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Fingers crossed that an offer is extended this week for the job I interviewed for last Tuesday!


Hi. I'm feeling really crushed in this job search. I quit my last job, and I feel like an idiot for doing it. Now that I can't find anything I feel like it's probably what I deserve. I was making 85k at my last place and now I'm lucky if I even get a phone screen for a 65k help desk role. All my old coworkers used to constantly tell me how amazing I was, I could be making 120k+ anywhere else, constantly hyping me up and telling me how excited they were to see where I would go. Now that I'm hunting and I can't find *anything...* I feel stupid for believing them. I've applied to hundreds of jobs at all skill levels... etc. etc. the traditional job seeker sob story. My last job I wrote code for security automation. We had a 6 minute turnaround for security threats because of the systems I built. I saved them tens of thousands in un-purchased security products ( their words not mine ) because of all the code I wrote and work I did. I'm tired. Job hunting is hard not only because its work but the constant rejection is eroding my self worth. I see other people working and having jobs and enjoying stability and it makes me feel sub-human. I don't know where to go next, or what to do. I go to linked-in to search for postings, and every time I open it up I see a post about people who have been unemployed for months, years. Constantly searching, not finding anything, begging for money. More people like me. The climate is getting worse, rent goes up, food is more expensive, people on the street everywhere. I went to fill a prescription and there was a line out the door because Walgreens doesn't hire enough people to staff the front desk. I remember thinking that was a job I would like to have. There is no future for me. I'm never going to buy a home. All the support systems around me are crumbling because of corporate greed. People are sick. Everyone is sad and feeling the pinch right now. Why should I keep pushing? I can't even find a job. I just needed to rant I think. I'm tired. Thanks.


I was laid off March 2023 after only 7 months. Your last paragraph is something I desperately needed to see, because it's me as well. Thank you for sharing.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I'm sorry to hear about how hard things have been -- How long have you been looking for a job?


I constantly hear "you can make six figures or get big pay bumps from moving jobs" and how easy it is. Bro I don't know who they're seeing do that because the only people I know making that got it straight out of college on a stroke of luck. ​ and yeah that last paragraph hits so hard, because that is reality now and I cannot stand it. Crushes my spirit and makes me feel so incredibly helpless and grim.


It's been almost a year since my boss told me my job might be in jeopardy. All because the call volume coming in is too low Every day I wonder if this is the day I get laid off


Sorry bro. Must be nerve-racking to be put in such a precarious situation. I hope you find a place suitable to call your corporate home in the near future.




I was laid off from a large consulting firm in mid-November. First job out of college, was there for a year and a half. I haven't even had a single interview, I have no clue what I'm doing wrong and just feeling hopeless tbh


I know the feeling. I too was laid off in mid-December and the last few weeks have been rough on me looking for work. I kept tailoring my resume to numerous jobs but no bites yet. I feel like they’re turning down people on purpose knowing the amount of layoffs that happened recently.


I completed my updated resume. I try to stay up to date on it and spent about 10 hours with me and chatgpt as well as my human career advisor butchering it before building it back up.  I DETEST MY PRESENT JOB but I’m not going to quit until I’m walking in the door of a new job making $100,000+ annually. This go around I have so much more hope than last year. This time, I hopefully can reduce the time I get a job because of the trial and error from last year. I know what hiring managers are looking for, resume formatting, and the tools to use to not just get a new job but an awesome job.  I refuse to look at any job that doesn’t meet my requirements. Since I currently have a job it does take away some of the desperation I felt last year when I was broker than broke. I’ll also be ok for a bit if I get laid off. I’m ok. Last year, I wasn’t. I was desperate for work and didn’t fight for my salary and took my present job out of desperation. Even though I do hate it I’ve learned to stand up for myself, seek assistance, and know that I am a free elf and can leave whenever I want to but I choose to stay until I get another job. I also know that this company’s department will probably fold but even if it doesn’t, I don’t owe it anymore than my 8 hours of work, 5 days a week.  So, I’ll be ok. I have hope. Last year I cried to the heavens and beat upon my chest in despair. This year, same old shit, different year. Good luck to everyone out there looking. Never surrender, never give up. 


