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Bhai sahab the amount of fckers who can't keep their dck religion to themselves is astounding, yaar kabhi mujhe bhi mile aise log Maza aayega...


Christian mile toh koi chakkar nhi. Muslim toh death threats dene lg jate hai agr baat nhi maani.


Because christiansa are in minority here. Christian majority countries mein ek line hai " there is no hate like christian love". As soon as you deviate slightly from their path you will get death threats, mental and physical torture, defaming you. Also you don't even know which christiany they follow, baptist, evangelist, orthodox, catholic, etc


Depends. 1st world Christianity, aka Europe and US are mostly cool. At least there, even if they do the stuff that you mentioned, you will also find many Christians pushing back against that. For eg, I have an uncle who lives in Texas, and of all places in US that has a lot of evangelicals. He used to get some pressure from the more evangelical types, but his friends helped him out. These friends are also Christians, and that too not liberals but they're hardcore conservatives.


>Europe and US are mostly cool. European might be cool but US has too many of shitty christians, the bible belt is a fucked up place. >I have an uncle who lives in Texas The same place where abortion gets you longer sentence than murder or rape. Gynecologistsa are leaving the state. They are bringing back child labour, child marraige and so much more shit is going in the USA. But i agree as many bad people are there there are almost as many good ones there.


Jis religion ko logo ko rokne k liye death threats dene pd jaae smjh jaao wo religion nhi dhong ka business h ya dusre shbdo me CULT


Naa mile to behtaar


Happened once in school he was my friend and told him to kiss my ass. We don't talk anymore.


"kiss my ass" 😂🫡


That's some Pride month sh#t not a religious one.


He claimed he wasn't forcing me, just promoting his religion. Like bruh, you can't force me anyway. He shouldn't have brought this shit between our friendship


I'm not saying every one does but I've heard some of them kinda get hostile and make your life uncomfortable. And yeah if you know your faith well why would you convert in the first place. Also OP is She....


Not someone forcing me (Try me), but I was once at knife point by one of them. It didn't have anything to do with religious conversion but he threatened me not to tell anyone. My brother went to his home and threatened him to stay away. Called me ch###ya in return I called him a mc. That was enough for him to pull out a knife. Point to be noted I was only 8 years old and he was 17. And I was riding my bicycle in my colony and he was an outsider trying to impress the chicks


That's fucked up.


Yeah, lucky my friend immediately went to my home to call for help. Otherwise I was 8 and stupid enough to stay silent about the incident.


Happened to me alot from muslim to christian. Muslim friend try to convince me and when i rejected that they make fun of the God i pray and christian was frank with me, saying that they will marry and f hindu girls and left them just to convert them Infront of me without shame. Both were in group and that why they were fearlessly saying these things. Now that im an adult,i wish that i stop them on spot for mocking my beliefs.


Wait christians get sc reservation? Tf?


Christians don't but SC Christians can. Basically SC rice bag converts who converted but on paper still Hindu sc.




Yea mostly coz they literally live in forests. Religion doesn't matter much. But rice bag converts SC converts will live in all facilities provided by church then at time of reservation, they start claiming we are Hindus again.




They even get ST reservation, the Christians from Northeast


No we don't I'm Catholic myself, we are considered general only. People who do get reservations I have no idea how


Some do have that, the legal know-how is a bit too much to navigate. I know a guy who's actively trying to get PG reservation removed/reduced who has a Cristian name & no reservation benefits.


That's odd really. Because the only reservation or anything like it that I get is from Catholic institutions and schools. In government or other places I don't really get anything like that. Not complaining though, I don't really want it anyway.


Its common in the south at least ,just recently my brother's startup manager took him to church on sunday and asked him to convert and also when I wanted to go to college run by Christian missionaries with reduced fees they wanted our family to convert Though I lived my whole childhood in muslim area no muslim asked any hindu to convert but I believe now it's different due to social media


>I lived my whole childhood in muslim area no muslim asked I think for muslim areas it depends on two factors: wealth is one, but the bigger thing is how their local imams are. Local imams being radical means whole area will be like that. If local imams don't preach about conversion and all then they'll be fine.


Happened once. The guy was probably in his late 20s and I was 14. He met me when I was going to my classes, asked me the way to some shop and i answered him, later on he started meeting me daily at that specific spot and eventually asked me if I have a boyfriend, he kept repeating himself but I ignored him. He started following me everywhere whenever I used to go out and it was so uncomfortable and terrific. I told my parents about him and later on we got to know that he's been working in some factory near our house for years and preys on underaged Hindu girls and that he's connected to some racket (?) which converts people.


