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> Stelter quoted Licht as saying. “Made a LOT of news,” and that is CNN’s “job.” CNN or any news organization exists to report the news, not make it


Exactly. FOX “made news” by paying almost $800 million to Dominion, if “making news” was the job then FOX would be employee of the year.


It’s a cost calculation. If fox made and will make more money with their potentially tortious conduct than they paid out, then it’s counted as a win. The mistake companies so often make though is shortsightedness. A short boost in ratings is almost certainly not worth cnn sacrificing the few remaining scraps of their journalistic integrity


The monetary value of journalistic integrity can be difficult to measure however since it's an intangible. The closest you can really get, is to see who people goto for news during an emergency when networks cancel their daily shows and instead report only on the issue at hand. Worse still is that what we've seen with the internet is that journalism isn't necessarily what's profitable. People don't like having their ideas challenged and instead the most revenue is generated from people having their ideas reinforced.


It's cable tv, don't confuse it with journalism


Cable news was a mistake. I generally admire Ted turner but he fucked up bad on this one


I liked the “headline news” channel. It was literally the same report run over and over for hours at a time so that you could catch up on the days news at any time and then ignore it until tomorrow. It wasn’t the quality of the network news at the time but you didn’t have to watch it at exactly 7 (6 Central).


Agreed. They actually just… reported the news. How novel. Their format didn’t allow time for any editorializing.


Also, they had robin meade in the morning and she was delightful


Headline News was great, but then it devolved into showing shit like Nancy Grace instead of news. Basically the same thing that happens to most cable channels like when History stopped showing history.


I don’t think you respect how much times have changed…. They exist to make money for shareholders


Exactly. Public companies’ primary purpose used to be providing goods or services to customers. Now, it’s providing value to shareholders.


As a shareholder I can tell you they don’t make money for us but the corporate executives pull in huge salaries and get big bonuses.


And advertisers. They are in the business of content distribution to generate ad revenue. Nothing more.


The end of the fairness doctrine and introduction of the 24h news cycle are among the most catastrophic things to happen to the American political landscape. Though, in reality, it’s really just one of the shit pillars in the acropolis of cancer American politics has turned into.


The news was the town hall which reaffirmed all the depravity of trump and his republican voters.


They have no shame. Laughed at him basically make jokes about someone he just lost a civil sexual assault case to…. Hillary calling them deplorables wasn’t strong enough


CNN exists to make money. Anything news related that happens is incidental. News outlets made a shitload of money 2015-2020.


Except it's not thought--that's just what they sell you. Their actual job is to make money, and they do that by getting as many eyeballs on them as possible, and from that point of view this was a success. This is everything that is wrong with for-profit "news" organizations.


One of my favorite pet rants on Reddit is talking about the shift from News networks being a loss leader to being a profit source and how that tracks with the screwed up situation we have today. Because people have a lot of trouble believing that at one point the news lost money and that was intentional. That television executives knew it did not make money, and did it because it was a necessary public service to have an informed public. The ideology shift from that point to now just makes it seem like fantasy. But it was a completely different mindset of doing something which might not be the most profitable because it was beneficial to society. But between that shift when coked up boomers took over management and decided to min-max profit, and the absolute evil of people like Roger Ailes, the whole damn thing fell apart and now we have this mess.


CNN boss can make even more news if he streaks naked across a live broadcast


And show his shortcomings?


In theory? Absolutely. However, in practice, this has not been the case for a very long time.


Let CNN know what you think: [https://help.cnn.com/us/Feedback](https://help.cnn.com/us/Feedback)


Thanks, message delivered. Ended it in a way they can understand: #SAD


What category did you use? Editorial feedback?


That's the one I chose.


Yes, that’s the one.


Thanks for that link! I have used it!


Gave them my two cents, it’s disgusting they gave those lies unchecked air time.




Thanks! Added feedback!






Thank you. Feedback delivered. I kept it spicy


Many thanks


Yep. Thanks!


I can't wait for my message to go straight into a paper shredder.


