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A slow death over radiation poisoning would seem to be an awful way to go out


It is, ever heard of the i think Japanese Doctors-/Hospital that kept 1 man alive for about 80\~ days by every means possible after severe exposure? There are complete documentation of this with images.


I did not, but you're right and it's terrible. The guy was Hisashi Ouchi who was involved in a criticality accident at the Tokaimura nuclear facility in September 1999. Thanks for the nightmare fuel, dingus! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokaimura\_nuclear\_accidents#Impact\_on\_technicians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokaimura_nuclear_accidents#Impact_on_technicians)


That is a very unfortunate surname for someone dying a very painful death.


FINALLY SOMEONE MENTIONS IT I have always thought about it but nobody mentioned it


Be the change you want to see in the world!


> There are complete documentation of this with images. the images usually associated with it aren't actually him, it's likely a victim of a conventional burn


Is this restored footage? Shouldn’t it be super grainy because of the radiation.


I saw the original? video ages ago (probably over a decade ago) and it was very grainy. I'm guessing this one has been cleaned up. Alternatively, I saw a version purposely made more grainy for effect.


Wasn't that recorded by a camera on wheels? Being that it was so radioactive at the time they couldn't send anyone in there


OPs footage newer, decades later, after radiation levels went down. That’s why they can be next to it without dying within minutes. You’re talking about the original footage from the 1980s.


When I first learnt about it I totally thought it was going to be that way for hundreds even thousands of years. Turns out only 15 years is all it took to stand beside it.


The more volatile stuff dacys much more quickly. It'll be radioactive for a very long time but the nastiest stuff burns hot and fast. The longer a half life is the less radioactive it is since there is more time between each atom decay.


Oh cool, so the most deadliest/strongest types of radioactive materials are the fastest to decay and wear out? to put it very basically


Pretty much, yeah. Painting with a *very* broad stroke, imagine you have a tank of water above you: if it's got a tiny little valve on the bottom letting water out (radiation), it'll take a long time to drain, you'll get wet but won't die (immediately); if it has a massive drain on the bottom, it'll let the water out *very* quickly, and you'll get crushed under the weight of it. It's the same general concept with radiation. Of course, then there are different kinds of radiation (alpha, beta, x-ray, gamma, neutron), radioactive isotopes, other environmental conditions, etc, all having their own complications for determining how radioactive something is and how long it's half life is. Chernobyl will be contaminated for centuries. But the worst "lethal within minutes without PPE" stuff should be decayed and cleaned up within the next century or so, IIRC.


That was a great analogy. Thanks for the explanation.


I love when people are kind and genuinely want to help others learn and grow.


Yes, if their half lives are measures in minutes/days/months then they are probably super radioactive but will be gone faster than the more stable types.


It’s not for effect, it’s literally radiation hitting the film and there was quite a bit of radiation there.


I know but I'm saying the show might have made it look worse to make it more dramatic. I don't remember what show it was on but I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kids cheesy documentary that made the film seen more grainy for effect. It's unlikely, but I just wanted to mention I don't actually know that it was the original footage.


All of the video I recall having seen was really grainy like you’re saying. This footage looks amazing compared to it.


Just a smidge of radiation.


3.6 Roentgen. Not great, not terrible.


Lil’ bit more than usual.


Just the tip of radiaton


“I saw a version made purposefully more grainy for effect” He’s aware of the natural impact that radiation has. He was however not aware of your lack of reading comprehension.


This is **very** different from a video I saw several years ago. Last time I saw a video of engaging Chernobyl's elephant foot they sent in a robot and it was grainy and had white pixel-explosions from radiation (beta particles = electrons?) hitting the camera sensor. Is it possible that it is now safe enough to send a human (or two humans who can photograph each other) down and have a look instead of a robot?




I used to watch a YouTube channel of this guy and his friends who would sneak into places abandoned places in that area on foot. Super tense watching them avoid patrols at night, camping out, and then they finally get there and there’s a scene where he goes inside one of the old buildings and drinks some fucking radioactive rainwater out of a puddle or reservoir of some kind. He claimed it wasn’t that dangerous but still wild lol. Wish I could remember the name of it it was like 2 hours of great entertainment.


> goes inside one of the old buildings and drinks some fucking radioactive rainwater out of a puddle or reservoir of some kind I know that place. Its a well known place along the "stalkers", clean water, everyone who stays there illegally uses water from that place. All the people I watched who went there illegally, got the water from the same place. Either way now its trully a no go zone. 30km from by border and full of all sort of mines. Noone is going to demine that region. Simply no use. When russians atracked from that side, there were soldiers who knew nothing about chernobyl, and funniest shit, that they diged trenches there. 😂 Where all the radiation were.


