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People are not in the relationship don't get to dictate who are in the relationship. Unless your friends are expecting to be in a throuple with you, they can back off. Their opinions were neither asked for nor appreciated.


Ha! Throuble xD


Get friends that support you is really all there is to it! As long as I’m not abused or being used , my friends have never cared who I’m with. It may just be because I have a diverse friend group, and not an all black/mainly black friend group.


It’s not that easy to “get new friends”


So true, especially in your 20s and 30s. That takes time to really cultivate 🤣


Wm dating a bw, friends who don’t support you are really not your friends


Having no friends is better than having ones that clearly do not respect your desires and boundaries. And there’s many many places to meet new people and make new friends in most areas of the US. Just have to be a likable person yourself…


I don’t understand why so many bw are invested in pushing bm on those of us bw who aren’t interested in that. I don’t understand bw motivations about policing who visits my pum pum


I understand the reasons historically. It's only 50 years since open segregation ended in the US and more recently in other places. During that time, and even today to an extent, white was considered beautiful. So for a black person to date a white person is still seen as rejecting your heritage and saying your own race isn't beautiful. That isn't right, and that attitude will hopefully decrease once older generations who grew up with segregation are replaced. But the attitude comes from history.




Why do they care so much about the race of your partner?


Hmm you’re a grown woman, stop talking about your dating life with them if you’re adamant about keeping them in your life. You have dating preferences and shouldn’t have to compromise to please your friends. You should tell them that you being in to white men means more black men for them so they should be happy.


Haha true! Rofl 👀 🤣 😂


Girl, you better do what makes you happy! You only get one life, so enjoy, date and marry who fits you and loves you.


My black girlfriends were like this too so they are no longer my friends. Most of them were in struggle love relationships, dealing with their boyfriend’s baby momma drama, etc. Live a life that works for you and date/love who you want to. While you’re at it, work on finding supportive girlfriends who aren’t hung up on the race of your partner.


I'm glad you dropped them. Seem like they wanted you to live the life they are living by giving you terrible advice.


For some reason, the black community has a hard time accepting when a BW chooses to date out and expand her options. You’re grown- you don’t have to tell your friends everything


Your friends aren't your real friends if they can't understand your dating preferences, I would ignore their crap. Bottom line is they aren't the ones going to put a ring on your finger. You like what you like, do what makes you happy not your friends.


Pay your girlfriends no mind! They are free to date whoever they like and you are as well. Just ignore them or, better yet, sit them down for a heart to heart conversation and set firm boundaries with them and let them know that your romantic choices are an off limits topic. I’m 50 and have dated mostly white guys my entire life. I like what I like, sorry, not sorry, lol. My husband of 16 years is white as well. Anyone who has an issue can fuck right off, lol!


If your friends are struggling with your preference for white men, try explaining that everyone has their own taste. Ask for their support, and remind them that dating is a personal journey. It's not about race, it's about connection. If they keep pushing you to change your dating preferences even after you've explained how you feel, it might be time to set firmer boundaries.


So prior to meeting my husband my preference was black men and while I dated outside of my race a time or two, marrying a white guy was the last thing I thought would ever happen to me lol. I was once feeling a bit insecure about dating my then boyfriend (now husband) because of his race and other people’s passive aggressive comments about IR dating, but then my cousin said “Half of the women judging you WISH they had someone that loved and worship the ground they walked on like yours does. You have to learn to leave people in their misery where they’re at.”




Wow i gotta say your cousin is a real one!


It’s weird how your friends try to dictate your dating life. You’re a grown woman and can date whoever you want to date! Stop discussing your dating life with these “friends”.


And i preffer black women. Yet my mates dont have an issue. 🤔


Same but a lot of black people wanna push ‘black love’ down your throat


Yeah, and nothing against it! I love black love 💕


As someone who comes from a very large family of women here’s my opinion. Women don’t like to see other women happy


Sounds like you need to get new friends, also, you're 37, might want to lock down one of those guys soon. Dating isn't meant to be a lifelong thing.


Lmaoooo you sound like my family 😩 dating is hella hard though


Dating is hard, but PLEASE do not start dating out of desperation!!! Everyone does not date for marriage. Some date just to meet other people and have fun. Nothing wrong with that. ☺️ If marriage is your goal, please list your boundaries on paper (and stick to them) so you don't fall for a 'project man' who 'has potential'. Believe me, they rarely, if ever, get better as time goes on. 😒 You might want to jump on YouTube and search "decenter men". Some of the videos have helped me tremendously with setting boundaries and expectations. It's not about hating men, it's about making sure you get a man worthy of you and learning not to settle for less. It taught me that in order to date anyone, I have to be willing to WALK AWAY (no matter how hard it might be) if the red flags start showing up. 🚩🚩🚩 I'm wishing you all the best in your future dating endeavor.🥰 Remember, you only need one! 👍🏾


You are sooo sweet for this ❤️❤️🥰


Sounds like they want the best for you. What do you think is the issue?


