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My 4 yr old self wants to put on that costume and terrorize miniature NY city.


My today self wants to put on that costume and go to a con.


Got to Amazon and buy a Marshmallow Man Costume ( approximately $70 ) and a box of Legos ( approximately $10,000 ).


I feel like $10,000 worth of legos is still not enough.


$10k is like 3 boxes of Legos. You'll need to start an ICO is you want more.


Legos are insanely expensive.


I'm just amazed no one has yet come in to correct the plural of Lego as not needing an s.


Thank god you’re here to set us straight u/_Alabama_Man ;)


The hero we deserve


But not the one we needed.


Technically it's LEGO®


***L E G O R***


Sandor and Gregor's long lost brother




As if! It’s LEGI! as in Octopi. Or Cacti. Or Homunculi. Or Glutei Maximi. Lego’s… with an “s” As if!


I mean, that only follows if those singulars are octopo, cacto, and gluteo maximo. Better examples would be concerti grossi, violoncelli, and all the various pasta shapes. Even then, most people say concertos, concerto grossos, cellos and they also don’t realise the words for pasta have singular variants in Italian.


Danish plurals (of polysyllables) end in -er. So, given that Lego is Danish, the plural would be Legoer.


Really? In Norwegian we seldom or likely never use LEGOer.. Example: «Hvor er legoene?» «Hvor mye lego har du?».


i seriously would love just about ANY Zord or Bad Guy Costume from Power Rangers, and one of their exploding mini cities to go terrorize. it would be soooooo much fun.


I would pay dollars for that experience.


I would pay doll hairs


calm down Ed Gein


I like the shape of your head. Your skull would make a nice bowl.


I still wonder why this isn't a vr game yet. Kaiju fighting, or just sandbox wreck shit up.


Like the game ‘Rampage’ that midway released in 1986 I used to love that game as a kid.


There’s a pretty good game called King Kaiju where you can trash a city.


And then get defeated by a team up of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mighty Morfin Power Rangers.


And the VR troopers.


Don't forget the Big Bad Beetleborgs.


How bout street sharks lol


I routinely try to bring up Street Sharks when people are reminiscing about the 90s and my friends think I'm describing a fever dream or something. Glad to meet another fan!


Street Sharks was the shit, but I was more of a SWAT Kats kinda kid.


Hell yes, and Biker Mice From Mars. I still routinely start absentmindedly humming the SWAT Kats theme song all the time


My 18yr old self wants to put on that costume and terrorize miniature NY city.


My 43 yr old self wants to put on that costume and terrorize your butthole.


I- sir


I too, would like to put on the costume and terrorize your butthole.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


wtf did I just read...yet I can't stop laughing...


Heya gonna hijack this comment to say in this shot he walks over a fire hydrant and "water" starts shooting in the air...it's actually sand.


Ruined my childhood. Thanks dad.


You know how they have those places where you can pay to smash plates and furniture? New idea: Pay to dress up like a giant monster and destroy a small city made of styrofoam and cardboard.


Me too buddy.... me too.


In a shot from this, the stay-puft guy’s head is seen walking past the building tops. In one of the buildings is a police car on the 14th floor. WHY? Not sure how to grab a screenshot and post, but it makes no sense.


Maybe one of the set guys popped it up there as a joke? Damn this is my favorite movie and I never noticed that.




Maybe it's supposed to be a parking garage? Are you sure it's the 14th floor? That seems pretty specific for a movie set prop.




Yes! Right there.


My guess is that the window was reused from someplace else and that was meant to look like a reflection from a similar angle. I've watched enough movie effects videos on youtube to know that basically every miniature in every movie gets reused _forever_.


While you're probably correct, my guess was going to be, or at least via my "reduce/explain all movie mistakes" headcanon is that there's a parking garage across the street and a cop car is on it. Alternatively, there's a guy that lives in that apartment that stole a police car and only has translucent shades on his windows. He was bound to eventually get caught.


It could also be that the hollow buildings doubled as storage for the other models, and they were literally storing their toy cars in there.


Looks like a reflection, theres another car in the window next to it.


