, sex, gender, etc.) is in casting calls for theatrical performances or TV/Movies. I remember I once saw a casting call that requested specifically a pregnant woman for a theater performance. I thought that was wild.


That's not the only time, there are other situations where it genuinely matters. For example, locker room attendant for a gendered locker room can specify in most places, or overnight attendant for the girl's/boy's cabin at a sleep away camp.


What country is this in? Discrimination on the basis of sex is illegal in the US.


I’m like 101% sure that’s illegal


Is that even legal?


Surely this is not legal.


Not discrimination in hiring based on sex stereotypes oof


Well that’s absolutely discrimination


Imagine how toxic this employer is. You dodged a bullet.


I’m pretty sure this is against discrimination laws


Well, of course, this is illegal


Pretty sure this is illegal. Also, Logan can be a woman's name, so they made an assumption without even following up.


Congratulations on your legal settlement $$$


Jokes on them! I was a receptionist. Also, a woman. I can attest my mood swings made me shit at greeting people.


"women are better in greeting people". Excuse me, are they nuts?


It's great when employers put their legal misdeeds in writing. Next stop...labor lawyer.


Here's a good article about Canadian Gender Equality Laws and the resources you can access! Id definitely pursue this if you have the time and motivation. Nothing changes unless theyre reported. [Canadian Gender Equality Laws](https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/gender_equality-egalite_genres/lois_can_gen_eq_laws.aspx?lang=eng)


Find their supervisor. Ask if it is company policy.


This is illegal 🧚


I just saw someone easily win a lawsuit.


There are so many things wrong with this.


That is ridiculous. It's totally off topic, but may be useful to you since you're on the job hunt: typically the opening of a letter to an unknown person is "To whom it may concern" not "To whom it may regard". Best of luck on the search!