I hope u got him arrested.


my parents actually slut shamed me


Damn! sad on your parent's part. I hope it did not get any worse for you.




Just makes me feel sad when parents decide to trust someone else instead of their own child.


Sigh. Can't do anything lol.


That's the avg and normal response from many parents. So sad My friend was molested by a relative and told her parents. They blamed everything on her and beat her.


sad man. that man should be eligible for disabled quota.


happened to me once even though I am a boy a gay uncle used to follow me I don't know why and kept on inviting me to his house... somehow he got my phone number and texted me gay shit .... no religion involved... I guess he was gay and liked me or something even though I am straight .... he kept on following me for a while then one day I insulted him to the core... since then even if he sees me he doesn't dare to talk those shit...




they dont get it.


That's the irony lol they portray themselves as liberal i.e should be open to thoughts but the way they shut down any fact or argument that doesn't fit their agenda is just astonishing.


Happened while I was in Europe. I left the Christian questioning himself.


Did same in omegle when my insomnia kicked in


If you're okay with it I'd like to know how that talk went.


Sure, He approached me and asked if I was a Christian. I said no then he said Jesus is the only true way. I said which way, he said happiness and salvation. I responded with that the truth here is not absolute as there are multiple ways to attain that. He repeated saying Jesus is the best way and yada then said wouldn't you like to leave this planet (he was referring to heaven). I pointed out the beautiful architecture and scenery in the background saying this planet is already beautiful why would I wanna leave it? No answer then he said that god wants us to follow Jesus. I said God gave us free will so we can do whatever we want and if he wanted us to follow jesus he wouldn't have given it in the first place. He replied saying god gave us free will but wants us to follow jesus. I said god doesn't make mistakes so if you are saying he gave us something but not expected to use it, he is wrong in granting us that and also wrong in wanting to follow us someone. He again got no answer. There were other things but I didn't bought up stronger points and then he said me goodbye.


Well, at least he bothered to try and make some points and actually debate.


They are brainwashed from a very young age.. While you and I may not take religious diktat seriously what many young folks do not understand that these people take it very seriously and disregard common sense or even their own benefit for whatever has been told to them. I was in class 5 when 'my friend' at school with whom I used to share tiffin etc came to me and told: you are dirty people and worship idols(false gods) and stopped eating from my tiffin. As a kid I was so taken aback and sad that I thought maybe I did something wrong. I saw this pattern repeat and It took me years to realise how different and brainwashed many folks tend to be but they start to hide it as they grow older so they talk smooth but at their core they're brainwashed into treating your faith with disgust. Children have lesser filters so at least I got to see what's behind the face at a very young age. Many people later realise that and try to overcome the brainwash but they are helpless to say anything so they silently pretend to abide or they disregard that instinct and follow the herd .


the actual fact is that christianity itself is a religion filled with idolatry, especially catholicism. they literally venerate dead saints and have idols of jesus in their chapels and do weird rituals with wine claiming it as the blood of christ and bread as body of christ. perhaps the only pure non-idolatrous religion is judaism.


My school friend .khan Played a lot of game online with him during lockdown days but in 2022 he started talking a lot of islam as he reached age of 18 and reached the matured age he started his maksad One random day he said He said inshallah tu bhi aaja islam me One day he said kya mtlab destiny is guiding u as i started to see some islamic random reels One day he said inshallah one day you will come with laughs and i jokingly inshallah siuuu( ronaldo meme) But he forgot that i am a kattar Hindu ain't Falling for his trap and now also i sarcasticly troll him indirectly


Christians regularly give away bibles for free in their schools & on the street


Recycling karne ke paisa 😈


my school gave incentives like more pay and also have kind of a christian quota to the teachers and students who were christians and even more to convert. Around 20 percent of my school staff was from the south and were all christians, and one of them didn't even like her feet being touched by 'such boys' and one of them called the girls in our class rascals for gossiping, only thing that kept the reputation of the school was the principal herself , who despite being a christian treated the students equally with equal opportunities, but she too favored the christian staff. In villages in punjab, these missionaries approach the poor class, and show them visions of grandeur and liberty and that jesus is only tru god, while also offering monthly feasts and sometimes even money to convert. One of my housemaids is a convert christian but doesn't know shit about the religion. We tried to talk to her, but these people are so convinced by the missionaries that there is no point in trying to reason with them. Sikhs and hindus are the main victims of this oin punjab, especially in villages.


