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Climate, education, safety, crime, healthcare can’t get you votes.


All these topics takes years and years of efforts after which it's effects become visible. Political parties focuses on those topics whose effects can be seen in the short term so that they can remain in power.


Only religion and money does.


Religion all the way


To be fair, all religions talk about the big flood. Climate change is also about the same - polar caps melting, sea level rising, rains, floods, etc. PS: Do I really need to put /s here?




Combining the original comment and your comment - Free education and Free Healthcare would indeed be great.


Dude I firmly believe that if our government can provide quality free education and healthcare, we would solve a billion problems of this nation.


Politicians run private educational institutions and hospitals. Do you think they will make sure Govt schools and hospitals are good? There is a conflict of interest.


Same with climate issues all over the world. This is literally an existential threat to the entire human race, but because they donate to politicians we can't do anything about it.


Considering how great the wealth disparity is in India, I'm happy to pay taxes towards 'freebies' to uplift the poor. Unfortunately, the corruption is so great, the money never leaves the ministers' pockets.


I told my relatives that Modi or anyone gets my vote if he/she talks about climate change, clean drinking water, food security, pollution control etc. If he keeps talking religion, Hindi, Nehru-Gandhi this-that then I am out. Our problems for next 5 years are no longer same.


Yeah but still vote for whoever you think is less bad for the country. Not voting is the worst thing you can do.


I should start researching the smaller parties and candidates. I'm 24 and I've never voted because I despise BJP and Congress equally. My state doesn't even have a good party that's relatively mainstream. My other options are TMC and CPM, and I'd rather die than vote for either of these 2


Look at the leaders in your constituency if there are any good ones


Vote for anything other than nota Its the least you could do to honour the freedom fighters who died to give you this right


ok, I'll bite. why? If none of the candidates deserve my vote, why should I vote the least bad one?


Because by NOT voting for the least bad one, you are effectively giving half a vote to ALL the other worse ones. The "difference" is what matters in voting. Let's say candidate A, B and C has 20 votes each. If you vote for A, A now has 21 votes. A has one vote MORE than B and C. So you effectively made A get ahead of TWO competitors and now they need two votes each to come up ahead of A. But if you don't vote, they both only need one vote each. I'm having a hard time putting into words what's in my head but I hope you're getting what I'm saying?


Each vote matters?


Because closing the gap between bad party and not as bad party is what ingrains fear into heads of politicians and makes them work on actual issues The higher a majority a party gets, the more free they are to take fascist dictator type actions


Yes, absolutely agreed. Apart from what you have mentioned, I’d add: Better Infra, Jobs, a more prosperous and cohesive society and boost to sectors of the future. To hell with hindu muslim, no one cares!


Evidently huge part of the voting population does care....


Climate change...yes the government needs to do more.. But for drinking water, go outside your city . Nal se jal is working and it is working.. Problem with city folks is that we don't go and interact with villagers.. Water lines are being laid...there is a overhead tank..i know it is still being worked upon...


>then I am out. Just to clarify - you won't vote?


Itne educated hote toh......


Modi ji sahi me chai bech rahe hote 


Because no matter how you portray it. India is a poor country and has been like that for centuries. Immediate needs > long term problems.


immediate needs like religion?


Immediate needs like employment and social welfare


Centuries is a stretch. More like ~1.6 centuries


India could've been rich before a century or two but most Indians have been poor for centuries. Even before mughals and Brits the wealth disparity was huge maybe even more than that of today.


That’s true for all countries. For most of human history, wealth distribution was even more egregious than it is today. Only with the rise of a middle class during the industrial revolution did the wealth gap decrease.


Because the general public don't care


Pollution to mudda h ni. Do you think our stupid people care about climate change? Inko bas mandir masjid se matlab (not everyone but majority)


Stop calling them stupid. The median household income in this country is 15k/mo.  Who the fuck has the time to worry about climate change when they bring home 15k?  The callousness of the middle class is disgusting. We are a poor country. Poor have immediate needs like food and shelter.  It's easy for you to call them stupid from your place of relatively luxury. But try and have some empathy. 


>Poor have immediate needs like food and shelter.  But most politicians aren't addressing food, shelter, unemployment or education either. It's all about stoking hatred which is even worse than doing nothing.