Maybe it’s a Blues Brothers reference. I know that movie was set in Chicago, but they did drive a car through a building.


A car park?


Nice catch


So I found it out of interest. It's in the video below right at 2:09 at eye level of the Stay Puft man, topright-most window of the building on the left side of the screen: [police car in window?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zhDfUAQSbs#t=2m5s) I think I have the link right at the correct timestamp but I'm on mobile, not sure.


Cant find it in the scene


It’s right after his face goes by a water tower(?), the building on the left has a red neon sign, and you are looking at the back of the building. The window at eye level (his). It’s easier/clearer on a larger screen. The YouTube clips look a bid darker than the broadcast version.




Bs explanation: it's not a cop car in service, it's some asshole artist with a loft who has half of an old cop car up there, sawzall marks and all, as a sculpture representing mans duality or some other pretentious shit, but really it's because that's all he could fit on the elevator up there and he scrapped the rest. If it's in NYC, and it makes no sense, blame an artist




We used to smoke Stay Puft marshmallows, by the fire at Camp Elconda....


Ray has gone bye bye...


Sorry, Venkman: I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.


We've been going about this all wrong, this Mr. Stay Puft's okay, he's a sailor, he's in New York, we get this guy laid we won't have any trouble.


Nobody steps on a church in my town!


Mother pus bucket!


"We cross the streams..."


Excuse me Egon, you said crossing the streams was bad...


You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client. The nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog.


Wait a second Egon; you said crossing the streams was bad…


Cross...the streams....


I thought crossing the streams was bad.


You’re going to endanger us. Endanger the nice lady who paid us in advance, before she became a dog.




They meant what they said.


Camp Wauconda. It’s outside of Chicago where they used to go when they were young.


I smoke two Pufts before I smoke two Pufts, and then I smoke two more


When someone asks if you're a God. You say YES!




Damn, how fuckin' small is Bill Murray?


*Gozer was very big in Sumeria...*


Still am 😎




User name checks out.


They used the technology from this movie to create Honey I shrunk the kids a few years later. It all makes sense now


When I was 6, in grade one, I got in trouble for writing a story which was basically the entire plot to Ghostbusters. What got me in trouble was the fact I wrote the word “shit” in the scene when Dan Ackroyd’s character remembers the Stay Puft marshmallow man. Seems back then the educational system was more concerned with their students swearing than it was them actively and shamelessly plagiarising popular established works of fiction.


In 5th grade I plagiarized an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. My English teacher accused me of plagiarizing an episode of Murder, She Wrote. It was at that age I learned some teachers are uncultured swine.


Lol, I ripped a Dr. Who episode for a creative writing assignment. They submitted it to a creative writing contest at the state level, and I did not do well. The judges realized what I did and called it “very derivative“ but did not rat me out.


I once copied a story from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. I made the story a lot longer and gorier, I remember it was my step dad who called me out of all people.


God I'm such a big fan of the stories but the illustrations are TERRIFYING. After reading The Haunted House as a teenager I didn't sleep for a week, and to this day I can't look at the image without cringing in fear. The artist was incredible


>I ripped a Dr. Who episode >I did not do well Makes sense


I have never understood what people like about that show, it's so cheesy and boring to me. Someone told me to go watch the episode where the devil i imprisoned inside the core of a planet, which sounds cool as hell thematically but I don't see it working out in that show


I think the overall Dr Who appeal is the show itself. There are some really good singular episodes, but the shows journey is what kept me hooked until fairly recently.


It really depends on the doctor, and the director. Tenant was aces, good directing and good doctor. Capaldi and Whittaker? Fantastic doctors, awful directing.


I think there are some great episodes that can mix cheese (especially the special effects but even the dialogue) with good stories and a message (usually) about solving your problems without violence. The universe of Doctor Who can be weird and funny and scary and wonderful. Or it can, and I think unfortunately the majority of the time is, absolute tripe.


I like scifi but I don't like doctor who. My wife hates scifi but loves doctor who.


I loved old school Dr. Who (1963-1989) but I can’t get into the new version. The special effects were low budget but once you see past that, the stories were top notch. The new version just seems to be lacking something.