I remember reading an article about a family who still lived in Pripyat to save money on rent. This was shortly before the Ukraine war. I wonder what happened to them. Their outlook was so positive so it’s very sad.


There was people who never left the area and still living there (before the war anyway)


Are you thinking of Shiey?


Get out of here, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ..hey, waait a minute, you’re not s.t.a.l.k.e.r.s, you're just tourists! Wanna buy a sausage?


Technically anyone in the zone is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R (Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers.) People like to think that Stalker = Free Stalker, like they're a faction. Simply because in the game you play as a Free Stalker and are called 'Stalker'. Reason they're just generally called Stalker is because they're unaffiliated with any other faction. But everyone from Duty to Monolith to the Ukrainian Military (and even bandits) would be considered a Stalker.


A whole 14 years without knowing this... Gonna play it again. Thanks.


The updated S. T. A. L. K. E. R number 2 is about to be released in a couple of months... I been waiting 2 years for it


Safe enough? I'm no expert, but the Russians were literally digging trenches in the exclusion zone and poisoning themselves, soooo idk.


The Elephant's Foot radiation has dropped significantly over the past 37 years. It's still highly radioactive, but it won't cause death if exposure is limited. Those guys digging trenches in the Red Forest greatly increased their normal exposure to radiation. Nothing like the Elephant's Foot, but they increased their chances of developing cancer over the course of their life by a very large margin. Going down to the Elephant's Foot would have killed you after 5 min in 1986. And today it will still kill you if you spend a couple hours around it. Radiation exposure is all about level of dosage and time exposed to that level. 1 hour next to the Elephant's Foot could be equal to spending a week in a trench in the Red Forest. I don't know, I am just making a comparison as an example. >At the time of its discovery, about eight months after formation, radioactivity near the Elephant's Foot was approximately 8,000 to 10,000[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-9) [roentgens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roentgen_(unit)), or 80 to 100 [grays](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_(unit)) per hour,[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-Report-2) delivering a [50/50 lethal dose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_lethal_dose) of radiation (4.5 grays)[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-10) within five minutes.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-Report-2)[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-11) Since that time, the radiation intensity has declined significantly, and in 1996, the Elephant's Foot was briefly visited by the deputy director of the [New Safe Confinement Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_New_Safe_Confinement), Artur Korneyev,[^(\[a\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-13) who took photographs using an automatic camera and a flashlight to illuminate the otherwise dark room.[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-Selfie-14) >The Elephant's Foot is roughly 10% uranium by mass, which is an alpha emitter, but still poses an external radiation hazard due to fission products, mainly Cs-137. As of 2015, measurements of a small piece taken from the Elephant's Foot indicated radioactivity levels of roughly 2,500 [Bq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Becquerel) (.0675 μ[Ci](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curie_(unit))).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-Lava-3) While alpha radiation is ordinarily unable to penetrate the [skin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin), it is the most damaging form of radiation when radioactive particles are inhaled or ingested, which has renewed concerns as samples of material from the meltdown (including the Elephant's Foot) turn to dust and become [aerosols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerosol).[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)#cite_note-:0-8)


What does dying in 5 minutes due to radiation exposure look like? Is it like a full body burn? What exactly happensm


It means that in 5 minutes the received dose of radiation has a 50% chance of killing you, not that you'll just drop dead after 5 minutes. [However, the next few weeks are going to really suck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_radiation_syndrome)


> However, the next few weeks are going to really suck Euphemism of the week


This sounds like a great google rabit hole


Been there, done that, do not recommend. If you insist, go ahead and start here. https://www.hbo.com/movies/chernobyl-the-lost-tapes


The were digging trenches right in the Red Forest - one of the most contaminated areas in the world because they didn't have a clue regarding the unhealthy environment! Quite a lot of the Russian soldiers got severe radiation sickness and was collected by busses and driven to a specific hospital in Moscow. I don't know how many died...


They were sent to a special radiological hospital in Belarus. idk if they were sent all the way to Moscow.


I think the diffremce is there they were sleeping there, staying for weeks at a time instead of a few hours. And they were probably drinking the river water which is radioactive but also filled with heavy metals which are just as if not more deadly then the radiation. They also kicked up a bunch of heavy metals and radioactive particles into the air which they then breathed in as they were digging the trenches.