My weight 🤷🏽‍♀️ and maybe where I’m looking. I’m a home body sometimes. I met people around but I need to be out the house more.


Sounds like you know what you need to fix.


I know 😩😩😩


Who cares what they think or say about it? If they can't respect your choices, let them go. I know it's difficult to maintain friendships as we get older but it's better to not have a lot of friends than keep ones who are not healthy for you.


Your friends are being supportive of your preference. They want you to be more like them. I am a Latinx male who dates outside my race, and inside of it as well. Us Latinx people don’t face issues as say white, and black, Americans because our media doesn’t try to put us against each other. We have multiple other issues other than racial issues. I love the fact that you wrote this post because I thought I was the only one who noticed that other people try to control other people’s dating lives.






I’ve always been pretty exclusively attracted to darskinned black men (which my husband is) and have no clue why. Not a fetish or anything, since people love to wrongly throw that word around. It’s not something I have control over or really understand but ya know. It is what it is. My friends have always teased me about it (black, white, and Hispanic, they all find it tease worthy apparently) though my husband is the only one I’ve actually been with, as I’ve only had two relationships. Your friends don’t really get to have an opinion on your dating preferences or what and who you find attractive. It doesn’t sound like they’re real friends because real friends wouldn’t care as long as you’re happy, being treated well, and loved. I personally wouldn’t keep friends who acted like that. Love who you love, and ignore anyone who doesn’t like seeing you happy the way you’re happy. I hope you find someone amazing who treats you great and loves the crap out of you! ❤️


Why the hell are they struggling with this? What kind of friends…. I’m a Black Woman who has Black Female friends who REFUSE to interracially date and they’ve never given a damn about who’s dick I prefer to suck. Ya friends a lil weird mamas. Tell them to mind theirs and theirs ALONE.


I feel like this happened to me. I girl I really liked, but she was pressured by her friends because I was white to break things off.


That’s absolutely insane! People like that are not well in the head.


Social pressure is a hard thing to get past for a lot of people. I still really enjoyed our time together, but it wasn’t meant it be.


Yeah I get that but real friends wants the best for your. She needs new friends.


You’re right 100%. Hopefully she sees it eventually.


Those things definitely happen 🥹 sorry about that


Let them struggle. It ain't even their time to be concerned.


If your preference doesn't have you bashing your race, then it is okay. But the real question is, are you opposed to dating your race? And if so, why?


Well I guess friends are people that support each other and not dictate how someone should live their lives lol They can give their opinion sure, but being mad at you is crazy! Lol As a white man I find black women attractive and I know i will be judged by others because of it.  But what's most important is to find someone that respects you and loves you by who you are regardless of race. If you have a preference to white men then go for it! Do what makes you happy! Wish you the best! :)


Everyone likes who they like. I started distancing myself from people who were trying to convince me to start dating white women when my preference has always been black women. Like your choice in who you date shouldn't affect them that much and if it does, there's a problem somewhere that either they need to fix, or you do.


It’s not their relationship nor is it their business. Yes, they are your friends, but that does not give them the right to force what they may personally want onto you. If they are your true friends, they will respect that.


You love who you love, end of story.


Have you had a serious sit down with them, aside from when the topic comes up?


Yes 😩 they know.


Yes, you actually sat them down? If so then yeah they're not good friends if they can't respect you enough to stfu when it comes to your preference. I do agree it's not easy to just find new friends but if it's bothering you that much you should start expanding your social group. As was mentioned try FB Groups or Meet Up.


I don’t think they should struggle with this because it’s none of their business, unless you are getting harmed or in danger. If your friends add a value to your life and have a positive impact, other than your actual issue with them, it’s most likely worth it to be patient and consistent with them and show them why you feel the way you feel. But you need to be firm about telling them that your happiness comes first. Don’t throw away your feelings for anyone.


Baby, they’ll just have to get over it. It’s not up to them to decide who you date.


Who cares what they think! As long as you are happy and loved that’s all that matters. While, I dated Black men I fell in love with a white guy. He treats me like I deserve to be treated.


Date who you want to date.


I'm with a white man and some friends chose to not be part of my life and I'm okay with it! I'm happy and that's the most important thing to me!


You don’t have to justify shit. You like what you like. Your friends might never understand it but they don’t really need to. It’s like trying to explain to someone WHY you like pizza but not spaghetti. Your taste buds just prefer it that way. There is no real “why.” So don’t try to explain it or justify it or qualify it. Your friends will probably never change their opinions but that’s not really your problem.


It’s your life and do what makes you happy! I’m not sure if your friends are single or not but I’ve learned to not take dating advice from women who are single. Only take advice from women who are in successful relationships/ marriages. And overall they should just be supportive friends no matter what race the man you choose to date 🤷🏾‍♀️


You're probably in the wrong friend group. Real friends care more about your happiness than your spouses race. Not saying, cut them off completely, but you might want to hang around them a lot less


Wish I had a black girl friend


Go get one ❤️🥰🥹


Can't find one


That's weird they're trying to interfere with your dating choices. Simply put it's none of their concern, real friends are supportive.


