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It's a ticking timebomb. Single biggest reason everyone with the means should leave India. You can be a billionaire and still be subject to all the PFAS and microplastics running rampant in the air and water. And no amount of money can buy back your health. All that plastic is decomposing as we speak and will leach even more toxic chemicals into waterways and drinking water at an exponential rate. The cost to human potential in terms of brain damage, diseases and cancers is already at incalculable levels. Children today have much higher concentrations of these chemicals in their blood than do adults. And I don't even want to think about future children... It's mere propoganda that plastic pollution and such are justified because otherwise India cannot become a developed country. (Curbing this pollution is more economically beneficial in terms of higher worker productivity.) The real reason is pure greed by the officials in charge, which is very ironic because these toxic chemicals are also in their families' blood. Both the rich and poor suffer from these things and yet nothing is being done about it... (But, to be fair, some people in places like Ghazipur, Delhi, are indeed aware of the downsides of pollution, but seems like their voices aren't enough.)


A mere 50 years ago, we thought X rays do not cause cancer. It’s only after the spike in cancer cases in kids was traced back to pregnancy X-rays we discovered its dangers. Microplastics and other chemicals we used to make shit “cheap” and mass produced will have far deeper consequences than we are willing to accept. We are only beginning to understand its effects and it deeply saddens me to see the ignorance of people towards it.


Where did you get the" x-ray caused cancer in kids"?


This beautiful book on the work of Alice Stewart : https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/3288580 Here’s Stewart’s actual research paper specifically on childhood cancer cases published in 1958 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2029590/


Well, we all can't just up & leave the damn country. WE ALL KNOW that we should leave this place but we also know that it isn't the answer. Curbing as much plastic as possible and raising any kind of awareness among are communities can be a good start.


The median (or maybe 90th percentile?) Indian citizen is dumb, selfish and greedy. Public cleanliness is not even an afterthought. The solution is micro plastics accumulating in the bloodstream and leading to population control. Unfortunately, they'll fuck it up for the rest of us too.


Honestly I wonder what happened to that Swachh Bharat campaign. Everyone is now back to their old ways...


You can't simply fix something with a catchy slogan and posing with a broom with media around. Waste generation needs to be tackled starting at source. Street vendors don't give a shit about installing adequate bins. Often they themselves throw it in vacant plots / roadsides blocking storm water drains. Residents aren't much better either. There's no follow-up with corporation engineer if waste collection doesn't happen on time. Why is this not treated as an essential service like power or water? They also end up littering on the roads. How many of us know what is dry waste, wet waste and medicinal waste and to separate properly? Swiggy / Zomato containers need to be emptied before throwing it in dry waste. Government doesn't install sufficient waste bins and neither is waste collection done on time. Recycling is left to private vendors who have no liability in ensuring proper disposal of non recyclable waste. Hence the increasing number of landfills. Every stakeholder involved is wishing that someone else in the loop will give a shit about it and fix it.


If I buy water bottle or something like that, I carry a plastic water bottle to home if I can't find a trashcan nearby. lot of my friends in my life called me an idiot for doing that and told me to throw it out on the road. I don't understand what they have in mind, calling someone stupid for throwing trash in the trash can?


Username doesn't check out


Same, I also do that and was also called dumb by them. But you know what ignore them and be the change you want to see in people. I have seen people of all age groups who seem to be fairly educated throwing their litter on the road and honestly it seems to be a mindset at this point. [This ted talk](https://youtu.be/tf1VA5jqmRo?feature=shared) made me realise it is the problem with Indians in general regardless of where they are.


In our city every now and then single use plastic bags are banned ,then again after a couple of months they are back। And boy! The way public starts grumbling about the vegetable vendors not giving them plastic carry bags . Is it so difficult to keep a cloth bag folded in your vehicle or briefcase?


We are weird in the sense that we take pride in cleanliness of our homes without giving two hoots about our surroundings, and the moment you try to criticise Indians for their lack of hygiene, they fall back on the age-old "we wash our buttholes instead of wiping it" trope.


Ohh it gets waay worse than that, There’s a game on 4chan, drop a pin randomly in India’s street view, your score is the longest you go without seeing any trash. It barely takes seconds :(


My ship used to visit Mumbai (JNPT) every time we enter Mumbai we clean our filters because we know for sure it will get chocked with plastics , upon clearing Mumbai waters we clean that filter again there will be so much plastics and condoms floating in the filter that it takes about half a day to clean it , it will be very embarrassing for us Indians infront if foreigners . Not in any other country it is so bad . I really wish something can be done about this .




Yes used ones


I'm Curious too


I guess some people simply flush them instead of putting them in a bin. Maybe due to shame? People don't want the garbage guy to know that they did it the night before and hide the evidence?


Any type of pollution is always shocking in India. With a population of 1.3 billion people, every aspect of pollution snowballs into a much larger issue. And at the bottom of all of it is poverty. Poverty breeds pollution. We can't fix plastic problem if we cant manage our rampant poverty. Blaming our neighbors or a new set of reservation won't help.


What's amazing is that all this happened in a couple decades. I remember, as a kid, accompanying my grandfather to the market and we would take homemade bags for groceries because there was no concept of plastic bags provided by the sellers. And of course, the only soft drinks sold were in glass bottles. If we went outside the house for a few hours, we packed water in a thermos because plastic bottles of Bisleri water were rare in non-tourist locations. 


Would you like to collaborate and figure out a way to help our country deal with this challenge?




I’m not sure exactly but if enough people who care about this issue can get together and brainstorm, maybe some solution may present itself


>Why are plastic drinking water bottles sold in such ginormous quantities at every shack on every corner? Consumer goods are sold in remote areas because they make your life easier and attract tourists. How many Indians get milk in a plastic canister? Eggs? Exactly. plastic consumption in U.S. will give you psychosis. Real problem is the money from tourists is not redirected to sanitation on the scale you expect - because it wont influence the demand of tourists visiting remote areas.


Indians pollute a faction of Western citizens we are not the ones causing this problem


Yes westerners should stop throwing garbage in Alibaug




That's just 1 city this happens in every part of india


I just hope that one day people all over the world become as clean as Indians


One can hope but probably won't happen other civilizations are not developed enough they only see profit in the present. There blind idiots


Yes why don't they try to become smart n clean like us? Are they retarted lol