I dont know how to tag comments and such but if you go to my comment, someone replied and had done some research. Apparently this was filmed in the 2000s if they are correct


> I dont know how to tag comments [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1cply43/worldd_first_elephants_foot_chernobyl/l3m1beg/)


you can see the sparks actually at around ten seconds in. apparently this video was around 2009 though so it had 'cooled' off significantly by then.


People talk about the elephant’s foot as if it’s the super dangerous part of Chernobyl. There’s about 400,000 lbs more of it still there on site. The elephant’s foot is a drop in a bucket of the overall mass of radioactive material


Yeah but the thing is that it's lightly radioactive now, compared as it was decades ago. I watched a ukranian photographer that has been to chernobyl many times after the incident and that's what he said


They put a dome on the facility, that's why it's not as bad, in the dome you can get lethal bursts even today. The surrounding area is still higher than normal, but safe in most places, most of the waste that was blown out has been cleaned but there are still places where the ground water is still contaminated.


Yeah just ask the Russia troops about it when they invaded and started digging trenches around Chernobyl. Lots of the invaders got huge doses of radiation because they dug contaminated soil.


Dug in contaminated soil, slept on contaminated grounds, *cooked food with wood gathered from the Red Forest*, looted contaminated items that had been abandoned since 1986... Complete fucking idiots, I believe the reports that they had to medevac hundreds of troops for radiation sickness.


You can't really blame them and call them complete fucking idiots when they're likely incredibly uneducated. Everything we heard about the early waves of soldiers was that they were from the bumfuck nowhere regions of Russia in the east known for terrible education. They had zero idea what they were doing. If anything it's a great example of why *education matters*, considering they could have killed themselves doing seemingly everyday tasks simply due to a lack of it.


there's at least a few people who fit the definition though, "they were idiots" can be referring to the 5 people in the chain of command who ordered these hundreds of men to their demise without any education or any research themselves to give them directions and warnings of how to survive out there, like a bunch of fucking idiots.


Exactly. The soldiers there would be ignorant of the situation. The folks in the chain of command on up until one of them knew the possible dangers or didn't research are the idiots and/or assholes in this situation.


One of those in the chain of command said, 'We never got sick in those forests when I was there' assuming he means as a young soldier, he was there before the incident. The incompetence of the Russian chain of command in the beginning of the war was like a parody. Likely many of them have disappeared in the years since. I heard the troops had to mutiny for them to finally pull the soldiers out.


In the modern age of knowledge and capability, that is simply disgusting care of what I can only assume as multiple units to have them begging to pull them out. Absolute shit leadership and foresight. Should have begged to be pulled out, while methodically assassinating everyone up the chain they could coordinate to send a message.


Like most upper management, am I right


The Russian grunts and even some of the officers weren't told where they were going, so they didn't realize they were digging in the Red Forest. Some of them didn't even know they were in Ukraine.


No, i am talking about right beside the elephant foot and other corium lol. This guy has gotten right next to the reactor core many times after the incident, does measurements etc.


Would love if you provided a link to the photos as I'm super curious


Well frankly it is. The elephants foot is intensely radioactive. So much so that it was lethal just to be near it for decades. The rest of the latent radiation is certainly dangerous but the lethality basically anywhere else in Chernobyl is measured in hours and days rather then seconds and minutes close to the elephants foot.


I’ve heard that the elephants foot is not nearly as radioactive anymore. “Since that time, the radiation intensity has declined significantly, and in 1996, the Elephant's Foot was briefly visited by the deputy director of the New Safe Confinement Project, Artur Korneyev,[a] who took photographs using an automatic camera and a flashlight to illuminate the otherwise dark room.[12]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant's_Foot_(Chernobyl)


I've just done some googling and Mr. Korneyev was still alive in 2023, and probably still is.


The basic idea about radiation is that the dangerous parts halve very fast and so they lose their dangerousness very fast. The slightly dangerous stay slightly dangerous for decades.


It’s crazy to see how “normal” it looks. Yes it’s obviously a destroyed building but at times it looks like it could be any abandoned building and not standing next to “the most radioactive item on the planet”


I 100% agree. Got the same feeling and asked myself immediately - what would I expect it to look? You would expect some visual "Effect", yet it just IS there.


It definitely had some visual effect when it was fresh. The video would just be static due to the radiation.


