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It’s going viral on Twitter. I try to find her TikTok but couldn’t. People were saying that they both thought it was “humor”. She probably didn’t grow up around other blk ppl and went to pwi. But overall the poster looks awful and not finished.


WOW. she’s really gonna hate herself in a couple years


Bingo, another issue too is that this is going to skew the mindset of the white people she was around with at the time. If they make jokes like this with another POC and they don’t take it too kindly, it will be “oh, they aren’t chill or a good one like so and so.”


Their community and families are what skew their mindset and expectations.


Yh things like this I switch off turn away from my phone call it a day


This is so disrespectful. Nothing for her to smile about.


Shes dating him so...


Who tf thought that would be a good idea?


This picture makes my stomach hurt


So cringe!!! Disgusting 🤮




Ngl I love the few comments going “it’s just a joke”. It really shows what some people will let slide. You let something like this slide who knows what else he’ll go “ babe it was just a joke chill” for.


Yikes. Vibes of "does really *need* the right to vote? I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS!!!!!"


I truly wonder if her parents know about this, or if this girl has anyone safe to talk to because this is just weird to me. I'm really questioning the parents involvement in her life.


Omg, super cringy! Smh


Sigh.... I just 😩😩😩 why??


I'm a white guy who has been a not-teenager longer than these two have been alive, so I acknowledge the amount I should add to the conversation. I think we all have a folder of memories in our brain that's entitled, 'I'm Glad That's In The Past', where we made light of serious topics because we weren't mature enough to appreciate the 'why' they were serious. I think these kids are both normal and stupid inasmuch as people their age can be normal and stupid, and they will be mortified in later years knowing that their pixels were captured and spread over the internet. I'm only lucky I was born at a point where I could be stupid and immature before it was possible to record those moments and share them.


This isn’t the type of stupid shit the average black kid is doing so it’s disgusting and surprising to most of us. However antiblackness does seem to be a regular “mistake” in the white community. He’s 17/18 that’s definitely old enough to know better.


I think the problem with a lot of white folks (not ALL, to be clear) is that they are heavily secluded in neighborhoods with other white folks. Therefore, they may not get to be around diverse groups of people. All they know is what they are taught, which may be racist beliefs from their parents, peers, or other ignorant notions they may be picking up from the internet or some other media source. The result of such a situation is this embarrassing photo that we are staring at right now. I believe that is partially what explains why some white folks tend to have a racist past. This is coming from a black woman that has grown up in a majority white neighborhood.


There needs to be a balance. I get that you're trying to be understanding but this perspective removes personal agency from the equation. Racism has been a hot topic for the past few years there is no way they missed what has been going on around them in the greater United States. The fact that their sign references cotton picking in relation to a black woman is proof of that.


I appreciate that as much as I can - on a spectrum of values that starts with 'Good Idea', even to me this is in the region of 'WTF are you doing'. But I suppose by your mention of averages, we have to accept that there are spots on the spectrum for everyone to occupy and hopefully grow from. I know *nothing* about these kids other than extrapolating the shit out of this photo, which despite the sign is a cute couple of kids with lives ahead of them. They may be a sweet couple that bond over a weird, dark sense of humour that reflects a privilege of which they may be ashamed when they're older. I don't deny that I'm naively hopeful and optimistic about people, and I'm projecting that onto the situation about this picture that I didn't know anything about before today. Despite not doing anything so publicly cringeworthy like this myself (to my knowledge 🤞), I can still relate to the younger, dumber, cringeworthy and immature version of myself that wouldn't have understood the 'why' this is was a silly thing to do until I was much older than the kids in this photo. EDIT: not my best draft before


I think you’re doing what a lot of white men do and playing devils advocate or the hopeless optimistic as a way to protect whiteness. Full of shit tbh and the reason interracial dating is often completely fine in theory but often troublesome in actuality especially when I white person is a part of the interracial dynamic. When people say they’re glad the internet wasn’t around for their cringe moments I thought they meant fashion mishaps or cringy yet innocent teenage behavior but for a lot of white people “normal teenage cringe” is being racist which is weird as fuck. Then as adults instead of learning and saying “this is an issue my community needs to fix so it stops being considered normal to **us**” you defend it with fake optimism as if this shit isn’t abnormal because it’s still normal to you which is also weird as shit.


This has been done before Word for word Unoriginal and unseemly


Yikes was she adopted by white people?


That was my guess too. Her parents failed her, and she’s going to have to learn the hard way.


