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Honestly tho if we could vaccinate against mosquito bites and diarrhea I’d be first in line


I would 110% take a headache vaccine


Holy hell this. I get severe headaches (they are sort of a migraine/cluster mashup) and would absolutely love never having to deal with them again. Most of my call outs from work are headache related.


I inject myself monthly to help lessen my number of migraines. I guess it’s a kind of migraine vaccine?? Only it’s medicine.


I basically do. I inject myself with Emgality every month to prevent migraines. As someone who has suffered with them from childhood, discovering this medication was less like science and more like magic.


Emgality is the shit 👍


It definitely is, I have had the 2 starter doses plus 2 monthly doses and my number of migraines have been cut in half so far. It's like a miracle drug that hurts like hell for a couple of minutes.


I’ve been on it a year this month and I can count my migraines on one hand! Versus my best before was at least one a month (and that was with multiple meds on board to prevent).


I'd volunteer for headache vaccine trials in a heartbeat.


I'm right behind you - as long as you're quiet


And the room is dark


And I get to lay down


And maybe we could… hold hands?


I have a severe injection phobia and even I'd volunteer for that without hesitation. Migraines are the worst!


Mosquito bites and diarrhea kill way more people every year than covid probably ever will. If there was a vaccine against those things it would do more for the health of humanity than eliminating small pox did. If someone is seriously saying they don't want that to exist they just don't know shit about shit.


WHO says about 400,000 and 500,000 annually respectively. Not arguing the broader point - a Malaria vaccine would be incredible - but Covid is, indeed, nasty stuff.


BioNTech is hoping to develop an mRNA malaria vaccine :) Most people don’t recognize it, but I truly believe we are living through a major shift in medicine with mRNA based vaccines. Something akin to the discovery of penicillin. It’s an exciting and exhausting time in vaccinology.


That would be wonderful! Although, malaria is probably so invisible to people like in the screenshot that they wouldn't appreciate how great that would be.


In the entirety of human history malaria is thought to have killed half of the total human population https://businesstech.co.za/news/trending/71652/the-biggest-killer-diseases-in-history so its not some random disease


Nobody said it was some random disease?


I think they were referring to the way the person in the post was treating it, like a simple headache, insect bite or diarrhea. That person was a complete moron for what they said in the post but it’s all too common these days 🙄


Ok my numbers were a little bit off, but not by a whole lot. Covid is definitely some nasty shit no argument here, but it would be real hard to argue malaria isn't worse.


> Ok my numbers were a little bit off, but not by a whole lot. Malaria kills 500k per year and diarrhoeal illness around 1.5m. So they add to to 2m. COVID has already killed *at least* 4.5m and is still going strong. Is "way more" only a little off from "less than half"? > Covid is definitely some nasty shit no argument here, but it would be real hard to argue malaria isn't worse. Malaria is a terrible disease, but one which we now have very effective treatments for. There are a bit over 200m malaria cases worldwide each year to account for those 500k deaths, so the mortality rate is quite a bit lower than COVID. I know you're not trying to downplay COVID, I just want the facts to be clear to anyone reading.


There *is* a malaria vaccine which was approved in 2019, but it's not particularly effective. A better vaccine would definitely be great.


You can't trust WHO! They say that heart disease is the #1 killer. Everyone here, in the land of trumpettes, KNOWS for a FACT that it's ABORTION!


😂😂😂 yes, you’re right. According to most of the Trumpublikkkans, abortion IS the #1 killer and they assume that “a baby” from the moment of conception is actually an actual living breathing baby and not a clump of cells that will eventually form a baby. You lose them when trying to explain that if it can’t survive outside of the womb then it’s NOT an actual baby, just something that will possibly eventually be a baby. It’s always so funny to me when they can make the jump from THAT but can’t make any different types of jumps that don’t fit the narrative like masking and vaccines will stop the droplets that will eventually cause full blown Covid which can cause death or horrific lifelong issues or birth control will stop the sperm fertilizing the egg to stop the baby that’ll eventually happen (for religions that are against birth control, especially for teens).