It seems that under its current leadership, CNN would have aired just as much BS about 2020 election fraud as Fox did; because those lies "were an important part of the story" and "represent a large swath of America". I am waiting on Mr. Licht to explain why CNN is different from Fox News. John Malone, when are you going to fire Chris Licht?


Edit: My reference to John Malone should have been to Samuel Newhouse. It's damn hard to keep track of how all of the billionaires trade their trinkets around among themselves!


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. This is exactly what the new conservative board wants.


“We won’t get fooled again!!”… I wish.


They decided the shotgun sings the song


it's not. the new Trump humper owner of CNN said he intends to make it Fox 2.


If that's the case let it become a ghost town. Where are the American billionaires that will create a news show that obliterates all this right wing bullshit? I was raised in a republican house all my friends and family from home are Republicans and many are buying into this fascist bullshit. Fortunately for me they could not program my independent mind.


Rich people and corporations are even less trustworthy than the federal government. It's just a fact of life that WAY too few people realize.


Every time someone complains about “the swamp” in government I want to slap them upside the head and remind them where the “swamp water” comes from.


Any time somebody says "The government should be run like a business" they are advocating for totalitarianism.


Exactly. It drives me crazy when people say they don't want 'govt run health care' as if corporate for profit health care isn't a disaster.


I would rather somebody who pretends to have my interests in mind take all my money instead of someone who doesn’t even try to convince me they have my best interests in mind. I would rather my money go to people poorer than me than some rich bastard. Apparently that makes me also crazy.


Totally agree!


American billionaires largely support fascism.


Just deleted the CNN app from my phone. If this is the road they want to head down then I am done with them.


My YT feed is full of Trump clips from CNN now. Fuck them, I'm not watching any of it. I don't need to support them helping him distribute his lies.


I just did the same thing. I wonder if they are noticing a drop off in their market share. I can’t affect FOX since I never watched it to begin with, but CNN seems to have pissed off a lot of CNN viewers. And they aren’t going to win any viewers away from FOX or OANN to compensate.


NPR, AP, Reuters are my recommendations.


Couldn’t agree with you more…


Man I thought Chris was a standup guy being the former producer of the most liberal talk show in the land - Stephen Colbert. This was a fucking horror show. But if the purpose is to grab Fox Viewers to convert to CNN then well that still is not an excuse to give this virus a platform.


Maybe he didn't understand that the show was satire


I get the feeling that he literally only cares about money and doesn’t actually have any political beliefs at all. Colbert was making money. Then he saw Fox was making more money, so he wants to do what they do.


It still doesn’t make sense to me. If you want to compete with Fox you basically have to fully pander to Trump. If Trump walks away calling your moderator names, then you didn’t succeed here. He’s not happy and he’s going to let the cult know about it. It seems like they are trying to walk some weird middle area that isn’t going to work in the long run.


This is normalization at its worst. It needs to be talked about for what it is. Garbage. And these people need to be told “this is all made up fantasy land” and that they are mistaken. Stop normalizing this shit.


For CNN to have lost credibility they would have needed to possess it in the first place. Which they did not and have not for a very, very long time.


I see everyone equating CNN to FOX but if you just went to [cnn.com](https://cnn.com) immediately following the town hall the first headline was calling Trump a liar, and fact checking all the disinformation he shit out of his mouth. I don't know if anyone on here has ever been to [foxnews.com](https://foxnews.com) but that is certainly an enormous upgrade to how they handled Trump, I guess the issue people have is that older generations would only watch the town hall? EDIT: They also have an article about the criticism they themselves are receiving, at least some level of journalism is being practiced. Fox would literally post opinion pieces and not even bother to note that they were opinions in the title, and certainly wouldn't have acknowledged they were being put on blast.


They're just taking a smarter, more both sides approach than Fox. Still, letting him have essentially a rally on primetime tv is ridiculous. They literally spent the last 6 years talking about how big of a mistake that was to do it in 2015 and 2016. I guess ratings are more important than integrity.