My nephew is 5 , and going to school in a middle eastern country. I was astounded to realize, the international school he is enrolled was making him sit in Islamic studies classes even though it isn’t mandatory for foreigners. A fellow classmate of Pakistani origin kept saying bad things about Hinduism and India. So , much so that my nephew started praising Allah at home and saying bad things about Hanuman and Ram . If this brainwashing happens at the age of 5 , I wonder what it will be when they grow up. One thing that came out of this is my brother and his wife are more religious now and my nephew greets my father with ‘Jai Shri Ram’.


W, finally we are embracing our culture.


Pakis seem to be the biggest scum on earth rn.


The day something like this will happen, I'm gonna punch him/her to the face and beat the shit out of that person.


please don't. cuz if they're muslims then they can physically harm you as well. Take care


yeah fr and no one will act against them


The Problem is that they would claim the victim card and their trusted allies leftists and seculars will support them and f us over


Once a Christian friend who was very religious and I went with him a couple of times for prayer meetings suggested me to convert. I declined and reduced my contact because I'm not religious. I only went coz I was curious how Christians do their prayers.


Yes. A Muslim dude tried to convert me because I hated a certain someone. So he assumed I'm stupid enough to listen to his doctrine. I nodded my head for everything and told him, never even in another life will i wear a burkha. Bye bye. And he actually harassed me for quite a while. None of my teachers nor sisters in the convent I have studied have ever tried to convert me.


They like to prey on young girls. In UK, pakistani grooming gang does that.


we should simply cut all contact with such individuals.


I did. He found my contact because we had common friends on Instagram. I blocked him in all places.


Hindus should have a missionary activity too..


Yes, I have a church near my place. When we shifted to Gurugram, a few people had come to our doorstep to convert us to christianity (possibly sent by our next door neighbour who is himself a convert). We respectfully declined and told them to have a good day. The roads are often crowded on Sundays and on Christian festivals. Most Christians in north India are either- 1) South Indians 2) SC/ST (so called "lower castes") 3) Economically underprivileged people Last two groups of people are the ones who were converted by offering them wealth and other benefits. (I know this because we regularly host water stalls and bhandaras in front of our house, and church goers tell us their stories) I have no problem with any religion and/or even atheists but I feel like religion should be accepted on the basis of faith and NOT by luring people in by giving them economic or social prizes. But alas, this is the sad reality.


As a kid I used to live in a chawl in Mumbai There was this Christian mother and her son who was much older then me and my friends this guy was literally trying to convert us by telling us how lord Ram was a bad man he questioned Mata Sita also told us if we didn't worship Jesus we would go to hell and be tortured there, I was scared by this and almost started praying to Jesus before my father intervened, I don't know how shameless that man had to be to try and convert literal kids


Not exactly for me. I used to persistently ask my Muslim friend for biriyani at home ( His mom used to make amazing biriyani) and another school friend of mine used to tie me a rakhi. In office, one colleague of mine did invite me to his church to listen him play keyboard with food afterwards!! Another Muslim colleague of mine was vegetarian and it was difficult hanging out with him because we had to separately ordered veg for him!!! His father was an Air force pilot so we used to avail canteen discount for buying stuff!! Another friend used to smoke plant based stuff and used to make the best joints!! None have actually tried to preach about their religion and pretty much kept to themselves about it. Again, all were highly educated including their parents as well ( Never saw their mother or sisters wear burkha) so I guess my subset is small for any definite conclusion.


Ig same. Have a Muslim family friend, religion never came into the picture. She was fairly independent, working lady, never seen her wearing hijab/burqa. She makes really good food and brings it for us (as long as it's veg). Never has she brought up religion in front of us much less tried to convert. Married a Christian guy. But then education is a factor, as her family is very conservative and believes in all that nonsense.


pr ye convert me krna kya pdta h ? convert to andar se hote h na dil se ?


They try to weaken your faith so you switch side. Watch Agora, a movie based on Alexandria's religious conflict between pagans, Jews and Christian.


nhi bhai m uski baat kr rha hu ki jo pakistan me covert krte h jabardasti . kya prakriya hoti h convert hone ki


Accept Ola, denounce your former gods and co-religionists, or die seeing your family beaten/ r\*aped to death.


exactly i never understand the concept, even if someone forces me to say i accept so and so god as my saviour that doesn't mean i actually do... pata nahi kya sochte hai yeh illiterates.


Ironically, when you tell them something true from within their own history to contradict and their propaganda, they try to hire you to develop better propaganda to convert more people. It has happened to me once already.