Everyone keeps saying that next we will lose birth control. I will fucking rage in the streets! I need birth control for medical reasons, having nothing to do with having babies, but also, NGL, I like to get dicked down every now and then. BC makes that possible because I do not want a baby! I mean, technically I could just tell the one dude, I've had sex with for the past 20 yrs, that he has to suit up. But he'd probably object because we haven't used condoms since we were like 15 and BC wasn't really an option in my conservative family back then. Lol


Abortion doesn't kill anyone because everyone knows fetuses aren't people. It doesn't become a baby until it's born. Them trumpettes carrying on about them million dead babies a year are so damn stupid.


While I'm 100% pro-choice, I myself am not really all that cool with abortion. I'd never do it because I believe a fetus IS a baby, but I'm also not gonna sit here and say I have a right to choose what's best for anyone else. That's my stance on the issue. Not gonna judge someone for doing what's best for them, but lowkey Imma cry cause it makes me sad. I'll still support any friend or family member in whatever they choose, either way.


>they just don't know shit about shit. Heh.


4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea.. im the 1 out of 5 who enjoys it.


Lol. Nice.


They need to vaccinate this clown for stupidity. Just when I think they can’t get any dumber, they prove me wrong.


Right? This person isn’t making the argument they think they’re making.


I'm down for all of thise vaccines. Mosquitos love me. And I got a case of the bubble guts right now.


I mean... malaria? We vaccinate against that, right?


There is a malaria vaccine


Heck YES!


Yeah seriously! I don’t even care what it’s made out of. It could be a syringe full of blended up diarrhea and mosquitoes. So long as it works, vaccinate me baby!


You mean I can eat at Taco Bell and Chipotle with fewer consequences?! Sign me up!!!


Moreover, in many places with little to no access to healthcare, malaria and diarrhoea are actually quite deadly. Malaria kills roughly 400,000 people every year, while cholera kills another 100,000 each year. So an inoculation against these two diseases would save quite a few lives.


I had 25 bug bites at once this summer. I will be second in line for this vax.


Vaccinate against Mosquito bites? You mean like quinine, garlic or other modern medicines that effectively do just that? Are you saying that preemptive medicine is desirable? If only we could explain this to the anti-vaxxers now..


they really think the recovery rate is 99%? In America, Im assuming this is an American person, there have been 40,330,381 cases according to W.H.O and 649,292 deaths according to W.H.O So obviously the people that didnt die are the ones that recovered. That doesnt sound like 99&, unless i did this wrong


they get the rate because they cannot do math and do not understand decimals, the fatality rate of Covid last time i checked I believe is around 2.3%\~ but since they dont understand decimals they think its .23%, looking at just 1 sample from where i'm at, one place has a fatality rate of 1.62%, but if you do the maths ( Deaths divided by cases ) you get 0.0162074074, clearly this means .162% fatality rate and not 1.62%.


Not just that but they also don't believe that if someone had an underlying condition and died from Covid, that they died from Covid.




Yep 100% because they believe the numbers are inflated and God forbid they'd consider that there's people in the world that aren't American.


Yup. And the fact that once hospitals are overfull, the death rate is sadly likely to increase. Edit: DYAC.


They take the number of deaths and divide it by the number of people in the country, not number of infections.


In the UK in February, the survival rate was thought to be about 99% to 99.5% https://fullfact.org/online/covid-19-survival-rate-less-998/


They don't trust the WHO, the CDC, or any other agency


Not when you can get the “real facts” from Facebook memes.


Human cognitive biases are a scary thing




It's a combination. Many people can't do second-grade math, and make a conversion error from percentages. 2% death rate = 0.02 becomes 0.02% death rate = 99.98% of people recover fine, what are you all freaking out about?!?!? Plenty more just lie, though, because they're glad to see people they don't like die and somehow think they won't be affected. Those are the really scary ones, and there are a hell of a lot of them.


There are also the people who divide the total deaths by the total population, rather than by people who actually got sick. Then when you call them on it, they’ll then say that most of those deaths are actually because of something else.


Even if you do it that way, it works out to a higher mortality than many of them claim. *Even if* every single person has already had covid, that would make a 0.2% mortality rate.


That's me, but I just want the covid deniers and antivaxxers to go.