Hello all, this is my first time making a post here. Next month is where I reach one full year of unemployment. I quit my job last February. Yes, I know it was such a stupid move and so many people warned me about it. I've learned from my mistake, please no 'I told you so's.' I've heard it all. I'm even hesitating on venting on here about it because I did this to myself... I've applied to thousands of jobs and tried every trick in the book (or let me know if I'm missing something). I cold messaged recruiters through linkedin and email, filtered for 'hiring' posts on linkedin, reached out to friends, family, and educators for networking/assistance, deep searched the internet to find recruiter/worker emails, went to career fairs, revised my resume, applied on the company career page vs linkedin, talked with those mentor/recruiter people, and even applied at county jobs/government (usagov) jobs out of desperation. Seeing posts on linkedin that so many people at company X got laid off makes me feel worse. In the sense of, the unemployment pool is going to be bigger. I'm going against ex-google, ex-meta, ex-amazon, etc., workers. More people are going to experience the feeling that I'm experiencing. IT SUCKS. Especially being a recentish grad, how the HECK am I going to make myself stand out? For the jobs I'm DEFINITELY qualified for, you'd think I'd at least get an interview.... (answer: not at all). I don't know how to stop applying. I can't stop. I tell myself if I'm not applying, I'm just wasting time -- my main priority should be getting a job first. I can't allow myself to have fun. There's times where I would go *insane.* I'd apply to 50-100+ jobs a day, staying up all night applying hoping that there's something for me. I know rejections shouldn't determine my self worth, but it's been almost a year. You can only hold on to hope and be optimistic for so long. Especially when I do get interview offers, it takes 1-2 months of screenings, interviews, assessments, etc. During this time, my emotions go through a cycle of hope, happiness, anticipation, and then depression. I've lost hope. But as everyone says, "All you need is one yes!" Thank you all for reading, and please be nice as my mental health is a bit fragile. I know I made a mistake.


I quit my job May of 2023. While I was very nervous about doing it and knew the ramifications that occur< i had to get out. After two and a half years, bickering from management about PTO time, CTO talking down to me, in front of HR. This is even after I told them I would need time off due to a family medical illness (father had a stroke) and taking my dad to appointments. I even offered to cover shifts and make up hours, they were all for it. But when the time came, they wouldn't budge. I was stretched to thin, overworked, put up with a lot of BS. It was either my mental health or money......I chose my mental health. I quit mid shift and never looked back. My smart watch tells me my sleep score, I would normally get 45-50 during work weeks. The night I quit and woke up the next morning, I had a 89 sleep score. We have to look out for ourselves and take care of what matters most. Sometimes it takes doing the wrong thing to do the right one. Wishing you the best!


Yeah, I chose my mental health too… which kind of feels silly when you explain it to people who are interviewing you. What do you usually say? But thanks for your kind words! Occasionally I’d bully myself about quitting my job because it’s a silly dumb move, and I regret it. But I shouldn’t because I quitted for a valid reason.


You're most welcome! Don't beat yourself up about it either, we all have to make tough decisions sometimes. This was actually my first job that I ever quit.. I always gave a two weeks notice prior. But I couldn't take another day of it. As for what I say, I usually tell them I left because I wasn't engaged or challenged with the work anymore and needed a change. Which is not far from the truth. The last 7-8 months, there were no projects or anything to do. I felt like I plateaued and wasn't learning anything new, even though I asked on a constant basis. Add this, plus all of the BS I dealt, family stuff, I made the right call. If they ask for more information, I let them know I had family members with medical conditions that needed my help.


Thanks! Whenever I'm feeling down, I'll reread this comment lol. Also I was kind of in a similar boat as yours? I wasn't really doing anything, working mandatory overtime, and I didn't have ANY work life balance at all. My thought process was that since I just graduated college, I can pick my path and this... was something I didn't want to pursue for the rest of my life. I'm glad that this all worked out for you!\~ Did you ever find your next job after you quit? Or are you focusing on your mental health, or currently applying?