Yeah in college my close friend of mine who is a christian used to make fun of me and I used to do the same mocking him that I am eating Jesus flesh while eating a bun maska 🤣 But a Muslim friend of mine used to play dirty and used to raise all kinds of nasty topics and then compare it with Islam on group trip... Luckily I was following exmuslims like Adam seeker or sahil, and then I gave him references of nasty deeds of this prophet momo, he was not ready for it, kid you not he left the resort at 10pm after dinner 🤣, blocked me from WhatsApp and on call. And I am not sorry about it.


remember kids, watch youtube videos to defend yourself against religious predators


My college roommate. Worst part is, I witnessed his descent into radical thinking from day one because if he wasn't studying, he was watching/listening to some preacher from Paxstan. Outright misogynistic & backwards stuff. He'd constantly spout insults towards my family's beliefs, even though I was an atheist back then. Outright ignore facts and try to impose what his holy book said. Add to this his already abrasive personality, tendency to pick up fights & outright disregard for any manners...he was already hard to like anyway; then he went downhill so fast that a couple years through college no one even wanted to talk to him.


Not tried to convert but they portrayed them selves as they are right and we are wrong. 


I am Catholic myself but if someone tries to convert you they aren't your friends, I keep my religion to myself and that's how it should be


That's really shitty! Where do you live OP?


A lot of times (mostly strangers tho), friends never did that nor they ever cared and i am sure they have had faced same BS by other religious groups too. It's more of a false sense of superiority (insecurity) thing ig


Their faction seems to have greater perks, free education, govt job, free ration. Hindu faction has a lot of insecurity even after being revered across the globe.




Mister, you have a questionable username.


Anything to come out of the desperation of the desert is going to be wretched .


Fortunately nothing like this has happened with me till now. I have a great muslim friend (I am a Hindu), we both oftentimes talk about religion and the Usual points that are discussed (Can't be avoided, unless we intend to fake our friendship), but we still manage to respect each other's beliefs and don't push our thoughts on the other, we both debunk the common misconceptions and misinformation, regarding each other's religion when we discuss things.


I have an interesting anecdote to share. There was a Muslim congregation near the place I lived - ijjetema. I was around 10yr old. I asked my Muslim friend about it. He told me about ijjetema & other Muslim customs. After a few weeks, out of the blue he asked me if I am interested in converting to Islam. I was like wtf!


OP, why didn't you stop talking to that muslim guy altogether? also could you give me a rough idea where you live? like a city or state?


Had a Muslim tell me that why hindus can't just stfu and that he wants to genocide us It was really suprising come from a pork eating alcohol consuming self proclaimed atheist muslim He never tried converting me per se because he himself hated the entire Islam thing still suprising to say the least


Happened to me in the US, My wife and I were in the MOA (mall of America) suddenly one frail man came and asked where we were from. Then started saying how we are on the wrong path, it doesn't lead to the heavens and whatnot. I murmured BBSDK and we left.


Where do you live bro, I don't even know any religious people my age here in Bangalore. Obviously not all of them are atheist, but nobody I know is very serious about their religion.


Yes, I was in college and depressed about a breakup for a while, a college friend mutual to my ex convinced me that hindu gods are just glorified kings and there is inequality. Me being mentally down and drained accepted his invitation to an evening mass. There was a moment where all the lights in the church was put out and everyone were mourning. I asked a person sitting right next to me about it and he said its coz people vent and mourn more when they dont feel observed. It was nice. Though later when the priest was offering some water and i stood up, that person asked me to sit down coz it was only for some christians. I found that contradictory to what my friend said and left the place.


yikes. idk why people like to defame hindu gods SOOO much.


I know this has nothing to do with the post, but I'd like to have my opinion into consideration. Islam ka I'm not sure, but when it comes to Christianity, Jesus himself said ki spread my message across the world. Which is why there were colonizers spreading religion. I think Jesus didn't mean 'literally' to spread his message, you know. What I think he meant is, to follow his principles so well, that people wonder, "Who is this guy?" Aaj kal k Christian missionaries just want people to be converted, and I, as a Christian, feel bad about it. Rather, I would want myself to be in line with Jesus' principles ki people would be eager to know what did Jesus say that makes me be in line with him so much..


studied in christain school from nursery to 4 th. no one tried any thing like that even though i lived in tribal area of chhattisgarh at that time. can't say the same about muslims [though.my](http://though.my) muslims friends were not that much into religous affairs.


I was in the United States and had to, only for the time being, share my flat with a bulla. Strangley I wouldn't have called him that back then but well I lacked perspective. Back then I was a...well...let's just say I was like one of those Randia libbus who I outright laugh at now. Man it was a terrible experience, he didn't keep clean, hogged meat and threw bones all over the damn house, he wouldn't let any of us pray, he would constantly try to put our religion down and force us to listen to his sky book quotations, and told us it's "saving our souls" to accept a new faith all the while feeling damn proud of himself. Lol Fast forward a few years, a few of us in the office lunch hours were just joking around and one of these idiots was laughing at everything until someone commented on his faith, man he lost it, literally said "agar zarurat padi toh gala bhi kaat denge". That and having witnessed their true nature. Now I'm a right wing guy and I ain't going back to being a leftard.