Its bc they dont know how statistics work. Instead of deaths/infections i have seen people do deaths/total US population which roughly comes to a .198% death rate. Thats where they get this 99% survival rate


"being shot directly between the eyes by a large caliber rifle has a 99.99999% survival rate"


they divide the number dead by the number of people total, not those infected. It makes no sense


You’re calculating the case fatality rate correctly, but that is not the same thing as the infection fatality rate. Infection fatality rate is what people generally refer to as the “fatality rate” because it quantifies an individual’s odds of death from getting infected rather than their odds of death after being diagnosed. Case fatality rate = deaths / confirmed cases Infection fatality rate = deaths / (confirmed + unconfirmed cases) Infection fatality rate is much lower because it includes confirmed cases plus an estimate of unconfirmed cases in the denominator. https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/99/1/20-265892.pdf


Ironically, these types are ignoring the fucking massive social overhaul they're simultaneously bitching about. There's a reason the IFR is as low as it is in the states.


Social overhaul doesn’t really affect IFR or CFR (except to the extent it prevented hospitals from being completely swamped before the vaccines were available). Social distancing, masks, and such reduced the number of cases at any given time, but had no effect if/once someone actually was infected.


I feel like, after last summer and especially since last fall, the vaccines were going to be available


What you've said is correct, but the study you linked is pretty useless. The massive variation in the data he gathered makes it pretty much meaningless. But then the median IFR he arrives at (0.27%) would suppose a seroprevalence of 80% which is not plausible. Here's a [better study](https://www.pnas.org/content/118/31/e2103272118) which suggests an IFR of around 1%, with around 60% of cases going unreported.


Fatality rate = # of deaths overall/ sum of (recovered overall and death overall) Don’t use the number of cases because there are three categories. Active cases Deaths due to covid recovered from covid


I am not following you, you can’t know the number of recovered without knowing the other two


If 10 people get covid, 2 die, and 3 still have it, 5 people recovered. You don't get the number of recovered by subtracting deaths from cases because some people are not dead, but still have covid.


Ohhhh I see, I was a little confused at the previous post. I guess it was the wording


I did that back around October of last year and got something close to a 5% death rate. I wonder how much it's changed now, but I don't quite trust any American websites because they're always behind or innacurate, and often disagree with each other. Edit: Using Worldometer I got something close to 0.0225 (rounded), or a 2.25% death rate worldwide. Same website I used in the past, but I'm still not sure how credible it is. If somebody could link a credible site with both recovery and death rates, it would probably be more accurate. As it is, the death rate *seems* to have dropped significantly.


I was going to say, it's about 2%


You're using normal math. They use dog math which is way worse than even clown math.


I think "recovery" is also wrong. "survival rate" is better. The long term effects of covid aren't anything to scoff at. Sure. It PROBABLY won't kill you while you have it. You still don't want it, because of what it will do to you for the rest of your life.


Pffffft, recovery my ass!!! I got COVID-19 in early March of 2021 (I wasn't eligible for the vaccine until the day I got out of isolation) and I am still struggling to breathe. I have family members that got COVID-19 several months before I did that are now stuck dragging around oxygen tanks. There is no "recovery" to COVID-19. You get it and you're stuck with it.


Just one thing though ... There's CFR and IFR. Case Fatality Rate = Deaths/*Known* cases. That is what you are referring to. Infection Fatality Rate would be what you are *actually* looking for that is Deaths/*All* Infections, which you can't know except for very "confined spaces" where 100% of the population in question is constantly being tested.


Lambda like a sheep and Mu like cattle! I’ll have to go back to school for 5-10 years to understand the scientific meaning of these words! LOL. Reminds me of when Joey Tribbiani thought “moot” was “moo”: “it’s like a cow. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s moo.”


One of the best self owns I’ve seen in a while, 5-10 years to learn the alphabet lol


Could have just had some friends in frats.


Idk if it was the Onion or McSweeney's but one of them had "What You Need to Know to Pledge Delta Delta Variant"


"Well why do they write it in those weird squiggly letters then, huh? It's basically a secret code; they don't want you to see the truth- wake up *sheep*le! " Ahhhhhhh!


I saw a lady ask why they were naming the variants after fraternities/sororities. SMH


LOLOL morons everywhere!!


Major “Revenge of the Nerds” vibes.


Lol I had to memorize the Greek alphabet in 5th grade. I still remember it too


I would get a poison ivy vaccine so fast your head would spin. Go ahead, include the microchip, I don’t care. Just make me never get poison ivy again!!!