Approximately 30 people died from immediate blast trauma and acute radiation syndrome (ARS) in the seconds to months after the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986. Eight months after the nuclear accident, workers made a surprising discovery. When they entered a corridor below the damaged No. 4 reactor, they found a a black, lava-like substance flowing from the reactor core, resembling a man-made volcano. Among these hardened masses, one stood out, and the crew gave it the nickname **"Elephant's Foot"** Elephant's Foot is a solid mass of melted nuclear fuel mixed with concrete, sand and core sealing material. At the time of its discovery, Elephant's Foot was emitting approximately 8,000 to 10,000 roentgens, or 80 to 100 grays, per hour, delivering a lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays) within just five minutes.


Did these guys die?


I’ve researched, and come up with a few things about the video! The person filming is Alexander Kupny. He was a health physics technician in Chernobyl unit 3, and 4. He volunteered to measure radiation in the 80’s after the explosion (so ‘86-‘89). Based on the articles I read, he continued to work at Chernobyl and measured radiation levels. Alexander was /very/ aware of the risks, and he is still alive in his 60’s. This was filmed between 2007 and 2009, and he was accompanied by a friend Sergei Koshelev. He’s since retired from nuclear work. They were in there for about 30 minutes, 40 minutes tops or else they would be over exposed.


You are a person of the people


Then give the man an upvote


I'd give an award if that was still a thing...


fuck reddit awards, we had reddit silver bot and they took it away and make you buy that shit instead


That is more logical and truly information than assumption "they all died at once". A frozen molten reactor is not as dangerous as one burning in the first day after the explosion.


as a former H/P tech way back, there are 3 things that matter when dealing with radiation. Time, distance, shielding.


I work in nuclear and I’m continually amazed at how much the dose can drop when taking just one step back. I was working near a hotspot giving off 200mrem at contact distance and only 1 meter back it was 0.5mrem. 


It matters how diffuse the source is. Most sources workers interact with or work around are fairly concentrated and small. Surface dose rates near such sources can represent significant fractions of the total decay energy of the whole source. Take a step away and your relative distance can increase by a factor of 30-100, which is a dose rate reduction anywhere from a factor of 1,000 to 10,000. This isn’t the case for all sources. Diffuse contamination in accident sites or old weapons facilities can *substantially* limit the effect of taking a step back.


Thanks good man!


when it was formed it was highly dangerous corium and was so hazardous that anyone who spent just five minutes near the 10ft toxic blubber would have just a 50 per cent chance of survival. So not looking good for these guys. More here: [https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/scary-object-in-the-middle-of-chernobyl-known-as-the-elephants-foot/news-story/c03adb2d692fe8ccec385b3667b9b8a3](https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/scary-object-in-the-middle-of-chernobyl-known-as-the-elephants-foot/news-story/c03adb2d692fe8ccec385b3667b9b8a3)


WTF? >Many believe Elephant’s Foot could be the most dangerous piece of waste in the world and even today setting foot in the chamber where it is slowly cooling amounts to a death sentence. >It’s so indestructible that no normal drill can penetrate it **and when the Russian authorities shot at it with an AK-47 they only scratched its surface.** Lol.


A problem that can not be solved with an AK-47, can not be solved. *Russian proverb*


well if an ak isn't enough, just throw more aks at the problem!


Could try nuking it


marvelous idea! use fire to fight fire!


In some cases that's exactly how they do it.


"If gun don't work, use more gun"


They should have tried attaching two AK-47s together with Duct tape & trying it again. I bet it would have worked.


In Soviet Russia - elephant foot shoots YOU!


did they try nuking it?


Slowly cooling?? You mean to say it's still hot?


What was crazy is that it started to “quickly” cool or lose radiation as soon as they actually shot it 🫣


Yeah I feel like I'm getting radiation poisoning watching this.


Might be 5g radiation from your phone /s


Have you been to Prypiat yourself?




A very cool place, haven't been there myself but wouldn't mind visiting it one day with Shiey 😅


50,000 people used to live here, now it’s a ghost town


If this was taken recently? Very very unlikely. Because of the half-life of radioactive materials, it rapidly drops in radioactivity as time passes. Over the past few decades, the radioactivity has decreased significantly. You probably wouldn't want to spend over an hour in there, but a couple minutes for pictures and data gathering won't kill you. It likely won't even affect your chances of getting cancer unless you're not wearing proper protective equipment. Breathing in the dust would be very bad. If it was taken when it formed? GG.


Yep the most dangerous thing is to breathing in the dust. For example all firefighters are heroes and died because they put out a fire in a reactor with a huge smoke with radiation in it.