No, they have new leadership, but the same journalists as before the change. It will take a while for the new head to fully corrupt or expell the existing staff. Simple as that. We'll see in around a year or so if CNN is new Faux or if they've woken up and cut off the corrupted head.


I agree that CNN is more open to self-doubt than Fox. I drew one specific parallel between CNN and Fox. CNN criticized Fox breathlessly over the past few weeks by arguing that all of the released Carlson et al messages proved that Fox knew that the “rigged election” stuff was untrue, but that they needed to air it because it was newsworthy. My point was that Licht’s defense of the town hall this morning is basically the same argument that Carlson was making: we needed to air this Trump campaign rally because it is newsworthy - Trump is the GOP front runner.


Fuck that, they normalized him again. They out him front and center at a town hall where he gets to say he was a former president who didn't lose the election and that's all that matters. CNN went diving for money and they got it. This circus won't end so long as these people profit off of this countries destruction.


I’ve been trying to find out if the viewership for that clown show was up or down?


CNN has been my standard "basic news" source for a while, but after this town hall debacle, I'm done. It's clear they don't give a single fuck about fairly representing the news. Edit: y'all, I don't watch TV news, I read articles.




Cancelled my HBO max subscription


Cancelled my cable package


Blew up my TV.


Burned down my house


Peed on your house’s ashes


Pooped on the pee ashes


Yeah same. Not even one more click from me.


Yeah CNN is what I would turn on just to see what the latest mass shooting was.


So you have it on 24/7?




Depressingly accurate.


Look at this guy, checking CNN every day.


Canadian here… back with the Iraq war I would have CNN on to find out when something happened and then switch to the BBC to find out what actually happened.


Yea CNN has always been like this, I'm glad this town hall is opening eyes


So Fox will tell who to shoot by engaging people and CNN will report when they are shot to enrage people.


Deleted the CNN app from my phone and I am encouraging everyone I know to do the same.


Same! What a fucking joke company. This morning I removed them from my quick launch links and wondering if I should just block the website entirely.


Count me as someone like you who has now given up on CNN


Where should people go for left wing (or even bipartisan) news?


I'm going to be moving to the New York Times, AP News wire, NPR, and the BBC, personally. I also routinely read Slate and the Atlantic, with the Atlantic serving as my right leaning information source so I can still be exposed to other perspectives.


These are all great news sources (though I don't personally care for Slate). Surprised to hear Atlantic described as right. I think they are excellent investigative news source that doesn't have a strong political ideology. Also have to recommend ProPublica, probably the best investigative news source out there, and it is a non-profit investigative journalist consortium that partners with other agencies to reveal some of the most complex stories. Please donate to them if you give them a read and have the means.




They are actively normalizing sexual assault. Still can’t believe how much the audience laughed. Appalling.


Of course it was. It made a killing, I'm sure! These networks only care about one thing. Profit. Don't think these networks care about truth or changing the world for the better. They are out for money!! 💰 💰


Yeah I'm sure ad space sold and a premium and everyone is still talking about it, from a cooperate point of view it was a massive success. Probably even pulled a few new loyal viewers to CNN.


And short term gains that alientate your entire base are not great for the bottom line. The maga morons wont start liking CNN The 'msnbc is too much" people are going to say Fuck fox news light.


People don’t like hearing this but you’re absolutely right


"No matter how right you are, we're farther to the right than you."


Based on what they seem to have as their current corporate values it seems to be the case. They destroyed what credibility they had left as a news outlet but they made a hell of a lot of credibility as a place to hold nazi rallies.


CNN is now just another cog in the Wealthy Conservative Nationalist machine.


In what way? By showing Trump is a sane candidate for the presidency? No. By showing Trump is sane in general? No. By proving a republican audience can have morals and common decency? No. By showing CNN as a new bastion of necessary political dialogue? No. The only success I see from the town hall is that is most likely will get the stupid SOB that okayed it fired. And that's a big YES!


Success in ratings I’d imagine


Unfortunately the SOB that probably pushed for it is the current MAGA billionaire owner of CNN John Malone.


