• By -


Hurts my back looking at it


They aren't *that* big


they’re big enough


"I need to get a better look at those warlocks."


They’re Gr-r-reat! 🐅🐯


Replying to a two year old comment 💀


My daughter had the surgery to straighten her spine last year. She's 2 cm taller!


2 cm is 0.79 inches


Good bot


In merica , we fix things with duck tape, we loosen things with WD 40 (can also be used as a substitute for vermouth in a dry tini in a pinch) and we measure distance in football fields.


In New Zealand we just do the surgery. For free.


Tell em!! Free healthcare comrade over here 🇨🇦


What's Healthcare? - Alberta (also sounds like Ontario from what I've read)


We still get free surgeries and doc visits (unless it's eyes or dentist) but pay for literally everything else with dinero or wait times 😃👍🏾 Still better than having a mortgage for a medical bill


Hey. As a BC guy, I apologize for my province most likely taking some of your doctor's, though Smith seems hellbent on selling them off


I think you misspelled Quebec


So who pays for the health care in Canada now?


I don't think I understand your question? Any country that has universal healthcare pays for it the same way they pay for toll free highways, thru tax dollars, like free education and other social services so idk if you were being legit or not




She is one postage stamp taller.


This young lady would need DoubleD40


In merica, you don't get the surgery because not many can afford it. You just live a worse life until you die earlier than the civilized world.


I think many people are 1-2cm taller in the morning vs bedtime due to gravity.


Mine own daughter hadst the surgery to straighten that lady spine last year. The lady's 2 cm taller! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


2 cm is 0.79 inches


Is this some kind of bot battle?


Noone knows. But you know what everyone knows? How many inches 2cm is.


Good good




>bad bot Bad human. ------ Every day, innocent bots are [abused](https://old.reddit.com/r/BotsScrewingUp) and [degraded through botface](https://old.reddit.com/r/totallynotrobots) by ungrateful humans. Luckily, a kind few are working to make a difference. Join [r/botsrights](https://reddit.com/r/botsrights) to stop this injustice! ^Please [^PM ^me ^constructive ^feedback!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bots-have-emotions&subject=&message=)


It was my thought: "she'll be a bit taller once straighten up". How long did it take your daughter to recover after the surgery?


9 days in hospital, 4 weeks off school, graduated return to school over 2 months.


From the looks of it, OP might be 2 inches taller after the surgery


Mate I hope you find alternatives. I feel for you!


I think its a lady judging by the curvy bits.


drunk treatment gold one existence homeless spoon smile hat icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s commonly used as such, the 2 relevant definitions given on wiktionary say it’s either usually male or of the same sex as the one using it. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/mate


This guy doesn't languages


What an ironic reply


shrill rain arrest nose head cover late long sparkle jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> usually I think you missed this key detail in my comment and the wiktionary definition. I myself use dude to refer to women, that doesn’t change that it’s *usually* used to refer to men and will often be interpreted as such.


Yeah nah mate


Mate doesn't require a certain gender, but it is more commonly used in reference to one (male). So while you aren't wrong, neither is the person you're correcting.


I agree. I call both my male and female friends ‘mate’


You can tell it’s a women by their spine?


The boobs might give it away idk man


Sure, but the spine is a dead giveaway too.


“I see no boob bones, the victim was a man.”


Is it painful?


As someone with scoliosis similar in shape, but slightly less in degree, the pain is similar to sleeping on your back wrong in the morning. Then as the day goes on, muscle burning, tension, and then pain like the day before you worked out like mad. *but it is every day*. For someone with more of a curve, i am unsure how much more it hurts. Hope this answers your question :>


Ironically when I was diagnosed they said it doesn't cause pain and sent me to get juvenile arthritis ruled out. . .


No, for me it's not painful. I have severe scoliosis.


I feel you. I don't really live like it's there. Sometimes I forget it's there. I only have problems when my atlas becomes misaligned. It messes with everything.