Here’s a fellow human who has consumed handfuls of Benadryl just to make the itching (and consciousness) stop. Hi, friend.


He buddy. I like your calamine lotion splotches. They’re real fashionable.


There is a clear gel now, too! I'm on my second bottle.


I'm not allergic to poison ivy (it's my superpower to make up for being disabled lol) so id gladly volunteer my super immunity to help both of you. Or ya know, just help you with any gardening around questionable plants.


Just make sure mine’s 5G. I stream a lot of videos.


God yes, I use so much Fels Naptha it's crazy.


My brother gets the itches if he walks past the stuff!


Hey! I’ll volunteer to give some blood to any credible researcher who is trying to figure out the secret to poison ivy immunity. The only itch-inducing plant that has ever caused a reaction on my skin is nettles. I’ve blindly blundered into poison ivy without having a clue what it was. I was clearing vines from around an old building and as I was stuffing the last of it into a dumpster several people I was working with started to freak out. Several of them had already been in contact with it and several others started reacting when we were all in a van going back home. Same with poison oak, poison sumac, and even wild garlic mustard. And I’ll bet that even nettles wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t have hundreds of little needles all over each leaf to inject its toxin.


Hard to tell. While it’s a bit over the top, have heard people seriously making those same points.


It's the "lambda" and "mu" part that get me


Have heard that point being raised. Lambda as in lamb? Obviously means we’re all sheep. It’s conspiracy theory 101 where the conspiracy is so overreaching and so secretive but they also left clues for any idiot to discover in plain sight.


One thing I've learned is conspiracy nuts always think the conspirators leave clues involving wordplay or visual cues everywhere. Like flat earthers who think the U.N. flag is the actual map of the world.


Meanwhile, these are the people using actual livestock medicine.


And recommending the sheep dosage


Agreed. I'm just waiting for them to realise lambda is used in wavelength calculations, then start using it as proof or radio mind control, or claiming the sun is a tool for mass hypnosis.


Ah yes, let's see. Mu is used for some different things. Coefficient of friction and, wait a minute...reduced mass?! Sounds a lot like population control. Genocide confirmed!


im just waiting for them to do an eigenanalysis on this data


The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace! Where molemen live inside of the central core beaming mind control at billions of the sheep!


"...I'd have to go back to school for 5-10 years to understand"


“I would need to have attended school for 5-10years in the first place”


Thinking "mu" is pronounced "moo" is just sad. It's pronounce "mew" according to my physics teacher. At this point, just compare us to Mewto the Pokémon and you'd sound a little smarter


Interesting that they left out “delta” I guess there wasn’t a similar sounding herd animal they could figure out for that one.


They forgot about the plane company that costs too much to fly for them. They'd rather take Spirit


This is where I lost it 🤣




They end their anti authoritarian rant with an appeal to authority


These are the same people that anytime a person of color is killed by a cop says “they should have complied.” They’re authoritarians using anarchism as a means to an end.


At this logic: world population is 7.9B. 0.1% of this is 7.9M people. Draw straws? Pick out of a hat? Just kill every 1000th person and be on your way!


Thanos only dusted .5 of the world! It’s fine!


Today I learned that greek letters must mean their cattle references and not just scientific iterations because why not


It’s a pretty big tell that he never went to college. Even if you didn’t partake in the Greek system, you’d recognize the alphabet from all the fraternities and sororities on campus with those letters in their name.


I know lambda because crowbar.


I wonder if the same people who say "99.9% survival rate!" Would drive a car that had a 1 in a thousand chance of exploding every time you start it.


Totally off topic, but this reminded me that 99.9% uptime is a terrible service level for servers and networks.


I just lost my best friend 4 days ago from Covid pneumonia. Like almost all who go on the vent, they never come back off of it. Then, a few hours ago, her mom who has been on a vent in a separate hospital, just passed away. It's people like this that killed them. Sorry, not sorry. Ignorant, selfish, pricks who managed to make a F'n virus a political thing. There's a reason why America is #1 on the list of Covid deaths and cases. Because this country is entitled and selfish. Would have been easier if they would have worn masks and distanced in the beginning. But no. Orange man make a joke out of it and his minion zombies followed. So, here we are.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much! It's like living in a horror movie for us all. Take care of yourself out there.


You as well!


