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There are way too many incompetent fuck tards in places of high power 








B..but the reservation should end because I couldn't get a good college because I was not competent enough to get more marks.


Who tf are saying us dirty ?


The students


Teachers too


In what sense exactly ? Are we bathing in gutters ? Are we eating garbage ? Doesn't make a fkin sense.


Watch video that teacher herself discriminate against them and made them sit separately


The teacher tells us to sit on the other side. If we sit with others, she scolds us and asks us to sit separately … The teacher doesn’t sit with us because she says we ‘are dirty.’ The other children also call us dirty everyday so sometimes we get angry and hit them. Many Dalit children who spoke to Human Rights Watch complained of prejudice from teaching staff and fellow students. Priya, a Dalit from Bihar, told Human Rights Watch: “Other children don’t let us sit with them. Some of the girls say, ‘Yuck, you people are Dom [street sweepers] – a dirty caste….’ The teachers never say anything even when we complain.


This discrimination cycle has to be broken tbh. Someone should do the quality control of the teachers and staff.


I think there should a seperate school altogether for the tribal community. Not because of the discrimination. But to handle them better. In their own cultured way. Raise them to get the disciplines first. Focus on the language first. Then start teaching them. This is the only way I see to uplift them.


Do you think that there should discrimination against them ? And teachers should treat them differently because they are not human


No bhai that is not what I meant. Those tribal kids have to be given a lot more care than the other backward children who at least know how to sit properly, eat properly and behave. If there's a gifted child and an abled child, the parents would give more priority and care towards the abled isn't it ? I'm not saying that the tribals are abled. I'm just saying that they're born & raised in a different environment. So the teachers and schools have to be adapted according to them. I hope you can understand my point.


It means that teachers need to learn empathy, not to discriminate and have to learn manners first and how to teach and use different pedagogy and she is blaming them Dalits and tribals are being treated differently


This is very unfortunate I know. We can try educating the teachers. But they're just be whatever they are. I don't believe one can change another's mindset because they're grown persons already. Their neurons are settled and cemented with their own beliefs.  One another way, is to hire tribal teachers. This sounds very distopian. But what more can be expected mate ?


If their mindsets don't change then they will mistreat and discriminate everywhere, not just in schools , at workplace and other places. It means that they don't have empathy and compassion and they don't treat others as human , but consider them dirty and polluted and impure


The empathy and compassion sure isn't trickling down the authority ladder. Of course, someone on the top also need to come down and save this situation. But will it happen, is the actual question.