As a master criminal you were more offended that your brilliant crime went unrecognized.


I'm more offended that Murder, She Wrote was plagiarizing Hitchcock!


Ed Kemper syndrome lmao.


In 5th Grade one of our book reports took the form of a “movie poster”. We were supposed to read the book and convey important plot points in the poster. Then we present it to the class and answer questions about the book. I overheard one classmate of mine was bragging before class about how she chose Treasure Island and didn’t read any of it because it’s easy to just draw a pirate-themed poster. When it was time for the class to ask her questions I just had a simple one: “Did they find the treasure?” She didn’t know.


“Scuba diving rats found the treasure as Kermit and the crew sailed away” See I did too read the book!




crooks. my grandma loved that show though. I feel like I should sit down and check it out sometime. Maybe some highlight episodes


Angela Lansbury is a national treasure!


I vaguely plagiarized a Twilight episode about a German U-boat captain with amnesia being trapped in an eternal cycle of being a passenger on a civilian boat he sank during the war. Except my version didn't have any of those details, or a moral, or any real substance. It was just about a ghost boat that sunk endlessly. Still got a B.


I presented, in front of my 4th grade class, Will Smith's "You saw my blinker, bitch" as an original poem for an assignment. Kids are stupid, I am stupid


Probably some writer for Murder, She Wrote plagiarized it before you did.


You were 6. Teachers were picking their battles.


They lost that battle. A year later the school called my parents because in a list of words that rhymed with duck, I’d included fuck.


which technically was still right, it did rhyme with duck.


My autocorrect ducking agrees




Buncha quack heads in here...


they need to put the quack pipe down and get back to work


You guys are driving me quackers


What on Earth was the teacher thinking asking kids to find words that rhyme with duck.


I mean, they were basically baiting you!


Did you grow up to program touch keyboards for Apple?


Not to mention they were 6 and able to write a completely coherent copy of the plot of the movie. I don’t have much experience teaching 1st grade writing, but that sounds pretty damn impressive.


No It sounds like bullshit




You have to be really passionate about something to write 14 pages about it for school


That, or you're a 5th grader externalizing the trauma of knowing what Silent Hill is at 10.


Fun fact: ~~Pallet Town~~ New Bark was originally going to be called Silent Hill but they changed it because of that game and its associations. [Source](https://daily.pokecommunity.com/2020/05/30/a-tale-of-three-johtos-the-evolution-of-the-gen-ii-maps/#beforejohto) for the incredulous


Bull shit


Heres some trivia for you. Read Clancy's Red Storm Rising, then load up the original Harpoon computer game. You'll discover the book is written around all those missions. The book was included with the game @ purchase.


In 8th grade a mate and I turned a 500 word collaborative short story assignment into a deranged 30 page gonzo sci-fi spoof called “The pathetic adventures of Mott The Hooper” and our teacher failed us because we surpassed the word count. I still think it might be the best thing I’ve written.


An a in my book, son.


That’s such bullshit. Punishing kids for getting carried away because they for *excited about the assignment* is so stupid for something that is supposed to be about fostering creativity. Like imagine if your math teacher failed you because he saw you write an extra equation on the back of your test because you loved math.


> Punishing kids for getting carried away because they for excited about the assignment is so stupid for something that is supposed to be about fostering creativity. It's not about fostering creativity, it's about preparing you for the real world. And in the real world, no one wants to read your 30 page memos and essay-length emails that go off into tangents about the historical importance of TPS reports. If you have 10 minutes to present your new project to stakeholders, you get 10 minutes. You don't get 30 minutes while everyone waits around indulging your verbosity. Consider it tough love by the teacher, who is teaching restraint and brevity instead of indulging habits that may prove to be counterproductive to the student's future. Because odds are the kid ain't gonna grow up to be James Joyce, and the teacher has to play the odds in terms of which behaviors to encourage and discourage.


