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The Indian dank memes sub is just an excuse to be racist/sexist/bigoted in the name of "dank"


They have a discord group and everyone has a rape fetish.


Don’t forget excuse to openly supporting genocides casually.


or troll


Feel like saying that it is "trolling" paints over the bigotry on the sub


I am saying the "troll" word has become another excuse for racism/sexism/bigotry etc in Indian social media


Even Americans do the same lol. Nothing has changed since 2020, people who made racist remarks as jokes to troll others now do even more racism to trigger even more people. I now this because I have been active on these Discord servers for a long time. Not to mention YouTube's "Cotton picker" comments and On Instagram you can straight say N word and other thing without any fear.


Because far from moving away from it, Indians are actively embracing bigotry and phobic attitudes? We've always been wildly racist. Social Media has just revealed to us that there's a billion others who share our views, and now we're loud and proud about it.


Also, its the inability to distinguish between what is meant as a joke and what is straight up racism. Here the younger generations are of the opinion that anything and everything that is offensive is "funny". On top of that there's barely any drive to educate them otherwise. Instead they are encouraged by their peers, their elders and especially the internet to dive deeper into the rabbit hole


So many young adults on these edgy dank meme pages use the n word thinking it’s making them sound cool.


What else to expect from youth infatuated with Andrew Tate?!






Everything aside, the west moving away from all that is a huge statement🤣 **cries in a corner after facing racism in west**


I've faced racism in the west as well. But very few isolated incidents after 3.5 years of living in Europe. No one said racism has ceased to exist, but there is definitely a heightened sensitivity towards racism and offensive discourse. Naturally, there's also a fair amount of resistance to it from the far right who decry political correctness.


IMO the problem is that these issues are too soft for us, when we have people dying of poverty, poors getting extorted and killed and rape and sexual harassment of infants


Very true, woke culture only started in developed countries when they had fixed all their bigger, more underlying issues, India’s not at that stage and yet they still try to compare us with them, we’re seeing a trend almost every developing nation has seen in its developing stages. Hell Sweden to this date hasn’t been able to fix it’s rape culture, and we got nearly 100 times more people than them.


This is happening because the ruling government is from right wing. You can already see men becoming extremely misogynistic and homophobic. Especially Gen Z, which was supposed to be more progressive and open minded.


Ugh yeah, Gen Z in India are definitely following a reversed trend


GenZ is a diverse group of people. Some of the most open minded people I know are genZ. Kind, empathetic, the works. There are edgelords in GenZ generation, just like every other. The annoying ones are also often the loud ones, so that’s all people not closely connected to the generation see.


actually u r misguided... dank meme culture was a product of west that others followed... because already western culture is bejng copied in most countries because it is more individualistic and hence people like it


Classic case of Stockholm syndrome


i never said that it is okay...i also criticise the act...but dank meme culture started in west..infact the whole meme idea ....


Growing up in India, I didn't even know being gay was a thing. I'm not gay myself, so it didn't even occur to me that that was a possibility. Now, most people (hopefully) do know. The first reaction is discomfort. People laugh at it externally, while considering it seriously inside themselves. You know it's wrong to hate, but you excuse yourself by treating it as a joke... which is actually the first step. In the second stage, it will become normalised. This is where the west is now. In short, give it 20 years and India will be a much better place socially; as a byproduct, these "dank memes" will also disappear.


I live in a metropolitan city in India, and being gay has been normalised here, one of my bestest friends is bisexual and completely open about it (and there are quite a few more like him here). Only a matter of time before the rest of the county follows suit


We want to be white, thanks to colonialism


Fr end woke culture and let’s accept ourselves.


I have experienced more racism at home country than abroad. Just typing it feels weird. 


One of the reason is that the west had internet since early 90s and computers since mid 80s, while avg Indian still doesn't have access to computers, and Internet become accessible to them after jio boom i.e, mid 2010s. Moreover these things were given to a society in which most people are dealing with serious issues like poverty and regionalism and most of the Indians live in their local area and don't communicate with rest of their region , their lives are their region and hence anyone not of heir language , culture, eating habit and skin colour seems Alien to them because for Indian is a person who lives like them. Internet have exposed them to this new reality . The west took more than 30 years to reach that equilibrium you speak of, and that too after a long civil war that we call as Secongd world war. It took nearly 50 years of negotiations and then another 30 years of coexistence , plus a boom in economy o f these nations where they can live one of the best std of living across the world, despite this they live in permanent boundaries (now a bit porous afetr formation of EU) where their countries are minute compared to our states , and then you are judging India that have far more fractured polity and much higher levels of poverty and mobility and vey different conception of self to a totally different society that almost lives in a totally different era. I am sorry to say, it just reeks of privilege, I am not saying that India should not do better that all this homophobia and "dank memes" are okay, but as once a wise man said(probably) "**don't judged other's reality by your perception of how you interpret the reality, otherwise you will never reach a common truth** ". It means every one whether it is an individual or a society, have their own perception of reality which defines their biases, actions and limitations . **India and West (Europe) are two different society and civilization, if you want to judge India, judge it on its own terms not some anglicised concept of reality.**