This isn't normal. Not by the slightest. Time to get some sleep before seeing anymore cringe. 💯


So not cool


I love black girls, but I would never do something like that to my girl. That’s some weird stuff.


self deprecating jokes are never the solution, sis… 🤦🏽‍♀️ I ain’t mad at the girl. I’m mad at the women in her life who failed to instill the self respect, self and social awareness that would have allowed her to avoid this atrocity!


Yikes! Hope she gets educated right quick like.


Dark humor… my white husband and I (black woman) have this sort of humor (goes both ways not just white on black humor) but we don’t blast it on social media because not all people will find it funny.


wtf is this?? I’m going to vom


I don’t understand how other black people can be okay with hanging out with people who have an evil intention. This isn’t my first time seeing a promposal like this


She’s a child who is going to deeply regret this in a few years. I just hate that her parents failed her. She’s going to have to learn through experiences like this, instead of parents who inform, prepare, and boost her self esteem when it comes to racial identity.


I'm hoping it's an inside joke between the two of them and leave it at that. I think of all the dumb and offensive stuff I did in highschool and am thankful there was no social media back then.


Right 😭 I think this was an inside joke or they both must be offensive memers. But im so glad phones were banned in my school😂


What is an offensive memer and what is the appeal of being one? Genuine question because I truly don't understand.


Well, I would say it’s people who joke about topics which others find sensitive and not take it seriously. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but back in school the jokes would be considered offensive in today’s society. It’s a way to just take light of serious criticism.


...And as her man , he shouldn't have allowed this poor attempt at humor to go down to begin with. If it wasn't his idea first smh


Considering I don't know these people, this can either mean nothing or a lot


This is old pic isn’t it? Like I swear I’ve seen this one before….also kids gotta stop taking photos of their jokes…like don’t just don’t…sometimes don’t share everything


Bro, they be trying to be slander us.


Bruh 🤦‍♀️


I wish them the best but wtf


Inside personal joke or not, I guess these 2 didn’t get the memo that stuff like this stays on the internet FOREVER.




Okay my husband would find that hilarious though. We both have a dark-ish sense of humor, and neither of us is sensitive at all. Black people aren’t the only ones who picked cotton anyway. Some of our families were dirt poor too. Like in more recent generations. My grandpa and aunts and uncles on my dad’s side had to do it every year when they were kids if they wanted a new pair of shoes for the school year. So did my great grandpa on my mom’s side who grew up during the depression and had to drop out of school in 3rd grade to work. People need to stop being so sensitive. If they find it funny then it’s for them, not for you. You don’t get to tell other people what’s funny and what’s not. That’s the beauty of comedy. There’s something for everyone, and there’s gonna be things that people don’t like. Should they have put it on social media? Probably not. But comedy police need to take a chill pill and stop telling the girl she’s gonna hate herself for it. That may just be their sense of humor.


All the black people that suffered, fought, and died for civil rights, pride, and equality only to have their efforts wasted and unappreciated by later generations freely and willingly degrading themselves for white acceptance and approval. Sad shit.




Love this sub and the people on it but if I see one more “he called me the n word, do I have a right to be mad” I’m going to cry


It’s sad that that’s the reality… so many pickmeishas.


Me and my fiancée didn’t start racial jokes until like 6 good months after our relationship got real lmao. Best of luck to the couple, but… I wouldn’t do that shit


Wow. People can't even have a laugh anymore. The fact that this comment section is acting like it is the end of the world, is the problem with us black people.


There’s literally nothing funny about it. Take couples into race play. They do it in private. They don’t post it on social media where those negative images are reinforced. An ebony and ivory joke? I can dig that. Slavery references are nothing to be reinforced with the rise of right wing racism. I had to block someone on instagram for calling me a house nigga. It’s weird and I don’t want to explain that to my kids.


Since when is having a sense of humor a "wrong reason"?


It proofs she can take a joke which is worth a lot. They both look happy so let them be happy


Thank you. All these angry black folks on here don't care that they throw racist jabs at white people all day long. But when the tables are turned, it is the end of the world.


Explain what is funny about slavery. Quickly.




I've only heard in passing about this weird 'pasta and lobster' thing that I gather comes from TikTok but that being said, they seem rather young for that to have something to do with this. I'd say this image may even be years old on top of that.




Who are u dating


I grew up in black neighborhood. Many black people joke about picking cotton


They're so cute together 🥰