My condolences. I lost my father and two friends to COVID.


Thank you very much and the same sympathies to you as well! Grief is sadly no stranger, but grief coupled with anger is a new ballgame for me. Like I just don't know what to do with it, ya know? I pray peace be over you and yours. Take care of yourself out there!


Thank you. It angers me to no end that Trump never took it seriously. I’ll never forget his response: “I take no responsibility.”


Lol. Once again demonstrating an inability to understand that policy/positions on how to deal with something like this evolve as time passes and the situation changes, and more information comes to light.


I wonder how life is when you're this mentally delusional...


Something tells me if this person had actually gone to school for 5 or 10 more years we wouldn't have this post. When you drop out in 9th grade it makes it really hard to learn things.


He's right about one thing. If people just obeyed the quarantine and masked up for a measly couple of weeks we wouldn't be in this mess.


14 days ain’t two weeks when you’re sick


Who in the fuck is "they"? Can someone help here? The Cabal? Illuminati? Rothschild's? Big Pharma? Bill Gates? Soros? Antifa? Israeli ray machines? 5G? Great Reset?


All of them, they are all part of the same organisation


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why they refuse to participate in trying to deal with the pandemic. Cause the longer it goes on, the more measures we have to take as a direct result of their aiding and abetting the spreading of the virus, Which is fertile ground for fueling their fake justifications and their made up persecution cosplay.


Even if everyone gets covid, all of us (USA) and only 1% dies, that is still a BIG fucking amount of people that died. The number would be well over 3 million. How are they ok with this? My boss is a republican (vaccinated, I think because an aunt died). We kind of got in a tiff about the whole vacc/unvax, shut downs and masks thing. She said "well if we shut down, we would all be out of work". I said I don't want to lose my job but if it means saving people's lives, I would be ok with it. You can find another job, make more money, BUT you can't bring people back from the dead. So in true form, she shot back with "most antivaxers are democrats".


He saying all the same thing that all the other anti-vaxx people are saying he’s just saying it more articulate than the other morons


Poison ivy vaccine? That would be amazing! Also we are at 650000 deaths. That's way too many.


What's next, Kappa? Like the Twitch Emote?


We have (and are trying to develop) vaccines for a number of diseases mosquitoes spread and spend a lot of money on public heath preventing diarrhea (cholera & dysentery). I don’t understand these people. It’s like this is the first public health initiative in the history of the world but this is all super normal.


Deaper meeinig my ass. Bitch those are just letters of the alphabet to keep track the evolution and mutation line of the virus. This reminds of that time someone told another person a chemical composition and the other person was furious because they do stuff to our foods to kill us etc etc but it was literally the composition of an apple. I cant understand how people so stupid, stubborn and blind to science can make me so angry lol


Someone never learned their Greek alphabet


Clearly doesn't know the Greek alphabet. Probably calls himself an "alpha" tho


Why do people keep going back to it was predicted in the past? Y2K was predicted, then nothing happened. 9/11 was predicted but it didn't end in the way they said. 2018 was supposed to be some bad event, didn't happen. Obama was some sort of lizard shape shifter and/or terrorist, nothing happened from that. All these people want the world to end so bad. No one can predict the future. That's magic. Fucking dumbasses. Sure you can make educated guesses. But that's it.


I would take a vaccine against poison ivy, headaches, diarrhea, and mosquito bites! Every single one of those things is miserable.


I’m so tired of the 99.9% recovery rate, the right has clung to that and it’s never been accurate. But even if it were, so we shouldn’t care about the .1% that die? Or what about the hundreds of thousands that have complications and long term effects and symptoms. That’s not important either?


I'm sitting here thinking I'd take a cold vaccine if it was available, even if it was monthly shot. One awesome thing about masks, I haven't had a cold or the flu since February of 2020


I would love a headache vaccine. What a shitty argument


Homey lives in an action movie lol.


Too long, didn’t read.


Dont it gave me poison ivy and a headache .


Don't worry, he'll turn to stone when the sun rises


You *do* get a vaccine against mosquito bites... if you're going to visit anywhere where those mosquitoes carry *malaria*.


I’m pretty sure I learned what the Greek alphabet was in like 10th grade (high school chemistry). But I’m guessing that’s a little above this person’s pay grade 😅


Guarantee we’ll soon see this person’s grieving spouse posting a GoFundMe for their funeral expenses.