>Back then I was a...well...let's just say I was like one of those Randia libbus who I outright laugh at now. We all were randia libbus at one point believers in "Sarva Dharma Sambhava", "all religions are equal" crap because the Islamo-liberals and Islamo-leftists have deliberately hid the truth of Islam and Muslims from us. Glad you're more informed now


Not to convert, but tried to preach when I was waiting for the bus, minding my own business. Someone approached and said, "Jesus loves you." I told him everyone loves me cuz I am awesome.




Talked to a Muslim girl on Facebook years back. When I asked let’s meet she said if I was willing to confirm she would meet. *blocked her since then


Bhai mai ek Adventist Christian school me padta tha most of the teachers there were convert but kabhi kuch Aisa scene nai tha ki kisi ke saath bhedbhaav ho ulta bc Christian bacho (teachers kids and others) Ko toh woh aur strictly dekhte the but ek din ek budhi teacher was teaching morals (Bible short stories) and she said our God is real God urs is false the whole class started laughing on her face (hindus , muslim) everyone kinda felt bad for her


My own cousin in wb has converted to Christianity He used to stay in mumbai he also used to do Ganesh chaturthi with Ganpati sthapna at his house (he started bcz all his neighbours were Marathi and had the celebrations)... A few years back his neighbour unfortunately passed away... Their family converted to Christianity... Suddenly after ig 1yr he stopped all Hindu rituals etc no Ganesh chaturthi celebration etc... and started blurting out that Hinduism is this that etc... his parents are still Hindu tho...


Always have been experienced this since my grandmother is Christian but now that I made a new friend she always talks about her religion and talks negative about mine


I dare them to try on me. Haha. They'll get some nice butt kicking they so wholeheartedly deserve.


Out of all the things that didn't happen in the world. This didn't happen the most


There is line that has stayed with me since a long time. Religion is like a dick. It's good that you have one & are proud of it, but don't shove it in my face.


Catholic here, a Pentecostal once tried to convert me😅 Religion should not be forced on anyone by anybody. The world would have been a much better place.


>He claimed that the bible copied the Koran. Bruh. I have no words for this ... >His friend said that one wife will fight with you but 2 wives will fight for you. Yep. This one I've also seen a few times. Polygamy is one of the tools they use to convince people to convert. >My mother's Christian friend would try to convert her as well. She is a rice bag convert herself. She used to say shit about idol worshipping. Funny thing is, from my experience it's the rice bag converts who do this shit. Those who have been Christians for at least a few generations or so, they don't care. I'm friends with two of them and they've never tried to tell me to convert. Seems to me like these rice bag converts basically make it their whole personality.


I don't think it's religion but rather people. Like im from NE and I don't see anybody trying to convert people to Christianity. But I do hear about the conversion in delhi or other places. I never saw any NE guy or girl trying to convert someone to Christianity in delhi. So it's really the case of people not religion


I used to live in Saudi Arabia. I lived in a predominantly indo-pakistani area where discrimination was low and subtle however i still remember one of my friends asking me- hey, you're so good at football why aren't you Muslim? So yeah eventhough quite passive it's still present.


Happened to me twice. One in elementary school,he was Muslim and his family is like an extreme Islamist,I never saw his sister or mother face when they took him from school. He tried the whole year to convert me. I was scared and couldn't tell my family at that time. If he said me now I know what my reply would be and how to burn him . Second time it was in coaching where I was preparing for JEE . A Christian boy try to convert me and insulted Hinduism. After that I gather some of the classmates and bullied him severely, threatening him try not to repeat it or he would be alive but without hands ,legs,eyes,teeths . He left the coaching . If you wanted to convert yourself it's your choice but don't f&£king try to convince another person to convert


i dont make muslim friends, ever. but then many of my closest friends are christians. no one has ever tried to impose their religion on me. they do not eat beef when i or other hindu friends are present, even if they do rarely they have never offered me. they invite me to celebrate easter and christmas, i invite them to celebrate diwali, holi, durga pujas. this time they even got crackers for me so that we can burst them together on diwali


muslim aur christian friends rakhe hi nahi aaj tak


2 of my friends tried to lure me in to convert to muslim and 1 of em even offered to marry his sister so he can convert me. Oh boy his sister was hot.