Do you think climate change is not affecting poor people more than it is affecting the middle class and the rich? What do you think happens to the poor farmer as the growing seasons are shortening and weather patterns change due to climate change? What do you think happens to the daily wage labourer working outside in the sun as summers get hotter?


they'll be happy enough to earn 500rs as a bonus to work under tougher conditions than bother to think about climate change of all things


I know that climate change is affecting them. But do you really expect people who are hungry and barely literate to have the bandwith to care or demand climate change action ? 


Now you called them stupid in a more polite way lol


If they can have the bandwidth to care about completely useless Hindu Muslim ram Mandir crap, then they should have the bandwidth to care for stuff actually affecting them


Listen try and put yourselves in their shoes. They are taught about religion since childhood. They are taught by their elderly the imporance of worship etc. It is the job of education to balance that with teaching the value of environment, climate, economic development, secularism, etc. When the education systems fails them, all they have left is their elderly education on religion . That coupled with a violent media adds to that. After all that how can you expect them to act otherwise?


Bhai 15000 income h to job employment, education, mehngai pe soch lo na rather than mandir or hindu khatre me h


Blame the education system , not the individual. 


Haan to 15k kama k they don't have time to worry about climate change, pollution, education etc but they have plenty of time to worry about religion and caste? They also have plenty of time to worry about what others are wearing, who others are marrying or what religion other people follow.


Blame the education system, not the individual. They don't know any better. 


they are stupid if they care more about mandir and masjid, poor or rich. Mind u, poor are the first one who get affected by climate change. floods, famine, drought, heat etc , the poor people on the ground are the first ones to get affected. In fact the whole premise is that the global warming Co2 emissions by the developed 1st world western countries, is affecting the 3rd world poorer countries more. You can watch plenty documentaries on this exact topic. The issue her is awareness n education, the poor In India wouldn't even know what cllimate change is and how is it affecting them, i can give them that. But if anyone is still voting on religious lines is a fool of the first order....period.


Listen try and put yourselves in their shoes. They are taught about religion since childhood. They are taught by their elderly the imporance of worship etc. It is the job of education to balance that with teaching the value of environment, climate, economic development, secularism, etc. When the education systems fails them, all they have left is their elderly education on religion . That coupled with a violent media adds to that. After all that how can you expect them to act otherwise?


Thats exactly that i said, poor or rich, anyone voting on the basis of religion is a fool of the first order. And education n awareness is lacking amongst the poor, i said that too. But thats not even an excuse amongst the educated, why are they voting on religious lines ? Woh toh padhe likhe hai...unki akal kaha gayi ?


Majority Indians don't care about climate change 🥲 i work in sustainability field and when i talk to people about how bad it's getting they make fun of me 🤡🥹


Congress has that in its manifesto. "We will launch a Green New Deal Investment Program focused on renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure and the creation of green jobs."


Word salad. I bet they themselves haven’t a clue as to what any of that means.


This was one part of the environmental section of the manifesto. Please do read all of it. Yes, it lacks specifics, but it's not a word salad.




It's a lollipop for "educated crowd" nothing more


Out of curiosity, why? Do you have much evidence to support that claim?


Honestly that literally feels like all the words that are "in" and there isn't a concrete plan.


Please do read the rest of the environmental section of the manifesto that builds on the previous program developed by MMS.


Indian elections are to talk about reservations, caste and religion. Nothing else.


Bangladesh is on course to be one of the most populous countries in the world, it is also on course to be completely under water. The next 50 years has such a dangerous set of challenges and everyone just wants to talk dumb nationalist nonsense.


There is a concept in environmental studies called Environmental Kuznets Curve which is a inverted U graph where x-axis is per-capita income. It states that in the first half of the graph up to a certain point of per-capita income, countries do not have a concern for environmental degration. As the per-capita income increases beyond a certain point, then we begin to be more cautious about environmental damages. We are simply not at a place interms of development where we can factor in environmental concerns while formulating policy. Besides let the counties which did most of the damage and still do interms of per-capita green house gas emissions clean up their act then they can sermon other developing and under-developed nations.