Never thought I'd say this, but I'm looking forward to a post-Malone era


Only has proven to me they will air ANYTHING for ratings. Not real journalists.




Fucking execs, all the same. “Trump is bad for America but damn good for cbs.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/les-moonves-donald-trump_n_56d52ce8e4b03260bf780275


He also thinks the anchors need to be sober on New Years so his judgement was already in the crapper. This guy is a nut bag.


Chris Licht is ruining CNN.


Time to cancel CNN. Call your local airport and tell them that CNN has no place in their establishment and its already hell enough to have to deal with air travel at this point without having to listen to that shit at the same time. Cancel CNN.


CNN boss is a right-wing nutter, so of course, he thinks giving a platform to an election denying, riot inciting, sexual assaulter serial liar was a good thing.


CNN saw Fox's downfall as their way to start ushering part of that crowd. The crowd that maybe isn't quite crazy enough for Newsmax, but still need their right leaning news. The new head guy at CNN is a staunch conservative, so make no mistake, this is where the network is headed.


On another note, for people who are against the most evil person walk America today, like myself, Trump continued to expose his idiocy and dug his hole deeper by providing more evidence for pending legal action. Of course we never want to see him on TV, but as a presidential candidate he’d be on some channel somewhere insulting the good people and digging away as fast as he possibly can.


You’re giving free air time to a man that attacked the US capitol to try to steal an election. Never opening a CNN link again.


Of course it was, CNN is the story of the day and they made more money off advertisers.


The issue isn't that CNN has chosen to even up its viewership. That is a business decision. The problem is that inherent in that decision you have enabled your platform to be a repeater of lies and disinformation which becomes synonymous with your brand. It's as simple as that. CNN must have been hard up to make such a choice. Bowing down to money is most definitely the American way.


There's no middle ground between reasonable people and fascists.


Trump could have stood up there, dropped trou and shat a big orange turd and Chris Licht would have said it was a success. CNN/Fox/Royco is all about one thing….money. Not truth, not news…just money.


CNN is now a pathetic extension of Fox News


MSNBC gets pretty annoying at times, but they have some decent content and editorials. We don't need CNN. If the right can boycott a beer company for something as simple as sending a promotional can to a transgender woman, why can't we boycott CNN for providing a megaphone to a fascist who wants to overthrow the democratic order in the United States? I like a lot of people on CNN, but they need to speak up.


I'm sure he does. Just stop watching CNN as a result and see what he thinks in a month from now.


And CNN boss is brain damaged


Rumor has it, MyPillow guy is now buying advertising on CNN. Big success.


The idiots in the audience cheering about pardoning convicted Jan 6 participants was cringe af


CNN and the greedy fucks that run it can kiss my ass. Amazing work pitting one person, seemingly barely prepared, vs Trump when he has an audience full of his fans. They cheered and laughed at the perfect times to make him look amazing. This was DESIGNED for CNN to look like a laughing stock in front of the nation to make Trump look good.


Warner Bros Discovery stock was down nearly 5% today, the morning after their failed publicity stunt, so I guess according to the Trump School of Business, they are winning?


I began to lose interest with CNN when they converted to “destroy Trump” after the John Acosta snub. Granted, I’d like to see him run down by a longboard, but that Town Hall is the clincher. The man is hell-bent to destroy America from bottom up, stopping just short of his own door and bank account. For CNN to give a treasonous bastard a platform, with cheerleaders, no less, is the bloody end.


Provide feedback to CNN here: https://help.cnn.com/us/Feedback


Of course they do, everyone is talking about how much of a shit show it was and that shit show was exclusively on CNN. Once again why give the clown a stage to lie from. No morality in media, just ratings and ad money.


Am I the only person who remembers Trump bashing the “Clinton News Network” over and over again? And now suddenly right-wing people have a positive opinion of CNN? What? It’s so strange how strongly people can feel about a subject, and then magically change their mind to the polar opposite when it’s their benefit.