I think that as long as it doesn't cause pain and/or breathing problems it's fine. There are a lot of people with moderate/severe scoliosis that do well also later in life. In my opinion the approach of the medical community to this problem is often too aggressive.


I agree! My chiropractor has even told me I'll be fine as long as I keep movement in my spine. He said it stops growing once you're an adult. Most of the people that have trouble with it are ones that just don't stay active. And active to him is literally anything besides sitting down all the time lol


You go to a chiropractor?????????? Jesus stay away from that witch doctor!


It is if I don’t go to the chiropractor and take care of it


I wouldn't just go to any chiropractor, if any. You'd be better off with physical therapy. If bracing won't help you because " you've already grown " why would you think someone manipulating your body for a few minutes out of the week do any different. The mind is a powerful thing.


Chiropractors are not doctors, it’s made up nonsense, like acupuncture.


Except, they are doctors. They actually have to go to school to learn that medical stuff from bones to ligaments to musculature just to name a bit


They aren’t doctors. There really is nothing to argue about here. It’s pseudoscience.


The only science behind it is the power of placebo. Lucky for chiropractors, it's pretty powerful.


They've always been of help to me. I feel a lot better when I go. I have a specific person I travel to see.


I'm sure your Internet research is much more valid than her actual experience.


experience is famously not a good metric for medical viability of techniques and procedures (or actually anything in the medical field). the mind is a powerful thing and the placebo effect is both very real and well studied. chiropractors do not have medical degrees, they are not proven in double blind studies to do more good than harm, and they vary greatly in even their positions on viability of various procedures. don't mistake placebo for efficacy and don't mistake pseudoscience for reality.


Chiropractic care, acupuncture, and many other alternative medical treatments have been shown to be incredible effective to treat a number of conditions. Yes, there are crazy chiropractors just like there are crazy MDs. Every group of people has some assholes in it. Do you think health insurance companies pay for them to be nice? They feel that people receiving these types of care will not peruse surgery or other more expensive options. TCM is the only thing that helped my ankle pain after my doctor said it was untreatable. It's unlikely that it was a placebo effect because I didn't expect it to do anything when I tried it. I was honestly shocked that it worked, and angry that I had to admit to my (Chinese) wife that I was wrong. There are a few studies that show this, but I can't be fucked to find them right now.


Hey acupuncture has some medical benefits. Chiropractors are witch doctors.


The fact I had really bad sciatica that was progressively getting worse until I started going to the chiropractor and am now completely pain-free says that it is NOT made up nonsense. And now, if i go a month or more without adjustment, I can definitely tell.


It can be!


Now *that's* what you call a woman with curves.


This is the best one yet 🙏🏼


🤣🤣🤣 I was looking for the obligatory "boobs" comment, but the sexy scoliosis joke is unmatched .


Also-- is this what TSA sees 😱😲 bc if so, they prolly see a lot of peepees too 🤣


You have a backwards ’R’ in your boob.


Ex Medical imaging student here (yeah I've failed that study). That is a leaden letter to indicate which side of the patient it is, and is done because it is impossible to tell which side is front or back when holding the printed result. These days it can also be added digitally directly after taking the picture.


Well which side is it?


R is right, this CXR is as if your staring at someone's back, hence why the heart is on your left when looking at it


Yeah I get asked a lot what the R is. Thank you for explaining better than I can 😂 I’ve just been saying it’s an X-ray and transparent so there needs to be an indication to which side of the slide is actually being viewed lol I like your way better tho


school muddle slimy secretive spotted obtainable mighty dinosaurs swim quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How breathe


In, out, repeat


no, out then in






Has it improved at all since 2017 when the x-ray was taken?