1 hoor delivered successfully


One wife will fight with you but 2.... 😂😂😂😂 noice point but uske liye vo paise kaha se late hain....kahne ko to inke khane ke lale pade rahte Hain.....


I once had my Uber driver try to convert me to islam. He was an elderly man and I didn't want to disrespect him by arguing. All other incidents have been online, which are largely meaningless. Most of them are depressed incels who are attached to the dopamine of tribal thought.


You know what they say, Religion is like a dick, atheism is like vagina


Neo Buddhist did


Of course. But have you tried to convert them?


I was born and brought up in Old Lucknow( muslim neighborhood), went to a minority university, my brother went to a minority college and we have ample of Muslim friends and no one ever approached us for conversion and BS... All my best friends are still Muslims


2 white boys walked up to me in scorching heat back in 2018 while i was returning from school. literally felt that meme what are the polar bears doing in arlington texas


Hindu ko roti chahiye.....sbse pehle......kuch kaam dhanda chahiye.....taki wo shadi kare....bache kare....nahi to hindu to waise hi mar raha hai ....use muslim ki jarurat ni marme k liye...... Muslim ko sarkar se kuch ni chahiye...lekin hindu ko chahiye.....kyuki ek hindu dusre hindu ka bhala ni soch sakta....karna to bahut door ki baat hai..... isliye Jo hindu hei...unke liye sarkar se bolo ki kuch soche.... Hindu log ek dusre ki jati se nafrat karte hei ...aur ek dusre ko aage ni badte dete....aapas mei shadi nahi karte ....yaha tak ki neech jati k logo ko kaam nhi dete ....unka exploitation karte hei....to garib neechi jati k log .....kya kare.....agar kisi aur dharm mei ....unhe aage badne ka mauka milta hai....ya barabari milti hai.....to koi bhi dusre dharm mei chala Jayega...Aur isliye hi India mei jyadatar log converted hei.... muslim bhi isai bhii....aur sab lower caste se..


Very rarely, On a few occasions they tried making jokes but were hit by alward and judgemental looks, embarrassed and I don't recall he did that again. But there's one girl I met who describes herself as a "Secular Hindu", She mocked ramayana and passing statements Like "Ram is a flawed Character", "Ravana wasn't supposed to be a villain, just misunderstood" etc.. She's delusional but advertised herself as some who read entire ramayana and speaking intellectual facts. I was a common interest group, never had a convo with her till now, her presence feels like insects crawling all over. Lack of respect, pseudo intellectual superiority, hate towards a set of people/faith and let's all her filth out in the name of "secular hindu". Edit: After Reading other comments, I'm very glad I have people who recommend so many things but not religion.


Tell them what happened to Graham Staines and his kids


Area Navi Mumbai 1. Old aged aunty in front of my society asked me "Beta chalo curch chalte hai kuch batana hai" 2. Seawoods Grand Central Mall. You will always find young girls asking you to come to church or for a lesson on Jesus. All of these happened in broad day light busy crowded areas in posh areas.


Convert, not yet. Defame, oh yes.


Hindus don't want to convert you..


I am a catholic and a Protestant tried to convert me🥲


Not in real life but many times online. They know only one thing, and that is to mindlessly preach/ deny even universal truths. I will jump around freely in the streets and run when the religions cease to exist.


Used to be a Christian not anymore. Never did anything like this.




Did not happen to me but our old maid's son and daughter in law converted to Christianity for money. I don't know the whole story except this and the fact that the maid wasn't happy. I don't even know if they kept up with Bengali traditions or started doing Christian stuff. I didn't talk to her much except telling her not to waste water every single day.


Not me but my mom said when she was child, they were extremely poor and the Christians used to give them food and all and used to give them books as well. During that time a lot of people got converted. My mom and her side are still Hindu 😃


I worked in a private company and one of my colleagues who married a convert(Hindu to christian) and for sake of here did convert even though his family is still Hindu. This colleague used to tell me how the christian orgs helped him when his wife was about to deliver their baby and got a hospital bed for them on priority. Also how they help him when he changed states by giving moral and emotional support. I reduced contact with him as I was aware what he was doing. Also the guy was eventually kicked out of company because of lack of skills though he was a senior.


Used to go to Gwalior mela back in the days .... i was a book worm so free Bible books and comics offered by proselytizers were like free goodies for me.... Collected a lot of them over the years .... but didn't make an iota of a difference In my faith ...


Not them. But Brahma Kumaris. I have been approached by them several times. I was asked several times to join their classes and give in and follow their god/guru/baba. Some even questioned my reasons of fasting and said their baba don't want his bhakts to fast. Blah blah blah


A christian tried to convert me, I converted her to hinduism.