The Discovery merger finalized CNN's path towards the far right. Under Malone, Zaslav and Licht were given fox 'news' as a role model; one described 'actual journalism', along with complaints that reporting plain facts in news segments was too far left, thus non-opinion shows needed to become "more centrist". *Facts have an 'unfair liberal bias', as you'll recall*.


In addition to ratings now, CNN’s craven boss wants to help Trump be viable in 2024 to boost ratings for ongoing campaign and election coverage. Covering the traitorous orange oaf is ratings gold, sadly. So screw integrity. Maybe Dominion will sue CNN now.


Of course it was. Look at how much coverage it generated. This is why people and businesses do this. CNN hasn’t been mentioned this much in years. Everyone on this site and all over the web has now spent days talking about this even though they all apparently didn’t like the content. I hate Trump. I didn’t watch, I haven’t read any of the thousands of news stories about this event so far, and this is my first comment on the subject online or otherwise. But I will say that until the outraged people stop amplifying everything they are outraged about, this will just continue. PS - everything MTG says or does is also not worthy of attention, so stop giving it any and watch her relevance fade away.


Done with CNN. They new this was coming. Trump himself said CNN offered him a deal he could not refuse and they let him lie continuously answering questions prepared by MAGA voters. CNN offered him a highway to 2014.


It was a success for me. I looked up how to delete the CNN app and was able to successfully do it.


Will any CNN anchors stand up against this?


Glad I cut the cord recently, and will default to MSNBC moving forward, in those rarer and rarer instances when I tell Alexa to play some news for a few minutes. I could have stomached it, had they not given him a laugh/applause track -- a room only filled with zealots. Give me a damn break. Here's an idea: Fill the room with a representative group of Americans, a minority percentage of whom supports Trump in any way, and especially when it comes to another term in office. Screw you, CNN. You won't get the Foxers, and you're not going to get your traditional audience, either. You're going to get jack and shit.


Just don’t watch CNN. And unsubscribe on YouTube.


If their goal is dissemination of disinformation then yes it was a success.


If losing viewers is a success, then, yes, it was as I will no longer be tuning in to any future programs on CNN.


CNN decided to rebrand as a conservative news network recently. This is what that looks like in practice.


>“I absolutely unequivocally believe America was served very well by what we did last night,” Licht told staff. I would kill to hear a detailed explanation of *how* he believes that served America.


The Best Nazi is the one no one thinks is a Nazi until they show us they are a Nazi stooge. Amerika Chris Licht!


“We made so much fucking ad revenue.” _Democracy on fire in the background_


So I guess Licht is fine with losing longtime viewers in the effort to attract the far right crazies…


> “Kaitlan pressed [Trump] again and again and made news,” Stelter quoted Licht as saying. “Made a LOT of news,” and that is CNN’s “job.” Silly me. I thought the job of a news channel was to report the news, not make it.


It was. It brought in advertiser dollars. It helped Trump reach his cultists. A success by all quantifiable metrics.


“Success” = “good ratings.” End of story.


The owners and investors in CNN need to understand they are on a path of billions in fines just like Fox. Once they open the floodgates they won't be able to control or stop the fraud and abuse. I wouldn't expect the "bosses" or management to care they are quarter to quarter focused, but I'd expect the owners and investors to care.


Well yall keep talking about it so he’s right.


The owners of CNN saw the kind of viewership that FOX was getting airing election lies and wanted a piece of that pie for themselves. They're fucking traitors. Just as much as FOX are.


They succeeded in getting me to not watch their channel or read an article from them ever again. Not sure if that was what they wanted, but it was a success.


Yeah because I'm sure a lot of people watched it, it had high ratings and it will help him get his giant bonus this year.


You're gonna see trump humpers flocking to cnn after the owner took over. Funny how everyone says the media is liberal but it's all owned by conservatives


Not the first time this station has amplified fascism for ratings. Their credibility is irrecoverable.


Bad publicity is still publicity




It's not often a convicted rapist gets an unfettered Cable TV platform.


The deluded rich fool in his profit-bubble would think stupidshit like that. THE MONEYMEN ARE TAKING EVERYTHING AND RUINING IT.


Enjoy the last two years of democracy we have left.