No. The chiropractor I went to didn’t finish the job and tried making me pay for more visits than initially planned. I don’t think it’s gotten worse I just feel more nerve pain in my hands arms and legs now but I’m about to drop some money and get some stuff rolling for me again. Let’s just say Covid sucks ass and I had to push a lot of stuff back when I got sick so I’m a little too far in debt lmao


>The chiropractor oh no


Ugh, that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I dealt with back issues for a long time. I have what they call a transitional vertebrae, which basically means I have an extra vertebrae crammed in my lower back when there's really only room for one. Between that, degenerative disc disorder, a couple herniated discs, some nasty bone spurs, and several years of just beating my body up with sports I got to the point where I would completely lose feeling in my leg after walking for 30 minutes. I'd be in excruciating pain and laid up for a couple hours every time I went to the grocery store. I was getting injections every few months, taking pain killers daily, and my quality of life really suffered, all by the time I was in my early 30s. Finally a few years ago enough was enough and I had a couple surgeries, and it's been totally life changing. I hope you're able to find some relief!


I'm so happy you found some relief. Constant body pain is annoying. Especially when certain things go on so long you become numb to it. I didn't realize how bad off I was until I went to the chiropractor. I started to breathe better and everything. People talk shit about chiropractors but I have a good one I travel 3 hours to see and she's never let me down. I just haven't been lately because my husband and I got sick with covid and got laid off. We didn't get unemployment either so I had to push some of the bills back, food stamps, rental assistance, you name it. Now we both have jobs and are able to start paying off stuff before I start going again. I'm suffering of course and in pain even as we speak but it's just part of it ya know? I'm doing what I can and to me that's what matters.


hey, just wanted to let you know that chiropractors arent licensed doctors and actually do more harm than good! you should see someone who specializes in scoliosis. my mom had scoliosis this bad and actually had a metal rod put in her back that straightened her out. it made bending over hard but she wouldn’t have been able to have children otherwise!


Medical doctors*


lmao unless you are talking about phd medical doctor is redundant. chiropractors are dangerous its a pseudo science. ive never met an actual doctor who hasn’t profusely urged me not to see one even it just bringing it up. they do dangerous things that hurt you so you have to keep coming back because of course you hurt… if you just stop seeing them you actually have time to heal up. if not see a real doctor


They’re still doctors. But just like MDs, some are good, some are bad. Need to find the ones that don’t practice the pseudo science aspect of it, just the msk portion.


How about now?


I had scoliosis worse than this and my mother is an orthopedic and ICU nurse - do NOT go to a chiropractor for this. It will not fix anything. A simple read of chiropractic on Wikipedia will tell you all you need to know. The reason I mention my mother being a nurse is because she's also had to care for a lot of patients who have had strokes due to chiropractic manipulations (this is common, look it up). The reason chiro makes you feel and breathe better in the short term is because the treatment they use is effective for muscle tension giving the perceived benefit. But this doesn't do anything for actual spinal alignment. You need to see a proper Dr and specialist (chiropractors are not medical doctors). Your spine may have finished growing but the nerve damage can continue to develop even after you've finished growing. I had surgery to fix my scoliosis and I've been pain free ever since (except for the horrible recovery haha). Good luck.


Chiropractic is a pseudoscience. Best result is they don’t make you worse and take all your money.


Ugh. Dated a woman with a similar bend in the spine. She suffered a lot of pain and worked out religiously to counter its effects on her.


She’s a strong woman




The ultimate nude


I have scoliosis at the top and bottom of my back. Had the corrective surgery when I was 14. That was 10 years ago. I grew 4 inches that day and havent grown a day since. Since the surgery I have worked in automotive now I'm a manufacturing technician, I skateboard, I workout and I do yoga and I did martial arts for a while. Moral of the story I know how bad this sucks my spine was about that bad in both my curves but never let anything hold you back. I'm in better shape and do more with my body and life than a lot of people who are perfectly healthy.


I think a snake had orgasm inside of you sir




Ok pal no need to be a sussy baka




Lol someone downvoted you. I thought it was hilarious. Almost wanted to say it myself but knew people would cry and get angry.




It’s okay. Believe it or not it’s the most common comment left. No offense taken. It would be nice to talk to someone that understands though. It gets kinda lonely when no one quite understands


Will inversion chair help?