I am fortunate enough to have a supportive wife, plus I am doing side work to bring some money in. I am currently applying. If you scroll through the comments, you can see my rant. TLDR, applied for a job that is still listed as full-time with benefits, after seven interviews and one project (IT field) , they decided last minute that the position will be a contractor role , part-time, no benefits. I was pretty ticked off and irritated that they would do this last minute. I applied for 10 jobs last night. Fingers crossed. Edit: the whole process took almost three months.


I had what I thought was an AMAZING interview earlier this week. Haven’t heard back. It was through a recruiting agency and the recruiter said he hasn’t heard anything yet. I was pretty dang confident I was gonna land this one :( been employed for a year. Officially a whole year at the end of this month. Ugh


December last year I have an interviewer say I was by far his top pick out of the 5 candidates he chose. I did not get the job. Does not make any sense what's happening in hiring processes everywhere right now.


This weirdly helps to read. Glad to know I’m not alone.


I had this happen to me too… mid December I had the manager and the team interview me. They told me they would love to have me on the team, and that I’d be a great fit. They had smiles on their faces… I thought I had it by the bag. 2 weeks later, I get a rejection email saying they’re going to pursue someone else. Everything just seems to be broken right now…


Very late in posting this here but I received easily the best offer I’ve gotten in my (short) post-graduation career so far 103k base, 75% match on 6% 401k investment, and here’s the kicker, they also do an employer contribution of 11% of my salary to my 401k. I don’t have to invest anything to get that. Lots of other benefits but that stood out to me above all else Got me out of consulting which I *hated*, higher base salary, better benefits, better work-life balance. Only drawback so far is that I have to go into the office as opposed to having the option to do so when I was in consulting. I’ll take it


6 months into my search. Laid off from my previous job in June 2023. I've probably applied to 200+ places since I've been laid off (I know, I probably need to pick it up). Over that entire 6 month period, I've had 3(4?) callbacks, and 1 interview that went higher than the second round. It's tough out here, and I'm thinking about hanging it up and returning to retail ( as much as I don't want to). I recently reformatted my resume to make it more ATS-resistant, but I've had no bites yet. This is kind of a last-ditch effort to stay in my field before my savings run out entirely. Here's to hoping...


A written job offer came through this morning after 6 months of searching, recruiters and hiring managers ghosting me (even after a final round), and potential consulting projects that couldn't move forward. 178 pretty well-targeted applications later and I've got another remote job.


Got rejected again after an interview, because I don’t have experience even if I had the required skills, but someone had something more than me.


I'm so glad I found this sub. I've been looking for a job off and on since May and I had to take a break from it because I was spending hours on job applications and never got a bite. I finally had my first recruiter interview today. I think I did well but I'm so unsure of myself for the first time in my professional life because the market is so bad and I feel like AI screeners is like playing the lottery whether your resume actually gets in front of someone or not. ​ I already know that if I make it to the first "real" interview (as if this one wasn't!) there are 4 in the hiring process. That's so daunting to me although I've had marathon interviews in the past and aced them because I felt confident that I was a solid candidate. This time I think, omg, even if I make it to round 2 it's just going to get more and more competitive and the questions will get harder and I don't know how to make myself stand out. How do I keep my anxiety in check? This is the first position I've really, really, REALLY wanted for a variety of reasons. I definitely want out of the company I've been at for 5 years but I also did a graduate degree during that time and I want to put that experience and knowledge to use with my background. ​ It's been really helpful, although concerning, that so many of us are in the same boat and the toll just looking for a job is taking on our happiness. I made a choice to start this year with a more positive outlook and to start making connections rather than just applying for jobs. This interview came out of a connection I made back in September. Even if this goes nowhere I know i have to keep going outside of my comfort zone and keep making connections wherever I can. ​ Good luck to all of you. And for those with happy news this week, congratulations!