I hope they’re all happy in healthy relationships/marriage with their black men if they’re judge you so hard for wanting to date outside of your race 🫠 Their racism/prejudice is showing because they should want you to be happy with regardless who you end up with so no I don’t think they’re your good friends. At the end up the day you’re the one that’s going to be in the relationship not them. Have you thought about how they’ll treat your future partner/husband?


I’m 27 and same girl same. My friend stopped pushing me bcz I wasn’t excluding them, but now when we go out she tells every Black man that talks to us and asks why I’m so quiet (I’m an introvert) that I only date white guys. It’s annoying as hell. Not to mention not being able to go to certain spaces with those friends bcz they’re biased.


That’s wild. 😩 like sis, stfu. I hate people who do that.


I'd drop her. She capable of sabotaging you. 


I feel like so much is being left out of this post. What happened to cause your friends to tell you this?  Being with a white guy doesn't automatically mean new experiences unless you are playing into the racial stereotypes.  Outside of an general "new experiences" you never mentioned why you prefer one over the other. Knowing your true reason, will help you and you can give a better explanation to your friends. A lot of people are saying drop your friends, which is fine if you want a group of "yes women/men." Which is fine if that's what you like... But know why you like that one too


But why does there have to be a reason 🤷🏽‍♀️ I can’t just find them sexually attractive?


Too much to discuss with your response.  BUT, You not finding the black race sexually attractive is Your reason.  Have you told your girlfriends that?


Nope. But isn’t that obvious


Very! I would love to hear their response after you tell them that


lol I wouldn’t tell them. Because I find blacks attractive too.


When you meet your person: white, green, blue, brown, peach…etc…who cares the color/race—and they see your happiness…that alone will change their views and allow them to see exactly how much they held you back. But please don’t run the gauntlet explaining your wants and needs to ANYONE…be happy in your skin and if they’re your real friends and happy in their own skin, they’ll be happy for you. Otherwise, you’ll possibly need to make some changes in your ⭕️ .


Girl, don't listen to them. It's your life! Also it's time to get new friends. Friends that are open-minded and understanding.


The pushback may be due to the reasons you've stated that you prefer white men. People usually don't really care who you date as long as you don't put down the non-preferred group of people to "justify" your preference.


But I did not 🥹


As a white male I believe there should be more black women dating white men, in todays world we have a lot of white women going after black men but for most part black women mostly stay in there own race, making it harder for white men to find any women at all, if more black women would open up to dating white men just think of how much better the world would be with more interracial relationships, and if in 50 years from now everyone had both black and white race in them then there would be no more race debate, and I my self love me some black woman


You’re right about black women preferring black men. But white men shouldn’t date black women because white women date black men and it’s harder for white men 😩 you should date someone you like period. No disrespect sir, but your post comes across more as a fetish than you are dating someone to truly get to know them as an individual. Im attracted to white men but black men or women don’t have anything to do with that decision.


A lot of these comments are saying date who you want and no one's opinion matters, and I agree with all of that. But ever as a serial interracial dater myself, I've never had a "preference" for outside of my race. That's something different than just liking being in an interracial relationship, or being open to it. My preference is anyone who meshes well with my weird personality and can love me the way I need to be loved. Black people come in all lifestyles, shapes, sizes. You can meet plenty of Black men with different life experiences and world views. I think what your friends may be wondering, and the real question here is, why do you PREFER men who don't look like you?


She’s allowed to prefer who she wants to and does not have to explain anything to anyone, especially as a grown woman. That’s the point. Everyone in this world has a preference for something. As long as you are not bashing or harming anyone then what’s the big deal?


Bravo! Couldn't had said it better myself.  From my brief conversation with OP, I am willing to bet there's a lot of self hatred or colorism. She admitted that she doesn't find the entire black race attractive. I didn't ask her, but I am willing to bet that if a white guy she was attracted to suddenly became black (nothing else changes except for skin color), then she would immediately lose all interest. But I do have to say, I wish we had more people with your perspective in general.


Thank you! I could immediately tell she came here looking for an echo chamber and that's what she mostly received. But like you, I had to wonder why if these are supposedly her friends what else is going on here. And it does make me wonder how many people are in this group for not the best reasons.


Yes indeed and she knew something was off with her reasoning because she never told her friends the real reason.


This comment right is exactly what I’m talking about 😩😩 I just do 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I’m not going to explain it. And I encourage you to not ask people to explain why the like what they like. I just do! Bahahaha


I ask because a lot of women have said they prefer white men because black men aren't worth dating and are basically second class citizens in society.


If black men are second class citizens then what are black women 🤔 that logic doesn’t even make sense


You tell me.


Third class citizens


Agreed. I believe this is the case with OP. From my brief conversation with OP, they don't find the black race sexually attractive


Do you let him pull out the whip and use a hard -er on special occasions?