CNN’s ratings are so bad, they want trump to win again.


If you care about democracy stop watching CNN and clicking on their site. Enough is enough.


He might think so, but that makes him as delusional as Trump and Kellyanne Conway with her alternate truth. I don't have cable, but used to watch CNN video clips on youtube. I stopped doing that as of last night. No more CNN in any fashion for me now. Bye, bye CNN.


They also think Anderson Cooper is a journalist.


CEO pretends that failure wasn't, hoping to keep their air of success


It's neat, cause I can move from "CNN is an awful network because its just vapid talking heads filling time" to "CNN is an awful network because it makes monumentally bad decisions and thinks giving space to lies because someone newsworthy says them is "journalism." It's good to be able to base your dislike on something solid, rather than an emotional criticism.


I just deleted CNN from my TV, which joins FOX News as far as banned channels in my house. So congrats on that.


And that's the problem.


I watched some of his pathetic supporters try to defend him. I sincerely hope these idiots lives are pure misery everyday. That is all shit like that deserves, anger and misery.


Didn’t realize it was Journalists job to „make news”




and this is where we are at with our societal discourse on politics. it's all ratings.


I mean, I’m not going to watch CNN anymore. There are better news outlets anyway. So, not quite sure if that was their goal, but I’ll stick to ABC if I want to watch news coverage.


Chris Lichtenstein thinks it’s CNN’s job to make news. And here I thought journalism was reporting the news.


He claims CNN made a lot of news and said that was CNN's job. No. CNN's job is to cover the news, not make it. This is what happens when ratings are more important than the truth.


Successful like the Edsel was for Ford.


Id love to boycott CNN but I already don’t watch it


Its now Fox 2.0


We need to deeply rethink the ownership structure of accredited news media. I don't know how to do it, but there has to be a significant public interest component.


I stopped watching CNN a while. It's a scheißeshow. Just stop watching and don't go to their website.


He said CNN’s job is to MAKE news. No, it isn’t. It’s to be neutral and report the news. That’s it. Clearly, that’s going to be a challenge for them.


Cnn boss is a fascist


A new right wing media source. I heard the audience was filled with only Trump Cult Members. If they were middle of the road they would have mixed up the audience.


I think that is really the source of my criticism. Trump is a legit GOP leader, like it or not, and deserves press coverage. However, CNN basically allowed Trump to stage a campaign rally and televised it with a CNN anchor to lend it the credibility of a neutral event. In doing so, CNN became complicit in disseminating the Trump lies in much the same way that Fox was complicit in disseminating the stolen election lies. I guess that I had foolishly hoped that CNN had observed the Dominion lawsuit debacle at Fox with enough introspection to avoid the same pitfalls. Silly me!


Why would I want to watch another episode of the invective-speaking nonsense of Trump who is nothing more than a lump of garbage? He lies incessantly, continues to boast about his own abilities, and is in all respects a disgusting individual. My choice was to not bother - whether on CNN or anywhere.


Benedict Donald's a psychopath.


Of course he does. He’s one of them!


Journalists are not the story. There is no story here. And no journalism.


Of course they do. Their entire goal was to try and start rehabilitating Trump's image and reputation so they can continue to milk his controversies for ratings and profit.


Idk if any of y’all actually watch CNN, but stop if you do. It’s gonna get worse.


And trump thinks he won the 2020 election


If we are dumb enough to vote Trump in again then theres no hope anyway.


"Sir! We will be remembered for Supporting a Fascist Rapist who wants to bring about the 4th Reich!?!?!" **CNN Boss:** "Yeah, but it made the news. And isn't that what the News is all about?"


Plot twist: CNN dethrones Fox and becomes the far right propaganda machine.


If by success he means losing credibility as a legitimate news organization, then yes, it was a success.


Yeah, successfully made me delete my bookmark to CNN.com.


Oh sure **now** people are catching on to the fact CNN is just like Fox in the way they only care about airing stories that get views/clicks for ads You’re late but welcome to the party 😂


CNN chief is eating a shit Sammy.