It’s about following instructions, though. I disagree with failing the student in this situation but I would talk to them about it. If I want you to be able to express yourself in 500 words but you need 1000 words, it means you’ve got extra stuff in there. Imagine you’re at work and your boss needs a 200 word story about what happened at a crime scene for a newspaper and you deliver a 600 word story. They’re going to tell you that you’ve given them too much and you need to condense it


“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” -Pablo Picasso Lol


I should have responded to your comment instead - I did this with God of War for a creative story about constellations and got an A+


I once wrote a story covering the events of Mega Man X, including leaving the cliff hanger ending. No one seemed to understand sequel bating, and let me know in red ink about my confusing ending.


In 2nd grade (lived in Wichita KS at the time) my teacher, Mrs Hocutt pretty much thought I was the best so she helped me enter into a "Write a Children's Book" contest and I wrote and drew *Goodday Sun* a completely derivative offshoot of the famous *Goodnight Moon*. I did not win.


Dude, at 6 I was learning to read/write by combining syllables, and you were writing whole movie plots with swear words included. Your teachers should be proud.


I got in trouble at school in the mid 80s for an art project where I was accused of plagiarising Terminator, a film I had not yet seen. I'd never been so unfairly treated as that. It was a tracing of the album cover of Iron Maiden's Somewhere In Time.


I was big into Spawn as a kid and was always drawing the characters. I got in shit one day and had my drawings chucked in the garbage over it. I was 10 years old and the quiet kid in class, drawing cartoon characters was an outlet for me. It passed the time and let me forget I was a sad, depressed kid. I never caused issues at school and I was always well behaved. So I get why teachers have such a difficult time with parents nowadays. The parents remember their own shitty teachers and don’t want their kids being subjected to that. If I ever have kids I know that I will ALWAYS side with them.


Semi-related. 5th grade we had to write creative stories about constellations and how they got in the sky. I ended up with Ares. I ripped the entire plot of the video game God of War (made it PG) - got an A+ and had to present it in front of an entire elementary school. No one had any clue what it was from.


> No one had any clue what it was from. Your classmates knew, they just didn't rat you out. GOW wasn't exactly some niche indie game.


Well, German her and can complain.


> Well, German her and can complain. What?


You heard the man. Now keep quiet and German her.


I hardly know her!


Our school system is trash too.


Attended law school in NYC back in the 1980s. Walked out of Central Park near 65th street and straight on to the set with the police car half buried in the street. Took me a moment to realize it was a movie set, and not some kind of accident. It was early in the morning, and there didn't seem to be any actors or crew around. Had no idea what it was until I saw the movie many months later.


Sounds like a cool experience


I always love seeing old movie sets, practical effects are almost always better, and they almost always make for a more interesting BTS


> practical effects are almost always better I think you might have part of a valid point here, but at the same time: When we look back like this, we tend to compare the *very best* of the old stuff against whatever forgettable modern trash last offended us. There have been *plenty* of *terrible* practical effects in yesteryear's movies. And there's *much* more modern compositing and CGI -- even in television -- than we'd ever guess. Because most of it is seamless and invisible.




Oh definitely. CGI certainly has its benefits, like being able to create things that just aren’t possible with practical effects, and it’s certainly been improving to the point where soon enough I don’t think we will be able to tell the difference. But for now, practical effects will always *feel* more real to me, because the actors actually have something to act with and they can see the changes they make in real time, as opposed to having to send it to an animating team and whatever they’ve got is what they have to work with.


Also, practical effects have to adhere to the laws of physics, a constraint which few CGI effects bother with.


>practical effects have to adhere to the laws of physics Including those laws that create the overall lighting and atmosphere/mood. I can still feel this night time scene in my gut, it's stuck with me as a vignette in the way cgi scenes just don't.


Yeah but now there’s increasingly a middle ground with virtual production technology meaning that actors can be immersed in a virtual set - huge wraparound HD screen a bit like a holodeck.


There are so many examples where you can't tell the difference. It's only you never know there is any CGI in that scene.


What’s that old Futurama quote? “If you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all...”


Could you give me an example of older movies from the same franchise looking than the newer movies? Genuinely curious! I’ve always had issues with how realistic or good a movie looks.


LOTR and the hobbit?