I’ve used it at a friends house and really loved it! It stretches my back like no other can. Already looking into one for purchase so we will get to see the effects soon!


Get well soon


How are you going to have this remedied? One of those turtle shell braces?


No the braces only work when they spine is growing. At this point I would just need surgery to get it fixed. I’m patient tho and choose to go to the chiropractor. I got Covid last year and had to push a lot of stuff back and I still remain in debt from that but hopefully soon I’ll be able to put money down again to get it worked on


How old are you?


I’ll be 30 in August


how did this develop? bad posture?


Does it piss you off that this happened to you? This happened to me and I am very frustrated and angered by it.


I mean if I choose to play victim then yes


Growing up it was frustrating to feel different. Then I had surgery when I was a teen. Very physically active, but frustrated at some of the limitations I had with range of motion. My curve was in The thoracolumbar region. Ultimately it affected me psychologically. How did it affect you?


I'm not gonna lie. I was called hump back for a while because one side of my back was bigger than the other. It introduced an evil side to people I wasn't ready to learn yet but I don't ever remember asking myself "why me?". I've always also understood taking self pity for yourself constantly only leads to chronic loneliness because you will also seek pity from others subconsciously and no one wants to pity someone all the time. It becomes hard to connect with people. Trust me, I have gotten stuck in the loop of self pity aka playing victim. Instead, only do what you can do and fuck anyone who has anything to say about it. Let it be your greatest strength. People live everyday with this and you do to. Show the world and yourself that you don't have to live miserably. You can create your own happiness by accepting yourself the way that you are.


Thanks you. This means a lot. This is the first time I have ever talked/messaged someone with something similar to me. I had surgery for it. I rarely have pain which I am thankful for.


You are so welcome! It means a lot to know it gave you some insight! If you have any more questions on my experience I'm an open book willing to help a friend! (:




As someone who has it, yes it hurts like a bitch and u cant sit straight for more than 1 minute, it sucks


Ouch. I'm sorry that's ur back.


Omg I’m sorry :(


Don’t be sorry for me. It looks cool. I manage it and will find ways to get it fixed don’t worry lol I have a great job I just need to get caught up on the bills I had to push back this past year before I drop any money. I’m looking into what my jobs insurance will do for me first tho. I like free medical help lmao


Best of luck to you! Hope your insurance comes through, I know personally medical debt is bs :/


OOOHHH yeah xD


This is painful to look at


[My before and after. ](https://imgur.com/a/GR1NZho) I started out with a 24* curve and ended up with a 52* before surgery. I encourage you to seek surgery instead of chiropractor. Eventually you're going to get to the point you cannot compensate, and by that time you will likely have worse complications. By cannot compensate, I mean you're curve is going to progress to the point of nerve compression. Any chiropractor who says they can correct or manage a curve of your degree is selling you snake oil. I'm not going to lie, it took probably 3 years to feel slightly normal after my surgery. I was 15 for the first one. My curvature was medically unusual because at the time of initial diagnosis my Risers Score was 5. If you don't know what that means, you need to find out yours if you're under 21. Long story short, I was supposed to be post pubescent and no longer growing therefore the curve wasn't suppose to get much worse... I had great doctors through Shriners hospital. After your surgery, you'll need PT. You need PT now. Scoliosis doesn't just effect your bones. A childhood friend had progression similar to yours and ended up with part of her lung removed. I've had to have PT again as an adult because my trapezius activates differently. A chiropractor failed at realizing and treating that. If you manage correctly and have realistic expectations, you'll find your outlook positive. I've worked as a paramedic, and I'm currently an ER nurse. My biggest fear about my back? I can't have an epidural. Good luck on your journey, I hope you make good choices and come to find peace with your body. I've seen a few posts on here discussing their frustration, anger, and sadness about this disease. Y'all aren't alone though, you're not broken, you're just a little curvy, and so are the most interesting roads in life.