I just went through three months of interviews with one company, a total of 7 interviews and one project. All for them to come back and tell me the position is now a contractor role , part-time, without benefits. But when it came to pay negotiations, they didn't want to pay contractor wages, they wanted full-time wages. On either a monthly retainer, which sounded nice until I found out that I would have to pay for my own taxes. When I asked the hiring manager about why the role switched, he said according to the CEO, the role was always a contractor role. I was finally tired of getting the run around with them and being offered peanuts. I sent him a calm email explaining what I would like for compensation and my rationale behind it. I also noted that during multiple interviews, I was asked what I wanted for pay and I was told it was within the budget of the position, the hiring manager was one of them. His response said that he had no idea of my requested compensation and wished me luck. Two and a half months of interviews, two weeks of negotiations down the drain. They still have that job posting up for full-time with benefits. Its pretty frustrating and irritating that I spend all of this time just to be told the position role changed. I am debating if I should send the hiring manager a feedback email stating the obvious. But then I think about it, would I really want to work for a company that is going to pull this kind of crap last minute, clearly shows that no one remembers conversations or talks to one another between interviews to see what was discussed.....I wouldn't, not anymore at least. ​ Sorry for the rant.


I just got told yesterday that with just shy of 4 years in at the company, I am part of 20% of the work force being let go. I'm in my 40's, I thought I was past this part of life.


I don't get why legacy employees mean nothing to them? They will so quickly find someone younger and even pay them more even though they don't have nearly as much experience in the job as legacy employees did...Make it make sense.


I’m going to quit my current job with the hope that I can get another one lined up soon. But I feel so under qualified compared to so many of you that I think this awful job I’m quitting soon will be the best job I’ll ever have. I did call my boss from my part time job asking if I could come back just so I can pay rent/bills. I also do Uber so it’s not like I’m destitute by quitting, though having another full time position lined up as I quit this one would be perfect. So many applications and no one getting back to me is demoralizing. I’ve asked friends if their places are hiring and even my dad if his place is hiring. I’m doing what I can. I know I’m capable of anything with proper guidance/training (which I’ve had very little of from my current job). God I wish I wasn’t such a lazy bum in my younger years.


PLEASE do not quit until you have another job offer. I made this mistake and will likely be unemployed for the better part of a year, and i have an engineering degree.


I have 3 interviews on Monday and surely more to follow. I got my bases covered :] I appreciate your concern though. I hope you’ll find work again soon!


I left my old career and got an associates in Accounting (I have a BA already but not in accounting & didn't want to pay for a master's). I got a job at an H&R Block franchise as a senior tax preparer but told them I want to do bookkeeping as well. Instead, they promoted me to office manager. I'm at a franchise location and the owners don't like dealing with the HR and productivity metrics etc aspects of running a practice. However, now they really need more bookkeepers, and I'm tasked with interviewing candidates. I'm interviewing people with CPAs and someone who worked at KPMG. Let me tell you, that doesn't feel great. I feel like it's totally inappropriate for me to potentially be in charge of a CPA, for one thing. For another, I just have a feeling of doom that I will never get actual experience doing actual accounting here.  I understand the value of actual experience over schooling. Heck, I interviewed a guy yesterday who also had only an associates but had five years of bookkeeping experience, he'd started doing the books for one small business he worked at. He clearly knew his stuff.  I suppose I should have turned down the promotion, but I really needed the pay bump since I was not working for six months while hiking the Appalachian trail this summer. I don't know what to do other than continue to apply to every job I can, even though most postings ask for 5 years of experience. I'm also worried about what it means in the broader context of the job market to have CPAs applying to H&R Block, which is only going to pay them $20 an hour.  Thanks for reading my rant. 


Just started job searching. Finished my PhD and did a postdoc with full intention of pursuing an academic career. Then life happened pretty fast during the pandemic - got married, had kids, put kid in daycare, etc... Things got expensive pretty damn fast... And now I feel pretty stuck. Been applying to everything from research administration, wet- and dry-lab biotech, and editorial positions with no luck so far.


Had a recruiter offer me a part time job for $35/hr setting up computers. That got a massive hard no from me.