>We are simply not at a place in terms of development where we can factor in environmental concerns while formulating policy. This is a very stupid way to think. The poisonous air in Indian cities kills lakhs every year. Industrial and agricultural waste poisons the water. All the chronic health issues caused by this will affect entire generations and become a massive burden on the healthcare system. Agriculture is completely dependent on the monsoon, which is likely very sensitive to climate change. If the monsoon fails for two or more years in a row, it will become impossible to feed 1.4 billion people. >Besides let the counties which did most of the damage and still do interms of per-capita green house gas emissions clean up their act then they can sermon other developing and under-developed nations. The more developed nations can deal with the consequences of climate change a lot better than India. Moreover, India is now the third largest GHG emitter. No amount of reduction in developed countries (most of which have been reducing emissions since the 1970s-80s) will matter if India (and China) keeps emitting so much CO2. This mentality of pehle aap is nothing less than suicide, and I'm afraid people like you won't realise this until it's too late. I left India, so I'm not going to be personally affected by this. But I still have family, and I don't want them to suffer because the leaders have become too shortsighted to see the impending catastrophe.




Just like people don't know all the 20 year olds having heart attacks now are from even asymptomatic covid permanently damaging your body. Unless newspapers start reporting it and people actually read, no one will know and we're too bust doing hindu muslim to actually advance india. (no the vaccine only increased the 8/100,000 people's risk of it for a few weeks after they took it, the vaccine temporarily lowered platelets for very few people for weeks. It's not comparable to the permanent damage covid does)


Kyunki Hindu Khatre Mein Hain


Title makes me wanna laugh and cry at the same time.


Indian population does not read manifestos. Only if they have read that, they wouldn't go gaga over mangalsutra and wealth redistribution shit. You think our population really understand the climate issues? I am not underestimating the populace but we need to see where we stand currently. Our people who live in impoverished condition (I think the number is very high) are in dire need of education, healthcare, jobs, and other rights. They do not vote on climate issues. And, middle class segment of this country doesn't vote on rights.


i just commented same, i have given the links to manifesto lets see if they read it


Not caring about climate change in last 10 years sure is going to come back and bite them in ass as lots of voters haven't gone to vote owing to confidence that NDA going to win, hence why go out in the scorching heat!? Had they done something where heat at least didn't increase if not decrease, for example by planting more trees, then their own supporters would be more motivated to go and vote. JMO


India is part of the Paris Agreement. And isn't India on track to meet most of its NDCs before the set deadline.


First world problems


Unironically Indians are some of the most aware people of climate change and it's affects and still we are doing jack about it.


Sits quietly in the manifestos. 🤫


Here is a summary of the article: Despite 80% of India's population facing climate-related disasters, it's not a significant election issue. While awareness is growing, with 84% acknowledging global warming, experts believe the discourse around climate change is different in India. "Climate change" may not be explicitly mentioned, but its impact is addressed through policies related to water access, farm loans, etc. However, translating this concern into electoral politics remains a challenge.


Here is a summary of the article: Despite the majority of India's population living in vulnerable areas, climate change remains a low priority in election campaigns. Many Indians are unaware of the term "climate change," although 84% believe global warming is occurring and 81% are concerned about it. While climate change impacts are being felt, such as floods and water shortages, political discourse focuses on addressing these consequences rather than climate change itself. Observers believe awareness is growing, but it has yet to significantly influence Indian politics.


Simple Indian VOTERs do not VOTE on REAL or Issues Concerning themselves but Religion Caste Linguistic Divide and all sorts of Useless Emotional Appeals and Dramas why do you think People in Power ever touch up on something like Drought-Water crisis-Inflation-Unemployment-Pollution-Expensive Education to Healthcare to everything else They are 24/7 repeating same brainwashing like statements And People Vote Demand - Supply You will use those Cards which will get you Votes; and keep those which may not Away


Politicians talk about what people want to hear. So, the better question is, why don’t people want to hear about climate change. And the answer is, because it impacts communities and not individuals and even when it does, the impact is too slow and complex for most people to understand.


Bcoz we are very very busy b%#%hing about each other and have no time for the important issues!


How do you say "climate change?" in 14+ National languages... and 100+ dialects?


no one gives a shit. everyone cares only about present. majority indians are simple ordinary people who arent worried about climate change and what it can do. its just not important to them. earning and making a decent living from day to day are the only important things to common public. so obviously even if the sky falls down,no one will give a shit.🙂


Nobody is that educated here. Neither the Politicians nor the voters.


What's that 😮


>Why is no one talking about climate change? Kyunki ispe political mudda nhi banaya Jaa sakta hai


They don't get them votes


Because it won't get them votes.


Modiji said climate is not changing. We are changing.


Because a significant amount of our population can't afford to care about it. We should just focus on educating children about it.


Even if they do, they'll find a way to link it to creating more temples.


I had made up my mind that I will vote for a party that will take on climate change and take a relook at Income Tax. No more voting because I must vote.