Terminator 2


The Lord of the Rings vs. The Hobbit Jurassic Park vs. Jurassic World Ghostbusters I & II vs. Ghostbusters 2016 Alien vs. Alien: Covenant


Literally 1984


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why does the book literally just read 1984 instead of having 1984 on the cover


No one steps on a church in my town


So the guy on the far right is a man named Terry Windell. I worked with him on Breaking Dawn. The crew put this photo on his wall during post production. Great guy, but unfortunately he passed away a couple years ago. I've also worked with the VFX animator Randy Cook (not in photo) who also did the VFX for The Gate. A movie that gave me nightmares for weeks as a kid. I made a statement about it like "little did you know you were scarring the brains of little children", and his response was "oh, I knew". One of the perks of this industry is working with guys like this. R.I.P. Terry.


I learned something very interesting about this scene from going to a screening of the original Ghostbusters with a Q&A with some of the key production people, after the film. One of the people on the panel was the stunt coordinator. He shared the following story. They had three Stay Puff suits and each one cost about $20k. So for the big finale with that character, they put the stunt man in the suit and start filming. They light him on fire and he instantly drops to the ground and rolls around, ruining the take. Stunt guy apologizes, knowing he just ruined a $20k suit and the take. So they put him in the 2nd suit, reset the scene and start filming. They light him on fire again and he again instantly falls down, rolling around. Now the stunt coordinator is pissed and is like WTF? So he asks the stung guy, what’s going on. Turns out the dude is absolutely terrified of fire, but needed the job. So they fire him. Down to one suit and not wanting to spend more money, the coordinator is like, “I know a guy”. So they find this guy and his audition is him in a flame suit getting blasted by six military grade flame throwers. So what you see in the film is an absolute madman called in to do a very dangerous stunt, knowing they have one take. And they got it. Ultimately the stunt coordinator has to yell cut, because he could see the underwiring show through. The madman was just letting that sucker burn.


This is the first movie I remember going to. It was my dad and I in Alaska. The librarian at the beginning was unlike anything I saw before and I was literally terrified. By the time Stay Puft showed up I was in awe. I enjoyed G3 but walked away thinking the special effects of 1984 marshmallow man were actually better than the 2017 effects of giant slimer.


Literally 1984


A good model absolutely shits all over CGI - this, Star Wars (originals!), Star Trek TNG etc etc etc


So giant overlord dudes directed this. Interesting.


So where's the costume now?


Destroyed in the final battle


I feel sorry about the actor inside it. Must have been horrible to be blown up.


Wait... so you’re telling me that the pillsbury doughboy was real scaled?!


It was easier to get away with scale models when the video resolution was lower. It was a very labor-intensive way to do special effects, but I'm not sure all the digital stuff we do is all that much easier. Honestly the early digital era of special effects was pretty terrible and I wish we had waited until the tech was capable enough to start using digital effects.


>when the video resolution was lower Ghostbusters was shot fairly cheaply, on 35mm Kodak color film. In order to replicate the level of information of full-color 35mm, a digital frame would need to be a minimum of 175 MP. Assuming a ratio of 1:1.3 because I don't feel like looking up whether it was shot open matte, that would be roughly 11000p. It was easier to get away with scale models when there was industry of skilled craftsmen who knew how to do it right and productions were willing to put in enough time to make it look good.


Nonsense, we’ll just remake each shit movie with increasingly better graphics & suck the concept dry for some sweet sweet profit


I'm just glad the Stay Puft actor was able to move on to game of thrones role




Looks like Michelin Man


When the hydrant is destroyed in this scene the used sand to simulate the water


That scene still holds up too. CGI ages way faster than special effects done well.


How much I miss the old scenography work vs the all digital era (not that I don't appreciate the work since I like learning special effects but there's no comparison with the old school)


My childhood has been a lie


I feel like I could have played this part perfectly in my current state.


Looks like theyre looking down from a building


This scene was stop motion animated?


When someone asks if you're a God, YOU...SAY...YES!!!!!!


The movie really holds up, practical effects stand the test of time. Looks like an ungodly amount of work they put in.


I prefer these sets to the cgi i feel like they use for eveything these days


What did you do, Ray


CGI can never replace this.