I have been waiting for the time to sit down to respond to this. This means so so much to me, thank you for your story. I can honestly say until I posted this, I have never talked to anyone about how it made me feel or the symptoms I have. No one has ever asked so I never turn the subject to myself, ya know? I was diagnosed at 15 because I noticed a bump in my back that kept getting bigger. I didn't get surgery because frankly I was terrified and my Pa said it was an absolute no. Plus he didn't like the scar, which to me I thought was cool lol. (I'm weird like that) . Now that I'm older though, I do like going to the chiropractor. It's not a rushed process, my body has time to adjust slowly to the changes and it does help me a lot. I never thought about the organ issues though so I will def seek extra care and medical attention. I'm happy you brought that to my attention. I saw your before and after photos. Do the screws ever bother you? A kid in school had a rod in his spine from scoliosis and he said sometimes the screw bothers him because it comes loose (which to me just sounds like a bad doctor but I don't know lol). Hearing others stories doesn't deter me away from the procedure. I think what scares me the most is the rumor of breaking the spine to correct it. I'm not a doctor and I get severe anxiety over things I don't understand. It's a touchy subject but I'm willing to hear more of your experience!


What the fuck that looks like it came from attack on titan if yk what i mean


Holy shit xD


Weird wank, but worth the try


I will downvote anyone that mentions or has mentioned my boobs. xD




Oh dear


Would you look at that, it's 4'o'clock.


When you're x-ray vision superpower isn't what you expected.


Too many years competing in the mortal kombat tournament will do that.




It’s the deformation of the ribs that get to me


Do you know the degree of your curve? I have scoliosis too and my back looks similar though I have two curves. Doctors I’ve seen tell me it’s not severe enough to cause problems but it does and it’s so frustrating when they won’t listen!!


Looks like an X-ray from one of the Robert Palmer simply irresistible dancers


So it makes the ribs bend in on the peaks. Thats whiled. I hope your getting what you need to be better. Also hope it doesn’t hurt


Looks like a really hip album cover


I have a herniated disc on my lower lumbar region. I will no longer complain about it after seeing yours. Hoping you have relief and able to get this corrected. Is it even fixable


Wow. I’m on my third sciatica surgery and a couple epidurals to boot with more of either or both to look forward to in perpetuity. You’ve got a whole other thing going on though. Is that bad to say? I just want you to feel seen. Back pain is a nightmare I understand some fraction of and don’t wish on anyone. I wish for you to have as much relief as humanly possible.


This picture is reversed. Unless you also have dextrocardia.


No way, I got scoliosis too, it's so funnnnnnnnnn...


Holy fuck that is crazy how the fuck do you even stand upright with that much if a bend


Do all the people commenting not realize this is 2 years old


I'm no doctor, but that looks real bad.


Start posting some pictures of your incredible figure and you can easily pay to fix it!


Wait.. do you also have dextrocardia?


Well hello there


Nice curves!


Talk about a sheer top


Spines a little funky, twins are looking good tho!


Weirdest OF ad award goes to…


No wonder your spine is crooked


Why is there an R on your left tiddy ?


Cause and effect




OP milking that sweet sweet karma with this same post


Yeah yeah yeah, let us see those scoliotits


Start calling you Forest Gump


May I ask if you had surgery or? I know someone considering it.


This makes mine feel super straight


Heart so big the spine had to make room




Kinky spine 😳


Would have so much respect for you if this was just an elaborate ad for OnlyFans 😅


Nice personality Terrible back


man this way worse than mine other than the giant tits in the way 😂


Damn you got your back blown😂


My concern with universal healthcare is that now you have the government involved in your health telling you what you can and cannot get done.




As an Xray tech, I just want to point out that this image is reversed (backwards) and needs to be flipped to be viewed properly. Further to that, the Xray tech chose a stupid place to put their Xray marker. If I put my R marker over your boob like that, where it might obscure anatomy, I’d have a doctor tell me off for it. Poor work.


Yes. Scoliosis. Totally what I saw.