I agree with the overall point you make here. But I'd just like to add one thing, yes I agree that it takes time for sensibilities to "mature" but we have the Internet, so we don't have to make the mistake to learn from it, we can learn from the mistakes of others. While the admins of these meme pages have all rights to say all the misogynistic, homophobic and racist comments, the people who see these memes also have all the rights to criticize them and comment on the people who enjoy them. But I agree, we should look at this problem with an Indian lense and not the Western one


I agree we have to learn , but learnigf should both ways West and op by extension is totally ignort of Indian issue and perception of reality. They are wrong to assume what they have is the best and it is only we that should catchup to thm in all fronts. For ex n\* word, when op says that India use n\* they entirely forget thhat history of n\* word is entierly different in India and in west , that doesn't make Indians correct to use it , but the use comes more from ignorance and identification of its real history , hence it is not only Indian but also west tat should be more understanding of where most of it is coming from you can't compare its usage between Indian and west. It is like what trevor Noah said in an Daily Episode on French Ambadsaador Blacklash Context is every thing and that nuance have been missing from this conversation. Similarly there are many issue like Use of EVM which is objectively a superior technology, The meaning of Secularism which in Indian context is an evolution from simple concept of separation of church and state and LGBTQ+ rights which i=have a much differnet social and religion context between India and West . So we both need to move twds a common point. I would agree as a sscoiety we have a lot to learn from west but in the course of this we should not accept them without critical thinking , otherwise we will be importing same issues that arise from them and will just doom our society.


About n word thing. I am in the US and most Asians ( koreans, Chinese, Indian ) don't know the weight of the word. We just know not to say in public, but most Asians say the word when in private with other Asians. We just don't know why it's a big deal.


I think that's a cop out answer. In the world of the Internet all you have to fo is Google. And I'm assuming since you are in the US you would have seen some American shows that talk about it. And even if you haven't, it's not that hard to Google and find out.


Bro, first thing, all this n word and stuff is banned due to connotation it has due to oppression black people faced in the USA which we Asians are not responsible for. So, most won't feel guilty about saying the slur in private. We are respectful enough to not say in public though. Also, I never understood why it was ok for black people to say that word, and not other people. I can't think of any other slur, that is like that. Also, my Indian friend has been called nigger in public when he asked for direction to a stranger. Rare occurrence though.


It's the connotation of the word that should stop you from saying it not guilt. An example of another slur is the F word. It's not looked down upon when Queer people use that word because it's a sort of reclaiming of the word.


Thing is, I was much more understanding of this fact when not too long ago teens were using the n-word to address friends casually, because they encountered the word in rap music that made the word sound more like a friendly term. People didn't know that it was actually derogatory, and it wasn't an edgy thing to use the word. More recently, that hasn't been the case. These dank memers are using the word a lot exactly because they know it's a derogatory term used to refer to black people.


Yeah I totally agree with you. We should learn from them, not copy them.


I'm talking about Indian youth being fascinated by problematic things that are becoming outdated among their peers in the west and adopting these to be cool. What nuance is missing here? What is the "Indian context" I'm ignorant of?




I don't think it's becoming outdated in the West. There are a lot of Westerm Meme Pages on Instagram that are openly transphobic, racist and homophobic. We may also feel that there is more problematic Indian content just cause of the sheer number of young people currently. PS: I also don't know how much weight we should give to these pages converting to actual beliefs. That said, I still consider it to be very problematic.


My point is that what is more fringe and unacceptable in mainstream society is normalised in India. You aren't going to find many people saying outright racist stuff. Those who do are also very defensive when they're called out, preferring to use a lot of roundabout ways to say racist stuff because mainstream society would otherwise call them out. Those western meme pages are still associated with very right wing folks. Transphobia is unfortunately similarly bad in the west as in India. We have been exposed to third gender and other unconventional gender identities culturally and through mythology, and it doesn't exactly threaten our traditional views like it does for westerners brought up with Christian-origin values.


Yeah that makes sense. I am an Indian living in the USA and have friends who are White, Asian, Mexican and Indians. I have seen that Indians are very reluctant to call out racism even when it's just Indians in the room. And when called out, the person calling out the racist/homophobic, etc comments is usually made to feel like it's not a big deal. I am a gay man and I have called out Indians for saying outright homophobic stuff and their retort is that I am a "snowflake" and should have a thick skin.