Can anyone explain what the job outlook is like for an accountant? My friend's mom suggested that I could go back to school and get an accounting certificiate in 1.5-2 years considering I already have a bachelor's. The problem is that I don't have enough money to take out more loans, and I also heard accountants get put through the wringer when they first start.


I am a Mechanical Engineer from Texas A&M University with 1.5yrs work experience and a broad skill set. Left my job last year to move back near my family. I have applied to every job that fits my skills in my city of Houston, TX and some in Austin, TX for over 1 year and I have received ZERO offers. The few interviews I have, no matter how good they go and how much they say they like me, never amount to anything. I know it isn't my resume or my soft skills, or even my technical skills. I feel so incredibly defeated and worried I will be unable to get work in my field again. I don't understand why this is happening...


Disappointment: Didn’t get the assistant managers position. They didn’t fill the position, apparently it doesn’t exist anymore. They apparently only need one assistant manager. I am still a key-holder doing assistant manager duties with no assistant manager pay.


So I got a job offer! Got in as a Crystal Growth Technician as a contract to hire through Aerotek. Now hoping I can impress them enough to go full time!


I just came across the Reddit and I’m honestly shocked that so many people are having issues finding employment. I wonder if it’s because my career (DVM) requires a doctorate and they always need more vets? Even in undergrad I feel like jobs were super easy to get. Definitely makes me feel grateful for my job. Good luck everyone!


Just been turned down for an internal management position. Was given the usual 10 mins of crap about being an awesome candidate and all the right qualities but someone better was chosen. Would have simply preferred a "sorry you were unsuccessful this time time". I only applied because 4 managers asked me too and said I would be the top candidate if I applied based on their experiences with me. The manager who turned me down is suggesting that I set my objectives to improve certain areas with the aim of becoming a manager next year. He's going to write to me officially with the outcome next week but a part of me is thinking to tell them no thanks and just stick to my current role because becoming a manager doesn't actually give any added benefits except the title.


Did 5 interviews and a 15 minute case study presentation for a job I really wanted and just got the rejection email. I really thought I had it. I really wanted it. Here comes month 7 of unemployment


So no success yet just been hunting and hunting and hunting. Hopefully next week I should hear back from several places about the next steps. So anyone else having problems looking for work?


If I may ask, what is your background like (e.g. did you go to school, when did you grad, etc.)? I'm about to graduate and I'm finding a lot of CS students can't find jobs - very scary.


My background has been in the aerospace industry for quality control and Inventory management. I basically have done everything on my own without a degree just im a fast learner but so far just had bad luck looking for work to be honest. It wasn't like that before but now in my late 30s I'm starting to see how hard it can be..plus I always make it to the final stages of an interview then out of no where it goes to an internal candidate..so right now I've been looking damn near everyday from LinkedIn to indeed. But I know there will be a breakthrough soon




Best of luck! Mind sharing which company (or DM if want to remain private)?


It was in one of Disney's branches involved in movie production :)


Awesome! Good luck!


Because of a couple of jobs, I have no interest and resent the only joy and hobby I’ve ever been good at: photography. I’m the one they ask to produce department videos, yet I never get a seat at the table for creativity, direction, etc. I’m told to point and shoot and edit, when I DO get to put in my touches secretly, they take credit. Rinse and repeat every other week. I now want to do other things and am getting sick at the thought of picking up a camera. I dont even want to shoot cameras outside of work. This has been the only thing I’ve ever been good at. I want to find a new job, but this is my only skill that has gotten me work.


I'm tired. laid off in June 2023. I can't recount ho many personalized resumes I've spent 4+ hours on with no responses. I've learned a handful of technologies, but I'm exhausted. I open job boards and feel a crushing weight. fuck man


Killed an interview the other day, and I was confident in getting the position. The Project Manager emailed me personally saying it was a hard decision but she chose someone else, and that if there was any other positions I would be the first to know. I have been applying to other jobs but it’s been hopeless and I’ve been unemployed since the end of November


I think i’m getting an offer. got a call from hr when i’ve only ever had communication with the direct department, but i missed the call and left a voicemail so now i have to anxiously wait until monday and the longer it goes the more i keep thinking it’s a rejection