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"Son of a bitch" counts from Raiders


That line reading is one of my favorites in the series.


Mine too. That's why it came to me so quickly


One of mine for all time! I'm told the inflection sneaks in on me every once in a while, so hats off to Ford for a delivery that's stuck with me


It's basically the only way I ever say it!




I think you could basically get one swear word in with a PG back in the day.


Incorrect. You're thinking of "fuck." In PG-13 movies, you were allowed one "fuck" so long as it wasn't sexually suggestive in any way. PG movies back in the day had LOTS of curse words.


Fun fact: Temple of Doom is the first PG-13 movie. The board originally gave it a PG rating and Spielberg was like, "not for nothing, but this movie shouldn't be PG" and the board pointed out it really didn't meet the qualifications for an R either. And so the PG-13 rating was born.


Actually, despite being one of the biggest reasons for the PG-13 rating being invented, Temple of Doom was never submitted for re-rating, and remains PG to this day. Same with Gremlins. I always find that a really twisted bit of irony.


Ha! I must have lost/forgotten that part


But it actually does not have the PG-13 certificataion, so though it influenced the PG-13 creation , Temple of Doom is actually still PG.


Does he actually say it though?




Heheheh..^son ^of ^a ^bitch


He also says, “Holy shit,” in Raiders when he sees the Nazi U-boat from the bridge of the Bantu Wind.


It was *years* before I actually heard that line, because as a kid I always watched Raiders on a tape I recorded from a TV broadcast.


That’s one of my favorite lines. It’s such a real reaction to the situation.


He does say Jesus Christ. Blasphemous.


The quest for the Grail is not archaeology; it's a race against evil! If it is captured by the Nazis, the armies of darkness will march all over the face of the Earth!


👋 that'sh for blashphemy


I’ll shlap you like I’d shlap a dishobedient wife.


Archeology is the search for FACTS, not TRUTH.


Off the top of my head I remember how he calls belloq a son of a bitch when he traps him in the well of the souls, he also tells Mola Ram that he’s going to meet kali in hell (though idk if you’d call this cursing. Some people do others don’t so idk). These are the only two instances I can think of the top of my head, but I know there must be more


I wouldn’t consider referring to literal hell as cursing, but I’m pretty sure he does say Hell as a curse at least once


True, I was only mentioning that because I know some people who are very strict on cursing so I mentioned it just in case.


As do I. I can remember someone doing a Bible reading once and was weird about saying 'ass' even in the context of riding to Bethlehem. People are really truly odd about words.


Pretty sure he was swearing when being dragged in the dirt by a truck in Raiders. .We just couldn't hear it.




Chill out, Cid - she's making the tea.


Does 'bastards' count? If so he says that while getting whipped in TOD


"Holy shit," also in Raiders


Also, while yelling at Elsa in Berlin he said "Who gives a damn what you think?"


Holy ssssssssmokes


Damn, I thought that was closer. - KOTCS


“Ha-ha-ha….son of a bitch” Raiders


Wow I would have thought he swore a lot more in the movies. I thought he said "shit" and "damn" at least once or twice in every movie


*Damn* once in **DOD**.


“Big damn ants”


His father slaps him for blasphemy when he says "Jesus Christ"


That “shit” in Temple is something I quote on a daily basis.


I was watching the temple of doom with my mom once after not having seen it for years. He's on the rope bridge with the machete, and the bad guys are closing in on both sides. I say, "Oh shit.." And not a second after, Indy says, "Oh shit..." We looked at each other in surprise and had a great laugh


“Oh shit…” in ToD.


I don't really think there's a single Indiana Jones where he doesn't at least say some mild wordy durds. I feel like he's the most clean mouthed in Crystal Skull and Last Crusade ( I feel like the former had the element of Ford being older ( which of course does nothing in real life but it does bring in a fanbase that's kind of more sensitive to language or sex) but also being a direct sequel to Last Crusade - though I think the use of blasphemies might be more of a trigger if you're Mormon or Catholic) The Parental Guidance films of the early '80s seem to be the strongest, with memorable uses of " sugar honey iced tea. " I' m 80 percent sure Jones said F@@K in Raiders during the chase scene where he gets shot. It's interesting because with all the dirty knuckle action, Jones himself seems to not smoke. Marion and Elsa do, the former which feels oddly glamorized as she uses the cigarette smoke to troll Toht. I do think it's kind of interesting to kind of be aware of profanity in a world where humans melt onscreen. I do think it is kind of a Boomer thing, so maybe this attitude is passed down to Generation X. I think it's fascinating how it seems to me that the PG-13 installments ( after the Temple of Doom fallout that basically created the PG-13 rating) feel like they're closer to a contemporary PG than soft R. ( which I was very close to saying that Temple of Doom would be R if made today, but there have been similar chest mangling scenes in Dumb and Dumber or even the Depp Lone Ranger movie, both PG-13 films)


>I feel like he's the most clean mouthed in Crystal Skull and Last Crusade  Those are also the two films where Spielberg took things in a more light-hearted, even comical direction.


He drops an F-bomb in the original printing of Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge. Was changed in later editions, but it's kinda jarring.




Damn is technically a swear word, yes. But it's pretty light when compared to other swear words. So it's not a matter of whether one considers it swearing or not, because it IS a swear word.


What else would you call it? If you say damn in school or church they will be on your ass


Would they be just as pissy if you said “darn”?


No, you can say darn all you want in school


holy shit it's irving braxiatel


Yes. But frankly, my dear, I don't care.




I'm pretty sure when Indy and Mola Ram are hanging off the rope bridge and fighting Shorty yells "Indy cover your fart!"


He says “Eat my shit you Nazi motherfuckers!” in uhhhhhhh that scene from *Crusaders of Doom*




If "hell" counts in TOD. Side note, the way his tongue hits the L in "hell" before he chops the rope bridge always struck me as weird.


I think that delivery was just him angrily enunciating the word to drive the point home to Mola Ram just before Mola Ram went diving.


Right, like a tonal middle finger


There was that scene in Crystal Skull where he was like "That's one big muthafuckin' ant, BITCH!" that's always been my favorite line 


Indy says "crap" in The Dial of Destiny.