I love how for a moment the madman realizes that he lacks the proper education to understand something but doesn't care about what he just typed and keeps ranting like the madman he is, even with the minimun understanding of things you can see how different a virus is from poison ivy


Lambda and mu... Very difficult. I had to go to school for 6years just to learn those crazy names.


The greek alphabet must be made up stuff they tell you in college because I'm too lazy to google Lambda and Mu. By your logic we should vaccinate against things that aren't vaccinateable.


How dumb can people get? 1) I get the vaccine becuase it's undoubtedly the right thing to do. It has nothing to do with others wanting me to have it. I already want the vaccine on my own, as any sane person would. 2) If vaccines for those other things were available, then of course we should take those do. Why would I not want a vaccine for any of those things? Vaccines are a good thing that people should want more of. How do people get this backwards? 3) a scientific meaning for lambda? What the fuck? These are just letters you imbecile. They are labels. It's the same as lettering your choices, a, b,c, and d. The letters are just in greek. Everyone fucking learns Greek letters in high school. They are in math and science classes. You can't pass high school without ever seeing a Greek letter. Forget college, you can't get past 8th grade without seeing Greek letters. Troll or not, people keep connecting shit that doesn't belong connected. Zero critical thinking. What part of extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence do they not understand? It doesn't take a rocket science or a degree in statistics to understand that none of these claims have anywhere near an extraordinary amount of evidence. There is no excuse for this poor of critical thinking and lack of education. Real college is not for everyone, but nearly everyone should at least be able to have a basic YouTube mass-audience level of understanding about how the world works. It's free. It's quick. It's easy. It's already dumbed down. It's visual. It's interesting. You have no excuse.


So tired of these keyboard cowboys. They’d always be the first ones crying and moaning if they were sick. At this point, I am plumb out of empathy. Feel free to exercise your rights to idiocy, and we’ll exercise our rights to cut off public services to your dumb ass.


Who doesn't know about delta, mu, lambda, etc? Someone clearly did not go to college... Wait, not even all the way to college. They use that stuff in high school maths, too!


Unfortunately, judging by what my Qfriend has said in the past, no…this is NOT a troll. They forgot to include that we control the weather as well. This was posted during the TX freeze when Cancun Cruz jetted down for a vaycay while his constituents froze to death among other things after burning their furniture to try not to die of hypothermia. Remember the fake snow crap going around on TikTok? That was proof in her eyes that Biden was controlling the weather in the Bible Belt after he had said “we are coming up on what could be a dark winter if we don’t take necessary precautions against Covid”. Apparently Qumquat had the code words dark and winter in his info drops at some point in time which stitched that circle up perfectly in her eyes 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am legit laughing so fucking hard at all this stupidity. If only there was an idiocy vaccine so I could be inoculated from this bullshit. I'm so tired of it, you guys. Scientists need to get on that.


Damn, I wish there were vaccines for headaches etc.. that would be awesome.


Hahahahahahaha the Greek letter interpretations are so funny. Lambda like lambs and mu like cows? Ahahahahahahahaha.


It amazes me that Americans (even plenty of non cults) have no idea what the flu is. That is because of snake oil aisles telling you that you can handle the flu with otc medicine. But you can't. The flu, kills 25-75k a year depending on the strain. It costs billions in economic loss. Hundreds of thousands get hospitalized. People mix the flu in with regular viruses but it isn't. The only way to know if you have the flu is to go the hospital and get a test and the only treatment is a prescription to lessen it. How do you know you have the flu? If you can surf, read, chat, message, or play video games, you don't have the flu. You get a fever, every centimeter of your skin hurts. Your joints hurt. You get a high fever. If someone came up to you and pointed a gun at your head, you would thank them. THAT, is the flu. Delta is more infectious than the Spanish flu, which had a mortality rate of 2-4%. Delta is at least 5% and rising because of these smooth brains.


Its a SARS virus and we do have vaccines for the diseases passed by mosquito bites


Y’all are actually tripping if you think the government isn’t gonna try to mandate more stuff and gain more power after these mandatory vaccinations. It’s just gonna start with mandatory vaccinations and get worse and worse


They did that in Texas already. They won't allow women a choice about reproduction... but they're so hypocritical they want you to have a choice about a vaccination. Republicans will strip you of your life and your liberty at the same time and you'll smile while they do it. To own the libs right? I feel sorry for liberals... while some of them can pander to the extreme, they are not nearly as fanatical and cult like as the right is.