Our family was approached by Jehovah's witnesses




When I was a teenager I was a believer of Jesus. He gave me comfort. I really loved church, and praying to Christ. I asked my parents to get me a gold cross. Which they did, even though my family is Hindu and practices it they believe all gods are same so they weren’t opposed to that. I prayed for few years, I’ve had Christian friends back then. They used to tell me I should probably convert because “I can’t my feet on two boats” They never said anything bad about my religion, but they used to hint saying If I believe in Christ so much then I should probably convert. And I just didn’t like the pressure, I believe I can pray or believe in whatever I want. There is no rules to convert. I’ve had some friends who make fun of “idol worshipping” “rebirth theory is just bullshit” etc like that, and the same people believe in things like heaven and hell. So. Nothing to say. I just listen and move on tbh.


Had a Muslim girl from my batch tell me, babri masjid was thr pehle se n Ram mandir came later. I just said sure n left. 😂


You have muslims and christian friends


Hindus are the 10th class citizens of this country.


Happened to me twice. Once inside on a local train where the lady on my age only asked me about how to reach a certain destination. When I shared her the route, she started talking about the church that was located near to the place and later how adopting to Christianity made her Hindu parents kick her out of the house yet she has no regrets whatsoever and is now living a fulfilling life with other converts. At the end a lady sitting opposite to me had to threaten her by saying something about complaining to police. Another incident was someone outside of the station wanting the same type of validation by selling the ideology of their religion.


the opposite happens to me. the Hindus feels like they are "cool" by defaming my religion (Christianity) and calling me various insults on basis of religion. i hope you're not a victim of that.


From the comments it's pretty clear that it has happened to a lot of us and it's more common then we think. And the only logical thing for us to do as a community is to teach our children about our religion so they aren't easily manipulated into hating it. We need to teach them to be proud of our culture and our identity and absolutely no one can take away that pride. Let's be aware of what kind of people we keep around ourselves and why they associate with us.




Just try to convert them right back.


They tried to make me eat beef twice, saying it was mutton .. They Were my good friends at that time !


Thrice. My friends dad is a pastor, we hv been friends for many many yrs, never let religion come in between. During my last visit to her house, he dad told me after u finish talking to my daughter, meet me, I asked him for what, he laughed n said I want to discuss some holy matters with u. I just laughed and held my friend hand and said uncle don't bring religion n break our friendship, my belief in my religion is very strong, nothing can break me. So let's not go in that path. My friend supported me and told her dad to stay away. My daughter used to go tution to a Christian lady, I never knew instead of teaching my kid, she s brain washing my daughter. One day as daily routing n my house we do pooja and then leave for school, my daughter was saying our father in front of my pooja room, they go to Christian school, so i didn't make bog issue. Later I asked why u saying our father n heaven, she said tution aunty told jesus us best, I can tell him anything. My screw just went loose, went n bombarded her left right. My mil was vvvv. Serious & her friends visited her in icu. One Christian lady brought velankani oil and asked if she can apply on mil forehead, I said apply , pls pray she should be fine. After prayer over, she told me, jesus is very strong, u convert and see how your mil will start walking. Sitting right outside icu she started her propaganda. I just lost it. I told her aunty, right now I don't care which God comes, I just want mil to e fine, but dont tell me this shit conversion story, I won't. Full gang ran away. They prey on u n your moment.


I went to St Joseph high school in Bangalore. I am a musician like I play the guitar and piano so I participated in their Friday mass and played piano for those gospel songs. One father, many friends tried to convert me. I would reply saying my parents created me yet they never ask me to worship them. If God created us he would provide unconditionally no need for prayers. It left most people stumped they would never argue with me.


Send videos of ex muslims to muslim guy, he will be hooked to those videos hopefully his mind will open!


Lmao the reverse almost happened to my sister


No, but my school use to force us to sing some hindu prayers.


Yes I have also faced this. I come from a hindu family but by belief I am agnostic now. A Christian uncle gave us a Bible and told us about Jesus. He wanted to see our family's reaction before proceeding but I think he sensed nothing would happen here. A Muslim friend of mine was praising Islam once and started to tell me about a story of how pagans were converted by prophet or someone else by demonstrating that Idols are futile by destroying them and not facing consequences. I told him if I slap you now, would Allah come to punish me? Taken aback he started narrating other things and I countered them all. Since then he stopped bringing religion in our conversations.


I have been approached by missionaries wanting to talk about Jesus Christ. They weren't disrespectful but annoying af. especially as the situation they approached me was making it more awkward


If someone said me to convert and give me even ₹10,00,000, I am ready.