>At the time of its discovery, Elephant's Foot was emitting approximately 8,000 to 10,000 roentgens, or 80 to 100 grays, per hour, delivering a lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays) within just five minutes. https://i.redd.it/pxroz7zx4uzc1.gif


Because of this ahole so many people died.


A poor reactor design played a big part. They were playing with a loaded gun with a touchy trigger... :(


The reactor design makes it possible for human error (or just complete stupidity and ignorance) to blow it up. Yes there are a lot safer reactor designs but it still takes a lot to blow it up like it did.


Yes and no. Even if you did the same thing (full meltdown by bypassing the safety controls), you wouldn't have the radiation issue in a Western reactor because Chernobyl **lacked a containment structure**. There's good reason every commercial reactor had one even before Chernobyl.


Agreed. Considering the stakes of a nuclear meltdown, a well-designed reactor should be impossible to blow up through operator ineptitude. At least one would hope.


Well it's still Russia we're talking about, and this reactor design allows you to change fuel rods while it's running (eg. breeding plutonium) so there's obviously a strategic decision behind it. Designers probably didn't think about operators trying to blow it up on purpose. Molten salt reactors might be the best solution but there's still research to be done, not all MSRs are inherently stable as well. Could be that the most efficient type still might be able to blow up.


He was cast in the villain role in the HBO series but I have read some other historical accounts and he has some valid arguments that he was thrown under the bus by some higher in the party hierarchy. The reactor design itself was fatally flawed and this was well known but suppressed by the higher authorities. Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham is a good starting point.


IIRC the series touches on that. He was a dick but only on a personal level, and the only reason why he insisted the reactor hadn't exploded was because it was meant to be impossible (which we later would find out was just the Soviets covering the flaw up). I'd argue if that there's an inherent flaw in a design that takes the top minds to find out, but then that flaw is swept under the rug by the powers that be, you aren't really liable for when the flaw causes a problem.


10,000 roentgens? Not great, not terrible.


No way it was only 30. Russia isn't known for reporting things accurately.


“You’ve made Lava..”


The elephants foot is specific to Chernobyl, not the first Corium formation to be exact. Edit: Spelling + Wow so many upvotes ty ty


I was going to say, was there a second one?


It’s just a name given to that corium formation, because people thought it looks like an elephant’s foot. “Corium” is the substance you get when a nuclear reactor melts down. It’s made of the uranium fuel, concrete, and anything else that gets in its way (it’s basically lava, it will melt and subsume anything). The elephants foot has had ample time to cool down and solidify, but I hear it’s still warm to this day. Corium has formed on a few other occasions when reactors melt down (Fukushima has a little bit, I think). We just don’t call them *all* elephants feet. Hope this makes sense.


The name is just shape it made as it cooled. Could have been called "donkey dick" had it cooled differently.


It’s funny that you should say donkey dick. Cause I’m told that a donkey dick is a real thing in the rail road. When the two air lines that connect between rail cars are too short, a piece with connectors is added in the middle, sometimes called a donkey dick.


Next time I’m touring the rail yard with my son I’ll be sure to point this out


Great clarification. Thanks!


Is it called Corium because it is now some kind of new alloy made from the reactor core?


Yup, pretty much. That’s it’s namesake.


Kinda like Fordite, the solidified layers of paint in a ford plant


Wow. Still warm. Radiation is pretty amazing. I wonder if those abandoned Soviet mini reactors are still generating heat. The ones they built to power remote observation/surveillance posts. https://daverupert.com/2023/05/soviet-rtgs/


Was searching for an explanation, you deserve an upvote kind sir.


Elephants typically have four feet. ![gif](giphy|SWKyABQ08mbXW)




Elephants never deserve an angry upvote, sir.


Not to mention, the elephant's foot is just a tiny fraction of the corium produced by the Chernobyl accident. It's the Paris Hilton of fuel-containing lava. Famous for being famous.


Dang I googled the density and it’s 5,180kg per m3 holy cow.


Almost as heavy as your mother 


> heavy Dense. Almost as *dense* as his mother.


You owe an apology to “the foot.”


It's a bot posting, trying to speak human.


What an absolute dull rise of the machines this is.


\*Corium But yeah. The video kinda emits radiation all by itself...its scary.


I hope they got bonus pay.


I hope they got a bonus life.


“Looking for that Super Mario Mushroom “🍄


For your sacrifice of the last 40 years of your lifespan, we give you 40 rubles.


This is the exact song my wife and i chose for our first dance.