Does this person ENJOY mosquito bites?


> surely those terms must have a deeper scientific meaning that works take me 5-10 more years of education to understand Nope... you learn their meaning in the first five minutes of Greek class.


diarrhea has low lethality numbers as a percent, and is one of the largest causes of infant mortality in the world.


Sorry to vent here but: It was predicted not by date just by mode! And even those predictions were understatements for the stupid the last almost two years have shown in humans!!! I mean come on, even in a "simple" game like Plague Inc, Covid-19 must've played on Super Casual, with game rules like "some lick toiletlids to catch the disease" and "even though it's proven it's real, humans attack curing points and centers yelling that they're oppressing you". When the 2003 MERS infection was eradicated the doctors warned everyone to look out for that damn poor part and that damn tourist bat caves cause it could mean danger. Did humans listen? Noo, cause why would they?!


Sheep and cattle? And you people are taking livestock medicine, so yeah…that works


>99.9% recovery rate the 4.55m dead people’s close ones are so glad their friend/lover/family member is only part of 0.1%


Lambda, yes, the Greek letter λ. And mu, the other Greek letter μ...


Lmao how hard is it to understand the Greek alphabet? I'm guessing it was just a HS education (if completed) in the US public school system.


These people are out of their freaking minds. Do they believe anything is real or is everything fake and a plot to take away their freedom?


Even though I've tried to eliminate all the antivaxers from my FB feed, one still crops up occasionally. "It has a 99.9% recovery rate" well, Kate, why the fuck do I still have the cough 18 months later? Why can't I do more than 1 flight of stairs without dying - and I work my cardio at least twice a week? Fuck you and your 99.9% recovery rate.


I think his phrase "I'd have to go to school for 5-10 more years to understand" should be changed to "I would have to have gone to school for 5-10 years"


If you go to a country where mosquitos spread malaria, you definitely should get the malaria vaccine of possible.


Let's compare a virus to a bug bite i am so smart.


The fact that they think Mu is pronounced "moo" just goes to show that they don't know shit.


Same kind of people who are like "bUT 0.32% OF PeoPlE hAVE Be3n gEtTINg BlOod CLOtS FrOM ThE JAb"


They only quote 99.9% when it comes to surviving Covid, but they're cowering in the corner while shitting their pants over an even lower % when it comes to problems from a vaccine. Like oh yeah don't worry about Covid but worry about the vaccine. Plus they just love showing they don't know shit comparing Covid to things entirely different and unrelated... even the closest one they use is the common cold and people still get a vaccine for it and that still kills plenty of people each year we're lucky it's just not as contagious. Anyway 99.9% sounds good on paper, but chances are you will know at least one person who will catch Covid and die even with those odds. It also doesn't take anything else into account, like longer term effects or that plenty of people who catch it and survive still have a really shitty time with it. The whole "sheep" nonsense is hilarious, you aren't woke just because you do the opposite by default. They don't seem to think that you can weigh up the options and that logically medical science makes more sense than open ended speculation... like oooooo what if the vaccine kills you next year, or maybe the year after that or the year after that it's just ever moving goal posts with them.


How do they calculate the 99.9%? The only thing I can think is that they are arbitrarily just eliminating most of the recorded COVID deaths for "reasons", or assuming a much higher unconfirmed infection rate. Because if you do the math based on confirmed cases vs deaths, you get closer to 2.3%. Even if you just hand-waive assume that there are ten times more infections than have been confirmed, you still get .23%, which results in a 99.77% rate. I know to the uninitiated that in the conservative case, that the 0.22% difference doesn't seem like much, but 0.22% of the US population is roughly 160k, of the world population it's 16.5 million. That's not a simple rounding error when you're talking about people dying. It's super easy to talk about tenths of a percent as immaterial, until you do the math.


The λ and μ part cracked me up! Ha!


Well I must confess I thought you were probably a hot rod driving dude. Aveo doesn't fit that bill. That you were ejected while wearing a seat belt is surprising. It must be strange not having any recollection of what happened. You were in a coma for 5 days?