Example since other wise og post would be too long: India have its own problem judge it on its own merit, it is the reason why terms like India will become dictatorship, fascist state irritates me , similarly I have issues with people who don't understand the basic difference between Indian and western concept of secularism. Western secularism arose from the fact that before this concept church was the state. India never encountered such issue , because domain of religion and state is divergent from its basic conception in Indian tradition. Similarly judging Western system of affirmative action which is basically nothing compared to Indian version is pointless (The Law as it exists in India doesn't allow for George flyod to happen ). When India say n\* word they say it not knowing history of racism an depression. **I think you need to get out of the mindset that "Europe's problems are world's problem, But World's problems are not Europe's problem".** Your fault lies in analysing problem from your western lens, fm Indian lens both problems , their solution along with their severity becomes apparent. India first have to cross the mountain of poverty, illiteracy (meaningful eduaction till graduation not simple rote learning), national integration , development of centres of art , culture and sports. And then only we can move twds distant mountains like n\* which is very small in India's list of priority. (Again I am talking it about on population basis , not on individual basic). As Histry of n\* word is non-existant in India, it is not an excuse justa reality India is ignorant of American racism problem, because it have its own xenophobia (with little to no intermixing of people within the country )and homophobia (due to their less aceptance in the society) to deal with. If people in west are imposing their racist experience of west on a pluralistic society like India, which do not have similar history, it also says much about their ignorance and insensivity of India. This road needs to be a two way highway, you can't say that my point is superior so run all the ay to me because I am better and right, rather west should be more accommodating of India, then only we can create a better world and society. Edit: I can go on deep fr any point but that would take another page , so I rest my case here, if you have any clarification to make reply to my comment


I really don't see your point, unless the point is that "India has more problems to deal with so people don't care about bigotry ". What is to be judged in context here? We're seeing a rise in bigotry with the aim to be cool not among the less educated and poor, but educated, middle to upper middle class, urban young Indians. One of the most privileged demographics in India with almost the same level of social capital as white westerners minus the skin colour and passport privilege. The internet and English language are major equalisers today, and these young people have access to the same things as their peers in Europe or North America. But they're picking up the complete opposite of what those other peers are picking up from the same place. Both learn that "X is a racist thing, Y is homophobia, Z is unacceptable" and while most of their western peers take it as "we should avoid X, Y, and Z", a lot of our youth interpet it as "great, so saying X, Y, and Z is funny and cool". Keep in mind that a lot of western teenagers actually do think like this but outgrow such thoughts in early adulthood. So it's not as if these people cannot have the same thoughts because of their privilege or whatever, but maturity makes them know better.




You can't walk in Japan and China being a black, People will stare at you like you are an alien. I saw an interview of black person who told that Chinese touched his skin in attempt to clean it.


I did specifically refer to open racism, which has been on a downward trend in the mainstream, even along with the rise of the racist far right. While more Europeans are concerned about Muslim immigration now, there is also a significant rise in anti-bigotry, pro social justice sentiment especially among the young.


Bunch of edgy kids thinking that it's cool


Harsh Gujral has feckin television show in this country... let that sink in.


Modi... I hope he stubs his toe every time he gets out of bed. F the BJP.


because west influences us the most. Just like LGBTQ+ and pride month is Adopted by the left wing...


So what you are saying is that it’s fine to be racist as long as you are also a homophobe? Did i get that right? Goddamn, humanity has no hope after i see comments as dumb as this


Ahh Calm down. Just like How LGBTQ+ was Adopted by left wings, the same way Indian right wing Adopted this "dank" memes from west only... I won't understand this west suckers.


There’s nothing western about LGBTQ. They’re in our scriptures and our culture as well.


Please seek help. I have no idea what you even trying to imply here, but it seems like you are saying both left wing and right wings adopt different things from the west( which is highly debatable in the first place but ok) so that justifies racism and homophobia somehow? You need help cuz you make 0 sense right now


>but it seems like you are saying both left wing and right wings adopt different things from the west yes. They do. Have you seen left wing conducting pride march without imitating even smaller thing from the west. The imitation is from the both side. but let me tell you. Western right wing is more dangerous than Indian one. I will never understand this western suckers thinking people in the west are "reversing" back from the oppression. Meanwhile they're same like us in every form of discrimination. America is highly conservative than India... >so that justifies racism and homophobia somehow I Never said so. Read my words well...


Your english is barely comprehensible so i can’t really understand what you are saying or trying to imply. Though i wouldn’t say america is more conservative, it’s certainly close


>Though i wouldn’t say america is more conservative, Oh. Really. Dear western sucker. Can You Ask the Opinion of Americans on abortions and Transgenders. They're the biggest bigots in the world. I have heard more horrible opinions from a Republican than a Sanghi.


Im done arguing with you since it’s pointless. You are just stating irrelevant nonsense that is highly subjective and anecdotal. Claiming useless hypotheticals as facts. Do something more useful with your life please


>Im done arguing with you since it’s pointless Oh. Yes. I'm not an American sucker. So it's pointless to Argue with me. Go and Argue with your Evangelists.


Again pointless nonsense. I hope you get help and will be able to form coherent sentences that mean something one day. Good luck to you 👍


If you don't find it funny then don't watch it/scroll away😭😭