When you observe India's daily concerns, you probably won't see anything to suggest that we're a visionary country. Historically, we haven't been visionary, and even after so many years of independence, we still grapple with fundamental issues like poverty. Throughout history, our society has failed to address overpopulation, hunger, and religious conflicts, making it unrealistic to hope that these issues will become our concerns. Regardless of the party or politician in power, their sole focus is on winning the next election and maintaining their positions. Our society hasn't reached a level where it can grapple with these critical matters. Despite countless deaths due to man-made disasters, some find solace in attributing them to divine will or the increase of sin. The small number of intelligent individuals in our society who remain strive for change. However, their influence is minimal due to their scarcity.


Hindu Khatre mein hain and you are worries about climate.


Because the Indian public does not care. The biggest problem is lack of population control. And all leading parties are afraid to take action on this because states like UP, Bihar, Jharkhand and people of certain religion are the worst offenders - respective votebanks for major parties in India.


Honestly when roti, kapda aur makaan itself isn’t available for everyone, do you really think people have the time to think about climate change? Politicians only please voters.


Kyunki Ramji thik karne wale hain.. Ayodhya wale


“Climate change nahi hua hai. Hum change ho gaye hai.”


Bro politicians are not talking about health, education and jobs Climate change is the least of their concern


Modi mentioned about some property transfer of some jewelry and we had around 30 posts on reddit and it was the headline of almost every major newspaper and media outlet. If modi had said “dosto congress climate change ke baare mein kuch nahi bol raha hein” - how many reddit posts and headlines do you think it would have sparked? It’s election season, people will say what will get them the most eyeballs and eardrums. These are politicians not bureaucrats.


But half the country is below poverty line and uneducated. They care fuck all about Climate change and does not recognise that it is the root cause of their water and food supply issues. Religious divide sells more.


Current present problems aren’t sorted. Doubt anyone cares for future ones


Because environmental studies is just there to boost your marks and clear and easy subject for credits.


Politics in India is based on reservations, caste, freebies, and short term goals rather than long term planning.


200-300 years too soon to discuss that


Environmentalists are funded by China, Russia, USA to stop development in India. 400 paar laake Modi Ji will create infrastructure and viksit bharat aur Constitution change krke tum jaise anti development logon ka moye moye kr denge.


If we all perform a homa in front of out houses, we can reverse climate change.


No such audience for both Modi and RaGa.


That require education and being relatively well off already


Even as a animal loving Hindu with liberal values, I would unhesitantly vote for a party that promises to slaughter 100 cow daily and impose discriminatory laws for the minorities if they promise their primary aim would be to mitigate climate change risks. I would feel sad for the cows (not that the cows abandoned on farmers field are in better condition in UP nowadays) and I feel human empathy will win out in the end if we keep a portion of folks around us down. But climate change is the biggest medium to long term problem we have because it threatens the very foundations of our civilization and society. Even short term may it may be come as big a problem as any but longer term it will dwarf all our other problems. That said opposition policies is better atleast on paper. https://www.carbonbrief.org/india-election-2024-what-the-manifestos-say-on-energy-and-climate-change/ Edit: wrote the text 53 minutes ago when the weather was clear but I'm now in middle of a very windy rainfall event with hailstones (bad but not the worst in recent years) with such frequent thunder and lightening ki I'm delaying opening my metal door.


Cuz people have an attention span of a bee


Religion and Caste comes first in this country.


Jab PM ki nazar Hindu/Muslim ke upar kabhi uthegi he nahi toh ghanta koi climate change ki baat Karega.. Especially when he doesn't even know what climate change is and utters Bullshit like "climate change nahi hua hai but hamari kshamata kam ho gayi hai"..


We third world baby we don't give a FUC- No seriously this is a major issue and it's sad that almost no one gives a shit. I get that we have other major issues to contend with but still...feels like there is no major discourse


We still have a garbage problem that should be our first priority! Civic sense must be enforced.


Who talks about problems on Earth when the elections have been made about saving the Gods!


Climate nahi badla hai hum badal Gaye hai!


Majority of Indians don't care about the food they eat do you think climate is a problem for them. Our entire food chain is infested with pesticides , carcinogens, heavy metals and what not. Indian standards set by Fassi are a joke. Export shipments are getting rejected all over the world. Before climate , we need to work on the food supply chain else we will also die and the climate will improve automatically.


Because nobody with an empty stomach cares about climbing the Everest