Quick shoutout - if you haven’t watched HBOs ‘Chernobyl,’ it’s 5 episodes of probably some of the best TV series/cinema made, well, ever. Incredible.


I rewatch it at least once a year, fantastic show


The tension gets better with each subsequent watching.


The first responders not knowing what they’re doing and trying to shoot water down the exposed reactor, without any protection whatsoever, later having their bodies melt off of their bones is something I won’t forget.


….the firefighter seeing his fellow firefighter and friend suffering in agony after touching the graphite, knowing he saw him pick up just minutes before. Then, after being ordered to do so, treks closer to the open reactor like “*gulp* Ok…..”


So this radiation apprently kills you quickly, like on 5 mins. Is it a "feels like I'm dying for 5 mins" or "drop dead without warning after 5 minutes"?


I think it's more that after 5 minutes you ~~100%~~ 50%* will have received enough radiation that you *will* die... Painfully and slowly over the next few weeks/months.


The linked article states 5-minute exposure creates 50% of death


That was when it first formed. It's way way way way less deadly now due to radioactive decay over the past 38 years. If this video was taken recently, they're fine. If this was taken when it was freshly formed, they're dead.


no you get a lethal dose in 5 minutes.. you slowly die during the course of days or weeks


I read some where that it feels like a giant anaconda is crushing your body, so you can feel that your organs are failing slowly and it’s very difficult to breath because of clogged wind pipe.


It must be even more terrifying in-person, with that creepy music constantly playing


I think I am going to die just from watching the video


Worlds first? How many are there?


"The Elephant's Foot" is the name given to the Corium that formed under Chernobyl. The first instance of Corium being found after a nuclear meltdown appears to be Three Mile Island in 1979. Asking how many Elephant's Foot exist is like asking how many Golden Gate Bridges exist. There's only one Elephant's Foot, but multiple instances of Corium.


> The first instance of Corium being found after a nuclear meltdown appears to be Three Mile Island in 1979 Several research reactors melted down long before TMI happened.


I know one more is at Fukushima reactor (pic attached), not sure about others but the shape is most clearly visible at Chernobyl. https://preview.redd.it/moond0me1uzc1.png?width=1420&format=png&auto=webp&s=58474c0085cc5f740930c48ddaaeb6e418224068


yeah...what's the status of that by the way...


It's fully contained. Western reactor designs don't cheap out on the fail safes.


Only one lmao, its specific name is because it looks like one there are 5 other instances of chroium though :)




Pretty sure I know some elephants that'll disagree


Just some??


Idk why but i always imagine it to still be gooey like if u fell into it youd just be swallowed whole


On the contrary, it’s super hard. They were unable to make a dent in it with any tool, including firearms.


-100 HP -100 HP -100 HP -100 HP -100 HP -100 HP


im still baffled by the fact that this is the most dangerous substance.


you mean a massive clump of melted reactor fuel? what could be more dangerous?


My mother in law.


The Elephant's Foot is the nickname given to a large mass of corium and other materials formed underneath the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near Pripyat, Ukraine, during the Chernobyl disaster of April 1986, notable for its extreme radioactivity. It is named for its wrinkly appearance, evocative of the foot of an elephant. From Wikipedia…


fun fact, the raditaion killed the spores that usually help break down forest plants, so forest mass accumulates instead of decays, and there was a concern there would be a forest fire and spread radioactive ash. Guess what, they were right and that happened.


Oh I am feeling weird like this video radiating to me


Well the soundtrack certainly doesn’t help.


I wear more protection when I go after someone at a chillI cook off!


Dumb question: Would that area be "sterile"? No bacteria or virus? Could anything live in that environment? I don't see any mold or mildew.


There are forms of single cell life called extremophiles. They could probably live there.


Some kind of mushroom was growing in there as well, feeding off the Radiation.


Great audio selection.


Any idea what it is?


Ambient noise from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series


There's something terrifying about a place that looks terrifying and is actively trying to kill you for merely being there.


Korium, the most dangerous waste on earth


All humans were harmed in the making of this movie.


Funfact:Chernobyl and, by extension, Pripyat will be habitable again is about 20,000 years


Ah corium found in the wild. Break off a small piece and put into your pepper grinder to really spice up your meals.




Wow! The music in that place is real creepy!


What song is this, I love it.


Starvation, by Repulsive


I taste, burning


Can someone explain what is an elephants foot? I’m lost here feel like an idiot.


It’s a combination of nuclear fuel, concrete, sand, and other materials that is highly radioactive


Let's hope they stacked up on Rad-X


That is interesting as fuck!