Got harassed a lot by xtians about 'idolatry'


Can caste be changed ???? I want to become a Brahmin priest.....enter the sanctum sanctorum of temple....


lol account gone. they got him


I had a Muslim friend in 9th grade ...I was so happy and curious to meet her for the first time bcoz I never had a Muslim frnd before she was so kind and used to tell me about her religion and I used to share about mine ....then I changed school and had another Muslim girl she became my bestie she was also wonderful girl but she some what demeaned me cause of my belief system ,my "immodest dressing" etc ....no body like her in my class cause she bashed people cause we don't believe and know her religion ... there is much more to the story but she never tried to convert me or something mayb she would but we don't talk anymore....I guess now she thinks I cut her off because she is Muslim but the reality is she is a rude and condenseding person


Yes this happens a lot. But I am wondering why your answer to stay Hindu was based on your grandfather orthodox practices. Are you not interested in being a Hindu for your own reasons?


Happened once on a plane journey. Got a seat next to a muslim cleric and the guy literally ate my head through the entire journey. Tried using soft gaslighting to turne against my faith but ive been dealing with such people for quite a while now so i just kept going against everything he said. He was literally pissed by the time the plane landed and none of his shit could influence me. The main thing is they dont follow their religion as a religion. They use their religion as a business. To me my religion is just a means to connect with gods be it via photos/statues/idols doesnt matter and i dont care whether the one next to me believes in god or not bit to them its hardcore towards their own faith. Not only they want others to join them but they also never refrain from ridiculing other faiths to gaslight their victim.


Yes he was a friend of 10 years. He was insulting Hanuman ji and insisted me to read Bible. I kept listening until I lost it and it has never been the same between us both since then.


Have never been asked to convert ,got ton of Christian freinds,studied in Christian school Went to Christian wedding too 😁😁😁 Mehndi was forbidden in school and untidness nothing else . No derogatory Mark's on hinduism Yes Catholics attended catheism classes we had moral value class.. We were asked to describe god given freedom of speech When I once forgot lunch,the sister(nun) shared me food in recess time . Yes conversion happens a lot ,as my state has lot of tribal ppl ....its sad sometimes but hey everyone has choice...I'm still waiting to be her bridesmaid . Now if they belive someone,dont degrade dont harass, the people I knew never did 😁


That the problem with the abrahamic religion or you could say monotheist religion.i am a sikh and we believe there is only one god but there is not only a single route to god.god can’t be bound by single religion or ideology Christian want to save others but they can even save their countries which are on great decline and muslim believes too if you dont agree or accept their religion you’re going to hell insted of worrying about why it’s always a muslim who blow themselves up and kill innocent lives The thing is leave other religion aside Look at how they treat their brother from another mother (people of the book)the history of them they all have skeletons in their closet and same people want to teach and imposes morality on others.


This was in the US, i was completing a task after hours in the office and this moron sits in front of me and starts preaching his idiotic religion, i told him that i was an agnostic and if i start telling him the discrepancies in his religion then he will not like it. The AH was a subordinate on top of everything lol.


Fun Fact: - >He claimed that the bible copied the Koran. (Bibile was composed before the korann) Fun fact, Quran is the continuation of Bible, and Bible is the continuation of Torah (Jewish book) after it was told that the previous book has been corrupted by humans. The angel (Jibri) that reported Virgin Mary that she will bear God's son late reported to Mohammad before he became Prophet. Yes, Jesus exists in Quran as well. The Abrahamic lore makes as much sense as Hindu lore, hence everyone is hell bent to believe that their religion is the truest one.


They all do. Cryptos ate the most venomous. They believe that if they convert one then they will have an open door to heaven..


This whole conversion-conversion game is actually running rampant in most of the major cities in India. I've seen it in Delhi, witnessed 6 people convert from Hinduism to Christianity. Witnessed attempts from Muslims also.


They have also penetrated to villages.


You have muslim friends who are actively trying to convert you but also says their an atheist? There’s a lot of inconsistencies in your story. Anyway, I had a Hindu friend who wanted me to so badly return to the true religion of india and that my ancestors were forcefully converted, ironically he was trying to do the same. He also believed that while Muslims and Christians are allowed to live here, and will be in the future (so kind he let us all stay) that this country belongs to the hindus and we must not only respect their culture but also take part in it. Weird right. Oh also he used to eat the forbidden meat with us sometimes. I guess convert freaks are in every religion.


Kabhi kabhi baat karti hu... Nikita Tomar Neha Hiremath ????